
Applet Registration 

The Display Viewer Applet requires a separate license key than the RTView applications to run on an application server. Without a key, the Display Viewer Applet will run for 20 minutes to facilitate testing. No key is required to run locally. See the “Display Viewer Applet Registration” section for information on licensing.

Application Registration

In order to register for a license, your system environment must be properly setup. If you have not already reviewed the “Setup” section please do so now. Following registration, we strongly suggest that you complete the “Quick Start Tutorial” before getting started.

1.     In an initialized command/terminal window (see “Initializing a Command Prompt or Terminal Window”), type:


Note: For machines that are headless (i.e. without monitor, keyboard or mouse), use the –nogui option with the run_gmsregister script (i.e. run_gmsregister -nogui).

Registration Dialog

A Registration dialog will open that displays your PIN and prompts you to enter a license key. To request a key, contact SL Corporation at 800.548.6881 or 415.927.8400 or send an email to with the Subject line RTView. Copy and paste your PIN into the email and in return you will receive a corresponding numeric key.

Copy and paste the key you receive into the Registration dialog.



For future access to your license key a file named KEYS will be stored in the lib directory, which is located in your installation directory.

Note: Your license key enables you to run RTView applications on a single host.

For licensing systems that do not have a display, use the –nogui command line option  (run_gmsregister -nogui) to print the PIN to the console. Follow the instructions above for getting a license KEY, then use the -writekey option (e.g. run_gmsregister -nogui -writekey:01234567890123456789012345678901) to enter a key on the command line and have it written to the KEYS file.

Note: The -writekey option is only valid when used in conjunction with the -nogui option.

Display Viewer Applet Registration

The Display Viewer Applet requires a separate PIN and license key than the RTView applications to run on a web server. Without a key, the Display Viewer Applet will run for 20 minutes to facilitate testing. No key is required to run locally.

In order to request a license key, you will need to retrieve a PIN specific to the web server where you are hosting your applet(s). To retrieve the PIN, locate the files gmsjregister.jar and GmsRegister.html in the lib directory (found in your installation directory) and copy those files into the document root directory of your web server. Open the file GmsRegister.html through your web server and note the PIN.

To request a key, contact SL Corporation at 800.548.6881 or 415.927.8400, or send an email to and provide your PIN.

Type the key you receive into an ASCII file and name that file KEYS. Put the KEYS file into the document root directory of your web server. If you do not want to put the KEYS file in the document root of your web server, you can put it in the directory containing the Display Viewer Applet. You can also put the KEYS file in any directory under your document root directory and include a KeyLocation parameter in all of the .html files containing the Display Viewer Applet. The KeyLocation parameter must be set to the directory containing the KEYS file. For example, if the KEYS file is located in a subdirectory named registration in the web server's document root directory, you would add a KeyLocation parameter as follows to all of the .html files that contain the Display Viewer Applet:

PARAM NAME="KeyLocation" PARAM VALUE="registration"