Data Server

The Data Server is an option when it is not desirable, or possible, to directly connect the Display Viewer Application, Display Viewer Applet or Display Server to data sources. Select the “Data Server Tab” in the Application Options dialog to configure your Data Server(s).

The Data Server uses EII and XML technologies to gather, federate and distribute information from disparate data sources based on information currently in demand. It also caches the data so that multiple demands are delivered to any number of clients - without need of subsequent data queries. These important factors greatly enhance processing speed. Because the Data Server can exist behind firewalls, it also greatly simplifies and strengthens the secured delivery of information to clients beyond the firewall.

The Data Server can be used to serve data to the Display Viewer Application, Display Viewer Applet, and Display Server. See the “Overview” section for more information.

The following scenarios, or a combination of them, would indicate that one or multiple instances of the Data Server would be useful.

This section includes:

§        “Data Access” on page 853

§        “Data Centralization” on page 853

§        “Data Reduction/Aggregation” on page 853

§        “Scalability” on page 853

§        “High Availability” on page 854

§        “Security” on page 855

§        “Running the Data Server” on page 860

§        “Managing the Data Server Using JMX” on page 866


Data Access

In some cases the data source resides in a sub-network where it is not possible or desirable to connect directly. For example, you may have a data source that communicates via a TCP/IP port that is not exposed across a security firewall. In this case, the Data Server would exist behind the firewall and connect to the chosen display technology via HTTP or an available exposed port. In most cases, at least one Data Server must be configured if the Display Viewer applet is used. Applets are restricted to making connections back to the webserver host and will throw an exception if connection attempts are made to any other host.

Data Centralization

While a direct TCP/IP connection to the data sources may be possible, it may not be desirable for each data source and each client. For example, with a Display Viewer Application deployment you might not want a direct TCP connection from each client to every data source. In this case, the Data Server could act as a proxy by directly connecting to all data sources and providing data to each Java application client.

Data Reduction/Aggregation

In some cases, there may be a lot of raw data that does not need to be sent except upon demand. Using the Data Server in this situation can reduce network traffic by performing data calculations from within a sub-network and providing either only the aggregated data or raw data on demand to the chosen display technology. For example the Data Server may publish an average metric over all servers in a subnet, but provide raw data on drill down to a selected server.


 The Data Server has several data processing features including: an in memory data cache, a persistent alert rules engine, and the ability to perform data calculations. This processing load can be scaled out by dividing the labor across multiple Data Servers that will connect to the chosen display technology.

High Availability

To ensure client access to data in the event of a server failure, a pair of redundant Data Servers can be deployed on two separate hosts. In such a deployment each server has the same configuration and access to the same data sources. Typically, one server is considered the primary and the other is the backup. Each client is configured with two Data Server connections, one to the primary and another to the backup.

At startup, the client connects to the primary server if available, otherwise it connects to the backup server. If neither is available, the client periodically retries connecting to both. Client connections are specified on the “Data Server Tab” of the Option dialog in the Builder, as or via the -dataserver command line options when launching the Display Builder, Display Viewer Application, or Display Server. See “Command Line Options: Display Builder and Display Viewer” and “Command Line Options: Display Server” for more information.

A running Data Server is either "active" or "standby". An active server loads all global, cache, and alert definitions and activates them. In a standby server, none of these actions are performed, thereby avoiding the overhead of maintaining alert and cache data sources until the server is active.

Note: All servers specified should use the same initialization files (*OPTIONS.ini) and should have access to the same external data sources, so that displays appear the same regardless of which server is connected.

A primary/backup redundant server pair can be configured in the following three modes:

1.     Active / Active - In this mode, both servers are always active. This configuration is the simplest and provides the quickest response to clients in the event of a server failure. However, this mode increases data processing as both servers are always storing cache data, as well as processing and generating duplicate alerts.

2.     Active / Standby with manual reset - In this mode, the backup server is started with the -standby:warm command line option. The backup does not become active until a client connects to it (typically after the primary fails). However, after the backup server becomes active it remains active and clients stay connected to it, even if the primary server becomes active. This mode reduces data processing in normal conditions but after a primary server fails and recovers both servers might become active, possibly with clients connected to both servers. To restore the system to its initial active / standby state, the backup server must be manually stopped and restarted (with the -standby:warm command line option). See “Command Line Options: Data Server”for more information.

3.     Active / Standby with auto-reset - In this mode, both servers belong to a server group, where one server is designated as the preferred primary server and the other as the preferred backup server. Each server monitors the status of the other. The backup runs in standby mode until it detects the failure of the primary and then becomes active. If the primary server then becomes active the backup server automatically returns to standby mode. Clients then automatically disconnect from the backup and (re)connect to the primary.

This mode ensures that only one server in the group has its alert data source activated at any time, thereby avoiding duplicate alert generation. Also by default, the cache data source is only active in the primary server, thereby avoiding duplicate cache storage. However in some cases it may be preferable to also activate the cache data source in the backup Data Server, Otherwise, caches may miss data during the failover of the primary server to the passive backup server, while the backup server is activating its cache data source. This can be accomplished by the group_standby_mode option. See “Command Line Options: Data Server”for more information.

Note: The cache and alert persistence features can also be used to ensure that the backup server gets the correct state of those data sources when it becomes active.

See the “Server Group Tab” section (below) for details about configuring this high availability mode using the Builder GUI. This mode can also be configured on the command line. For details, see the -group_member argument.


You can use client access lists to specify which clients can connect to a Data Server. Any RTView application (the Builder, Viewer, Display Server, another Data Server and so forth) can be a Data Server client. By default, the client access lists are empty which means that any client can connect to the Data Server. When a client connection request is denied, that client makes no further attempts to connect to that Data Server unless the client application is restarted. This is true even if the client has a failover connection specified for that Data Server.

There are three access lists:

§        Blacklist: Clients on this list are denied access to the Data Server.

§        Graylist: Clients on this list are permitted access to the Data Server if they provide a trusted SSL certificate. Note: Graylisting should be used only when necessary since it involves certificate management, delays from SSL handshaking, and overhead from data encryption.

§        Whitelist: Clients on this list are permitted access to the Data Server, no SSL certificate is required.

Access List Process Flow

When access lists are enabled, the Data Server checks the access lists for entries upon receiving a connection request: first the Blacklist, then (if not blacklisted) the Graylist, and lastly (if not graylisted) the Whitelist. To illustrate this process in greater detail, let us say that a Data Server receives a request from a client with IP address X and hostname H:

1.     If the Blacklist is not empty (it has one or more clients specified) the Data Server checks the Blacklist and if X or H matches an entry in the Blacklist, the server rejects the client connection.

2.     Otherwise, if the Graylist is not empty and X or H matches an entry in the Graylist, the server performs an SSL handshake with the client. If the client presents a certificate that the server trusts and vice-versa, the handshake completes successfully and the connection is accepted. Otherwise, the server rejects the connection.

3.     Otherwise, if the Whitelist is not empty and X or H matches an entry in the Whitelist, the server accepts the client connection.

4.     Otherwise, neither X or H is matched on any list. If the Whitelist is empty, the connection is accepted. If the Whitelist is not empty, the connection is rejected.

The Blacklist has the highest precedence and the Whitelist has the lowest precedence. If a client address or hostname has matches on multiple access lists, the most restrictive list is used. For example, if a client address matches an entry on the Blacklist its connection request is denied even though the client address also matches an entry on the Graylist or Whitelist.

If the Whitelist has at least one entry all clients are rejected that have no match in the Whitelist or the Graylist. However, if the Whitelist is empty, then all clients that are not blacklisted are accepted (with an SSL handshake if its graylisted, unconditionally otherwise).

Using the hostname H in a list is effective only if the Data Server's host system is able to lookup that hostname via its address X, using a naming service. For example, if hostname H is specified in a list then "ping H" should complete successfully if run on the Data Server's host system.

If any client_whitelist values are specified and the Data Server belongs to a redundant server group for failover, specify a client_whitelist entry for the address or hostname of the other group member. Otherwise, the server cannot connect to its partner.

If the client_whitelist values are specified and the rtvdata servlet is used, you must also specify a client_whitelist for the address or hostname of the system on which the servlet is deployed. Otherwise, the servlet cannot connect to the Data Server.

Specifying Client Lists

To enable this feature you add client hostnames or IP addresses to the access lists, as appropriate, using the client_blacklist, client_graylist and client_whitelist options. Each option can be specified multiple times. The order in which you specify the client list does not affect the connection request process. The client access list options can be specified as Data Server command line arguments, as options in the DATASERVER.ini file, or as entries in a properties file. The value of each option is either a client hostname or IP address which may contain * characters as wildcards, or a range of IPv4 addresses in the format of n.n.n.n-n.n.n.n, where each n is a number between 0 and 255. The * character cannot be used in an address range.

Note: For best performance use IPv4 addresses, rather than hostnames, in the access lists whenever possible. This mitigates the possible performance penalty involved in using hostnames, as the Data Server uses a name service to perform hostname lookups.

When this feature is enabled, the Data Server checks both incoming socket connections and HTTP connections (via the rtvdata servlet) against those lists using the process described previously. Case is ignored when a client hostname is compared to a list entry. For example, a list entry of host1 matches HOST1, Host1, and host1.


run_dataserver -client_whitelist:192.168.1.* -client_whitelist:localhost 

In this command line argument example, the Data Server accepts connections from all clients on localhost or with IPv4 addresses that begin with 192.168.1. Connections from any other clients are denied (because the Whitelist is not empty).

run_dataserver -client_blacklist:DMZ 

In this command line argument example, the Data Server denies connections from a client with hostname DMZ and accepts connections from all other clients.

client_whitelist localhost


client_blacklist DEV*


In this DATASERVER.ini file example, the Data Server accepts connections from the localhost and any clients with IPv4 addresses in the range of through except for address or any client whose hostname begins with DEV, dev, Dev, etc. Connections from any other clients are denied (because the whitelist is not empty).





This rtview properties file example specifies the same configuration as the previous DATASERVER.ini file example.

Graylist and SSL Certificates

 If a client matches an entry on the graylist, an SSL handshake is performed between the client and the server in which the client must provide a certificate the server trusts, and the server must provide a certificate the client trusts. If the SSL handshake is successful the client connection is accepted. All traffic between the client and server on that connection is encrypted, typically using a 128-bit key. (This might impact CPU and network performance on connections that transmit high volumes of data).   


The following example describes the self-signed certificate process using the keytool utility provided with the Java JDK. For illustrative purposes, some of the keytool commands appear on multiple lines, but must be entered as a single line. The Data Server runs on host1 and the client runs on host2. The filenames, passwords, aliases and so forth used here are only for illustration and are not required values. For example, there is nothing significant about the use of rtview in the example strings. In an actual configuration all of these strings could be replaced with strings of your choice (if they are replaced consistently).

Note: For details about SSL and certificates, see vender documentation. For details about keytool, execute  "keytool -help" for usage information.

1.     Create a keystore filed named server_keystore.jks to store the server's private key and self-signed certificate, with a 10-year expiration. For example:

keytool -genkey -keystore server_keystore.jks -alias rtview_server -validity 3650 -keyalg RSA -storepass mypswd -keypass mypswd -dname cn=host1 

2.     View the certificate just created. For example:

keytool -list -v -keystore server_keystore.jks -storepass mypswd 

Output is similar to the following:

Keystore type: JKS

Keystore provider: SUN

Your keystore contains 1 entry

Alias name: rtview_server

Creation date: Nov 15, 2012

Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry

Owner: CN=host1

Issuer: CN=host1

Serial number: 50a567d2

Valid from: Thu Nov 15 17:08:18 EST 2012 until: Sun Nov 13 17:08:18 EST 2022

Certificate fingerprints:

MD5: 96:89:2D:37:71:8E:7F:89:7A:08:71:9F:7F:C2:C1:50

SHA1: 63:1B:1B:ED:75:58:11:34:F0:80:56:45:9B:C9:74:02:CD:D4:C6:89

Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA

Version: 3

3.     Export the server's certificate to a file named server.cer:

keytool -export -alias rtview_server -keystore server_keystore.jks -storepass mypswd -file server.cer 

4.     Import the server certificate into a truststore file for the client:

keytool -importcert -alias rtview_server -file server.cer -v -noprompt -keystore client_truststore.jks -storepass mypswd 

5.     Create a keystore filed named client_keystore.jks to store the client's private key and self-signed certificate:

keytool -genkey -keystore client_keystore.jks -alias rtview_client -validity 3650 -keyalg RSA -storepass mypswd -keypass mypswd -dname cn=host2

6.     Export the client's certificate to a file named client.cer:

keytool -export -alias rtview_client -keystore client_keystore.jks

-storepass mypswd -file client.cer 

7.     Import the client certificate into a truststore file for the server:

keytool -importcert -alias rtview_client -file client.cer -v -noprompt -keystore server_truststore.jks -storepass mypswd 

8.     Verify that you now have four files with a .jks extension:





9.     Copy the files as follows:

        Copy server_keystore.jks and server_truststore.jks to the directory on host1 where the Data Server will run.

        Copy client_keystore.jks and client_truststore.jks to the directory on host2 where the client will run.

        If you copy the keystore (.jks) files between Windows an Linux/UNIX hosts, copy them in binary mode.

        The client.cer and server.cer files are not needed and can be deleted.

10.  On host1, run the Data Server as follows (Note that the "set RTV_JAVAOPTS" command is shown in Windows command syntax and should be entered on a single line):


run_dataserver -daemon -verbose -client_graylist:host2

11.  On host2, run a Viewer client as follows


run_viewer -dataserver:remote:host1

12.  Verify that you now see output similar to the following on the Data Server console, which indicates that the Viewer's connection to the Data Server is accepted:

GmsRtViewDataServer connect client 1,

created SSL socket


add Client: 1 (

accept graylisted client 1 (

Note the lines indicating creation of an SSL socket and the cipher used. If errors occur, see “Troubleshooting Client Connection Requests” (below).

SSL Encryption Without Certificates

The -ssl option can be specified when the Data Server is started. With this option, the Data Server uses an SSL socket for each socket connection to clients but without performing an SSL authentication handshake. All data transmitted on the socket is encrypted using an anonymous cipher.

The -ssl option can be used in combination with client access lists. If a client is graylisted, an SSL handshake is performed when it connects to the Data Server (as described in the “Access List Process Flow”). If a client is whitelisted, its connection is accepted without an SSL handshake and an SSL socket with an anonymous cipher is used. The Data Server's verbose output indicates this with messages similar to the following:

comparing client to whitelist entry 192.168.1.*: MATCH

created SSL socket


add Client: 4 (host2/

Note that encryption may impact CPU and network performance on connections that transmit high volumes of data.

Troubleshooting Client Connection Requests

The following are available for troubleshooting Data Server client connection requests.

To Debug Requests

Use the client_access_debug option to debug Data Server client connection requests. This option prints messages to the Data Server console as each client connection request is compared to the client lists. This can be useful for determining which list entries match and do not match a client connection.

To specify on the Data Server command line:


To specify in DATASERVER.ini:

client_access_debug true

To specify in a properties file:


To Debug SSL Authentication and Certificate Issues

For troubleshooting SSL handshaking and certificate issues, set the following before running the Data Server or the client.

To specify in RTV_JAVAOPTS:


To specify in an RTView properties file:,keymanager

Note that this option may produce a great deal of output.

Running the Data Server

You can run the Data Server as an application, a daemon process, or in the background as a Windows Service. See “Running as a Windows Service” for more information.

Note: The first time you run the Data Server you must run it as an application to configure the initial settings.

Running the Data Server as a daemon process will allow you to run without a display. To do so, run the -daemon command line parameter from a Windows Command Prompt or UNIX terminal window.

Several command line options are supported for the Data Server. Java options specified in “RTV_JAVAOPTS” will be used by the run_dataserver scripts. See “Command Line Options: Data Server” for more information.

Data source specific options are read in from initialization files created in the Display Builder. For information on creating initialization files or command line options for your data source, refer to Application Options or Command Line Options under the “RTView Data Sources” section of this documentation.

Note: To stop the Data Server, you can use the kill_dataserver Command Line Option.

Run the Data Server: Windows or UNIX

In an initialized terminal window (see “Initializing a Command Prompt or Terminal Window”) type:


Configuration Tab

When running as an application, the Configuration tab allows you to specify settings for the Data Server. Click Save Configuration to save these settings. If you select the Show Data in Console check box, the Data Server Console will output a line for each piece of data that is served. When running as a daemon process, this information will be output to the command window in which the daemon process was started.

To begin serving data, click Start Serving Data. Click Stop Serving Data to end this process. If you configure the Data Server to output to an XML file, when you start serving data information will be added to the output XML file each time new data is received for each attachment in all of the specified data configuration files. If you configure the Data Server to output data via socket, when you start serving data the Data Server will receive data requests from RTView clients (Display Builder, Display Viewer Application, Display Viewer Applet) indicating what data is needed for currently running displays.



Field Name


Server Modes

This information must correspond with information entered in the Application Options>“Data Server Tab”.

Note: By default, the Data Server starts in File Mode. If you change the Server Mode, then you must save the configuration and restart the Data Server.



Data redirected from configuration files will be output to an XML file.

Note: The XML data source is never redirected through the Data Server when you output data to a file. When you start serving data, information will be added to the output XML file each time new data is received for each data attachment in all of the specified data configuration files.



Output File Name

Name of file output by the Data Server containing data from specified configuration files. Default output file name is rtvdata.xml.



Data Configuration Files

Specify which data configuration (.rtv) file(s) will be used to generate the output XML file. Data configuration files are display (.rtv) files created in the Display Builder that contain attachments to data you want to redirect through the Data Server.




Add - Add a data configuration file to the list. If a data configuration file is added while the Data Server is serving data, it will start serving data for attachments in that file as soon as new information becomes available.

Remove - Remove the selected data configuration (.rtv) file from the list. If the Data Server is serving data when a file is removed, it will stop serving data for that file immediately.




To add or edit a substitution on a specified data configuration (.rtv) file, double-click in the corresponding field of the Substitutions column. See “Substitutions” for more information.



Data requested by RTView clients will be output via socket. When you start serving data, the Data Server will receive data requests from RTView clients indicating what data is needed for currently running displays.

Note: By default the RTView client will connect directly to the XML data source, while all other data sources are redirected through the Data Server. For information on redirecting the XML data source, see Application Options>“Data Server Tab”.




Specify the port over which the Data Server will communicate with RTView. You do not need to specify a port if you are using the default: 3278.



Use Secure Sockets

If selected, a secure socket layer (SSL) will be used. RTView clients may connect directly via socket or through the intermediary Data Servlet using HTTP or HTTPS requests to receive data.

Note: Using the servlet requires a separate installation process, see the “Data Servlet” section for details.



Use Client Credentials for Database Login

Pass RTView login information into all data sources that have the Use Client Credentials option enabled.

Note: Use Client Credentials for Database Login only works in Socket mode. Some data sources do not support this feature. For information on Application Options for your data source, refer to the “RTView Data Sources” section of this documentation.



Send Changed Data Only

If selected, data will be sent only when it has changed. If you want to continuously plot data that has not changed in the trend graph, deselect the Send Changed Data Only check box to send all the data regardless of whether or not it has changed.

Note: Sending all data can lead to performance issues given the amount of information that will be sent over the socket.



Preload Data for Configuration Files

You may specify configuration files for data that you want the Data Server to preload so it will be immediately available to any clients that request it.




Data Configuration Files - Specify which data configuration (.rtv) file(s) will be preloaded by the Data Server. This data will be immediately available to any clients that request it later, and will be updated during Data Server updates. Data configuration files are display (.rtv) files created in the Display Builder that contain attachments to data you want to redirect through the Data Server. Enabled if the Preload Data for Configuration Files flag is selected.

Add - Add a data configuration file to the list.

Remove - Remove the selected data configuration (.rtv) file from the list.

Console Options

Show Data in Console - If selected, the Data Server Console will print out a line for each piece of data that is being served.

Start/Stop Serving Data

Start or stop serving data.

Save Configuration

Save settings to an initialization file (DATASERVER.ini), which will be used next time you run the Data Server.

Note: Unless you specify a directory for your initialization files, you must run the Data Server from the same directory in which the initialization (.ini) file was saved. See “RTV_JAVAOPTS” for more information.


Click on to read about RTView.


Exit the Data Server, stop serving data and close the Data Server window.

Console Tab

The Console tab records errors and information. If you select the Show Data in Console check box on the Configuration tab, the console will also display a line for each piece of data that is being served. Click the Clear button to purge all data from the console.

Note: By default, timestamps are displayed in the Console window. Refer to “RTV_JAVAOPTS” for details on how to disable timestamps.

Clients Tab

The Clients tab appears when you start the Data Server in Socket mode.

Note: By default, the Data Server starts in File Mode. If you change the Server Mode, then you must save the configuration and restart the Data Server.



Field Name



This table displays one row for each client that is connected via socket to the Data Server. When clients are connected through the Data Servlet, one connection is shown for the servlet and separate connections are displayed for each HTTP/HTTPS client. If an HTTP/HTTPS client exits under abnormal circumstances, it may not be removed from the table for several minutes.

Note: Use the Get Data Server Connection Status function to access information about the status of connections from the Display Builder and Display Viewer Application to the default Data Server and any Named Data Servers. See “Tabular Functions” for more information.

For each client connection, the table contains the following columns.


Client ID

A unique number assigned by the Data Server to this client connection. The first client connection is assigned an ID of 1, the second is assigned an ID of 2, etc. The ID for an HTTP/HTTPS client will contain extra digits, starting with the ID of the Data Servlet's connection. For example, if the servlet is assigned a client ID of 1, then the first HTTP/HTTPS client will be assigned an ID of 10001, the next will be 10002, etc. ID numbers will not be reused during a Data Server session.



IP address of the client. Clients running on the same host as the Data Server will display the IP address



Name of the host on which the client is running. Clients running on the same host as the Data Server will display the host name localhost. If a client's host cannot be determined, the IP address will be shown instead.



Time elapsed in this client's session with the Data Server.


Last Data Sent

Number of characters of XML data contained in this client's most recent update.


Total Data Sent

Number of characters of XML data contained in all updates during this client's session with the Data Server.

Number of Clients

This trend graph (above) displays the number of clients (direct socket, servlet, HTTP/HTTPS) connected to the Data Server over the past hour.

Server Group Tab

Use the Server Group tab to configure the Active / Standby with auto-reset high availability mode. This mode can also be configured on the command line. For details, see the -group_member argument in “Command Line Options: Data Server”.   

Note: For best performance, configure clients to connect to the primary server first (before attempting to connect to the backup server). For example, if the default primary Data Server is A:5555 and the default backup server is B:5555, set each client's connection string to the server pair as "A:5555,B:5555". Or, if connections are made via the rtvdata servlet, set each client's connection string to "http://A/rtvdata,http://B/rtvdata".



Field Name


Group Options for this Server

Configure high availability settings for the Data Server.


Include in Group

Select to include the server in the server group.



Enter a value of 1 or more, with 1 being the lowest priority. A larger value assigns a higher priority. The running server in the pair with the highest priority becomes the primary server. The priority defaults to a value of 1 (the lowest priority) if Include in Group is selected and the priority is not specified.



Enter the amount of time (in seconds) that the backup server waits for a connection or response from the primary server, after which it assumes the primary has failed.The default is 5 seconds. (Note that in most cases, if the primary server terminates or the host on which it is running is shut down, the backup server detects this immediately).

Note: You can use the group_initial_wait option to lengthen the wait time for the backup server to connect to its pair at startup. This prevents a failure when the primary and backup server are both started and the backup server attempts to connect to the primary server before it is connection ready. See “Command Line Options: Data Server” for more information.

Connection to other Group Member

Specify the members of the fault tolerant pair.



Enter the hostname and port number connection of the other Data Server in this redundant pair using the following format:


If a hostname is specified without a port number, port 3278 is assumed. Do not specify a URL for the rtvdata servlet.

Note: Selecting Include in Group mitigates the need to specify the -standby:warm option. The server remains in standby mode until its determined which server is the primary.

Managing the Data Server Using JMX

The Data Server is instrumented with JMX to allow you to manage and monitor the clients and application settings, and troubleshoot an unresponsive server. To enable JMX, you must run the Data Server in socket mode and using the -jmxport command line option:

-jmxport:(port number)

The JMX Monitor demo, located in demos\jmxmonitor in your RTView installation, shows how to use RTView to monitor the Data Server using JMX. This section describes the following MBeans on the Data Server:

§        “RTViewDataServer:name=Manager”

§        “RTView:name=Troubleshooting”


Use the RTViewDataServer:name=Manager MBean to manage and monitor the clients and application settings. The RTViewDataServer:name=Manager MBean has methods described in the following table.






For each client connection, the table contains the following columns.

Client ID - A unique number assigned by the Data Server to this client connection. The first client connection is assigned an ID of 1, the second is assigned an ID of 2, etc. The ID for an HTTP/HTTPS client will contain extra digits, starting with the ID of the Data Servlet's connection. For example, if the servlet is assigned a client ID of 1, then the first HTTP/HTTPS client will be assigned an ID of 10001, the next will be 10002, etc. ID numbers will not be reused during a Data Server session.



Address - IP address of the client. Clients running on the same host as the Data Server will display the IP address

Host - Name of the host on which the client is running. Clients running on the same host as the Data Server will display the host name localhost. If a client's host cannot be determined, the IP address will be shown instead.

Duration - Time elapsed in this client's session with the Data Server.

Last Data Sent - Number of characters of XML data contained in this client's most recent update.

Total Data Sent - Number of characters of XML data contained in all updates during this client's session with the Data Server.

PID - The process ID of the client process. Typically, the PID column value appears as nnnn@hostname, where nnnn is the PID from the client's host system (as reported by jps, top, or tasklist) and hostname is the name of the client's host. If the client is the rtvdata or rtvquery servlet, the PID corresponds to the application server (e.g. tomcat) process on the client host. The PID column might be blank if the client is unable to obtain its PID from the local operating system. The @hostname portion might be omitted if it cannot be obtained from the local operating system.

This column is blank if the client process is running an older version of RTView that does not have this enhancement.



Process Name - This value depends on the client type. If the client is an RTView application, it is the value of the PROCESS_NAME property when the application was started. If the client process was started with a standard RTView script (run_viewer, run_displayserver, etc.) the value is viewer, builder, dataserver, displayserver, or historian. For a server, a "d" at the end of the process name indicates it was started with the -daemon option. If the PROCESS_NAME property was undefined when the client process was started, then the value is RTView (the Viewer), RTView Display Builder, Display Server, Data Server, or Historian, or the OEM names assigned to those applications. If the client is the viewer applet, then "applet" is appended to the name.

If the client is the rtvdata or rtvquery servlet the value is RTVDataServlet and rtvquery, respectively, or the custom servlet name that has been configured for the deployed servlet instance.

This column is blank if the client process is running an older version of RTView that does not have this enhancement.



Number of currently connected clients.



True if the Data Server is currently serving data, false otherwise.



The Data Server port number. The default is port 3278. This property is read-only.



True if the Data Server is currently the primary server in a redundant pair, false if this server is currently the backup server in a redundant pair. If the server is not in a redundant pair, the value is always true. This property is read-only.



If the server is currently a backup server (that is, if PrimaryServer is false) this contains the host:port of the server that is currently the primary (to which this server forwards all client requests as a proxy). This is empty if the server is currently the primary server. This property is read-only.

The RTViewDataServer:name=Manager MBean also supports the following commands:




Start serving data.


Stop serving data.


Use the RTView:name=Troubleshooting MBean to detect and troubleshoot an unresponsive server. The Data Server, Display Server, and Historian support the RTView:name=Troubleshooting MBean. To attach data to the MBean on an RTView display, enter RTView:name=Troubleshooting in the MBean Name field of the JMX Attach To Data dialog. To access the MBean in jconsole, select the MBeans tab, then click RTView / Troubleshooting in the tree (jconsole must be connected to the RTView server process).

The RTView:name=Troubleshooting MBean has methods described in the following table.






The total number of socket connection requests received from clients.

Note: The Data Server recycles unused client connection numbers if it reaches its internal limit of 10,000. This can be an issue if client applications from RTView versions prior to 5.9 attempt repeatedly to connect to the Data Server.



The total number of socket connection requests that failed due to a client/server software version mismatch or because the client is not an RTView client.

Note: The Data Server recycles unused client connection numbers if it reaches its internal limit of 10,000. This can be an issue if client applications from RTView versions prior to 5.9 attempt repeatedly to connect to the Data Server.



The count of deadlocked threads. In a healthy server the count is always zero (0). This attribute is only updated every 30 seconds to reduce overhead. If JDK 1.6 is available, use the jstack utility to obtain more information about the deadlocked threads.



The time at which the server's main update timer most recently changed. In a healthy server, this time changes on each update interval (by default, 2 seconds). If the time stops changing for an extended period, it indicates that the timer thread has stalled or terminated.



The count of uncaught exceptions since server started. In a healthy server the count is always zero (0). An uncaught exception terminates the executing thread.



A table of the server's uncaught exceptions listing the type, time, executing thread, and code location for each exception. (For each exception, a stack trace is also written in the server's log file).

Running as a Windows Service

This section describes how to run the Data Server, Display Server, and Historian in the background as Windows Services (on 32- or 64-bit Windows systems). These services run using AlwaysUp CLT, which is included in your RTView deliverable.

Windows Service is run as a local system service. It is not possible to install an application as a Windows Service. If RTView is running off a networked drive, it must be installed on your local system.

Windows Service supports a single log file for both stdout and stderr. By default, both stdout and stderr are written to a log file named appName_out.log. For example, displayserver_out.log. Use the -serviceout command line option to override this option.

Logging is appended to the log file each time RTView restarts. When the log file size exceeds 5MB, the oldest 25% of the log file is discarded. For better control over your logging, use either the -logfile or the -log4j command line options. With both of those options, the service outputs any information written to the console by third party libraries to the log file specified by -serviceout. See “Command Line Options: Display Builder and Display Viewer” for more information.

If UAT is enabled on your system, you must run install_service and uninstall_service as an Administrator.

Some RTView applications use very long command line strings. If the command line string is too long, when you try to view the service properties the Window Services dialog shows the following error: The stub received bad data. If this occurs, view look the service properties of your in the Windows Registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Key, where Key is the name of your service.

Command lines with more than 10,240 characters cannot be installed as a service.

This section includes:

§        “Install and Start Application as a Windows Service”

§        “Stop and Uninstall Application as a Windows Service”

§        “Log4j and Windows Service”


Install and Start Application as a Windows Service

After an RTView Data Server, Display Server or Historian is installed as a Windows Service, you can start, stop and configure it in the Windows Services dialog.

For information about using Log4j logging with Windows Service, see “Log4j and Windows Service”.

To install and start the application as a Windows Service:

1.     Open the command line window:

Select Start-->Programs-->Accessories-->Command Prompt-->Right-click Run as administrator 

2.     Start the application and Windows Service using the following syntax:

install_service appName -service:service_name -dir:startup_directory

Where appName is dataserver, displayserver, or historian. service_name is the text of your choice which appears in the Windows Event Viewer.

For example:

Data Server: install_service dataserver -service:SLDataserver -dir:c:\myproject

Display Server: install_service displayserver  -service:SLDisplayserver -dir:c:\myproject

Historian: install_service historian -service:SLHistorian -dir:c:\myproject

The following arguments are supported for install_service.




Required. Must be dataserver, displayserver, or historian.


Required. Specify the full path to the directory where the application runs. This is the project directory that contains all files necessary (for example, .rtv files, configuration files) to run the application.

Example: -dir:c:\myproject

Note: If the directory name contains spaces, enclose the entire argument in quotes:  "-dir:c:\my dir".


Optional. Set the service startup type to manual. The service starts when it is installed but does not automatically start on system startup. If not specified, the service startup type is wet to auto.


Required. Specify the name to use for this service. This name is displayed in the Windows Event Viewer.

Example: -service:MyService 

Note: If the service name contains spaces, enclose the entire argument in quotes: "-service:my service".


Optional. Specify the full path and file name for the out log file. If not specified, the out log is written to the -dir specified and named appNamed_out.log.

 Example: -serviceout:c:\logs\ds_out.log

Stop and Uninstall Application as a Windows Service

This section describes how to stop and uninstall the Data Server, Display Server, or Historian as a Windows Service.

To stop and uninstall the application as a Windows Service:

1.     Open the command line window:

Select Start-->Programs-->Accessories-->Command Prompt-->Right-click Run as administrator 

2.     Stop the application and Windows Service using the following syntax:

uninstall_service appName -service:service_name

Where appName is dataserver, displayserver, or historian, and service_name is the name used for this service (displayed in the Windows Services dialog).

For example:

Data Server: uninstall_service dataserver -service:SLDataserver

Display Server: uninstall_service displayserver -service:SLDisplayserver

Historian: uninstall_service historian -service:SLHistorian 

Note: If the service name contains spaces, enclose the entire argument in quotes: "-service:my service".

Log4j and Windows Service

This section describes how to install Log4j and start the Data Server, Display Server or Historian as a Windows Service using Log4j. There are three .properties files that are used with Log4:

Data Server:

Display Server:


To install Log4j and start your application as a Windows Service using Log4j:

1.     Download the file from the Apache site

2.     Extract the Windows .dll assembly from the .zip file.

3.     Select the NTEventLogAppender.dll file and place it in a directory that is on the PATH of the Windows system. We recommend the following location for 32-bit systems: C:\Windows\System32.

Note: The absence of the NTEventLogAppender.dll file causes the java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError error.

4.     Open the command line window:

Select Start-->Programs-->Accessories-->Command Prompt-->Right-click Run as administrator 

5.     Start Log4j and Windows Service using the following syntax:

install_service appName -service:service_name -dir:startup_directory -log4j -log4jprops:<log4j configuration file> -serviceout:<log directory>\<out log file name> -serviceerr:<log directory>\<err log file name>

Where appName is dataserver, displayserver, or historian.   service_name is the text of your choice which appears in the Windows Event Viewer.

For example:

Data Server: install_service dataserver -service:SLDataserver  -dir:startup_directory -log4j -serviceout:c:\logs\dataserver_out.log -serviceerr:c:\logs\dataserver_err.log

Display Server: install_service displayserver -service:SLDisplayserver  -dir:startup_directory -log4j -log4jprops:sl-displayserver -serviceout:c:\logs\displayserver _out.log -serviceerr:c:\logs\displayserver _err.log 

Historian: install_service historian -service:SLHistorian -dir:startup_directory -log4j -serviceout:c:\logs\historian_out.log -serviceerr:c:\logs\historian_err.log

Note: Upon startup, Log4j writes a few lines to the log files used by the previous "redirect" logging method (the logging method in RTView v.5.9 and earlier). For this reason the redirect method log file names are used (specified by  –serviceout and –serviceerr. Log4j then switches to the NT Event Viewer.   

6.     View your Log4j log files by opening the Windows Computer Management application:

Start-->Programs-->Administrative Tools-->Computer Management

Or, if Administrative Tools is not available:

Start-->Programs-->Right-click Computer-->Manage

The Computer Management application opens.



7.     Go to System Tools-->Event Viewer-->Windows Logs-->Application.

8.     Verify that the center upper panel lists each line in the log file, and the text for the line appears in the General tab panel. The Source field, in the lower panel, identifies the service name (specified in the -service argument).

The following arguments are supported for install_service and Log4j.




Optional. Used for Log4j logging. Specify to use Log4j logging.

Example: install_service dataserver -service:my_data_server -dir:C:\newyork -log4j


Optional. Used for Log4j logging. Specify the .properties file to use to format the Log4j log file. Use the following files for the:

Data Server:

Display Server:


Example: -log4j


Optional. Used for Log4j logging. Specify the Log4j Level. INFO is the default. Valid values are:

FATAL: Indicates a severe error that likely causes the application to abort.

ERROR: Indicates an event that might not cause the application to abort.

WARN: Indicates a potentially harmful event.

DEBUG: Indicates detailed informational about events for debugging the application.

INFO: Indicates informational messages about the progress of the application at coarse-grained level.

Example: -log4j -log4jlevel:DEBUG


Optional. Used for Log4j logging. Specify to turns on the Category column in the log file output.

Example: -log4j -showlogcat

Data Servlet

This section is intended for users with a web server and a standard working knowledge of servlet deployment.

The Data Server includes a Data Servlet that will run on your web server. The servlet communicates with the Data Server via socket. If you are using multiple Data Servers, you must configure and install a Data Servlet for each Data Server. If you want to install multiple Data Servlets on the same application server, each must have a unique name.

Install Data Servlet

The servlets\rtvdata directory contains files necessary to run the Data Servlet. For your convenience, an installation script is provided to install these files on your web server.

In an initialized command window, go to the servlets\rtvdata directory and run the following scripts.

Note: These scripts require that you set the environment variable CATALINA_HOME to the location of your Tomcat installation directory, see the “Setup” section for details.


This script creates a web archive (.war) named rtvdata.war.

install_to_tomcat rtvdata

This script installs the web archive rtvdata.war to your Tomcat server.

Note: This script will shutdown and restart Tomcat and requires administrative permissions.

Note: If you are using a JSP servlet container other than Tomcat, install the files contained in servlets\rtvdata and classes from lib\gmsjcs_client.jar on your web server according to instructions given with that product.

Data Servlet Options

The Data Servlet reads the file

Note: If you have already installed the servlet on your web server, you can edit this properties file on your web server. If you edit this file in servlets\rtvdata you must reinstall the servlet. In either case, you may need to restart your web server after making changes to this file.

You can set the following options in




The name of the host on which the Data Server is running. Default is localhost.

Note: Default localhost assumes the servlet and Data Server are running on the same machine.


Port the Data Server will use when communicating with the servlet. Default is 3278.


Amount of time (in seconds) the servlet will wait for replies from the Data Server. Default is 15 seconds.

The following is an example of the file:


