RTView features a real-time alert engine that enables management and operational personnel to monitor the health and status of business operations. The alert engine can monitor conditions and perform automated actions from any available RTView data source. Alert definitions can include thresholds, severity, notification policies and automated actions, such as email, system commands, performing a SQL statement or sending JMS messages. RTView can load any number of alert definitions and any number of customized dashboards can be created to view alert status, filter alerts, use alerts as drill down navigation for analysis and corrective action, or to interactively change alert status such as alert acknowledgment.
The “Self Service Alerts” feature makes it easy to set and persist threshold, duration and enabled settings for your alerts in a database.
The “Alert Persistence” feature stores all fields and current state of all active alerts, as well as all cleared alerts that have not been removed from the system in a database using the Historian.
The “Audit Alert Action” feature stores a record in a database each time an alert command is executed.
This section contains the following:
§ “Alert Definition Files” on page 979
§ “Running the Alert Engine” on page 979
§ “Alert Behavior” on page 980
In the Display Builder, select Tools>Alerts to open the Alerts dialog. When you have finished adding all of your alerts and configuring their properties, Save the display (.rtv) file and add your “Alert Definition Files” to the Alert data source configuration.
Note: When creating alerts to use with Self Service Alerts, there are a few limitations. See “Alert Construction Limitations” for more information.
Field Name |
Description |
Add |
To add a new alert, click Add and enter an alert name and select an alert type. Once you have added an alert, select that alert from the list and edit properties in the Object Properties dialog. Alert Name - Enter a unique name for each alert listed. Alerts that do not specify a name, as well as alerts with a duplicate names, will not be created and an error will print to the console. Alert Type - Choose a type of alert from the drop down menu (“Limits Alerts”, “Discrete Alerts”, “Multi State Alerts”, or “Event Alerts”). |
Copy |
Select an alert from the list and click Copy to create a duplicate of that alert. You must enter a unique name for each copy you make. To copy an alert from your current display to another display (.rtv) file, select an alert from the list and click the Copy button An alert pasted into another display (.rtv) file will have the same data attachments as the original alert. |
Remove |
Select an alert from the list and click Remove to delete. |
Show Filters |
Select this check box to filter alerts by Name, Type, Command, or Value. When filtering Alerts by Name, unnamed alerts will still be included in the filter results. |
To create an Alert Definition file, save the display (.rtv) file that contains the alert definition properties you set in the Alerts dialog. When the Alert data source reads in an Alert Definition file, it adds a line to the “Alert Variables Table” for each alert in the file and creates a variable using the unique name specified for each alert in the file. See the “Alert Definitions Tab” in the Application Options dialog for details on how to add an Alert Definition file to the Alert data source configuration.
Creating a Reusable Alert Definition File
You can create a reusable Alert Definition file using the RTView substitution feature. When you enter an Alert Name (alertName), include a substitution string as the suffix. Use that same substitution string for the input value in the data attachment. When you subsequently add the Alert Definition file to the Alert data source configuration, you then specify a substitution value.
To give an example, let us say that your sales data is broken down by sales regions, and you need an alert for each. Instead of manually creating an alert for each region, you can create one and reuse it as a template for the others. First create a display containing an alert definition object named salesAlert.$region, where salesAlert is the alert name and $region is the substitution string. The data attachment for the input value also uses the $region substitution string. Save the file as alert_config.rtv. This is your Alert Definition file. You then add this Alert Definition file to the Alert data source configuration multiple times (in our example, four times), with $region set to a different value for each region:
alert_config.rtv $region:North
alert_config.rtv $region:South
alert_config.rtv $region:West
alert_config.rtv $region:East
You will get four copies of salesAlert with the following names:
The alert engine resides within the Alert data source, so there is no additional process to run the alert engine. How RTView is deployed determines where the alert engine specifically runs:
Thin Client Browser with Direct Data Connection - The alert engine runs on the Display Server. The alert engine is active as long as the Display Server is running, regardless of whether clients are connected.
Application or Rich Client Browser with Direct Data Connection - The alert engine runs on the client machine. The alert engine is active as long as the client application or applet is running.
All Deployments with Served Data - The alert engine runs on the Data Server. The alert engine is active as long as the Data Server is running, regardless of whether clients are connected.
Alerts are evaluated once each update period. By default, this is every two seconds. You may reset the update period on the “General Tab” of the Application Options dialog. If the current value of the input data meets an alert condition, the alert executes.
When an alert is executed, the variables in the Alert data source are updated and the alertCommand executes.
Note: Multiple asynchronous data updates between updates will be processed on the Max Redraw Rate. By default, this is every 500 milliseconds. If asyncronous data comes in faster than the specified Max Redraw Rate, updates will be missed. For example, if your input data is a JMS message and you receive three messages between Max Redraw Rate updates, only the data from the last message will be used when evaluating the alert condition.
Alerts are evaluated once each update period. By default, this is every two seconds. You may reset the update period on the “General Tab” of the Application Options dialog. If the current value of the input data for an alert that has been executed is no longer in an alert state, the alert will clear. Set the time to keep cleared alerts on the “Alerts Tab” of the Application Options dialog.
When an alert is cleared, the variables in the Alert data source are updated, the clearedCommand executes, and the configured re-notification command (i.e. alertCommand or reNotificationCommand) no longer executes.
Note: Multiple asynchronous data updates between updates will be processed on the Max Redraw Rate. By default, this is every 500 milliseconds. If asyncronous data comes in faster than the specified Max Redraw Rate, updates will be missed. For example, if your input data is a JMS message and you receive three messages between Max Redraw Rate updates, only the data from the last message will be used when evaluating the alert condition. See “General Tab” for more information.
When the Alert data source reads your Alert Definition file, it creates a variable for each alert using the unique alertName specified in the Alert Definition file. See “Attach to Alert Data Dialog” for more information on how to create a display to attach to alert variables and view real-time alert data.
For alert definition objects that use scalar input data (i.e. the useTabularDataFlag property is not selected), this variable will be scalar. It will list the highest severity for the alert definition. For alerts that use tabular input data, this variable will be a table. See “Per-Tabular Alert Table” for more information.
Lists all active and cleared alerts.
By default, individual index columns will not show up in the AlertTable. To display these columns in the AlertTable, add a Custom Alert Object Property for each column and map them using the customPropertyMap property on the alert. See “Custom Alert Fields Tab” for more information.
Note: Different alerts may have different index columns and a different number of index columns, so this allows you to control of whether, and how, index values for different alert definitions are displayed in the AlertTable.
Item |
Description |
Acknowledged |
Selected if the alert has been acknowledged. See “Command Types” for more information. |
Alert Name |
Value of the alertName property. |
Alert Index |
For tabular alerts with multiple index columns this contains the concatenated values for all index columns in the valueTable as specified in the indexColumnNames property on the alert and delimited by the Multiple Index Delimiter (default is ~). See “Alert Definitions Tab” for more information. For alerts with a single index column this contains the value of the index column. Note: If input data is scalar (i.e. the useTabularDataFlag is not selected) this field will be blank. |
Alert Index Values |
For tabular alerts with multiple index columns this contains the alert index values concatenated by semi-colon (;). Note: You can use this value to filter against multiple columns in the Filter By Row function. For tabular alerts with a single index column and for scalar alerts, this will contain the same value as the Alert Index. |
Alert Text |
Text about the alert. Note: Customize this text using the value*AlertText properties. |
Cleared |
Selected if the alert has cleared. |
Cleared Reason |
Alert received a value that did not meet the alert condition. |
Alert expired due to the value in the alertExpireTime property. This property is only supported for Event alerts. |
Alert definition was disabled. An alert can be disabled by the enabledFlag and/or rowEnabledFlag properties, or via the Enable Alert Definition command. See “Command Types” for more information. |
Cleared by the Clear Alert command. See “Command Types” for more information. |
Number of rows in the AlertTable exceeded the specified Alert History Depth. See “Alerts Tab” for more information. |
Cleared Time |
Time that the alert was cleared. |
Comments |
This column is initially blank, but is updated by the Add Comment and Clear Comments commands. See “Command Types” for more information. Note: Comments can be added or cleared for any active, cleared or acknowledged alert unless that alert has been purged from the system. |
Count |
When an alert is generated, this column contains a value of 1 and increases incrementally each time the alert receives a data update as long as the Last Update Time has also changed. If the Last Update Time has not increased, the Count is not incremented. For tabular alerts, the Last Update Time and Count are only incremented when a data update comes in for a specified index. However, when a tabular alert is attached to a cache, the cache sends new data for all indexes even when only one index has changed. This results in inaccurate Last Update Time and Count values. To configure your alert to show correct Count and Last Update Time values when it is attached to a cache, include the cache's time_stamp column in the alert's valueTable data attachment. Set the alert's timeColumnName property to the name of the cache's time_stamp column. This configures the alert to use the cache time stamp for Last Update Time and makes the Count accurate. You can use the -ignorelutforcount:true option to set the Count column to increase for all indexes when any row in the table is updated, even if the value in the cache time_stamp column only changed for a single row. See “Command Line Options: Data Server” for more information. The Update Count on Acknowledge Alerts option is selected by default and controls whether or not the Count is incremented on acknowledged alerts. § If selected, the count stops incrementing only after an alert is cleared. § If deselected, the count stops incrementing if an alert is either cleared or acknowledged. See “Alerts Tab” for more information. |
ID |
Unique ID for the alert. |
Last Update Time |
Date/time that the value or valueTable on the alert last received a data update. This column is updated whenever new data is received for an active (i.e. not cleared) alert. |
Owner |
Specify the Owner of an alert using the Set Owner command. See “Command Types” for more information. |
Severity |
Severity of the alert. |
Row Update Time |
Date/time that any column in the row for the alert last received an update (as opposed to the Last Update Time column which is the last time the value or valueTable on the alert last received a data update). See “AlertTable” for more information. By default, the Last Update Time and Count columns are not tracked by the Row Update Time. To track the updates of the two columns in the Row Update Time column, use the -lutupdatesnewdata command line option. When using the New Data Only Alert Table as input to a cache, it is recommended that you set the timestampColumnName property on the cache to the new Row Update Time column. See “Attach to Alert Data” for more information. Note: The RtvAlertTable cache in the “Self Service Alert Demo” has been enhanced to use the Row Update Time for the timestampColumnName property, and to limit the columns from the Alert Table that are stored in history. |
Time |
Time the alert was activated. |
Contains all of the active alert variables and their current state.
Item |
Description |
Alert Name |
Value of the alertName property. Note: Alerts without an alertName or with duplicate names will not be added to the Alert Variables Table and an error will print to the console. |
Alert State |
Highest current severity for the alert. For tabular alerts, it is the highest severity of all alerts in the valueTable. Note: If an alert is disabled, the Alert State will be -1. |
Enabled |
Enabled state of the alert: true if enabled, false if disabled. |
Description |
Description of the alert. This is the value from the description property on the alert. |
Alert Type |
Type of alert: Limits, Discrete, Multi State, or Event. |
Tabular Alert |
Value is true if alert is tabular (i.e. useTabularDataFlag property is selected on the alert). |
Index Column Names |
Index column name(s) for this alert. If you have specified indexColumnNames on the alert, this will contain that string. Otherwise, after the alert receives its first data update it will fill in the value with the name of the index column in the valueTable. If the alert is scalar (i.e. the useTabularDataFlag is not selected) or if it is an unindexed Event alert, this field will be blank. |
Index Types |
A semi-colon (;) delimited list of available index types for this alert. If a tabular alert does not have any index types, as defined by the indexTypes property on the alert, the value will be All. If the alert is scalar (i.e. the useTabularDataFlag is not selected), this field will be blank. |
When the Alert data source reads your Alert Definition file, it creates a variable for each alert using the unique alertName specified in the Alert Definition file. For alerts that use tabular input data (i.e. the useTabularData property is selected), this variable will be a table. It contains one row for each alert index with the following columns:
Item |
Description |
Alert Index |
Name from the first column of the input data for the alert definition. For multiple index alerts, this is the concatenation of all index columns in the valueTable as specified in the indexColumnNames property on the alert and delimited by the Multiple Index Delimiter (default is ~). The specified indexColumnNames will also be included in this table. See “Alert Definitions Tab” for more information. |
Alert State |
Highest current alert severity for this alert index. If this alert or alert index is disabled, the value of Alert State will become -1. |
Enabled |
Enabled state of the alert index: true if enabled, false if disabled. |
Alert Index Types Table
Information about the available index types for your alert. This table only contains rows (one row for each index type) for alerts that have at least one index type specified on the alert's indexTypes property.
Item |
Description |
Alert Name |
Name of the alert. |
Index Type |
Name of the index type. |
Column Names |
Semi-colon (;) delimited list of column names that define the index type. |
Indicates whether the alert engine is enabled to the Alert data source.
Item |
Description |
AlertingEnabled |
Enabled state of the alert engine: true if enabled, false if disabled. |
AlertTableValid |
Validity of AlertTable: false at startup, true after one update pass if the following two conditions have been met: 1. The alert engine has completed initialization. • If self service is configured, alert initialization does not complete until the alert engine has attached to the self service alerts database. • If persistence is configured, alert initialization does not complete until after the alert engine has read the persisted alerts and added them to the alert table or the Persistence Connection Timeout has expired. 2. The specified Initial Delay time has expired. See “Alert Definitions Tab” for more information. Note: If you are running displays that have scalar data attachments to the AlertingEnabled table that do not specify a Column Name, then you must modify the data attachment to specify the AlertingEnabled column. RTView does not support scalar properties attached to multi-column tables. |
In addition to being able to manage your alerts while developing your display using the Application Options dialog, you can also manage them from your deployed display. See “Application Options - Alerts” for more information.
Use the following alert commands to manage your alerts from a deployed display.
§ Add Alert Definition File
§ Remove Alert Definition File
§ Enable Alert Definition
§ Enable Alerts
§ Acknowledge Alert
See “Define Alert Command” for more information.
Note: Executing these commands from your display in the Display Builder does not cause the Application Options dialog to update. For example, if you add an Alert Definition file by using the command, it does not show up in the Application Options dialog until you either close and re-open it, or click Apply.