Following installation, you will need to setup your environment to run RTView. If necessary, contact your system administrator for assistance.
Depending on which data sources are licensed in your RTView application, additional setup may be required. For information on setup for your data source, refer to the “RTView Data Sources” section of this documentation.
Once setup is complete, please refer to the “Registration” section for instructions on how to obtain a license key.
Append the following to the PATH environment variable:
Name |
Description |
Example |
<java installation directory>\bin |
The bin subdirectory of the Java installation subdirectory. |
c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_01\bin |
Set RTV_HOME Locally or Globally
Use the following initialization scripts to set the RTV_HOME environment variable and append RTV_HOME\bin to the PATH environment variable.
Note: You must initialize each command or terminal window you open.
Select Start-> Programs-> Accessories-> Command Prompt, go to your installation directory, and type:
csh |
bsh |
Open a terminal window, go to your installation directory, and type: |
Open a terminal window, go to your installation directory, and type: |
source rtv_init |
. ./rtv_init.ksh |
Alternatively, you may set RTV_HOME and append RTV_HOME\bin globally.
Note: In order to use shortcuts (available in the Shortcuts directory) the environment variable RTV_HOME must be set globally on your system and RTV_HOME\bin must be included in your PATH environment variable. Shortcuts are available for use on Windows platforms only.
Name |
Description |
Example |
RTView installation directory. Set “Locally” with rtv_init scripts. If you installed RTView using the Windows installer, this may already be set globally on your system. |
c:\gms |
RTV_HOME\bin (Append this to the PATH environment variable) |
RTView subdirectory containing scripts and executables. Set “Locally” with rtv_init scripts. |
c:\gms\bin |
Include lanscan in PATH Environment Variable (HP users only)
If the hostid script is not available on your system, HP users must include the location of lanscan in their PATH environment variable. The standard location is /usr/bin.
Java options specified in RTV_USERPATH will be added to the classpath by all of the RTView run scripts.
Name |
Description |
Example |
Java options. These will be passed into the java process from the RTView run scripts. This environment variable is optional. |
c:\mycustomjars\myjar.jar |
Java options specified in RTV_JAVAOPTS will be used by all of the RTView run scripts.
Name |
Description |
Example |
Java options. These will be passed into the java process from the RTView run scripts. This environment variable is optional. |
-verbose |
Specify the name of a directory, including path, for configuration files to be saved to and read by the Display Builder, Display Viewer, Display Server, Data Server and Historian. | |
This option is useful when you want to run multiple RTView applications from the same project directory, but with different configuration files. Let's suppose you want to run both the Display Viewer Application and the Display Server from the same project directory, but for the Display Server you want a direct data connection and for the Display Viewer you want to use the Data Server. Since both applications require an OPTIONS.ini file to determine whether to use direct connect or served data, a separate OPTIONS.ini file is necessary for each application. |
To resolve this issue, and avoid having separate project directories for each application, you can create a subdirectory for the Display Viewer OPTIONS.ini file and specify that subdirectory in the RTV_JAVAOPTS environment variable. Then, as usual, you may run the Display Server and the Display Viewer from your project directory, but the OPTIONS.ini file for the Display Viewer will be located in the directory you specified. |
If no alternate directory is specified and configuration files are not found in your project directory (i.e. the directory where current application is running), then RTView will search under lib in your installation directory. |
By default, all RTView applications include timestamps in the console and log file output. To disable timestamps, include the following jvm option: | |
Demo Server, Data Server, Display Server and JSP Example
To use the Demo Server, Data Server, Display Server or “Java Server Pages” example you must also set the following variables:
Name |
Description |
Example |
Web server installation directory. |
C:\Tomcat |
JDK1.5.0_01+ installation directory. Only required if you will be using the “RTView Demo Server”. |
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_06 |
The location of the Demo Server in your RTView installation. This variable may be setup in the Windows installer. It is also set to the correct location when you run the rtv_init script to initialize a command window (see “Initializing a Command Prompt or Terminal Window” for more information). Only required if you will be using the “RTView Demo Server”. |
C:\Program Files\ERTV\servers\apache_tomcat-5.5.17_sl |