Rich Client Versus Thin Client Browser Deployment
Technologies for providing high performance, feature rich and interactive graphics in a browser environment are constantly evolving. The definition of the terms rich client and thin client are also continually changing as the technologies advance. In a very general definition, rich client means that the client is more intelligent and can assist in some of the processing. Thin client means that the client is less intelligent and the majority of the processing is done on a server. Currently, with Java based implementations, rich client solutions involve the use of Java applet technology and thin client solutions involve HTML, DHTML, Java Script, JSP, Java Struts, Java Server Faces or most recently AJAX technologies.
RTView provides the option of shifting seamlessly between the Rich Client Browser or Thin Client Browser deployment. SL also continually evaluates the most efficient technologies available for either deployment and provides the best solution available with complete upward compatibility for all deployed RTView displays. Therefore you are shielded from the risks and costs of implementing these solutions via in-house programming efforts and potentially choosing a soon to be obsolete technology. Currently RTView uses AJAX technologies for its Thin Client Browser solution which provides the optimal solution for dynamic and real-time dashboard solutions.
There are many factors described in the table below which need to be evaluated in order to choose the optimal browser deployment. However, in most cases this decision would be made by weighing the costs of deploying and maintaining the Java plug-in for the Rich Client Browser applet against any degradation in usability or performance with the Thin Client Browser option.
The pros and cons of the two browser options, Rich Client Browser and Thin Client Browser, are described below.
Pros and Cons
Issue |
Rich Client Browser |
Thin Client Browser |
Setup |
Server: § Requires application server and lower memory requirement Client: § Each client must run JDK plugin and be configured to allow applets |
Server: § Requires application server and higher memory requirement Client: § JDK plugin is not required but each client must be configured to allow JavaScript |
Usability |
§ More interactivity - zoom and pop-up legend cursor on graphs, scrollbars |
§ Less interactivity - no zoom or pop-up legend cursor on graphs, scrollbars do not work except on tables |
Performance |
§ Applications requiring rapid data updates perform better § Lower bandwidth requirements but initial download of jars may be slow |
§ Applications requiring rapid data updates perform worse § Higher bandwidth requirements but no jars to download |
Security |
§ Equally secure |
§ Equally secure |
Scalability |
§ Equally scalable |
§ Equally scalable |
Cost |
Large Deployment: § Client maintenance more costly, hardware less costly Small Deployment: § Hardware cost equal to Thin Client Browser but client maintenance more costly |
Large Deployment: § Hardware more costly, client maintenance less costly Small Deployment: § Hardware cost equal to Rich Client Browser but client maintenance less costly |
Rich Client Browser Deployment
The Rich Client Browser deployment requires that a Java plug-in is installed on each client machine. The Display Viewer Applet is then hosted on an application server to provide visualization to client browsers. This solution can be used either from a standard browser or from a portal environment (see Figure 8).
Figure 8: Rich Client Browser Deployment Overview
Choose “Rich Client Browser Deployment”
Thin Client Browser Deployment
The Thin Client Browser deployment involves no installation on the clients. Only a standard browser is necessary on each client. The Display Server must be installed on a server and an application server with a JSP Servlet Container is required to provide visualization to the clients. This solution can be used either from a standard browser or from a portal environment (see Figure 9).
Figure 9: Thin Client Browser Deployment Overview
Choose “Thin Client Browser Deployment”
Rich Client Browser Deployment
This section includes:
§ “Served Data Versus Direct Data Connection” on page 900
§ “Rich Client Browser with Served Data” on page 901
§ “Rich Client Browser with Direct Data Connection” on page 901
§ “Rich Client Browser with Served Data - Manual Deployment Process” on page 902
§ “Rich Client Browser with Served Data - Manual Set up” on page 903
§ “Rich Client Browser with Direct Data Connection - Manual Deployment Process” on page 909
§ “Rich Client Browser with Direct Data Connection - Manual Setup” on page 910
§ “Display Viewer Applet” on page 911
Served Data Versus Direct Data Connection
With most Rich Client Browser deployments it is better to use the Data Server rather than a Direct Data Connection. The Data Server uses EII and XML technologies to gather, federate and distribute information from disparate data sources based on information currently in demand. It also caches the data so that multiple demands are delivered to any number of clients - without need of subsequent data queries. These important factors greatly enhance processing speed.
Because the Data Server can exist behind firewalls, it also greatly simplifies and strengthens the secured delivery of information to clients beyond the firewall. In small scale deployments or prototyping situations there may be a case where it is desired not to provide the Data Server because of the costs of a dedicated machine or server software. However, the setup and security issues involved with the Direct Data Connection often outweigh any cost benefits.
Note: Refer to the “RTView Data Sources” section of this documentation to see if deployment with a Direct Data Connection is supported by your data source.
The pros and cons of the two scenarios, Served Data and Direct Data Connection, are described below.
Pros and Cons
Issue |
Served Data |
Direct Data Connection |
Setup |
Server: § Requires Data Server and Data Servlet setup Client: § Requires less setup since clients do not need to have security settings configured to allow access to back end data, and do not need to meet all system requirements for each data source |
Server: § Does not require Data Server and Data Servlet Client: § Requires more setup since each client must have security settings configured to allow access to back end data, and meet all system requirements for each data source |
Performance |
§ For a very small deployment it is slower, but for all other deployments it is faster |
§ For a very small deployment it is faster, but for all other deployments it is slower |
Security |
§ Secure since only the Data Server accesses back end data applications and the firewall does not need additional ports opened. |
§ Less secure since each client accesses back end data applications and the firewall needs additional ports opened |
Scalability |
§ More scalable due to data requests being federated and caching by the Data Server |
§ Less scalable since each client makes individual data requests |
Cost |
Large Deployment: § Client maintenance more costly, hardware less costly Small Deployment: § Hardware cost equal to Direct Data Connection but client maintenance more costly |
Large Deployment: § Client maintenance less costly, hardware more costly Small Deployment: § Hardware cost equal to Served Data but client maintenance less costly |
Rich Client Browser with Served Data
With this solution, the Data Server is typically installed on a dedicated server and gathers, federates and caches the data which is supplied via a socket to a Data Servlet installed on the application server. The clients can then access the RTView displays via the Display Viewer Applet (see Figure 10).
Deployment with the Data Server has several benefits. Access to your data sources is restricted to a single machine, the Data Server, instead of multiple applet clients connecting to your data sources. This lends to better performance and higher security. This scenario also entails a simple client setup, fewer applet requirements, easy applet setup, and no modifications to your firewall. When you deploy RTView as a Rich Client Browser with Served Data, depending on the command, commands are executed either on the server or the client. See command descriptions for information on where commands are executed.
Figure 10: Rich Client Browser with Served Data Deployment Overview
Choose “Rich Client Browser with Served Data”
Rich Client Browser with Direct Data Connection
The Direct Data Connection option does not require the Data Server and only requires an application server and the installation of a Java plug-in on the clients. This option, however, involves a complex client setup and potential firewall modifications.
Each individual client must be configured so that it can have direct access to data sources. This may involve the installation of additional software such as database drivers or middleware components depending on the data source types used (see Figure 11).
Note: Refer to the “RTView Data Sources” section of this documentation to see if deployment with a Direct Data Connection is supported by your data source.
Figure 11: Rich Client Browser with Direct Data Connection Deployment Overview
Choose “Rich Client Browser with Direct Data Connection”
Rich Client Browser with Served Data - Manual Deployment Process
The following is an overview of how to manually deploy the Rich Client Browser with Served Data option of RTView. Alternatively, you can use the “Deployment Wizard” to guide you through this process.
Note: These instructions are intended for users with a working knowledge of HTML code and application server administration. If you do not have a full understanding of these topics, you will need assistance from your system administrator.
Process Summary
“A: Verify System Requirements”
“B: Install and Set up RTView”
“Step 2: Set up Data Servlet on Application Server”
“A: Verify System Requirements”
“B: Install and Set up Data Servlet”
“Step 3: Set up Report Servlet on Application Server”
“Step 4: Set up RTVAgent Servlet on Application Server (Optional*)”
“Step 5: Set up Applet on Application Server”
“A: Verify System Requirements”
“Step 6: Start / Run Data Server”
Rich Client Browser with Served Data - Manual Set up
This section provides step-by-step instructions on how to manually deploy RTView. Refer to “Rich Client Browser with Served Data - Manual Deployment Process” for a summary of these instructions. Alternatively, you can use the “Deployment Wizard” to guide you through this process.
Note: These instructions are intended for users with standard working knowledge of servlet deployment, HTML code and application server administration. If you do not have a full understanding of these, you will need assistance from your system administrator.
An Apache Tomcat application server (see “RTView Demo Server”) is included with your RTView installation for prototyping and testing your deployment before going into the production environment. The following instructions will work for your application server or the one that comes with RTView.
Install RTView on the system where you will run the Data Server. If you are using multiple or high availability Data Servers, you will need to repeat the following steps on each system where you will run Data Server(s). See “Data Server Tab” and “Data Server” for more information.
• Java 1.5.0_01+
• Accessible over the network to the Data Servlet.
• Basic “System Requirements”
• In addition to basic system requirements, refer to the “RTView Data Sources” section of this documentation for system requirements and setup specific to your data source.
Note: The Data Servlet must have permission to access the Data Server on the port specified for the socket in the DATASERVER.ini file. This process will be explained in Step D: Configure Data Server.
At this point you have verified your system requirements.
1. Install RTView. See “Installation” for more information.
2. Set up RTView. See “Setup” for more information.
At this point you have installed and setup RTView.
Register for a license for the Data Server. See “Registration” for more information.
At this point you have installed, setup and registered your RTView installation.
1. Create a project directory to store Data Server configuration files.
2. Copy the following files into the directory you just created from the project directory where you developed your RTView application:
• OPTIONS.ini file
• Refer to “Deployment”in the Data Sources section of this documentation for information on configuration (.ini) files specific to your data sources.
• All display (.rtv) files you want to preload (optional)
Note: If you are using multiple or high availability Data Servers, each Data Server needs to run on a different host and/or port. Be sure that the DATASERVER.ini file, the OPTIONS.ini file, and any related data source initialization files are all correct for this instance of the Data Server. See “Data Server Tab” and “Data Server” for more information.
3. If you already created a DATASERVER.ini that is configured to run the Data Server in socket mode on the correct port, copy the DATASERVER.ini to the project directory you just created. Then go to Step 2: Set up Data Servlet on Application Server.
If you have not created a DATASERVER.ini, go to next step.
4. In an initialized command window (see “Initializing a Command Prompt or Terminal Window”), go to the project directory you created in Step D1 and type:
run_dataserver -socket
5. Set up the Data Server configuration. See “Configuration Tab” for more information.
Note: The Data Server must be configured to run on a socket. The port specified for the socket must match the ServicePort specified for the Data Servlet in Step 2B.
6. Click the Save Configuration button to save DATASERVER.ini and exit the Data Server.
Step 1 is completed. Go to Step 2: Set up Data Servlet on Application Server.
Step 2: Set up Data Servlet on Application Server
At this point you have completed the RTView installation and setup, and configured the Data Server.
• Application server with a JSP servlet container, such as Apache Tomcat
• Must have permission to access the Data Server on the port specified for the socket in DATASERVER.ini (see Step 1D)
B: Install and Set up Data Servlet
The Data Server uses a Data Servlet that runs on your application server. The Data Servlet communicates with the Data Server via a socket and communicates with the clients via HTTP or HTTPS. The servlets\rtvdata directory contains all of the files necessary to configure and install the Data Servlet.
If you are using multiple Data Servers, you must configure and install a Data Servlet for each Data Server. If you want to install multiple Data Servlets on the same application server, each must have a unique name.
At this point you have verified your system requirements.
1. Configure Data Servlet Options
The Data Servlet reads to get configuration information. If you have not installed the Data Servlet, modify the files in the servlets\rtvdata directory and it will be installed as part of the next step. If you have already installed the Data Servlet on your application server, you can edit this properties file in your application server. You may need to restart your application server after making changes to this file.
You can set the following options in
Option |
Description |
ServiceHost |
The name of the host on which the Data Server is running. Default is localhost. Note: Default localhost assumes the servlet and Data Server are running on the same machine. |
ServicePort |
Port for communicating with the Data Server. Default is 3278. *This must match the port specified in the Data Server (Step 1D-5). |
ServiceTimeout |
Amount of time (in seconds) the servlet will wait for replies from the Data Server. Default is 15 seconds. |
The following is an example of the file:
2. Install the Data Servlet
• In an initialized command window (see “Initializing a Command Prompt or Terminal Window”), go to the servlets\rtvdata directory and type:
make_war |
This script creates a web archive (.war) named rtvdata.war that includes all of the files necessary to run the Data Servlet. |
• Your RTView installation includes an Apache Tomcat application server, so that you can prototype and test your deployment before moving it to your production server. If you will be using this application server, type the following to install the Data Servlet:
install_to_demoserver rtvdata |
This script installs the web archive rtvdata.war to the Apache Tomcat server included in your RTView installation. Note: This script will shutdown and restart Apache Tomcat and requires administrative permissions. |
• If you will be using your own Apache Tomcat application server, type the following to install the Data Servlet:
install_to_tomcat rtvdata |
This script installs the web archive rtvdata.war to your Apache Tomcat server. Note: This script will shutdown and restart Apache Tomcat and requires administrative permissions. |
• If you will be using an application server other than Apache Tomcat, install the files in the rtvdata.war file to your application server according to the documentation for that product.
Step 2 is completed. Go to Step 3: Set up Report Servlet on Application Server.
Step 3: Set up Report Servlet on Application Server
At this point you have completed the RTView installation and setup, configured the Data Server and setup the Data Servlet.
Your RTView installation includes an Apache Tomcat application server you can use to prototype and test your deployment before moving it to your production server. If you will be using this application server, the Report Servlet is already installed so you can skip to Step 4.
Follow the instruction in Report Servlet to setup and install the Report Servlet on your application server. See “Hosting the Applet” for more information.
Step 3 is completed. Go to Step 4: Set up RTVAgent Servlet on Application Server.
Step 4: Set up RTVAgent Servlet on Application Server (Optional*)
*This step is only required if you are setting up the Data Server to accept RTVAgent data via HTTP or HTTPS.
At this point you have installed and setup RTView and configured the Data Server, setup the Data Servlet and Report Servlet.
1. Verify System Requirements
• Application server with a JSP servlet container, such as Apache Tomcat.
2. Install and Set up RTVAgent Servlet
The Data Server uses the RTVAgent Servlet that runs on your application server to access data sent from an RTVAgent application that is sending data via HTTP. The servlets\rtvagent directory contains all of the files necessary to configure and install the RTVAgent Servlet.
If you are using multiple Data Servers that are gathering RTVAgent data, you must configure and install a RTVAgent Servlet for each Data Server.
a. Configure RTVAgent Servlet Options
The RTVAgent Servlet reads the properties file to get configuration information. If you have not installed the RTVAgent Servlet, modify (in the servlets\rtvagent directory) and install. (Step 4-2b - Install the RTVAgent Servlet). If you have already installed the RTVAgent Servlet on your application server, you can edit your properties file in the application server. Note: You may need to restart your application server after making changes to your properties file.
You can set the following options in
Option |
Description |
ServiceHost |
The name of the host on which the Data Server is running. Default is localhost. Note: Default localhost assumes the servlet and Data Server are running on the same machine. |
ServicePort |
Port for communicating with the Data Server. Default is 5665. |
ServiceTimeout |
Amount of time (in seconds) the servlet will wait for replies from the RTVAgent. Default is 15 seconds. |
The following is an example of the file:
b. Install the RTVAgent Servlet:
• In an initialized command window, go to the servlets\rtvagent directory and type:
This script creates a web archive (.war) named rtvagent.war that includes all of the files necessary to run the RTVAgent Servlet.
• Install the files in the rtvagent.war file to your application server according to the documentation for that product.
Step 4 is completed. Go to Step 5: Set up Applet on Application Server.
Step 5: Set up Applet on Application Server
At this point you have installed and setup RTView, configured the Data Server, setup the Data Servlet, Report Servlet and RTVAgent Servlet.
A: Verify System Requirements
• Application server
Note: This must be the same application server where you installed the Data Servlet in Step 2.
B: Configure Applet
In this section you create an HTML page that instances the Display Viewer Applet. All of the jars necessary to run the Display Viewer Applet can be found under your installation directory located in the lib directory.
Note: The jars in the lib directory are not digitally signed. If you need to deploy with signed jars, use the jars in lib\ The certificate in these jars will expire in December of 2011.
See Applet “Configuration” for instructions on configuring the Display Viewer applet. Since you are using the Data Server, you do not need to follow any instructions for configuring data sources.
C: Install Applet
At this point, you have created an HTML file that instances the Display Viewer Applet. Follow the instruction in “Hosting the Applet” to install the applet to your application server.
D: Register
The Display Viewer Applet requires a separate license key from the RTView applications to run on an application server. Without a key, the Display Viewer Applet will run for 20 minutes to facilitate testing. No key is required to run locally.
Register Display Viewer Applet
Step 5 is completed. Go to Step 6: Start / Run Data Server.
Step 6: Start / Run Data Server
At this point you have installed and setup RTView, setup the Data Servlet, Report Servlet, RTVAgent Servlet and the Display Viewer Applet. If you are using multiple Data Servers, you will need to repeat the following steps on each system where you will run Data Server(s). See “Data Server Tab” for more information.
1. In an initialized command window (see “Initializing a Command Prompt or Terminal Window”), go to the directory you created in Step 1D and type:
2. Click the Start Serving Data button.
Note: You may also run the Data Server as a daemon process. See “Running the Data Server”for more information and additional options.
Note: The Data Server is instrumented with JMX to allow you to manage and monitor the clients and application settings. See “Managing the Data Server Using JMX” for more information.
Step 6 is completed. Go to Step 7: Test Data Servlet.
At this point you have installed and setup RTView, setup the Data Servlet, Report Servlet, RTVAgent servlet, Display Viewer Applet and started the Data Server.
1. Open a browser and navigate to the test.jsp file included in the rtvdata.war:
http://host:port/rtvdata/test.jsp?test=1 |
Where host and port are where the Data Servlet is running. |
2. Verify that the Data Servlet is running. The browser should display text similar to the following:
GmsServlet: running
POSTs: 0
host: localhost
port: 3278
connected: false
Service should reflect the configuration that is entered in and connected should be true if the Data Servlet is connected to the Data Server.
Step 7 is completed. Go to Step 8: Test Client.
At this point you have installed and setup RTView, setup the Data Servlet, Report Servlet, RTVAgent servlet, and Display Viewer Applet, started the Data Server and tested the Data Servlet.
Follow the instructions in “Browser Client” to test your deployment.
For troubleshooting information, see Display Viewer Applet “Display Viewer Applet Troubleshooting”.
Congratulations! RTView deployment is completed.
Rich Client Browser with Direct Data Connection - Manual Deployment Process
The following is an overview of how to manually deploy the Rich Client Browser with Direct Data Connection option of RTView. Alternatively, you can use the “Deployment Wizard” to guide you through this process.
Note: These instructions are intended for users with a working knowledge of HTML code and application server administration. If you do not have a full understanding of these topics, you will need assistance from your system administrator.
Process Summary
“Step 1: Setup Applet on Application Server”
“A: Verify System Requirements”
“Step 2: Setup Report Servlet on Application Server”
Rich Client Browser with Direct Data Connection - Manual Setup
This section provides step-by-step instructions on how to manually deploy RTView. Refer to “Rich Client Browser with Direct Data Connection - Manual Deployment Process” for a summary of these instructions. Alternatively, you can use the “Deployment Wizard” to guide you through this process.
Note: These instructions are intended for users with a working knowledge of HTML code and application server administration. If you do not have a full understanding of these topics, you will need assistance from your system administrator.
An Apache Tomcat application server is included with your RTView installation for prototyping and testing your deployment before going into the production environment. The following instructions will work for your application server or the one that comes with RTView.
Step 1: Setup Applet on Application Server
Verify the following system requirements:
• Application server.
• Basic “System Requirements”
• In addition to basic system requirements, refer to the “RTView Data Sources” section of this documentation for system requirements and setup specific to your data source.
When finished, proceed to Part B: Configure Applet.
At this point you have verified your system requirements.
In this section, you will create an HTML page that instances the Display Viewer Applet. All of the jars necessary to run the Display Viewer Applet can be found under your installation directory located in the lib directory. The jars in the lib directory are not digitally signed. If you need to deploy with signed jars, use the jars in lib\ The certificate in these jars will expire in May of 2018.
See “Display Viewer Applet” for instructions on configuring the Display Viewer applet. Since you are not using the Data Server, you need to follow all instructions for configuring data sources.
At this point you have verified system requirements and configured the applet. Follow the instruction in “Hosting the Applet” to install the applet to your application server.
At this point you have verified system requirements, configured and installed the applet.
Display Viewer Applet requires a separate license key from the RTView application to run on a application server. Without a key, the Display Viewer Applet will run for 20 minutes to facilitate testing. No key is required to run locally.
Register Display Viewer Applet. See “Display Viewer Applet Registration” for more information.
Step 1 is completed. Go to Step 2: Setup Report Servlet on Application Server.
Step 2: Setup Report Servlet on Application Server
At this point you have setup the applet on the application server.
Your RTView installation includes an Apache Tomcat application server you can use to prototype and test your deployment before moving it to your production server. If you will be using this application server, the Report Servlet is already installed so you can skip to Step 3.
Follow the instruction in “Hosting the Applet” to setup and install the Report Servlet on your application server.
Step 2 is completed. Go to Step 3: Setup Client.
At this point you have setup the applet and the Report Servlet on the application server.
Follow the instructions in “Browser Client” to setup your client.
When finished return to Step 4: Test Client.
At this point you have setup the Display Viewer Applet and the Report Servlet on the application server, and setup the client.
Follow the instructions in “Browser Client” to test your deployment.
For troubleshooting information, see “Display Viewer Applet Troubleshooting”.
Congratulations! RTView deployment is completed.
The Rich Browser Client deployments are implemented using the Display Viewer Applet, which is a Java applet. The Display Viewer Applet can either connect directly to your data source(s) or it can connect to the Data Server. For step-by-step instructions on deploying the Display Viewer Applet, see “Rich Client Browser with Served Data - Manual Set up” or “Rich Client Browser with Direct Data Connection - Manual Setup”.
This section describes how to configure (“Configuration”), host (“Hosting the Applet”), and run (“Browser Client”) the Display Viewer Applet and “Report Servlet”.
The Display Viewer Applet must be instanced in an HTML page as described below. All of the jars necessary to run the Display Viewer Applet can be found under your installation directory located in the lib directory. The jars in the lib directory are not digitally signed. If you need to deploy with signed jars, use the jars in lib\ The certificate in these jars will expire in May of 2018.
Create an HTML page that instances the Display Viewer Applet. This procedure has two Parts:
§ “Part i: Required Applet Parameters”
§ “Part ii: Optional Applet Parameters”
Note: The Display Viewer Applet also supports several JavaScript methods. See “Display Viewer Applet JavaScript” for more information.
Display Viewer Applet Example
A sample HTML page, mydisplay.html, contains the Display Viewer Applet and can be found in your installation directory under demos. The minimum HTML code required to run the Display Viewer Applet are as follows:
<object classid="clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93"
WIDTH = "725" HEIGHT = "585" ALIGN = TOP
<param NAME = CODE VALUE = "" >
<param NAME = ARCHIVE VALUE = "gmsjrtview.jar,gmsjmodels.jar,gmsjrtvreport.jar,iText.jar,J2PrinterWorks.jar" >
<param NAME="type" VALUE="application/x-java-applet;version=1.5">
<COMMENT><embed type="application/x-java-applet;version=1.5"
code = ""
ARCHIVE = "gmsjrtview.jar,gmsjmodels.jar,gmsjrtvreport.jar,iText.jar,J2PrinterWorks.jar"
WIDTH="725" HEIGHT="585" ALIGN=TOP rtv_filename="mydisplay.rtv"
<param NAME="rtv_filename" VALUE="mydisplay.rtv">
Part i: Required Applet Parameters
To host the Display Viewer Applet you must specify the following in your HMTL file:
§ basic required applet parameters;
§ applet parameters for data sources - this is only needed if you are not using the Data Server
Basic Required Applet Parameters
Parameter Name |
Description |
CODE | The classes specified in the CODE parameter are included in the jars specified for the ARCHIVE parameter. |
gmsjrtview.jar, gmsjmodels.jar, gmsjrtvreport.jar, iText.jar, J2PrinterWorks.jar, jar file containing custom classes. gmsjrtview.jar does not need to be in the directory containing the HTML file. However, if it is not, the value for the ARCHIVE parameter must contain the relative path to the jar. gmsjmodels.jar must be copied to the directory containing the HTML file. gmsjflash.jar allows unsupported Flex objects (i.e. Fx graphs) to be replaced with standard graphs. |
Multiple command users: Add the following files (found under your installation directory in lib) to the ARCHIVE parameter: mail.jar activation.jar snmp.jar Email command users: Add the following files (found under your installation directory in lib) to the ARCHIVE parameter: mail.jar activation.jar |
SNMP Trap command users: Add the following file (found under your installation directory in lib) to the ARCHIVE parameter: snmp.jar Asian font users (that want to export reports): Add the following file (found under your installation directory in lib) to the ARCHIVE parameter: iTextAsian.jar |
Set to the width of the display plus 1 pixel. The width of the display (in pixels) is noted in the Background Properties dialog. To access this information, open the file in the Display Builder, select File>Background Properties. |
Set to the height of the display plus 41 pixels. This additional space will ensure that your display is not scaled down in size by accommodating the logo panel that appears below the applet. The height of the display (in pixels) is noted in the Background Properties dialog. To access this information, open the file in the Display Builder and select File>Background Properties. |
If you intend to pass your applet through a portal, set the base URL for your applet (i.e.: http://<host>:<port>/<applet directory>). |
rtv_filename |
Name of the initial display (.rtv) file to open in the Display Viewer Applet. |
dataserver |
This parameter is only required if you are using the Data Server. Set this parameter to redirect data requests to the Data Server. Default Data Server (where host is the application server hosting the servlet): remote:http://host:port/rtvdata Named Data Server (where name is the Name specified when this Data Server was configured and connect is http://host:port/rtvdata): name;connect The dataserver parameter only reads the first Data Server listed in the applet HTML file. To specify additional Data Server connections, use the dataserverN applet parameter. See “Part ii: Optional Applet Parameters” for more information. |
dsenable |
This parameter is only required if you are using the Data Server. Set this parameter to enable data source(s) for data attachments and defined commands that have been configured to bypass data being redirected through the specified data server(s). dsenable:dskey Where dskey is the abbreviation for the data source as listed in the Attach to Data and Define Command drop down menus, but in all lower case. Note: Some data sources do not allow direct access from the Display Viewer Applet. Refer to the Data Sources section of this documentation to see if deployment with a Direct Data Connection is supported by your data source. |
xmlredirect |
This parameter is only required if you are using the Data Server. Set to true to redirect XML sources that do not start with http: or https: through the Data Server. Set to all to redirect all XML sources through the Data Server. Otherwise, XML sources will be read directly by RTView. |
Applet Parameters Required for Data Sources
If you are using more than one Data Server connection, use the dataserver applet parameter for the first Data Server listed in the applet HTML file, and use the dataserverN applet parameter to specify additional Data Server connections. See “Part i: Required Applet Parameters” and “Part ii: Optional Applet Parameters” for more information.
If you are using one or more Data Server connections, by default you do not need to specify any data source information.
In configurations where the applet is not connecting to any Data Servers but retrieves data directly from the data sources, you must specify the data sources in the HTML applet parameters. The applet parameters for the Alert and Cache data sources are listed below. If you are using additional data sources, refer to Deployment in the Data Sources section of this documentation for required applet parameters specific to your data source. If you are using history data you must include the SQL data source in your applet.
Note: To specify multiple data sources for the value of the ds parameter, separate them with a semicolon (;).
When finished, go to“Part ii: Optional Applet Parameters”.
Applet Parameters Required for Alert Data Source
These parameters are only required if you are using the Alert data source.
Note: Setup is also required for any data sources you used to input data to your alerts.
Include the Alert data source in your applet:
1. Add the following to your ARCHIVE parameter (found under your installation directory in lib):
2. Add the following applet parameter:
name = ds
value =
Applet Parameters Required for Cache Data Source
These parameters are only required if you are using the Cache data source.
Note: Setup is also required for any data sources you used to input data to your caches.
Include the Cache data source in your applet:
1. Add the following to your ARCHIVE parameter (found under your installation directory in lib):
2. Add the following applet parameter:
name = ds
value =
Part ii: Optional Applet Parameters
Basic optional applet parameters can be specified either in your HTML file or from a configuration file (OPTIONS.ini).
• To create in an initialization file, see “Application Options”.
• To use an initialization file in your applet, include it in the directory containing the HTML file.
Note: Applet parameters you specify in you HTML file will override settings in configuration (.ini) files.
The following can be specified in the applet parameters of your HTML file:
• basic optional applet parameters;
• data source optional applet parameters - this is only needed if you are not using the Data Server
Basic Optional Applet Parameters
Parameter Name |
Description |
confirm |
Set the confirm policy for all commands, overriding the confirm policy on individual objects. Accepted values: -1 - do not confirm any commands 1 - confirm all commands 0 - follow individual object confirm policy |
customwindowtitle |
Specify a custom window title. By default, window titles contain the name of the application followed by the name of the display (.rtv) file (e.g. RTView mydisplay.rtv). A Custom Window Title: § Takes precedence over the title specified in your panel configuration file for “Multiple Display Panels”. § Is superseded by the Window Title option in the Drill Down Properties dialog (see “Drill Down Displays”). Note: To specify an empty window title, enter a single space (i.e. PARAM="customwindowtitle" VALUE=" "). |
dataserverN |
Specify additional Data Server connections, where N indicates the order of the Data Server listed in the applet HTML file. For example, to specify the second Data Server in the following list: PARAM="dataserver" VALUE="remote://slhost1:3278" PARAM="dataserver2" VALUE="remote://slhost2:3268" you specify: dataserver2 If you are using more than one Data Server connection, use the dataserver applet parameter for the first Data Server listed in the applet HTML file, and use the dataserverN applet parameter to specify additional Data Server connections. See “Part i: Required Applet Parameters” and “Part ii: Optional Applet Parameters” for more information. |
historytablename |
Specify the table name (e.g., MY_TABLE) to use when loading historical data into graphs. Note: Table names cannot contain spaces. |
nohistory |
Set to true to suppress historical data in graphs. Default is false. |
panelconfig |
Specify the name of the panel configuration file for “Multiple Display Panels”. |
resizemode |
Controls object layout when display window is resized. In the Display Builder, the selected Resize Mode is only applied to drill down windows. The main window of the Display Builder is always in Crop mode. All three resize modes support zooming the display (right-click -> zoom). In both Scale and Layout modes, if the window is resized while the display is zoomed, then the resize will further zoom the display. Accepted values: crop - When the window is resized, the display stays the same size. If the window is bigger than the display, empty space will show around the display. If the window is smaller than the display, scrollbars will be added. The window is not forced to maintain its aspect ratio. This is the default for the Thin Client. scale - When the window is resized, the display and all of the objects in it are scaled to fit the available space. The window is forced to maintain its aspect ratio. This is the default for the Display Builder, Display Viewer Application, and Display Viewer Applet. layout - When the window is resized, the display is resized to fit the available space. The objects in the display are positioned according to their anchor and dock properties. The window is not forced to maintain its aspect ratio. Objects that are not docked or anchored will move relative to their offset from the top left corner of the display. For example, if the object is centered on the display, the object will move 50% of the resize amount. If the object is centered at 3/4 of the display, it will move 75% of the resize amount. |
rtvpass |
If “Login” is enabled, specify the password in plain text to use for the login. This parameter must be used in conjunction with rtvuser and will bypass the login dialog. If the rtvrole parameter is not specified for a user with multiple roles, the first role will be used. Use the rtvsign parameter instead to specify an encoded user name and password. Note: If the user name or password specified is not valid, the login dialog will appear. |
rtvrole |
If “Login” is enabled, specify the role to use for the login. This parameter must be used with rtvsign or rtvuser and rtvpass. If this parameter is not specified for a user with multiple roles, the first role will be used. |
rtvsign |
If “Login” is enabled, specify an encoded user name and password to use for the login, and bypass the login dialog. Contact SL Technical Support at to request a copy of the utility to create the encoded strings. If the rtvrole parameter is not specified for a user with multiple roles, the first role will be used. Note: If the user name or password specified is not valid, the login dialog will appear. |
rtvuser |
If “Login” is enabled, specify the user name in plain text to use for the login. This parameter must be used in conjunction with rtvpass and will bypass the login dialog. If the rtvrole parameter is not specified for a user with multiple roles, the first role will be used. Use the rtvsign parameter instead to specify an encoded user name and password. Note: If the user name or password specified is not valid, the login dialog will appear. |
singleclick |
Set to true to enable opening drill down windows or executing commands with a single click. Default is true. |
stylesheet |
Specify style sheet(s) to apply to all displays in your applications. Note: Style sheets are applied at startup. If you edit a style sheet, then you need to restart. PARAM="stylesheet" VALUE="stylesheet1" When multiple style sheet (.rts) files are applied, they are processed in the order specified. Therefore if the same property is specified in multiple style sheets, the value in the last style sheet applied (e.g. stylesheet3.rts) will take precedence. PARAM="stylesheet" VALUE="stylesheet1.rts,stylesheet2.rts,stylesheet3.rts" Note: This applet parameter overrides application level style sheets specified in the Application Options dialog. |
sub |
Add a substitution string/value pair using the syntax substring:subvalue substring2:subvalue2 If a substitution value contains a single quote, it must be escaped using a / : $filter:Plant=/'Dallas/' If a substitution value contains a space, it must be enclosed in single quotes. Do not escape these single quotes: $subname:subvalue $subname2:'sub value 2' Note: Substitution strings cannot contain the following: : | . tab space , ; = < > ' " & / \ { } [ ] ( ) |
timezone |
Set the default timezone for interpreting and displaying dates. Include a Java timezone ID or a custom ID, such as "GMT-8:00". Unrecognized IDs will be treated as GMT. If you run the RTView Builder with a valid timezone parameter and then save Application Options, the timezone information will be persisted. To prevent the persisted timezone value from being used, pass "none" as the timezone ID. See “Timezone ID Values” for more information. |
update_period |
Set update rate in milliseconds. |
Optional Applet Parameters for Data Sources
If you are using more than one Data Server connection, use the dataserver applet parameter for the first Data Server listed in the applet HTML file, and use the dataserverN applet parameter to specify additional Data Server connections. See “Part i: Required Applet Parameters” and “Part ii: Optional Applet Parameters” for more information.
If you are using one or more Data Server connections, by default you do not need to specify any data source information.
The applet parameters for the Alert and Cache data sources are listed below. If you are using additional data sources, refer to “Deployment” in the Data Sources section of this documentation for optional applet parameters specific to your data source.
Optional Applet Parameters for Alert Data Source
The following parameters can be specified in your HTML file, otherwise they will be read from ALERTOPTIONS.ini.
Parameter Name |
Description |
alertds:history |
Sets the number of rows that are stored in the “AlertTable”. |
alertds:alertdef |
Adds an alert definition file. Cannot specify substitutions. To specify substitutions, use the Application Options dialog. See “Application Options - Alerts” for more information. |
alertcleartime |
Specifies the rate, in seconds, to remove cleared alerts. If set to greater than zero, all cleared alerts are removed every x seconds where x is the value specified. |
alertinitdelay |
The number of seconds to wait after startup to begin executing alerts. |
alertds:enabled |
Enables/disables all alerts in the active alert definition files. |
System Requirements
The system where you host the Display Viewer Applet must meet the following requirements:
• Application server.
• Basic “System Requirements”
• If you are not using the Data Server, in addition to basic system requirements, refer to the “RTView Data Sources” section of this documentation for system requirements and setup specific to your data source.
Installing the Applet
1. Create a project directory to store all files needed by the Display Viewer Applet.
2. Copy the following files into the directory you just created:
• HTML file containing an instance of the “Display Viewer Applet”
• From the lib directory of your RTView installation:
– all .jar files added to the ARCHIVE parameter in your HTML file
• From the project directory of your RTView installation:
– OPTIONS.ini. See “Application Options” for more information.
– COLORS.ini (only required if Custom Colors have been defined). See “Custom Colors Tab” for more information.
– .jar file containing custom classes (optional)
– Panel configuration file (optional). See “Multiple Display Panels” for more information.
– All display (.rtv) files
– Style sheet (.rts) files (optional)
– Refer to “Deployment” in the Data Sources section of this documentation for information on configuration (.ini) files specific to your data sources.
– Security configuration files (optional). See “Configuration” for more information.
• KEYS (see “Registration”, next)
The .jar files in the lib directory are not digitally signed. If you need to deploy with signed jars, use the jars in lib\ The certificate in these jars will expire in May of 2018.
3. Install this directory to your application server according to documentation for that product.
At this point you have verified system requirements, configured and installed the applet.
Display Viewer Applet requires a separate license key from the RTView application to run on a application server. Without a key, the Display Viewer Applet will run for 20 minutes to facilitate testing. No key is required to run locally.
“Display Viewer Applet Registration”
The Display Viewer Applet uses a Report Servlet to support exporting PDF reports. If you do not want to generate reports, you can skip this setup. Your RTView installation includes an Apache Tomcat application server you can use to prototype and test your deployment before moving it to your production server. If you will be using this application server, the Report Servlet is already installed so you can skip this setup. See “Reporting” for more information.
System Requirements
• Application server with a JSP servlet container, such as Apache Tomcat
Install and Setup Report Servlet
The servlets\rtvreport directory contains all of the files necessary to install the Report Servlet.
1. In an initialized command window (see “Initializing a Command Prompt or Terminal Window”), go to the servlets\rtvreport directory and type:
make_war - This script creates a web archive (.war) named rtvreport.war that includes all of the files necessary to run the Report Servlet.
2. If you will be using your own Apache Tomcat application server, type the following to install the Report Servlet:
install_to_tomcat rtvreport - This script installs the web archive rtvreport.war to your Apache Tomcat server.
Note: This script will shutdown and restart Apache Tomcat and requires administrative permissions.
• If you will be using an application server other than Apache Tomcat, install the files in the rtvreport.war file to your application server according to the documentation for that product.
System Requirements
Each client must meet all of the following requirements:
• Java Plugin 1.5.0_01+
• Browser: IE4.0+ (other browsers also work)
• In addition to basic “System Requirements”, if you are not using the Data Server, refer to the Data Sources section of this documentation for system requirements specific to your data source.
• To enable copying tables to the clipboard, the client must have the following permission on their Java security settings:
permission java.awt.AWTPermission "accessClipboard";
• In order to use the Send Email system command (see “Define System Command”), you must modify the Java security settings on each client to include the following permissions. Where SMTPHostName is the name of the SMTP server, SMTPHostIP is the IP address of the SMTP server and <> in the FilePermission is the name of the file to be attached to the email.
permission "SMTPHostName", "resolve";
permission "SMTPHostIP", "accept, connect, listen, resolve";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "", "read"; };
permission "<>", "read";
• The Send SNMP Trap command requires outgoing access to UDP port 162 (or a different port as specified in your command). See “Command Types” for more information.
• In order to use the Topmost Window Mode on drill down windows, depending on your Security Manager, you may need to modify the Java security settings on each client to include the following permission:
permission java.awt.AWTPermission "setWindowAlwaysOnTop”;
Setup Client for Additional Data Sources
If you are using additional data sources and you are not using the Data Server, refer to “Deployment” in the Data Sources section of this documentation for information on client setup specific to your data source.
Note: If you are using history data you must complete SQL setup.
Accessing the Project
1. Open a browser and navigate to the URL for the applet. Note: Multiple applets running in the same VM will share a single Custom Color tab.
2. “Login” to the Display Viewer Applet. By default, the Display Viewer Applet does not require a login. Login can be enabled at setup to support “Role-based Security”. The default user name and password are:
User Name: admin
Password: admin
Note: It is possible that your system administrator may have configured another user name and password. In this case, you may also need to select a role. See “Role-based Security” for more inforamation.
For troubleshooting information, see “Display Viewer Applet Troubleshooting”.
Display Viewer Applet Registration
The Display Viewer Applet requires a separate PIN and license key than the RTView applications to run on a web server. Without a key, the Display Viewer Applet will run for 20 minutes to facilitate testing. No key is required to run locally.
In order to request a license key, you will need to retrieve a PIN specific to the web server where you are hosting your applet(s). To retrieve the PIN, locate the files gmsjregister.jar and GmsRegister.html in the lib directory (found in your installation directory) and copy those files into the document root directory of your web server. Open the file GmsRegister.html through your web server and note the PIN.
To request a key, contact SL Corporation at 800.548.6881 or 415.927.8400, or send an email to and provide your PIN.
Type the key you receive into an ASCII file and name that file KEYS. Put the KEYS file into the document root directory of your web server. If you do not want to put the KEYS file in the document root of your web server, you can put it in the directory containing the Display Viewer Applet. You can also put the KEYS file in any directory under your document root directory and include a KeyLocation parameter in all of the .html files containing the Display Viewer Applet. The KeyLocation parameter must be set to the directory containing the KEYS file. For example, if the KEYS file is located in a subdirectory named registration in the web server's document root directory, you would add a KeyLocation parameter as follows to all of the .html files that contain the Display Viewer Applet:
PARAM NAME="KeyLocation" PARAM VALUE="registration"
Display Viewer Applet Troubleshooting
Served Data and Direct Data Connection Deployments
Console Error:
ERROR: cannot open <rtv_filename.rtv>.
The specified rtv file is not in the directory containing the HTML file.
Console Error:
load: class not found
The gmsjrtview.jar is not specified in the ARCHIVE parameter or it is not in the directory containing the HTML file. If you specified a relative path for gmsjrtview.jar in the ARCHIVE parameter, it was not found.
Direct Data Connection Deployments
Errors/solutions vary depending on which RTView data sources are included in your applet. Refer to “Deployment” in the Data Sources section of this documentation for troubleshooting specific to your data source.
Display Viewer Applet JavaScript
If you are using JavaScript within your HTML file, the Display Viewer Applet supports the following methods:
Method |
Description |
doDrilldown (String panelName, String displayName, String subs) |
Performs a drill down into the panel specified by panelName. If there is not already a panel open with the specified panelName, a new window will be created with a panel by that name. This window will be reused for each drill down using that panelName. If panelName is *, a new window will be created for the display each time the drill down is performed. If the panelName is blank, the drill down will open in the main panel. See “Multiple Display Panels” for information on specifying names for your panels. The displayName is the name of the display (.rtv) file to be loaded in the drill down panel. If this is set to ., the display in the panel will not be replaced. A displayName of . is not valid if you are drilling down to a new window. If the displayName is a URL and it contains spaces, the spaces must be replaced with %20. The substitutions argument controls the substitutions on your drill down panel. Substitutions are optional and must use the following syntax: $subname:subvalue $subname2:subvalue2 To remove existing substitutions on the drill down panel, prepend g$clear to your substitution argument: g$clear $subname:subvalue $subname2:subvalue2 If a substitution value contains a single quote, it must be escaped using a / : $filter:Plant=/'Dallas/' If a substitution value contains a space, it must be enclosed in single quotes. Do not escape these single quotes: $subname:subvalue $subname2:'sub value 2' A substitution string cannot contain the following: : | . tab space , ; = < > ' " & / \ { } [ ] ( ) |
setRTViewName (String displayName) |
Sets the current display (.rtv) file name in the main panel. |
addSubstitution (String subString, String subValue) |
Adds a substitution to the main panel. Calling this method will cause substitutions in all windows to be reevaluated. If the substitution string is already defined, the corresponding value will be replaced with this value. |
removeSubstitution (String subString) |
Removes a substitution from the main panel. Calling this method will cause substitutions in all windows to be reevaluated. |
Etc/GMT+12 Etc/GMT+11 MIT Pacific/Apia Pacific/Midway |
PRT SystemV/AST4 SystemV/AST4ADT America/St_Johns CNT |
Africa/Khartoum Africa/Mogadishu Africa/Nairobi Antarctica/Syowa Asia/Aden |
Pacific/Niue Pacific/Pago_Pago Pacific/Samoa US/Samoa America/Adak America/Atka |
Canada/Newfoundland AGT America/Araguaina America/Belem America/Buenos_Aires America/Catamarca |
Asia/Baghdad Asia/Bahrain Asia/Kuwait Asia/Qatar Asia/Riyadh EAT |
Etc/GMT+10 HST Pacific/Fakaofo Pacific/Honolulu Pacific/Johnston Pacific/Rarotonga Pacific/Tahiti SystemV/HST10 US/Aleutian US/Hawaii Pacific/Marquesas |
America/Cayenne America/Cordoba America/Fortaleza America/Godthab America/Jujuy America/Maceio America/Mendoza America/Miquelon America/Montevideo America/Paramaribo America/Recife |
Etc/GMT-3 Europe/Moscow Indian/Antananarivo Indian/Comoro Indian/Mayotte W-SU Asia/Riyadh87 Asia/Riyadh88 Asia/Riyadh89 Mideast/Riyadh87 Mideast/Riyadh88 |
AST America/Anchorage America/Juneau America/Nome America/Yakutat Etc/GMT+9 Pacific/Gambier SystemV/YST9 SystemV/YST9YDT US/Alaska America/Dawson America/Ensenada America/Los_Angeles America/Tijuana America/Vancouver America/Whitehorse Canada/Pacific Canada/Yukon Etc/GMT+8 Mexico/BajaNorte PST PST8PDT Pacific/Pitcairn SystemV/PST8 SystemV/PST8PDT US/Pacific US/Pacific-New America/Boise America/Cambridge_Bay America/Chihuahua America/Dawson_Creek America/Denver America/Edmonton America/Hermosillo America/Inuvik America/Mazatlan America/Phoenix |
America/Rosario America/Sao_Paulo Antarctica/Rothera BET Brazil/East Etc/GMT+3 America/Noronha Atlantic/South_Georgia Brazil/DeNoronha Etc/GMT+2 America/Scoresbysund Atlantic/Azores Atlantic/Cape_Verde Etc/GMT+1 Africa/Abidjan Africa/Accra Africa/Bamako Africa/Banjul Africa/Bissau Africa/Casablanca Africa/Conakry Africa/Dakar Africa/El_Aaiun Africa/Freetown Africa/Lome Africa/Monrovia Africa/Nouakchott Africa/Ouagadougou Africa/Sao_Tome Africa/Timbuktu America/Danmarkshavn Atlantic/Canary Atlantic/Faeroe Atlantic/Madeira Atlantic/Reykjavik Atlantic/St_Helena Eire |
Mideast/Riyadh89 Asia/Tehran Iran Asia/Aqtau Asia/Baku Asia/Dubai Asia/Muscat Asia/Oral Asia/Tbilisi Asia/Yerevan Etc/GMT-4 Europe/Samara Indian/Mahe Indian/Mauritius Indian/Reunion NET Asia/Kabul Asia/Aqtobe Asia/Ashgabat Asia/Ashkhabad Asia/Bishkek Asia/Dushanbe Asia/Karachi Asia/Samarkand Asia/Tashkent Asia/Yekaterinburg Etc/GMT-5 Indian/Kerguelen Indian/Maldives PLT Asia/Calcutta IST Asia/Katmandu Antarctica/Mawson Antarctica/Vostok Asia/Almaty Asia/Colombo |
America/Shiprock America/Yellowknife Canada/Mountain Etc/GMT+7 MST MST7MDT Mexico/BajaSur Navajo |
Etc/GMT Etc/GMT+0 Etc/GMT-0 Etc/GMT0 Etc/Greenwich Etc/UCT Etc/UTC Etc/Universal |
Asia/Dacca Asia/Dhaka Asia/Novosibirsk Asia/Omsk Asia/Qyzylorda Asia/Thimbu Asia/Thimphu |
PNT SystemV/MST7 SystemV/MST7MDT US/Arizona US/Mountain America/Belize America/Cancun America/Chicago America/Costa_Rica America/El_Salvador America/Guatemala America/Managua America/Menominee America/Merida America/Mexico_City America/Monterrey America/North_Dakota/Center America/Rainy_River America/Rankin_Inlet America/Regina America/Swift_Current America/Tegucigalpa America/Winnipeg |
Etc/Zulu Europe/Belfast Europe/Dublin Europe/Lisbon Europe/London GB GB-Eire GMT GMT0 Greenwich Iceland Portugal UCT UTC Universal WET Zulu Africa/Algiers Africa/Bangui Africa/Brazzaville Africa/Ceuta Africa/Douala Africa/Kinshasa |
BST Etc/GMT-6 Indian/Chagos Asia/Rangoon Indian/Cocos Antarctica/Davis Asia/Bangkok Asia/Hovd Asia/Jakarta Asia/Krasnoyarsk Asia/Phnom_Penh Asia/Pontianak Asia/Saigon Asia/Vientiane Etc/GMT-7 Indian/Christmas VST Antarctica/Casey Asia/Brunei Asia/Chongqing Asia/Chungking Asia/Harbin Asia/Hong_Kong |
CST CST6CDT Canada/Central Canada/East-Saskatchewan Canada/Saskatchewan Chile/EasterIsland Etc/GMT+6 Mexico/General Pacific/Easter Pacific/Galapagos SystemV/CST6 SystemV/CST6CDT US/Central |
Africa/Lagos Africa/Libreville Africa/Luanda Africa/Malabo Africa/Ndjamena Africa/Niamey Africa/Porto-Novo Africa/Tunis Africa/Windhoek Arctic/Longyearbyen Atlantic/Jan_Mayen CET ECT |
Asia/Irkutsk Asia/Kashgar Asia/Kuala_Lumpur Asia/Kuching Asia/Macao Asia/Macau Asia/Makassar Asia/Manila Asia/Shanghai Asia/Singapore Asia/Taipei Asia/Ujung_Pandang Asia/Ulaanbaatar |
America/Bogota America/Cayman America/Detroit America/Eirunepe America/Fort_Wayne America/Grand_Turk America/Guayaquil America/Havana America/Indiana/Indianapolis America/Indiana/Knox America/Indiana/Marengo America/Indiana/Vevay America/Indianapolis America/Iqaluit America/Jamaica America/Kentucky/Louisville America/Kentucky/Monticello America/Knox_IN |
Etc/GMT-1 Europe/Amsterdam Europe/Andorra Europe/Belgrade Europe/Berlin Europe/Bratislava Europe/Brussels Europe/Budapest Europe/Copenhagen Europe/Gibraltar Europe/Ljubljana Europe/Luxembourg Europe/Madrid Europe/Malta Europe/Monaco Europe/Oslo Europe/Paris Europe/Prague |
Asia/Ulan_Bator Asia/Urumqi Australia/Perth Australia/West CTT Etc/GMT-8 Hongkong PRC Singapore Asia/Choibalsan Asia/Dili Asia/Jayapura Asia/Pyongyang Asia/Seoul Asia/Tokyo Asia/Yakutsk Etc/GMT-9 JST |
America/Lima America/Louisville America/Montreal America/Nassau America/New_York America/Nipigon America/Panama America/Pangnirtung America/Port-au-Prince America/Porto_Acre America/Rio_Branco America/Thunder_Bay Brazil/Acre Canada/Eastern Cuba |
Europe/Rome Europe/San_Marino Europe/Sarajevo Europe/Skopje Europe/Stockholm Europe/Tirane Europe/Vaduz Europe/Vatican Europe/Vienna Europe/Warsaw Europe/Zagreb Europe/Zurich MET Poland ART |
Japan Pacific/Palau ROK ACT Australia/Adelaide Australia/Broken_Hill Australia/Darwin Australia/North Australia/South Australia/Yancowinna AET Antarctica/DumontDUrville Asia/Sakhalin Asia/Vladivostok Australia/ACT Australia/Brisbane |
EST EST5EDT Etc/GMT+5 IET Jamaica SystemV/EST5 SystemV/EST5EDT US/East-Indiana US/Eastern US/Indiana-Starke US/Michigan |
Africa/Blantyre Africa/Bujumbura Africa/Cairo Africa/Gaborone Africa/Harare Africa/Johannesburg Africa/Kigali Africa/Lubumbashi Africa/Lusaka Africa/Maputo Africa/Maseru |
Australia/Canberra Australia/Hobart Australia/Lindeman Australia/Melbourne Australia/NSW Australia/Queensland Australia/Sydney Australia/Tasmania Australia/Victoria Etc/GMT-10 Pacific/Guam |
America/Anguilla America/Antigua America/Aruba America/Asuncion America/Barbados America/Boa_Vista America/Caracas America/Cuiaba America/Curacao America/Dominica America/Glace_Bay America/Goose_Bay America/Grenada |
Africa/Mbabane Africa/Tripoli Asia/Amman Asia/Beirut Asia/Damascus Asia/Gaza Asia/Istanbul Asia/Jerusalem Asia/Nicosia Asia/Tel_Aviv CAT EET Egypt |
Pacific/Port_Moresby Pacific/Saipan Pacific/Truk Pacific/Yap Australia/LHI Australia/Lord_Howe Asia/Magadan Etc/GMT-11 Pacific/Efate Pacific/Guadalcanal Pacific/Kosrae Pacific/Noumea Pacific/Ponape |
America/Guadeloupe America/Guyana America/Halifax America/La_Paz America/Manaus America/Martinique America/Montserrat America/Port_of_Spain America/Porto_Velho America/Puerto_Rico America/Santiago America/Santo_Domingo America/St_Kitts America/St_Lucia America/St_Thomas America/St_Vincent America/Thule America/Tortola America/Virgin Antarctica/Palmer Atlantic/Bermuda Atlantic/Stanley |
Etc/GMT-2 Europe/Athens Europe/Bucharest Europe/Chisinau Europe/Helsinki Europe/Istanbul Europe/Kaliningrad Europe/Kiev Europe/Minsk Europe/Nicosia Europe/Riga Europe/Simferopol Europe/Sofia Europe/Tallinn Europe/Tiraspol Europe/Uzhgorod Europe/Vilnius Europe/Zaporozhye Israel Libya Turkey Africa/Addis_Ababa |
SST Pacific/Norfolk Antarctica/McMurdo Antarctica/South_Pole Asia/Anadyr Asia/Kamchatka Etc/GMT-12 Kwajalein NST NZ Pacific/Auckland Pacific/Fiji Pacific/Funafuti Pacific/Kwajalein Pacific/Majuro Pacific/Nauru Pacific/Tarawa Pacific/Wake Pacific/Wallis NZ-CHAT Pacific/Chatham Etc/GMT-13 |
Brazil/West Canada/Atlantic Chile/Continental Etc/GMT+4 |
Africa/Asmera Africa/Dar_es_Salaam Africa/Djibouti Africa/Kampala |
Pacific/Enderbury Pacific/Tongatapu Etc/GMT-14 Pacific/Kiritimati |
Thin Client Browser Deployment
The Thin Client Browser deployment option requires the installation of the Display Server which is typically installed on a dedicated platform. The Display Server then communicates via a socket to an application server where the Display Servlet is installed. No configuration of the client is necessary other than access to a standard browser.
This section includes:
§ “Served Data Versus Direct Data Connection” on page 929
§ “Thin Client Browser with Served Data” on page 930
§ “Thin Client Browser with Direct Data Connection” on page 930
§ “Thin Client Browser with Served Data - Manual Deployment Process” on page 931
§ “Thin Client Browser with Served Data - Manual Setup” on page 932
§ “Thin Client Browser with Direct Data - Manual Deployment Process” on page 939
§ “Thin Client Browser with Direct Data - Manual Setup” on page 940
§ “Display Server” on page 945
Served Data Versus Direct Data Connection
In some cases, the Display Server can act as your Data Server to support connections to necessary data sources, handle all defined data calculations, provide cache storage, and maintain the alert rules engine. However, there are situations where this is not possible or desirable.
Data Access/Centralization
Depending on where the Data Server will reside in the network, it may not be desirable to have direct TCP connections to each necessary data source. For example, data sources may reside in a sub-network where it is not possible to open multiple connections to the Display Server. In this case, the Data Server could act as a proxy so that one TCP or HTTP connection to the Data Server could be used to deliver data across the network.
Data Reduction/Aggregation
Sometimes the data exists in a network configuration where bandwidth is very sensitive. Data Servers could be used to maintain data aggregations, data caches and alert information that would only be accessed on demand by the Display Server. This will allow for significant optimization of network bandwidth.
If large amounts of data are cached, many data calculations are performed, or large alert rule bases are activated, it may be beneficial to distribute this processing load across one or multiple Data Servers.
The pros and cons of the two scenarios, Served Data and Direct Data Connection, are described below.
Issue |
Served Data |
Direct Data Connection |
Setup |
Requires Data Server setup |
Does not require Data Server setup |
Performance |
High performance with additional possibilities for scaling |
High performance unless the application needs to scale |
Security |
A bit more flexible as far as security options since direct data access can be separated from the platform hosting the Display Server |
Flexible unless there is an issue with directly connecting to data sources from the platform hosting the Display Server |
Scalability |
More scalable since Data Servers can be used to divide the processing load |
Less scalable since the Display Server must perform all processing |
Cost |
Hardware and Software costs per additional instance of Data Servers |
Less expensive if the Display Server can satisfy all scalability issues and can efficiently connect to all data sources |
Thin Client Browser with Served Data
The Thin Client Browser with Served Data deployment involves deploying one Display Server and one or more Data Servers. Each Data Server will have its own configuration files which describe data connections, cache definitions, function definitions, and alert definitions. The Display Server will have one connection to each deployed Data Server and gather the necessary data on demand when users are viewing applicable dashboards.
Choose “Thin Client Browser with Served Data”
Thin Client Browser with Direct Data Connection
The Thin Client Browser with Direct Data Connection deployment involves deploying only one Display Server. The Display Server will have a direct connection to all required data sources and will be responsible for serving dashboards, performing data calculations, caching data and processing alerts.
Choose “Thin Client Browser with Direct Data Connection”
Thin Client Browser with Served Data - Manual Deployment Process
The following is an overview of how to manually deploy the Thin Client Browser with Served Data option of RTView. The steps need to be followed in the order given. Alternatively, you can use the“Deployment Wizard” to help you deploy your project.
See “How It Works” for a Thin Client Browser with Served Data system overview and sequence of usage.
Note: This documentation is intended for users with a working knowledge of HTML code and application server administration. If you do not have a full understanding of these topics, you will need assistance from your system administrator.
Process Summary
“Step 1: Install and Configure Display Server”
“A: Verify System Requirements”
“Step 2: Configure and Install Display Servlet”
“A: Create Display Servlet HTML or JSP Files”
“B: Configure Display Servlet Options”
“Step 3: Configure and Install Display Server Portlet (Optional)”
Configure Display Server Portlet Options
Install Display Server Portlet
Instance the Display Server Portlet in Your Portal
“Step 4: Install and Configure Data Server”
“A: Verify System Requirements”
“E: Set up RTVAgent Servlet on Application Server (Optional)”
“Step 6: Start / Run Data Server”
Thin Client Browser with Served Data - Manual Setup
This section provides step-by-step instructions on how to manually deploy RTView. The steps must be done in the order given. Refer to “Thin Client Browser with Served Data - Manual Deployment Process” for a summary of these instructions. Alternatively, you can use the “Deployment Wizard” to help you deploy your project.
This section is intended for users with standard working knowledge of HTML, JSP, and servlet deployment on an application server.
An Apache Tomcat application server is included with your RTView installation for prototyping and testing your deployment before going into the production environment. The following instructions will work for your application server or the one that comes with RTView.
Step 1: Install and Configure Display Server
Install RTView on the system where you will run the Display Server. If you are using “High Availability Display Servers”, you will need to repeat the following steps on each system where you will run a Display Server.
• Java 1.5.0_01+
• Basic “System Requirements”
At this point you have verified your system requirements.
1. Install RTView. See “Installation” for more information.
2. Setup RTView. See “Setup” for more information.
At this point you have verified your system requirements and installed the Display Server.
Register for a license to run the Display Server. See “Registration” for more information.
At this point you have verified your system requirements, and installed and registered RTView.
1. Create a project directory to store Display Server configuration files.
2. Copy the following files into this directory from the project directory where you developed your RTView application:
• All display (*.rtv) files
• Style sheet (.rts) files (optional)
• OPTIONS.ini. See “Application Options” for more information.
• COLORS.ini (only required if Custom Colors have been defined). See “Custom Colors Tab” for more information.
• Refer to “Deployment” in the Data Sources section of this documentation for information on configuration (.ini) files specific to your data sources.
• Panel configuration file (optional). See “Multiple Display Panels” for more information.
• Security Configuration files (optional). See “Configuration” for more information.
Note: If you have no DISPLAYSERVER.ini file, create one now by configuring your Display Server application options. Otherwise, go to Step 2: Configure and Install Display Servlet.
3. Configure your Display Server application options. See “Display Server Configuration” for information on how to specify your options. All configuration files should be saved in the directory you just created.
Step 1 is completed. Go to Step 2: Configure and Install Display Servlet.
Step 2: Configure and Install Display Servlet
At this point you have completed the RTView installation and setup.
About Display Servlet
The Display Server uses the Display Servlet, a JSP servlet that runs on your application server. Clients communicate with the Display Servlet using HTTP. The Display Servlet communicates with the Display Server via socket to request HTML for display in the browser. The servlets\rtvdisplay directory contains files (JSP, HTML, classes, properties) necessary to install the Display Servlet.
A: Create Display Servlet HTML or JSP Files
The Display Servlet comes with a few HTML files for testing. You can use these to deploy, or you can create your own HTML or JSP files which make calls to the Display Servlet to show your displays.
Skip this step and go to “B: Configure Display Servlet Options” if both of the following are true:
• You will only be deploying one Display Server application on your application server
• You want to deploy using only the test HTML files that come with the Display Servlet
Note: If you skip this step, use servlets\rtvdisplay as your project directory referenced in Steps B and C, and use rtvdisplay for the appname argument for all of the scripts.
Otherwise, proceed with the following steps.
1. Create a project directory to store your Display Servlet files.
2. Copy into this directory from servlets\rtvdisplay.
3. Create the HTML files or JSP files for your Display Server application. See “Creating Display Servlet HTML Files” and “Creating Display Servlet JSP Files” for more information.
4. Copy these HTML or JSP files and any referenced files (e.g., images referenced in the HTML files) to this directory.
5. Copy sample_make_war.bat (for Windows) or (for UNIX) into this directory from servlets\rtvdisplay and rename it to make_war (with the appropriate extension).
6. This script takes a name for the web archive, without the .war extension, and builds a web archive file that includes all of the necessary RTView Display Servlet files along with all .html, .js, .gif, and .jpg files from the current directory. If there are other files you would like to include in your web archive, add them to the following line in your make_war script:
jar uf %1.war *.html *.jpg *.gif *.js *.jsp WEB-INF
Note: You may receive an error message if the script does not find at least one of each of the file types specified (.html, .jpg, etc). Disregard this error message.
B: Configure Display Servlet Options
The Display Servlet reads to get configuration information. If you have not installed the Display Servlet, modify the files in your project directory and it will be installed as part of the next step. If you have already installed the Display Servlet on your application server, you can edit this properties file in your application server. You may need to restart your application server after making changes to this file.
Use servlets\rtvdisplay as your project directory if you skipped “A: Create Display Servlet HTML or JSP Files”.
Set your options in as specified in “Display Servlet Configuration”.
At this point you have completed Display Servlet setup.
If you skipped “A: Create Display Servlet HTML or JSP Files”, use servlets\rtvdisplay as your project directory and rtvdisplay as your appname in this step.
Otherwise, use the project directory that you setup in Step A and your web archive file name for appname.
Note: If you will be running multiple Display Server applications on the same application server, each application must have a unique name.
1. In an initialized command window (see “Initializing a Command Prompt or Terminal Window”), go to your project directory and type:
make_war appname - This script creates a web archive (.war) that includes all of the files necessary to run the Display Servlet.
2. Your RTView installation includes an Apache Tomcat application server, so that you can prototype and test your deployment before moving it to your production server. If you will be using this application server, run the following script to install the Display Servlet:
install_to_demoserver appname - This script installs the web archive to the Apache Tomcat server included in your RTView installation.
Note: This script will shutdown and restart Apache Tomcat and requires administrative permissions.
3. If you will be using your own Apache Tomcat application server, run the following script to install the Display Servlet:
install_to_tomcat appname - This script installs the web archive to your Apache Tomcat server.
Note: This script will shutdown and restart Apache Tomcat and requires administrative permissions.
4. If you will be using an application server other than Apache Tomcat, install the files in the web archive to your application server according to the documentation for that product.
Step 2 is completed. Go to Step 3: Configure and Install Display Server Portlet (Optional).
Step 3: Configure and Install Display Server Portlet (Optional)
At this point you have setup the Display Server and the Display Servlet.
The Display Server can optionally be deployed as a portlet. The portlet is tested in Liferay and contains configuration files specific to Liferay, but should work with any JSR-168 compliant portal. If you want to deploy the Display Server as a servlet, skip this step and go to “Step 5: Run Display Server”.
Configure install and instance the Display Server Portlet as described in “Configure and Install Display Server Portlet (Optional)”.
Step 3 is completed. Go to Step 4: Install and Configure Data Server.
Step 4: Install and Configure Data Server
At this point you have setup the Display Server, Display Servlet and (optionally) the Display Server Portlet.
Install RTView on the system where you will run the Data Server(s). If you are using multiple or high availability Data Servers, you will need to repeat the following steps on each system where you will run Data Server(s). See “Data Server Tab” and “High Availability” for more information. If you want to run the Data Server from the RTView installation in Step 1, skip steps B and C.
• Basic “System Requirements”
• In addition to basic system requirements, refer to the “RTView Data Sources” section of this documentation for system requirements and setup specific to your data source.
• Data Server must be accessible via network to all clients.
Note: All clients must have permission to access the Data Server on the port specified for the socket in the DATASERVER.ini file (see Step D).
At this point you have verified your system requirements.
1. Install RTView (see “Installation”)
2. Setup RTView (see “Setup”)
At this point you have installed and setup RTView.
Register for a license (see “Registration”) for the Data Server.
At this point you have installed, setup and registered your RTView installation.
1. Create a project directory to store Data Server configuration files.
2. Copy the following files into the directory you just created from the project directory where you developed your RTView application:
• Refer to Deployment in the Data Sources section of this documentation for information on configuration (.ini) files specific to your data sources.
• All display (.rtv) files you want to preload (optional)
Note: If you are using multiple or high availability Data Servers, each Data Server needs to run on a different host and/or port. Be sure that the DATASERVER.ini file, the OPTIONS.ini file, and any related data source initialization files are all correct for this instance of the Data Server. See “Data Server Tab” and “High Availability” for more information.
3. If you already created a DATASERVER.ini that is configured to run the Data Server in socket mode on the correct port, copy the DATASERVER.ini to the project directory you just created. Then go to Step 2: Setup File Server.
If you have not created a DATASERVER.ini, go to next step.
4. In an initialized command window (see “Initializing a Command Prompt or Terminal Window”), go to the project directory you created and type:
run_dataserver -socket
5. Setup the Data Server configuration. See “Configuration Tab” for more information.
Note: The Data Server must be configured to run on a socket. The port specified for the socket must match the port specified for the Data Server in Step 2B-5.
6. Click the Save Configuration button to save DATASERVER.ini and exit the Data Server.
E: Set up RTVAgent Servlet on Application Server (Optional)
Note: This step is only required if you are setting up the Data Server to accept RTVAgent data via HTTP or HTTPS.
At this point you have setup the Display Server, Display Servlet, (optionally) the Display Server Portlet, and configured the Data Server.
1. Verify System Requirements
• Application server with a JSP servlet container, such as Apache Tomcat.
2. Install and Setup RTVAgent Servlet
The Data Server uses the RTVAgent Servlet that runs on your application server to access data sent from an RTVAgent application that is sending data via HTTP. The servlets\rtvagent directory contains all of the files necessary to configure and install the RTVAgent Servlet.
If you are using multiple Data Servers that are gathering RTVAgent data, you must configure and install a RTVAgent Servlet for each Data Server.
a. Configure RTVAgent Servlet Options
The RTVAgent Servlet reads the properties file to get configuration information. If you have not installed the RTVAgent Servlet, modify (in the servlets\rtvagent directory) and install. (Step 4E-2b - Install the RTVAgent Servlet). If you have already installed the RTVAgent Servlet on your application server, you can edit your properties file in the application server. Note: You may need to restart your application server after making changes to your properties file.
You can set the following options in
Options |
Description |
ServiceHost |
The name of the host on which the Data Server is running. Default is localhost. Note: Default localhost assumes the servlet and Data Server are running on the same machine. |
ServicePort |
Port for communicating with the Data Server. Default is 5665. |
ServiceTimeout |
Amount of time (in seconds) the servlet will wait for replies from the RTVAgent. Default is 15 seconds. |
The following is an example of the file:
b. Install the RTVAgent Servlet:
In an initialized command window, go to the servlets\rtvagent directory and type:
This script creates a web archive (.war) named rtvagent.war that includes all of the files necessary to run the RTVAgent Servlet.
Install the files in the rtvagent.war file to your application server according to the documentation for that product.
Step 4 is completed. Go to Step 5: Run Display Server.
At this point you have setup the Display Server, Display Servlet, (optionally) the Display Server Portlet, configured the Data Server and (optionally) setup the RTVAgent Servlet.
A: Start Display Server
1. Start the Display Server. Open an initialized command window (see “Initializing a Command Prompt or Terminal Window”) and go to the directory created in Step 1 and type:
run_displayserver -dataserver:remote://ipaddress:3278
Java options specified in “RTV_JAVAOPTS” are used by the run_displayserver scripts.
See “Command Line” for available command line options.
Note: The Display Server is instrumented with JMX to allow you to manage and monitor the display cache and application settings. See “Managing the Display Server Using JMX” for more information.
Step 5 is completed. Go to Step 6: Start/Run Data Server.
Step 6: Start / Run Data Server
At this point you have setup the Display Server, Display Servlet, (optionally) the Display Server Portlet, configured the Data Server, (optionally) setup the RTVAgent Servlet and run the Display Server. If you are using multiple or high availability Data Servers, you will need to repeat the following steps on each system where you will run Data Server(s). See “Data Server Tab” and “High Availability” for more information.
1. In an initialized command window (see “Initializing a Command Prompt or Terminal Window”), go to the directory you created in Step 1 and type:
2. Click Start Serving Data.
Note: You may also run the Data Server as a daemon process. See “Running the Data Server” for more information and additional options.
Note: The Data Server is instrumented with JMX to allow you to manage and monitor the clients and application settings. See “Managing the Display Server Using JMX” for more information.
You have finished Step 6. Go to Step 7: Test Client.
At this point you have setup the Display Server, Display Servlet, (optionally) the Display Server Portlet, configured the Data Server, (optionally) setup the RTVAgent Servlet and run the Display Server and Data Server.
1. Open a browser and navigate to the URL for the Display Servlet you set up in Step 2. For example:
http://host:8080/rtvdisplay/index.html |
Where host and port are correct for the application server hosting the Display Servlet. |
2. Login to the Display Server. By default, the Display Server does not require a login. “Login” can be enabled in the Display Servlet to support “Role-based Security”, If login is enabled, the default user name and password are:
User Name: admin
Password: admin
Note: It is possible that your system administrator may have configured another user name and password. In this case, you may also need to select a role. See “Role-based Security” for more information.
Problem: An error message appears in the browser.
Solution: Check the command window where you started the Display Server as well as the Display Servlet log file on your application server.
See the “Browser Client” and “Limitations” for more information.
Congratulations! RTView deployment is completed.
Thin Client Browser with Direct Data - Manual Deployment Process
The following is an overview of how to manually deploy the Thin Client Browser with Direct Data option of RTView. The steps need to be followed in the order given. Alternatively, you can use the “Deployment Wizard” to help you deploy your project.
See “How It Works” for a Thin Client Browser with Direct Data system overview and sequence of usage.
Note: This documentation is intended for users with a working knowledge of HTML code and application server administration. If you do not have a full understanding of these topics, you will need assistance from your system administrator.
Process Summary
“Step 1: Install and Configure Display Server”
“A: Verify System Requirements”
“Step 2: Configure and Install Display Servlet”
“A: Create Display Servlet HTML or JSP Files”
“B: Configure Display Servlet Options”
“Step 3: Configure and Install Display Server Portlet (Optional)”
Configure Display Server Portlet Options
Install Display Server Portlet
Instance the Display Server Portlet in Your Portal
Thin Client Browser with Direct Data - Manual Setup
This section provides step-by-step instructions on how to manually deploy RTView. The steps must be done in the order given. Refer to “Thin Client Browser with Direct Data - Manual Deployment Process” for a summary of these instructions. Alternatively, you can use the “Deployment Wizard” to help you deploy your project.
This section is intended for users with standard working knowledge of HTML, JSP and servlet deployment on an application server.
An Apache Tomcat application server is included with your RTView installation for prototyping and testing your deployment before going into the production environment. The following instructions will work for your application server or the one that comes with RTView.
Step 1: Install and Configure Display Server
Install RTView on the system where you will run the Display Server.
• Java 1.5.0_01+
• Basic system requirements
• In addition to basic system requirements, refer to the Data Sources section of this documentation for system requirements and setup specific to your data source.
At this point you have verified your system requirements.
1. Install RTView (see “Installation”)
2. Setup RTView (see “Setup”)
At this point you have verified your system requirements and installed the Display Server.
Register for a license (see “Registration”) to run the Display Server.
At this point you have verified your system requirements, and installed and registered RTView.
1. Create a project directory to store Display Server configuration files.
2. Copy the following files into this directory from the project directory where you developed your RTView application:
• All display (*.rtv) files
• Style sheet (.rts) files (optional)
• OPTIONS.ini. See “Application Options” for more information.
• COLORS.ini (only required if Custom Colors have been defined). See “Custom Colors Tab” for more information.
• Refer to Deployment in the Data Sources section of this documentation for information on configuration (.ini) files specific to your data sources.
• Panel configuration file (optional). See “Multiple Display Panels” for more information.
• Security Configuration files (optional). See “Configuration” for more information.
Note: If you have no DISPLAYSERVER.ini file, create one now by configuring your Display Server application options. Otherwise, go to “Step 2: Configure and Install Display Servlet”.
3. Configure your Display Server application options. See “Display Server Configuration” for information on how to specify your options. All configuration files should be saved in the directory you just created.
Step 1 is completed. Go to Step 2: Configure and Install Display Servlet.
Step 2: Configure and Install Display Servlet
At this point you have completed the RTView installation and setup.
About Display Servlet
The Display Server uses the Display Servlet, a JSP servlet that runs on your application server. Clients communicate with the Display Servlet using HTTP. The Display Servlet communicates with the Display Server via socket to request HTML for display in the browser. The servlets\rtvdisplay directory contains files (JSP, HTML, classes, properties) necessary to install the Display Servlet.
A: Create Display Servlet HTML or JSP Files
The Display Servlet comes with a few HTML files for testing. You can use these to deploy, or you can create your own HTML or JSP files which make calls to the Display Servlet to show your displays. See “Creating Display Servlet HTML Files” and “Creating Display Servlet JSP Files” for more information.
Skip this step and go to Step B: Configure Display Servlet Options if both of the following are true:
§ You will only be deploying one Display Server application on your application server
§ You want to deploy using only the test HTML files that come with the Display Servlet
Note: If you skip this step, use servlets\rtvdisplay as your project directory referenced in Steps B and C, and use rtvdisplay for the appname argument for all of the scripts.
Otherwise, proceed with the following steps.
1. 1. Create a project directory to store your Display Servlet files.
2. Copy into this directory from servlets\rtvdisplay.
3. Create the HTML files or JSP files for your Display Server application.
4. Copy these HTML or JSP files and any referenced files (e.g., images referenced in the HTML files) to this directory.
5. Copy sample_make_war.bat (for Windows) or (for UNIX) into this directory from servlets\rtvdisplay and rename it to make_war (with the appropriate extension).
6. This script takes a name for the web archive, without the .war extension, and builds a web archive file that includes all of the necessary RTView Display Servlet files along with all .html, .js, .gif, and .jpg files from the current directory. If there are other files you would like to include in your web archive, add them to the following line in your make_war script:
jar uf %1.war *.html *.jpg *.gif *.js *.jsp WEB-INF
Note: You may receive an error message if the script does not find at least one of each of the file types specified (.html, .jpg, etc). Disregard this error message.
B: Configure Display Servlet Options
The Display Servlet reads to get configuration information. If you have not installed the Display Servlet, modify the files in your project directory and it will be installed as part of the next step. If you have already installed the Display Servlet on your application server, you can edit this properties file in your application server. You may need to restart your application server after making changes to this file.
Use servlets\rtvdisplay as your project directory if you skipped Step A: Create Display Servlet HTML Files.
Set the your options in as specified in “Display Servlet Configuration”.
At this point you have completed Display Servlet setup.
If you skipped Step A: Create Display Servlet HTML Files, use servlets\rtvdisplay as your project directory and rtvdisplay as your appname in this step.
Otherwise, use the project directory that you setup in Step A and your web archive file name for appname.
Note: If you will be running multiple Display Server applications on the same application server, each application must have a unique name.
1. In an initialized command window (see “Initializing a Command Prompt or Terminal Window”), go to your project directory and type:
make_war appname |
This script creates a web archive (.war) that includes all of the files necessary to run the Display Servlet. |
2. Your RTView installation includes an Apache Tomcat application server so that you can prototype and test your deployment before moving it to your production server. If you will be using this application server, run the following script to install the Display Servlet:
install_to_demoserver appname |
This script installs the web archive to the Apache Tomcat server included in your RTView installation. Note: This script will shutdown and restart Apache Tomcat and requires administrative permissions. |
3. If you will be using your own Apache Tomcat application server, run the following script to install the Display Servlet:
install_to_tomcat appname |
This script installs the web archive to your Apache Tomcat server. Note: This script will shutdown and restart Apache Tomcat and requires administrative permissions. |
4. If you will be using an application server other than Apache Tomcat, install the files in the web archive to your application server according to the documentation for that product.
Step 2 is completed. Go to Step 3: Configure and Install Display Server Portlet (Optional).
Step 3: Configure and Install Display Server Portlet (Optional)
At this point you have setup the Display Server and the Display Servlet.
The Display Server can optionally be deployed as a portlet. The portlet is tested in Liferay and contains configuration files specific to Liferay, but should work with any JSR-168 compliant portal. If you want to deploy the Display Server as a servlet, skip this step and go to Step 4: Run Display Server.
Configure install and instance the Display Server Portlet as described in “Configure and Install Display Server Portlet (Optional)”.
Step 3 is completed. Go to Step 4: Run Display Server.
At this point you have setup the Display Server and the Display Servlet, and (optionally) setup the Display Server Portlet.
1. Start the Display Server. Open an initialized command window (see “Initializing a Command Prompt or Terminal Window”) and go to the directory created in Step 1 and type:
Java options specified in “RTV_JAVAOPTS” are used by the run_displayserver scripts.
See “Command Line” for available command line options.
Note: The Display Server is instrumented with JMX to allow you to manage and monitor the display cache and application settings. See “Managing the Display Server Using JMX” for more information.
Step 4 is completed. Go to Step 5: Test Client.
At this point you have setup and started the Display Server, and setup and installed the Display Servlet.
1. Open a browser and navigate to the URL for the Display Servlet you set up in Step 2. For example:
http://host:8080/rtvdisplay/index.html |
Where host and port are correct for the application server hosting the Display Servlet. |
2. Login to the Display Server. By default, the Display Server does not require a login. Login can be enabled in the Display Servlet to support “Role-based Security”. If login is enabled, the default user name and password are:
User Name: admin
Password: admin
Note: It is possible that your system administrator may have configured another user name and password. In this case, you may also need to select a role. See “Role-based Security” for more information.
Problem: An error message appears in the browser.
Solution: Check the command window where you started the Display Server as well as the Display Servlet log file on your application server.
See “Browser Client” and “Limitations” for more information.
Congratulations! RTView deployment is completed.
The Thin Client deployment is implemented using the Display Server. The Display Server consists of two parts, the Display Server application and the Display Servlet. The Display Server application is generally installed on a dedicated platform. It runs the RTView engine which loads displays, and gathers data which it passes on to the Display Servlet via a socket. The Display Server can either access data directly or it can connect to the Data Server for data. The Display Servlet is a JSP servlet that runs on an application server. Clients communicate with the Display Servlet using HTTP, so the only system requirement for a the client is a standard browser.
This document describes the system requirements, configuration, installation and runtime information for the “Display Server Application”, “Display Servlet”, and the “Browser Client”. Some objects and interactions behave differently in the Display Server than they do in the other RTView deployments. See the “Runtime Functionality” and “Limitations” sections below for more information.
System Requirements
The system where you will run the Display Server application must meet the following system requirements:
• Java 1.5.0_01+
• Basic “System Requirements”
• In addition to basic system requirements, if you will not be using the Data Server, refer to the “RTView Data Sources” section of this documentation for system requirements and setup specific to your data source.
Create DISPLAYSERVER.ini in your project directory with the following options:
Option |
Description |
cellsperexport |
Specify to limit the number of table cells included in HTML/Excel exports requested by the Thin Client. This option avoids out-of-memory exceptions and timeouts when exporting tables with many rows. This option is typically used in conjunction with the cellsperpage option, and has the following behavior: § If the cellsperexport option is not specified, or if a value of less than a 1000 is specified, the Display Server attempts to export all rows for all tables, regardless of the table size. § If a table contains fewer cells than the cellsperexport setting, the Display Server exports all rows for that table. § The exported HTM/Excel table starts with the same first row (or near it) that is visible in the Thin Client. That is, if you scroll to row 900 in the Thin Client and perform an HTML/Excel export, the exported table will begin near line 900. § If the rows included in an export to HTML/Excel are limited by the cellsperexport option, the first row in the exported file is the same as the first row currently visible in the Thin Client. |
§ An export to HTML/Excel requires less CPU and memory than an export to PDF (see cellsperreport), therefore the value of the cellsperexport option is typically larger than the value of the cellsperreport option. For example, if an export to HTML/Excel was performed on a table with 5 columns and 100,000 rows, and the option cellsperexport 30000 was specified when the Display Server was launched, 6000 rows (30000/5) would be included in an exported HTML/Excel file for that table. If the cellsperreport 5000 option was specified, an export to PDF would include 1000 rows from the table. Note: This option is not recognized by the Builder or the Viewer. Example: cellsperpage 10000 cellsperexport 30000 |
cellsperpage |
Specify server-side table paging and sorting mode, also referred to as paging mode, for the Thin Client. Paging mode improves the performance of displays containing table objects (obj_table02) with many rows. In paging mode, the Display Server sends a specified maximum number of table data rows at a time to the Thin Client, rather than sending all table data rows at once. This option avoids out-of-memory exceptions, timeouts and sluggish performance that can otherwise occur from processing and transmitting all of the rows at once. This option is typically used in conjunction with the cellsperexport and cellsperreport options, and can also be specified on the command line. See “Command Line Options: Display Server” for more information. The page of rows sent from the Display Server to the Thin Client includes all of the rows currently visible in the Thin Client plus additional rows above and/or below the visible rows. If the user scrolls beyond the rows contained in the current page or clicks on a column header to change the sorting order, the Display Server sends another page of rows in response. To specify in the DISPLAYSERVER.ini file: cellsperpage NNNN where NNNN specifies the number of table cells the Display Server includes per page. Typical values for cellsperpage are 10000 to 30000. |
The number of cells in a table is equal to the number of rows multiplied by the number of columns. For example, if cellsperpage = 10000, and the display contains a table with 5 columns, the Display Server uses a page size of 2000 rows for the table. This means the Display Server sends a maximum of 2000 table rows to the Thin Client at a time. If the table contains 40,000 rows the Display Server sends rows 1 through 2000 to the Thin Client when a user opens the display. If the user then scrolls to the bottom of the table, the Display Server sends rows 38,001 through 40,000 to the Thin Client. Similarly, if the user clicks on a column header to sort by that column, the Display Server sorts the table and sends the first 2000 sorted rows to the Thin Client. After the user scrolls or sorts a table in paging mode, the Thin Client displays '...' in each cell and an hourglass cursor appears over the table while it waits to receive the new page from the Display Server. The cellsperpage option also has the following behavior: |
§ A smaller value for cellsperpage reduces the memory requirements for processing large tables in the Display Server, Application Server, and browser. A larger value smooths scrolling in the Thin Client because it increases the number of rows through which the Thin Client can scroll before it needs to request another page from the Display Server. § If the cellsperpage option is not specified, or if a value less than a 1000 is specified, paging mode is disabled and the Display Server sends all data rows to the Thin Client for all tables regardless of the table size. § If a table contains fewer cells than the cellsperpage setting, the Display Server sends all rows for that table. § Paging mode only affects the behavior of obj_table02 objects, and only in the Thin Client. § The maxNumberOfHistoryRows property on obj_table02 still limits the maximum number of rows that are shown in the table, regardless of the cellsperpage setting. § After scrolling to a new page, if the user immediately drags the scrollbar again, the table may not react. The user may need to nudge the scrollbar knob or click on the scroll up/down arrows to make the table react. |
§ The Thin Client Export Table to Excel/HTML/PDF feature is not affected by paging mode. Attempts to export a table with many rows may result in timeouts or out-of-memory exceptions in the Display Server or in the Display Servlet. To avoid those errors, see the cellsperexport and cellsperreport Display Server options. § When displaying a table with more than 75,000 rows in Internet Explorer version 8, the last row in the table may be partially obscured even if the scrollbar knob is dragged to the bottom position. The last row can be made visible by using the mouse wheel but that may cause unused space to appear at the bottom of the table. § After the user clicks a column to sort a table, the table vertical scrollbar is reset to the top position. § The Thin Client ignores the scrollToSelectionFlag property on a table that is in paging mode. § A table row selection is cleared when a different page of rows is received from the Display Server. If a table is in paging mode, only rows that are on the current page can be selected, even if the table multiSelectFlag property is checked. |
cellsperreport |
Specify to limit the number of table cells included in PDF exports requested by the Thin Client. This option avoids out-of-memory exceptions and timeouts when exporting tables with many rows. This option is typically used in conjunction with the cellsperpage option, and has the following behavior: § If the cellsperexport option is not specified, or if a value of less than a 1000 is specified, the Display Server attempts to export all rows for all tables, regardless of the table size. § If a table contains fewer cells than the cellsperreport setting, the Display Server exports all rows for that table. § In an exported PDF file, the scroll position of the Thin Client has no effect on the starting row in the PDF file, nor any effect on the rows that are included in the PDF report. § An export to PDF requires more CPU and memory than an export to HTML/Excel (see cellsperexport), therefore the value of the cellsperreport option is typically smaller than the value of the cellsperexport option. For example, if an export to HTML/Excel was performed on a table with 5 columns and 100,000 rows, and the option cellsperexport 30000 was specified when the Display Server was launched, 6000 rows (30000/5) would be included in an exported HTML/Excel file for that table. If the cellsperreport 5000 option was specified, an export to PDF would include 1000 rows from the table. Note: This option is not recognized by the Builder or the Viewer. Example: cellsperpage 10000 cellsperreport 5000 |
clearsubs |
Set to false to preserve the value of local variables, for which the Use as Substitution option is selected, when navigating to different displays in the same panel. This behavior is consistent with that of the Display Viewer. By default (or if set to true), the Display Server will reset all local variables to their initial values when navigating to a new display regardless of the variable's value in the current display. Note: Global variables are not affected by this option. |
display_timeout |
Amount of time, in seconds, that a display can be kept in memory after the Display Servlet has stopped requesting it. Default is 60 seconds (to allow faster load time when switching between displays). |
imageformat |
Specify image format: jpg or png. If imageformat is not specified, the Display Server will automatically select the image that results in the fewer number of bytes for each display. By default the png format will be selected for most displays, but the jpg format is preferred for: § a background image in the main display § background images in graphs or labels § images with color gradients (especially those with lower imagequality values). |
imagequality |
Specify a value between 0 and 100 to control the quality of .jpg images. If the value is 100, the Display Server will output the highest quality image with the lowest compression. If the value is 0, the Display Server will output the lowest quality image using the highest compression. Default is 75. If the -verbose option is specified at startup, image creation time/size for each display refresh will be shown in the Display Server console output. Note: The Display Server chooses an image format (.jpg or .png) for each display, depending on which format produces the smallest image size (in bytes). The size of .png images is controlled by the pngcompress option. |
history_config |
To preload a display, making data immediately available. Preloaded displays are not unloaded unless the Display Server is restarted or the display cache is cleared via JMX (see “Managing the Display Server Using JMX”). This option may be used multiple times to specify multiple displays to preload: history_config rtvFileName substitution Substitutions are optional and must use the following syntax: $subname:subvalue $subname2:subvalue2 If a substitution value contains a single quote, it must be escaped using a / : $filter:Plant=/'Dallas/' If a substitution value contains a space, it must be enclosed in single quotes. Do not escape these single quotes: $subname:subvalue $subname2:'sub value 2' A substitution string cannot contain the following: : | . tab space , ; = < > ' " & / \ { } [ ] ( ) |
max_displays |
Number of displays kept in memory. Default is 20 (to optimize memory used by the Display Server). |
passclientlogin |
If true, pass RTView login information into all data sources that have the Use Client Credentials option enabled. Note: Some data sources do not support this feature. For information on Application Options for your data source, refer to the Data Sources section of this documentation. |
pngcompress |
Specify a value between 1 and 9 to control the quality of .png images. If the value is 1, the Display Server will output the highest quality image with the lowest compression. If the value is 9, the Display Server will output the lowest quality image using the highest compression. Default is 9. A value of 3 is a good compromise between speed and quality. If the -verbose option is specified at startup, image creation time/size for each display refresh will be shown in the Display Server console output. Note: The Display Server chooses an image format (.jpg or .png) for each display, depending on which format produces the smallest image size (in bytes). The size of .jpg images is controlled by the imagequality option. |
port |
Port that the Display Server uses to communicate with the Display Servlet. Default is 3279. Note: If you will be running multiple Display Server applications on the same application server, you must specify a unique port for each application. |
shared_display |
Enables Display Sharing for a display. Add the name of the display (.rtv) file and the substitutions, if any, to be applied when the display is opened: shared_display <filename> [substitutions] Where: <filename> is the name of a display (.rtv) file to share. [substitutions] is an optional list of substitution string:value pairs, separated by spaces. If a substitution value contains spaces it must be enclosed in single quotes. Example: shared_display navtop.rtv shared_display summary.rtv $region:East See “Overview - Display Sharing” for more information. |
Example of the above options set in the DISPLAYSERVER.ini file:
cellsperpage 10000
cellsperexport 30000
cellsperreport 5000
clearsubs false
display_timeout 60
imagequality 75
history_config trend1.rtv
max_displays 20
port 3279
passclientlogin false
shared_display navtop.rtv
shared_display summary.rtv $region:East
RTView offers role based security that allows you to limit access to displays based on the user's role. User and role definitions also support substitutions. When role based security is enabled, users are prompted to login. The default user name and password are:
User Name: admin
Password: admin
Note: To use this feature, you must also enable it in the Display Servlet by specifying LoginEnabled in
To use this security feature, do the following:
1. Define the users that can access RTView, assign each user a password and one or more associated roles. If your user definitions are in an XML file, copy this file to your project directory.
2. Set “Role Definitions” to specify which displays users can access. If your role definitions are in an XML file, copy this file to your project directory.
3. Enable the Use Client Credentials option if you want to pass RTView login user name and password to database connections. Note: Some data sources do not support this feature. For information on Application Options for your data source, refer to the “RTView Data Sources” section of this documentation.
Use the -passclientlogin command line option or the -passclientlogin option (see Step 1D-3) in the DISPLAYSERVER.ini configuration file to pass RTView login into these database connections. See “Command Line Options: Display Server” for more information.
See “Login”, “Roles and Displays”, and “Configuration” for more information.
Running the Display Server
You can run the Display Server as an application or in the background as a Windows Service. See “Running as a Windows Service” for more information.
To run the Display Server as an application: open an initialized command window (see “Initializing a Command Prompt or Terminal Window”), go to your project directory, and type:
Several command line options are supported for the Display Server. Java options specified in “RTV_JAVAOPTS” are used by the run_displayserver scripts. See “Command Line Options: Display Server” for more information.
Note: The Display Server is instrumented with JMX to allow you to manage and monitor the display cache and application settings. See “Managing the Display Server Using JMX” for more information.
High Availability Display Servers
It is possible to designate one or more backup Display Servers to take over during a failover event when the Display Servlet discovers that the current Display Server is no longer accessible. Backup servers may be run in hot standby mode (default) or warm standby mode (designated as a command line option). In hot standby mode all global variable definitions, as well as cache and alert definitions, are loaded and activated at start up. In warm standby mode none of these actions are performed, thereby avoiding the overhead of maintaining Alert and Cache data sources until the backup server has become the primary. See “Command Line Options: Display Server” for more information.
You can specify a primary Display Server, as well as one or more backup Display Servers, in the file.
At startup, the Display Servlet will connect to the primary server if available, otherwise it will connect to the backup server. If neither is available, the Display Servlet will periodically retry connecting to both. If the Display Servlet connects to either the primary or the backup, and later the connection is lost, it will then try to connect to the other server. If a Display Servlet connects to a backup server and later the primary server becomes available, the Display Servlet will not switch to the primary unless the connection to the backup server is lost. See “Display Servlet Configuration” for more information.
If the Display Server is using the Data Server to connect to data, primary and backup Data Servers can also be specified. Refer to “Running the Data Server” for more information.
The Display Server uses the Display Servlet, a JSP servlet that runs on your application server. Clients communicate with the Display Servlet using HTTP. The Display Servlet communicates with the Display Server via socket to request HTML for display in the browser. The servlets\rtvdisplay directory contains files (JSP, HTML, classes, properties) necessary to install the Display Servlet.
This section is intended for users with standard working knowledge of HTML, JSP and servlet deployment on an application server.
System Requirements
Display Servlet requires an application server with a servlet container such as Apache Tomcat. An Apache Tomcat application server is included with your RTView installation for prototyping and testing your deployment before going into the production environment. The following instructions will work for your application server or the one that comes with RTView. See
The Display Servlet reads and to get configuration information. See “Localize Display Server” for more information.
Note: The file provides the ability to localize messages that appear in the browser.
The file is located in servlets\rtvdisplay with the default settings. If you do not want to use the default settings, copy this file to your project directory and modify.
Set the following options in
Option |
Description |
DisplayServerBackup |
The name of the host and port for designated backup servers. Designation of backup servers is optional; multiple backup servers should be separated by a comma. |
DisplayServerConnectionFailback |
When set to true, the rtvdisplay servlet attempts to reconnect to its primary Display Server, approximately every 30 seconds, while connected to its backup Display Server. When the connection to the primary server is restored the servlet disconnects from the backup server and resumes using the primary server. By default, this option is false. To enable this behavior add DisplayServerConnectionFailback=true, then rebuild and deploy the rtvdisplay.war file. |
DisplayServerConnectionPool |
Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous connections the Display Servlet makes to the Display Server, and, consequently determines the maximum number of display requests the Display Server processes simultaneously. The default value is 10. This option improves response times on multi-CPU systems by enabling the Display Servlet to manage a pool of threaded requests to the Display Server. By default, the Display Servlet opens to 10 simultaneous connections to the Display Server, allowing it to process up to 10 display requests simultaneously. |
DisplayServerHost |
The name of the host on which the Display Server is running. Default is localhost. Note: Default localhost assumes the Display Server and Display Servlet are running on the same application server. |
DisplayServerPort |
Port for communicating with the Display Server. Default is 3279. This must be the same port specified in your DISPLAYSERVER.ini file. Note: If you will be running multiple Display Server applications on the same application server, you must specify a unique port for each application. |
DisplayServerTimeout |
Amount of time (in seconds) the Display Servlet waits for replies from the Display Server. Default is 15 seconds. |
DefaultRefreshInterval |
Rate (in seconds) at which displays are refreshed. Default is 15 seconds. Set this interval to 0 if you do not want displays automatically refreshed. Note: The refresh rate specified in the rtvRefreshInterval property or the URL or DIV tag used to open a display will override this value. See “Background Properties”, “Creating Display Servlet HTML Files”, and “Creating Display Servlet JSP Files” for more information. |
LoginEnabled |
Set to true to enable role management security. If enabled, a login dialog will appear when the client browses to the URL for the Display Servlet, unless single sign-on is configured. The default is false. |
MaxSharedDisplays |
Used to configure Display Sharing, specifies the maximum number of shared displays for which the Display Servlet stores content. The default is 10. (This property does not need to be included in the file if the default setting is used). See “Overview - Display Sharing” for more information. Note: Best practices dictate that the MaxSharedDisplays property be set to a value at least as large as the number of shared_display entries in DISPLAYSERVER.ini. |
SharedDisplayRefreshInterval |
Used to configure Display Sharing, specifies the time interval at which the Display Servlet updates the content it uses for a shared display. The default is 15 seconds. See “Overview - Display Sharing” for more information. |
VirtualThreshold |
Set the cell count of a table at which point Virtual Mode is used. Default is 500. For smooth scrolling, data is preloaded into tables with less than 500 cells. For tables with more than 500 cells, Virtual Mode is used in which data is paged into the tables to speed processing time for displaying, refreshing and sorting. However, the table may blink while scrolling in this mode. |
Example of the file:
DefaultRefreshInterval =15
The file contains settings for text displayed by the thin client (i.e. popup menus, login window, status window, error messages, etc.). This file is located in the WEB-INF/classes/gmsjsp directory of the rtvdisplay.war file. For localization, extract this file from rtvdisplay.war and modify. Make a copy of this file with the desired locale suffix (e.g. for Japanese) and pack into rtvdisplay.war, in WEB-INF/classes/gmsjsp.
The locale setting of the application server (e.g. tomcat) will determine which .properties file to load. If the app server does not have the desired locale setting for the thin client, then edit the original file ( instead.
Create Custom Servlet Files
The Display Servlet comes with a few HTML files for testing. You can use these to deploy, or you can create your own HTML files or JSP files that make calls to the Display Servlet to show your displays. All custom HTML or JSP files should be saved in your project directory or a subdirectory. See “Creating Display Servlet HTML Files”, “Creating Display Servlet JSP Files”, and “Test Displays” for more information.
Create War File
If you will not be using the Deployment Wizard to generate your deployment, you will need to create a .war file that contains, and any custom servlet files:
1. Copy sample_make_war.bat (for Windows) or (for UNIX) into this directory from servlets\rtvdisplay and rename it to make_war (with the appropriate extension).
2. This script takes a name for the web archive, without the .war extension, and builds a web archive file that includes all of the necessary RTView Display Servlet files along with all .html, .js, .gif and .jpg files from the current directory. If there are other files you would like to include in your web archive, add them to the following line in your make_war script:
jar uf %1.war *.html *.jpg *.gif *.js *.jsp WEB-INF
Note: You may receive an error message if the script does not find at least one of each of the file types specified (.html, .jpg, etc). Disregard this error message.
3. Type make_war warName where warName is the name of the war file to create.
Once you have created a war file for the Display Servlet, you will need to install it to your application server. An Apache Tomcat application server is included with your RTView installation for prototyping and testing your deployment before going into the production environment. You can either use this application server or your own.
If did not create a war file, use servlets\rtvdisplay as your project directory and rtvdisplay as your appname in the steps below.
Otherwise, use your project directory and your web archive file name for appname.
Note: If you will be running multiple Display Server applications on the same application server, each Display Servlet war file must have a unique name.
1. In an initialized command window (see “Initializing a Command Prompt or Terminal Window”), go to your project directory and type:
make_war appname |
This script creates a web archive (.war) that includes all of the files necessary to run the Display Servlet. |
2. Your RTView installation includes an Apache Tomcat application server, so that you can prototype and test your deployment before moving it to your production server. If you will be using this application server, run the following script to install the Display Servlet:
install_to_demoserver appname |
This script installs the web archive to the Apache Tomcat server included in your RTView installation. Note: This script will shutdown and restart Apache Tomcat and requires administrative permissions. |
3. If you will be using your own Apache Tomcat application server, run the following script to install the Display Servlet:
install_to_tomcat appname |
This script installs the web archive to your Apache Tomcat server. Note: This script will shutdown and restart Apache Tomcat and requires administrative permissions. |
4. If you will be using an application server other than Apache Tomcat, install the files in the web archive to your application server according to the documentation for that product.
Configure and Install Display Server Portlet (Optional)
The Display Server can optionally be deployed as a portlet. The portlet is tested in Liferay and contains configuration files specific to Liferay, but should work with any JSR-168 compliant portal. If you want to deploy the Display Server as a servlet, skip this step.
Configure Display Server Portlet Options
The servlets\rtvportlet directory contains all of the files necessary to install the Display Server portlet. It includes a web.xml and several other configuration files necessary for use in a Liferay portal. Make any necessary changes to these files, or if you are using another JSR-168 compliant portal, copy any required configuration files to this directory. The Display Server portlet requires the Display Servlet to run and will access it at http://host:port/rtvdisplay, where host and port are the host and port where the portlet is running. If this is not the case, modify the value for the rtvServletUrl parameter in portlet.xml to point to the correct location of the Display Servlet. Rebuild the rtvportlet.war file using the make_war.bat script.
Install Display Server Portlet
Install servlets\rtvportlet\rtvporlet.war to your portal according to the documentation for that product.
Instance the Display Server Portlet in Your Portal
Once the Display Server portlet is installed to your portal, you can instance it according to the documentation for that product. The Display Server portlet supports edit mode and view mode. In edit mode, you can specify the display, refresh rate, window name, width and height for the portlet.
System Requirements
The client requires a standard browser.
Accessing the Project
1. Open a browser and navigate to the URL for the Display Servlet. For example:
http://host:8080/rtvdisplay/index.html |
Where host and port are correct for the application server hosting the Display Servlet. |
2. Login to the Display Server. By default, the Display Server does not require a login. Login can be enabled in the Display Servlet to support “Role-based Security”, If login is enabled, the default user name and password are:
User Name: admin
Password: admin
Note: It is possible that your system administrator may have configured another user name and password. In this case, you may also need to select a role. See “Role-based Security” for more information.
Problem: An error message appears in the browser.
Solution: Check the command window where you started the Display Server as well as the Display Servlet log file on your application server.
Option |
Description |
Command Execution |
Depending on the command, it executes either on the Display Server or the client. See “Define/Execute Command” for further information. Some commands are not supported on the Display Server. See Display Server “Limitations” (below) for information. |
Control Objects |
HTML control objects are generated for the following: § Combo Box § Check Box § Text Entry § List Box § Push Button § Slider |
Display Refresh |
Right-click in the page and select Refresh to refresh the display. Note: The web browser's Refresh button resets the display to its original state if you have updated variables or substitutions using an object in the display. |
Drill Down |
Drill down functionality is supported using hyperlinks. Single-click to activate a drill down display. |
Fx Graphs |
The Display Server generates Adobe® Flash to display Fx graph objects. This requires Adobe® Flash Player 9.0+. The Fx graph object support the following interaction: § Zoom: zoom-in by dragging in trace area, zoom-out by Shift+Click. § Scrolling: live scrolling through time range § Cursor: slide horizontally to see interpolated data values in legend § Data Tips: text boxes with data info popup when mouse is over a data point § Legend: can be positioned above, below, right, or left of trace area. The legend can be resized interactively, and clicking on a trace's legend entry toggles the visibility of the trace. |
LoginEnabled |
Set to true to enable role management security. If enabled, a login dialog will appear when the client browses to the URL for the Display Servlet, unless “Display Server Single Sign-On” is configured. The default is false. |
Popup Menu Interaction |
1. Right-click in the page to open a Display Server popup menu. 2. Hold down the <Shift> key while you right-click to bring up the web browser's popup menu. 3. Logout by right-clicking and selecting Log Off before closing the web browser. Some web browsers may not logout the user after the browser window has been closed. |
Resize Mode |
To globally specify a Window Resize Mode, select Tools>Options>“General Tab” or set -resizemode on the command line. It is also possible to set a specific Resize Mode for each particular display (.rtv) file using the “Background Properties” dialog. The default Resize Mode for the Thin Client is Crop. Runtime behavior in the Thin Client differs in the following cases: § When the initial display is opened, the browser frame is not resized to match the display size as it is in the Display Viewer. Instead, in the default Crop mode, the display will appear in its full size. Additionally if the browser frame is larger than the display, then unused space will appear below and to the right of the display. If the browser frame is smaller than the display, then scrollbars will appear. In Layout and Scale modes, the display will briefly appear at its default size and will then resize to fit the browser frame size. This may also occur if another tab is opened in the browser, the browser is resized, and then the browser tab that contains the Thin Client is reselected. |
§ In Layout and Scale modes, after resizing the browser frame, table objects and Fx charts will revert to their original states. For example if you clicked on a column header in a table to sort the column, after resize the table would revert to its default sort. Likewise if you scrolled in a table, resized the legend, or zoomed in on an Fx chart, after resize the scrollbars and legend will revert to their initial position and size. § In Scale mode, there will be unused space in the browser frame. This is due to the fact that, to ensure equal scaling in both dimensions, the display will only use the largest 4"x3" rectangular area of the frame. The unused area will have the same color as the display background, but will not have a gradient fill. |
Status |
From the Display Server popup menu, select Status to access the following information: § Name of the current RTView display § Time the display was last refreshed § URL and connection status for the rtvdisplay servlet § Hostname and port used by the servlet to connect to the Display Server |
Table Objects |
The Display Server generates JavaScript to display table objects (obj_table02). The JavaScript table allows scrolling, sorting and column resizing. Right-click on a table and select Export to Excel to open Excel in a web browser, or Export to HTML to export to an HTML file with the data from the selected table. |
VirtualThreshold |
Set the cell count of a table at which point Virtual Mode is used. Default is 500. For smooth scrolling, data is preloaded into tables with less than 500 cells. For tables with more than 500 cells, Virtual Mode is used in which data is paged into the tables to speed processing time for displaying, refreshing and sorting. However, the table may blink while scrolling in this mode. |
§ “Threshold Commands” are not supported in the Display Server, as well as the following “Commands”:
– Beep
– Play Audio File
– Run DOS Command or UNIX Shell
§ The commandCloseWindowOnSuccess property is not supported in the Display Server.
§ The Display Server does not support command failure notification on the client. Notification only appears as a console message on the server.
§ Drill down displays have the following limitations: ◦The Topmost Window Mode has no effect in the Display Server, it is equivalent to the Normal setting.
– If the user clicks outside of a display from which a drill down in Modal Window Mode was opened, but still within the same browser instance (i.e.: in another frame or iframe), the modal drill down may be obscured. When the mouse is moved across or clicked in the parent display, the modal drill down will return to the top.
– In Modal Window Mode the user can close the main browser window without first closing the drill down window.
– If the Window Position specified is completely off-screen, the coordinates will be adjusted so that the window is partially on-screen.
– If the Window Position is set to Center of Screen or Center of Parent the window open slightly lower than expected.
– In Firefox, when drill down window is closed the next mouse click in the parent window may be ignored.
Table Objects
§ The Display Server generates JavaScript to display table objects (obj_table02). The JavaScript table has the following limitations: ◦The scrollbarMode, tabIndex, and editDataEnabledFlag properties are ignored. The default values are used.
– The minimum requirements for viewing in a web browser are Internet Explorer 5.5, Netscape 7.1 and Firefox 1.0.
– For smooth scrolling, data is preloaded into tables with less than 500 cells. For tables with more than 500 cells, Virtual Mode is used in which data is paged into the tables to speed processing time for displaying, refreshing and sorting. However, the table may blink while scrolling in this mode. To modify, use the VirtualThreshold property in See “Display Servlet Configuration” for information.
– If a sort column is configured in the table object in the Display Builder, the sort icon does not appear in the column header when viewed in the Display Server. The sort icon appears if the sort column is selected at the time the Display Server is started.
§ Table object (obj_table02) has the following limitations:
– When the multiSelectFlag property is enabled:
a. Multiple rows can only be selected using Ctrl+Left click.
b. A mouse click must be used to select columns.
c. A right-click does not select a row under the mouse pointer
d. Once a table is displayed, changes to the value of the multiSelectFlag property are ignored.
e. In Firefox, a double right-click must be used to open popup menus.
– When the indexColumns property is enabled it is ignored. Also, a selection made in the table gets cleared if the number of rows in the table changes after a data update.
– The columnResizeEnabledFlag cannot be toggled.
– The rowHeaderEnabledFlag cannot be toggled.
Graph Objects
§ The scrollbarSize property is ignored. The system default value is used.
Object Grid
§ The scrollbarSize property is ignored. The system default value is used.
Control Objects
§ Since Firefox does not support multi-line tool tips, any returns (i.e. \n) found in mouseOverText entries will be replaced with spaces.
§ Invalid numeric characters that are copied and pasted into text entry fields are not rejected.
Slider Control
§ The Slider Control (obj_c1scale) is drawn as a scrollbar rather than a slider.
§ The updateWhileAdjustingFlag, bgColor, and objHeight properties are not supported.
§ The enabledFlag property is not supported in Firefox.
Button Control
§ In Firefox, the defaultButtonFlag is ignored unless a control object in the display has focus.
Combo Box Control
•The textEditEnabledFlag property is not supported.
Date Chooser Control
§ Uses the Datejs date library for parsing and formatting dates and times. The Datejs library subclasses the standard javascript Date object. If you embed a display with the Date Chooser control object inside your javascript application, it may pickup the Datejs date class instead of the standard date class. The Datejs library is distributed under the MIT License and can be downloaded at
§ The month and day names can be localized by replacing the date.js file in the Display Servlet with a localized version. To do this, go to servlets\rtvdisplay in your RTView installation directory. Extract the appropriate date*.js file for your language from Rename this file to date.js in the servlets\rtvdisplay directory and rebuild the Display Servlet .war file. Note: The default date.js is a copy of date-en-US.js from the file.
§ The following dateFormat specifiers are not supported:
G, w, W, D, F, E, k, K, S, z, Z
§ No validation against specified dateFormat for date entered in text entry field.
Generated HTML Controls
§ Control objects are generated with your browser's default font and color settings. The bgColor and valueTextFont properties are ignored.
§ In older browsers that do not support CSS, HTML control objects may not be positioned correctly and appear outside the image.
§ Control objects are reset to their initial values when a Drill Down is executed. To display the current value, attach the selectedValue property to a variable or Get Substitution function for the substitution set.
Fx Graph Objects
§ The Fx graph objects can be resource intensive during display loading and updating. This should be kept in mind when designing displays. A display containing several Fx graph objects may load slowly.
§ If the context menu is opened near an Fx graph object, the menu will be partially hidden by the Fx graph.
§ A right-click inside an Fx graph object will open the Flash Player menu, not the Thin Client's context menu.
§ In the iPad settings for Safari, JavaScript must be ON and Block Pop-ups should be OFF. As of this writing, the Thin Client has been tested only on iOS 4.3.5 in Safari.
§ The iPad does not support Adobe Flash, so the Fx graph objects (obj_fxtrend, obj_fxpie, obj_fxbar) are unavailable. The Thin Client automatically replaces the Fx graph objects with the equivalent non-Fx object (obj_trendgraph02, obj_pie, obj_bargraph). Note that the replacement objects behave the same as the Fx objects in most cases but not in all. In particular, obj_trendgraph02 does not support the sliding cursor object nor the legendPosition property. Custom Fx objects are not supported on the iPad.
§ The Thin Client implements scrollbars for table objects and graph objects. However, unlike the scrollbars used on desktop browsers, the scrollbars used on the iPad do not have arrow buttons at each end. This can make it difficult to scroll precisely (for example, row by row) on objects with a large scrolling range.
§ At full size, users may find it difficult to touch the intended display object without accidentally touching nearby objects and performing an unwanted drill-down, sort, scroll, and so forth. This is particularly true of table objects that support drill-down and also scrolling, and also in panel layouts that the tree navigation control. In those cases, the user may want to zoom the iPad screen before interacting with the Thin Client.
§ If the iPad sleeps or auto-locks while a Thin Client display is open in Safari, or if the Safari application is minimized by clicking on the iPad's home button, the display is not updated until the iPad is awakened and Safari is reopened. In some cases it may be necessary to refresh the page from Safari's navigation bar.
Because the iPad uses a touch interface there are differences in the Thin Client appearance and behavior in iOS Safari as compared to the conventional desktop browsers that use a cursor (mouse) interface, such as Firefox and Internet Explorer. These are described below.
§ Popup browser windows: An RTView object's drill-down target can be configured to open a display in a new window. In a desktop browser, when the RTView object is clicked the drill-down display is opened in a popup browser window. But in iOS Safari 4.3.5, only one page is visible at a time, so when the RTView object is touched a new page containing the drill-down display opens and fills the screen. The Safari navigation bar can be used to toggle between the currently open pages or close them.
§ Mouseover text: When mouseover text and drill-down are both enabled on an RTView object (for example, a bar graph), in iOS Safari the first touch on an element in the object (for example, a bar) displays the mouseover text for that element and the second touch on the same element performs the drill-down.
§ Resize Mode and Layout: By default, the Display Server runs with resizeMode set to crop. In crop mode, if a display is larger than the panel that contains it only a portion of the display is visible. In a desktop browser, scrollbars become available to allow the user to scroll to view the entire display. In iOS Safari, scrollbars do not appear but the display can be scrolled by dragging two fingers inside the display. (Dragging one finger scrolls the entire page, not the display).
If the Display Server is run with resizeMode set to scale or layout, the display is resized to fit into the panel that contains it. If a desktop browser is resized after a display is opened, the display is resized accordingly. On the iPad, the Safari browser can only be resized by reorienting the iPad itself, between portrait mode and landscape mode.
The panel layout feature is supported in the Thin Client. However, unlike a desktop browser which resizes to match the layout size, the size of Safari is fixed. So if the Display Server is run with resizeMode set to crop or scale mode, there may be unused space at the edges of the display(s) or, in crop mode, the panels and displays may be cropped.
This means that layout mode should be used for best results on the iPad. For layout mode to be most effective, displays should use the anchor and dock object properties. Please see RTView documentation for more information.
§ Scrolling: The Thin Client implements scrollbars for table objects and graph objects. The scrollbars are activated by dragging with one finger.
If an RTView display is viewed in crop mode and is too large to be displayed entirely in Safari, scrollbars do not appear (as they would in a desktop browser) but the display can be scrolled by dragging with two fingers inside the display.
Scrollbars do not ever appear in a text area control. If the text area contains more text than is visible, use the two finger drag in the text area to scroll the text.
Regardless of the size of a listbox control, it can only display a single item (typically, the selected item). When the listbox is touched, the list of items appear in a popup list. In other words, on iOS Safari the listbox control and the combobox control behave identically.
On the default Thin Client page (opened as http://hostname/rtvdisplay), the panels cannot be resized by dragging the border between the left and right frame, as they can in a desktop browser. The list of displays in the left hand panel can be scrolled by dragging with two fingers inside the panel.
§ Context menu: The Thin Client context menu is opened by a right mouse button click in a desktop browser. It is opened in iOS Safari by touching any location on a display and holding that touch for 2 seconds. The menu appears in the top left corner of the display, regardless of where the display is touched. The items Export Table to Excel, Drill Down, and Execute Command are not included on the context menu in Safari. All other items are available. The Export Table to HTML item is enabled if a table object is touched (unless the table object's drillDownTarget is configured to open another display). After and Export to PDF/HTML is performed, the exported content opens on another page in Safari. From there, the content can either be opened by another application (for example, the iBooks application opens PDF) and emailed, or it can be copied ands pasted into an email.
Two HTML files are included in the rtvdisplay.war for testing. You can also open a display by entering the JSP directly in the URL.
1. Open index.html (e.g., http://host:port/rtvdisplay/index.html).
In the left frame of index.html is a list of display (.rtv) files available in the directory where you started the Display Server. The main frame should show the selected display.
2. Open panels.html (e.g., http://host:port/rtvdisplay/panels.html).
The panels.html file arranges multiple display panels in frames according to your panel configuration file. If the panel configuration file is not found in the project directory where you are running the Display Server, the Display Server searches under lib in your installation directory. See the “Multiple Display Panels” section for information on creating panel configuration files.
Note: The CardPanel and GridPanel are not currently not supported in the Display Server.
3. Specify the panel configuration file name and the border width (in pixels) in the URL:
4. To specify a display to open in the URL:
5. Specify substitutions to apply to your display and a refresh rate (in seconds) which overrides the DefaultRefreshRate in (specified in Step 2A):
Note: To specify multiple substitutions, separate them with a + (plus). If a substitution value contains a single quote, escape it with a / (forward slash). If a substitution value contains a space, enclose it in single quotes (do not escape these quotes) and replace the space with a +.
Creating Display Servlet HTML Files
The Display Servlet comes with a few HTML files for testing. You can use these to deploy, or you can create your own HTML files which reference getdisplay.jsp to show the specified display (.rtv) file. getdisplay.jsp supports three parameters:
getdisplay.jsp Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
display |
The name of the display (.rtv) file to show. |
refresh |
The refresh rate (in seconds) at which the display inside this URL should be refreshed. Set to 0 if you do not want displays periodically refreshed. Note: This refresh rate overrides the rtvRefreshInterval property. If no refresh rate is specified, the interval defined in the file will be used unless you have set a value for rtvRefreshInterval. This parameter is optional. See “Background Properties” and “Display Server Configuration” for more information. |
rtvpass |
If “Login” is enabled, specify the password in plain text to use for the login. This parameter must be used in conjunction with rtvuser and will bypass the login dialog. If the rtvrole parameter is not specified for a user with multiple roles, the first role will be used. Use the rtvsign parameter instead to specify an encoded user name and password. Any non-alphanumeric characters in the parameter value must be URL encoded as %xx, where xx is the hexadecimal value of the ASCII character. Note: If the user name or password specified is not valid, the login dialog will appear. |
rtvrole |
If “Login” is enabled, specify the role to use for the login. This parameter must be used with rtvsign or rtvuser and rtvpass. If this parameter is not specified for a user with multiple roles, the first role will be used. Any non-alphanumeric characters in the parameter value must be URL encoded as %xx, where xx is the hexadecimal value of the ASCII character. Note: It may be necessary to URL-encode the username, password, or role, depending on the characters they contain. |
rtvsign |
If “Login” is enabled, specify an encoded user name and password to use for the login, and bypass the login dialog. Contact SL Technical Support at to request a copy of the utility to create the encoded strings. If the rtvrole parameter is not specified for a user with multiple roles, the first role will be used. Note: If the user name or password specified is not valid, the login dialog will appear. |
rtvuser |
If “Login” is enabled, specify the user name in plain text to use for the login. This parameter must be used in conjunction with rtvpass and will bypass the login dialog. If the rtvrole parameter is not specified for a user with multiple roles, the first role will be used. Use the rtvsign parameter instead to specify an encoded user name and password. Any non-alphanumeric characters in the parameter value must be URL encoded as %xx, where xx is the hexadecimal value of the ASCII character. Note: If the user name or password specified is not valid, the login dialog will appear. |
subs |
The substitution(s) to apply to the display. To specify multiple substitutions, separate them with a + (plus). If a substitution value contains a single quote, escape it with a / (forward slash). If a substitution value contains a space, enclose it in single quotes (do not escape these quotes) and replace the space with a +. Any non-alphanumeric characters in the parameter value must be URL encoded as %xx, where xx is the hexadecimal value of the ASCII character. This parameter is optional. |
For example:
The HTML returned by getdisplay.jsp is only suitable to be displayed as an entire page, in a window, frame or iframe, so it can be used only in the href tag for links, or the src tag for frames and iframes:
<A HREF="getdisplay.jsp?display=MyDisplay"> View My Display </A>
<FRAME SRC="getdisplay.jsp?display=MyDisplay">
<IFRAME SRC="getdisplay.jsp?display=MyDisplay">
The demos\esphere example shows how to setup a navigation frame on the left that uses getdisplay.jsp to load displays into the main frame. To show multiple displays on the same page, use frames or iframes to display the HTML from getdisplay.jsp. If the name of the frame or iframe corresponds to the window name specified in a drill down target, drill downs on that object update the named frame.
As an alternative, refer to the “Multiple Display Panels” section for information on how you can use RTView to generate a navigation frame for your display. Once you've created a navigation tree definition as described, reference it from an iframe in your .html file as follows:
<iframe name="navtree" id="navtree" src="navtree.xml"scrolling="yes"></iframe>
See demos\dstututorial\displayserver\index.html or servlets\ocmonitor\index.html for an example.
Note: If you are referencing getdisplay.jsp from multiple HTML files in a frameset, and login is enabled, a login screen will appear for each HTML file. To bypass this, go to login.jsp to login and redirect to your page (where display1.html is the name of your page):
<script> location.href = "login.jsp?destPath=display1.html"; </script>
Creating Display Servlet JSP Files
You can create your own JSP files using the RTView tag library to show any number of display (.rtv) files. The RTView tag library defines two tags:
setup |
This tag must be included once on each JSP page that uses the RTView tag library. It will insert references to Javascript files and CSS files required by the Display Server. The setup tag must be included in the JSP page before the first display tag. This tag has no attributes. Example: <rtv:setup/> |
display |
This tag inserts an HTML DIV tag containing an RTView display. The display tag has the following attributes: |
Attribute |
Description |
id |
Required. The ID for this tag. This must be unique on the JSP page. An id must start with a letter and may contain only letters and digits. |
displayname |
Required. The string specifying an RTView display (.rtv) file name. This should correspond to the name of a display (.rtv) file accessible by the Display Server. |
refresh |
Optional. A positive number defining the rate, in seconds, at which the display inside this DIV should be refreshed. If zero, the DIV is not periodically refreshed. Note: This refresh rate overrides the rtvRefreshInterval property. If no refresh rate is specified, the interval defined in the file will be used unless you have set a value for rtvRefreshInterval. See “Background Properties” and “Display Server Configuration” for more information. |
style |
Optional. The CSS style to be used for this DIV. |
Example: <rtv:display id="d1" displayname="MyDisplay" refresh=0"/> |
There are THREE requirements for JSP pages using the RTView tag library:
1. Tag library definition
The tag library must be defined at the top of the JSP page. For example:
<%@ taglib prefix="rtv" uri="rtv.tld" %>
Note: The file rtv.tld is contained in rtvdisplay.war.
2. RTView mouse and key events
For proper operation of the RTView menu, the onmousedown and onkeydown event handler of the page's BODY must be defined. For example:
<BODY onmousedown="rtvBodyMouseDown(event)" onkeydown="rtvBodyKeyDown(event)">
If other functions are already assigned to these event handlers, then those functions must call rtvBodyMouseDown and rtvBodyKeyDown.
3. RTView menu
Each JSP page must include the RTView menu. For example:
<jsp:include page="rtvmenu.html"/>
This is typically added near the end of the page's BODY, and should not be enclosed in any elements other than <BODY>.
The following is a simple JSP page using the RTView tag library.
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"%>
<%@ taglib prefix="rtv" uri="rtv.tld" %>
<BODY topmargin='0' leftmargin='0'
<rtv:display id="d1" displayname="MyDisplay" refresh="0"/>
<rtv:display id="d2" displayname="AnotherDisplay" refresh="30"/>
<jsp:include page="rtvmenu.html"/>
A separate timer is used for each <rtv:display/> tag that has a nonzero refresh rate. If all of the display tags on a page use the same refresh rate, they may still be refreshed at slightly different times. A display's timer is restarted when a drill down is performed in the display, which may offset its refresh timer from other refresh timers on the page.
Managing the Display Server Using JMX
The Display Server is instrumented with JMX to allow you to manage and monitor the display cache and application settings. To enable JMX, you must run the Display Server using the -jmxport command line option (see “Command Line Options: Display Server” for more information):
-jmxport:(port number)
The JMX Monitor demo, located in demos\jmxmonitor in your RTView installation, shows how to use RTView to monitor the Display Server using JMX.
Note: Java 1.5.0_06+ is required.
The Display Server contains one MBean named RTViewDisplayServer:name=Manager with the following methods:
Method/Attribute |
Type |
Description |
DisplayData |
TabularData |
One row for each cached display containing: Display Name - The name of the .rtv file for the display. Display Number - The display number. These values always range from 1 to N, where N is the number of displays currently in the cache. This number is not tied to a particular display (i.e. display name + substitutions), and can change as displays are automatically removed from the cache. Last Reference Time - The amount of time that has elapsed since the display was last requested by a client. When this time exceeds the Display Timeout, the display is eligible for automatic removal from the cache. Substitutions - The substitution string for the display. |
DisplayTimeout |
int |
The current display timeout setting. |
ImageQuality |
float |
The current image quality setting. |
MaximumDisplayCount |
int |
The current maximum display count setting. |
NumberOfDisplays |
int |
The number of cached displays. |
Sessions |
TabularData |
One row for each active client session. Typically, there is one client session for each browser instance that is currently viewing a Thin Client display. The Sessions table contains the following columns: Session ID - A unique ID for the client session. The Session ID is also a column in the mbean's DisplayData table, which contains one row for each display that is currently open in a Thin Client. The Session ID is a unique string assigned to a session by RTView and is not the same value as the session identifier assigned by the webapp manager (e.g. Tomcat). Client Address - The IP address of the client. The Client Address will be in IPv4 (e.g. x.x.x.x) or IPv6 (x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x) notation, depending on which protocol the client browser used to connect to the rtvdisplay servlet. For example, if the client is on localhost then the client address could be shown as for IPv4, or 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 for IPv6. Duration - The elapsed time since this client session was created. The Duration column and the Last Reference Time column show elapsed time as "d hh:mm:ss" where d = days, hh = hours, mm = minutes and ss = seconds. By default, a session expires and is removed from the table after about 10 or 11 minutes of inactivity (that is, when the elapsed time shown in the Last Ref Time column is "0 00:11:00" or more). If the Display Server's display_timeout property has been set, then the session expiration is 10 times the display_timeout value. (The default display_timeout is 60 seconds). Last Reference Time - The elapsed time since this client opened or refreshed a display. User - The login user name. The User and Role columns will be blank if the login feature of the rtvdisplay servlet is disabled. Role - The login user role. The User and Role columns will be blank if the login feature of the rtvdisplay servlet is disabled. |
The RTViewDisplayServer:name=Manager MBean also supports the following commands:
Method/Attribute |
Description |
clearDisplayCache |
Clears the cached displays as well as preloaded displays. |
setDisplayTimeout |
Set the display timeout. |
setImageQuality |
Set the image quality. |
setMaximumDisplayCount |
Set the maximum display count. |
See “Display Server Configuration” for more information.
In addition to supporting the single sign-on method that utilizes the rtvuser, rtvpass, rtvsign, and rtvrole parameters in getdisplay.jsp, the Display Server also supports two other types of single sign-on:
§ “Login from a Servlet Container”
§ “Login from Custom JavaScript”
Login from a Servlet Container
User authentication is a general feature of servlet containers (Tomcat, WebLogic, etc). The web.xml servlet file can be configured to require user login before the web server allows access to the servlet. A sample web.xml file included with RTView and located in rtvdisplay\web.xml.auth_example, shows how user authentication can be configured for the Display Servlet. It requires the user to login to the servlet container in order to open any Display Servlet URL, then grants authenticated users access to all Display Servlet URLs.
The sample web.xml specifies DIGEST authentication mode, which tells the browser to prompt for a user name and password, then encrypt the password before sending it to the web server. Most modern browsers and servlet containers support DIGEST mode. Other authentication modes are also defined, but support for those is determined by your servlet container and browser, not by RTView.
To configure the Display Servlet to accept user names authenticated by the servlet container as the login user name for the Display Server:
1. Set web.xml to require user login before the web server allows access to the servlet.
2. Modify the LoginEnabled property in the file as follows:
To enable single sign-on to the servlet container and the Display Server, the servlet container login name must match the user name defined in the user configuration file. It is not necessary for the passwords to match unless passclientlogin is set to true, since it is assumed that the user name has already been authenticated by the servlet container.
For example, the user database for Tomcat is defined in the file <tomcat_home>/conf/tomcat-users.xml. By default, a user named admin is defined. The default user configuration file for RTView also defines a user named admin. If the Display Servlet files web.xml and are configured as described above, a user could login to Tomcat as admin and the Display Servlet would then automatically login the admin user to the Display Server, without prompting again for a user name and password. See “Configuration” for more information.
The Display Servlet also supports login from custom JavaScript by calling the following JavaScript function:
rtvLogin(username, password, role)
This function returns the string "ok" if the login is successful and returns a string with an error message if it fails. The role argument is optional. The password is encrypted before it is sent to the server. To call the rtvLogin function from a custom web page, the page must be included in the Display Servlet web archive file and must import the rtv1.js and rtvx.js script files. An rtvLogout function is also available:
These functions use the XMLHttpRequest object that is included with most modern browsers. In Internet Explorer, if scripting of ActiveX objects is disabled, these functions will fail.
For example, the following HTML file presents the user with a combo box containing the user names admin and guest, and a text box for entering a password. When the user clicks OK, the rtvLogin function is called. If the login information is validated by the Display Server, the displays.html file is opened in the browser. Otherwise an error dialog appears.
<script src="rtv1.js"></script>
<script src="rtvx.js"></script>
function doLogin ()
var user = document.getElementById("usercombo").value;
var pwd = document.getElementById("password").value;
var msg = rtvLogin(user, pwd);
if (msg != "ok")
document.location = "displays.html";
<div>Please log in</div>
<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td align="right" nowrap>Username:</td>
<td align="right">
<select id="usercombo" style="width:120px">
<option value="admin">admin</option>
<option value="guest">guest</option>
<tr><td align="right" nowrap>Password:</td>
<td align="right"><input type="password" id="password"
value="" onkeypress="if (isEnterKey(event)) doLogin()">
<tr><td colspan="2" align="right">
<button onclick="doLogin()">OK