Home > Chapter 7 Building Displays > Background Properties
Select File>Background Properties to modify the following settings.
Field Name |
Description |
Model Name |
Current background model. Default model is com.sl.gmsjrtview.m_basemodel. Note: SL-GMS J/Developer and J/Net customers may import subclasses of GmsModelCode and access renamed variables via the Model Properties dialog. |
Model Width/Model Height |
Model width and height in pixels. If you set the model height to a size larger than the display area, a dialog will appear to confirm whether to add space to the top or bottom of the display area. If you decrease the size of the model height, a dialog will appear asking you whether to take space from the top or the bottom of the display area. In addition, if you decrease the model size and the objects no longer fit within the display area, you will be asked to confirm this in a separate dialog. Note: Model Width/Height options are disabled if you are not using the default model com.sl.gmsjrtview.m_basemodel. |
Model Properties |
Select to open the Model Properties dialog, which lists attributes of the background model and enables you to edit property values. Model properties are applied immediately and cannot be canceled or reverted to defaults. If the Model Name does not match the model in the display, the Model Properties dialog is not accessible. To access Model Properties directly, select Edit>Model Properties. See the “Object Properties” section for details on editing property values. If you are using the default model com.sl.gmsjrtview.m_basemodel, the Model Properties are: |
Background |
bg3dFlag -- Control visibility of bevel on background. bgBorderColor -- Select the bgBorderFlag -- Control visibility of outline on background. bgColor -- Select the bgGradientColor2 -- Select the bgGradientMode -- Control style of gradient fill on background. Select from the following options: Diagonal Edge -- Gradient is drawn at a 45 degree angle from the top left to the bottom right corner of the object. Diagonal Center -- Gradient is drawn at a 45 degree angle from the center to the top left and the bottom right corners of the object. Horizontal Edge -- Gradient is drawn horizontally from the top to the bottom of the object. Horizontal Center -- Gradient is drawn horizontally from the center to the top and bottom of the object. Vertical Edge -- Gradient is drawn vertically from the left to the right of the object. Vertical Center -- Gradient is drawn vertically from the center to the left and right of the object. |
Display Server |
rtvRefreshInterval -- Specify the interval (in seconds) to refresh a display in the client browser. Minimum interval is 5 seconds. If left blank, the interval defined in the rtvdisplay.properties file will be used. Set to 0 if you do not want displays automatically refreshed. It is also possible to enter a substitution or attach rtvRefreshInterval to data. Note: The refresh rate specified in the URL or DIV tag used to open a display will override the rtvRefreshInterval property. See “Display Servlet Configuration”,“Creating Display Servlet HTML Files”, and “Creating Display Servlet JSP Files” for more information. |
Interaction |
onCloseCommand -- Select Define Command and choose SYSTEM, ALERT, MULTIPLE, or your data source. The specified command will be activated when this display (.rtv) file is opened/loaded. Note: When this property is defined by a SYSTEM drill down command, this functionality is not supported in the Display Server. onOpenCommand -- Select Define Command and choose SYSTEM, ALERT, MULTIPLE, or your data source. The specified command will be activated when this display (.rtv) file is closed/replaced. Note: When this property is defined by a SYSTEM drill down command, this functionality is not supported in the Display Server. resizeHeightMin/resizeWidthMin -- Specify (in pixels) the minimum height and width of a display. Default value for each property is 0, which means the display has no minimum size. |
In the Display Viewer Application, a panel cannot be resized smaller than the minimum size of the display in that panel. In the Thin Client, a panel can be resized smaller than the minimum size of the display in that panel, but (since the default Resize Mode is Crop) scrollbars will be added. To set the minimum size for multiple displays, resizeWidthMin and resizeHeightMin could be specified in a style sheet, as follows: m_basemodel {resizeWidthMin:600; resizeHeightMin:400} See “Style Sheets” for more information. Note: If resizeWidthMin or resizeHeightMin are set to values larger than the specified Model Width and Model Height, then no minimum size will be enforced on the display. |
Use Background Image |
Select this check box to specify a model file or a bitmap image (.gif, .jpg, or .png) as the display background. Note: If you select to use a background image, all background model properties will be disabled. |
Image Name |
Use Background Image must be selected in order to place an image (.gif, .jpg, or .png) in the background of your display. Enter the name (including relative path) of the file or select the Current Directory - Contains images in the current directory and one level of subdirectories. Custom Image Library - If you have specified a custom image library, this directory contains those images. See the Creating a Custom Image Library section (below) for details. Symbol Library - Contains symbolic images (for example, symbols for various types of hardware, shapes, lights, arrows, etc.). Navigate to the image you want to use and select it. A preview of the image appears in the pane to the right. Click OK or Apply to set the image on your object. If an image is not listed, enter the name of the file (including relative path). |
Creating a Custom Image Library The custom image library enables you to make your own images available in the Select Image dialog. To add your own image library, perform the following steps. 1. Place your images in a .jar file and add it to the “RTV_USERPATH” environment variable. Note: The images must be in a directory and not at the top level of the .jar file. They can be organized into subdirectories of one top level directory. 2. In the Display Builder, select Tools>Builder Options and, in the Custom Image Library Path field, set the path to the directory containing your .jar file. For example, suppose you have a .jar file with the following directory structure: com/mycompany/Images com/mycompany/Images/Blue Images com/mycompany/Images/Red Images com/mycompany/Images/Green Images |
In the Custom Image Library Path field you would enter com/mycompany/Images to add a directory named Images to the tree in the Select Image dialog. The Images directory will have three subdirectories: Blue Images, Red Images, and Green Images. Note: Only directories containing images will be added to the Select Image dialog. Note: You can also access your custom image library by editing any property that allows you to set an image on an object (e.g. image, barImage, and filterProperties properties). |
Resize Mode |
Control object layout when a window is resized in the current display (.rtv) file. It is also possible to globally specify a Window Resize Mode, select Tools>Options>General or set -resizemode on the command line. In the Display Builder, the selected Resize Mode is only applied to drill down windows. The main window of the Display Builder is always in Crop mode. Select from the following options: |
Default - Use application level default mode. Defaults are: Scale for the Display Builder, Display Viewer Application and Display Viewer Applet and Crop for the Thin Client. Crop - When the window is resized, the display stays the same size. If the window is bigger than the display, empty space will show around the display. If the window is smaller than the display, scrollbars will be added. The window is not forced to maintain its aspect ratio. This is the default for the Thin Client. Scale - When the window is resized, the display and all of the objects in it are scaled to fit the available space. The window is forced to maintain its aspect ratio. This is the default for the Display Builder, Display Viewer Application and Display Viewer Applet. Layout - When the window is resized, the display is resized to fit the available space. The objects in the display are positioned according to their anchor and dock properties. The window is not forced to maintain its aspect ratio. Objects that are not docked or anchored will move relative to their offset from the top left corner of the display. For example, if the object is centered on the display, the object will move 50% of the resize amount. If the object is centered at 3/4 of the display, it will move 75% of the resize amount. To prevent objects from overlapping, set resizeWidthMin and resizeHeightMin. If a panel containing a display is resized, the display will not reduce smaller than the specified minimum size. Note: All three resize modes support zooming the display (right-click -> zoom). In both Scale and Layout modes if the window is resized while the display is zoomed, then the resize will further zoom the display. |
Dock Fill Rows/Doc Fill Columns |
Objects in a display that have the dock property set to Fill are laid out across a grid in the available space remaining in the display after all docked objects have been positioned. By default, the grid has one row and as many columns as objects. If Dock Fill Rows is set to 0 and the Doc Fill Columns value is specified, then the number of rows will be calculated based on the number of objects. If a value is specified for both Dock Fill Rows and Doc Fill Columns, the row value will be used and the number of columns will be calculated based on the number of objects. If both are set to 0, the default will be used. Objects are positioned left to right, top to bottom according to the order in which objects were added to the display. |
The following describes the Background Properties dialog commands:
Command |
Description |
OK |
Applies values and closes the dialog. |
Apply |
Applies values without closing the dialog. |
Use Defaults |
Resets all fields to default values (once Apply or OK is selected). |
Cancel |
Closes the dialog with last values applied. |