This section contains the following:
§ “Define Alert Command Dialog” on page 1032
§ “Command Types” on page 1033
§ “Substitutions” on page 1036
§ “Special Values” on page 1036
You can access the Define Alert Command dialog from the Object Properties window. This dialog is used to assign alert commands allowing you to manage your alerts from within an RTView display. If you execute an alert command from a Thin Client with Direct Data Connection or any Served Data deployment, the command will execute on the server.
To enable Alert Action Auditing, select Tools>Options>“Alerts Tab”. Once Alert auditing is configured and enabled, whenever an alert command is executed the Alert data source will store a record of that event in a database table.
Note: Alert action auditing does not apply to Self Service Alert commands, which are audited separately in the Self Service Audit Table.
Right-click on the appropriate command property in the Object Properties window and select Define Command>ALERT to display the Define Alert Command dialog. The Define Alert Command dialog provides a drop down menu with available commands. Argument fields vary based on the selected command type. See the “Define/Execute Command” section for information on how to execute a command.
Field Name |
Description |
Command |
Select a Command Type. See “Command Types” for more information. |
Command Argument(s) |
Command argument fields depend on which Command Type is selected. To attach a command argument to data, right-click and choose Attach to Data or double-click in the field. |
Data Server |
Select to read data through your configured Data Server(s) and not directly from alert data. Default - Select the default Data Server you configured in Application Options>“Data Server Tab”. None - Bypass data being redirected through the specified data server(s) for this attachment and instead attach directly to the data source. Named Data Servers - Select a Named Data Server that you configured in Application Options>“Data Server Tab”. |
Multi-Server Command - When multiple data servers are specified, the command will be executed on each data server in the list. To configure multiple data servers, enter a semicolon (;) delimited list containing two or more Named Data Servers (e.g. ds101;ds102). Each name specified must correspond with a Named Data Server that you configured in Application Options>“Data Server Tab”. It is also possible to specify __default and __none (e.g. __default;ds101;ds102). Note: The values __default and __none begin with two underscore characters. Alternatively, a value of * can be entered to specify all data servers, including __default and __none. |
Command Type |
Description |
Argument |
Description |
Acknowledge Alert |
Specify the ID, or list of IDs, for the alerts to acknowledge. After an alert is acknowledged, the AlertTable Acknowledged field updates and if the reNotificationTime is greater than zero, it does not re-execute. |
ID |
The ID of the alert. This can either be a single ID or a semi-colon (;) delimited list of IDs. |
Add Alert Definition File |
Adds an Alert Definition file to the data source. Alerts without names or with duplicate names are not added. |
Alert Definition File |
Name of the Alert Definition file. |
Substitution |
Specify substitutions for this Alert Definition File. Substitutions are optional and must use the following syntax: $subname:subvalue $subname2:subvalue2 If a substitution value contains a single quote, it must be escaped using a / : $filter:Plant=/'Dallas/' If a substitution value contains a space, it must be enclosed in single quotes. Do not escape these single quotes: $subname:subvalue $subname2:'sub value 2' A substitution string cannot contain the following: : | . tab space , ; = < > ' " & / \ { } [ ] ( ) |
Add Comment |
Adds a time-stamped comment to the specified alert. Note: Existing comments on the alert are not replaced, the new comment is added after previous comment(s). |
ID |
ID of the alert. |
Comment |
Enter comment. |
Clear Alert |
Clears the specified alert. |
ID |
ID of the alert. This can either be a single ID or a semi-colon (;) delimited list of IDs. |
Clear Comments |
Clears all comments from the specified alert. |
ID |
ID of the alert. |
Delete Index From Self Service Alerts Table |
Remove an alert index setting from the database table. Note: This command is only available if Self Service Alerts are enabled and RTView has successfully connected to the Alert Settings table. |
Alert Name |
Name of the alert containing the index to remove. |
Index |
Index to remove. |
Index Type |
Index type of the index to remove. |
User |
User name to specify in the Self Service Audit Table for this update. Note: To specify value of user name from RTView login, if enabled, use $rtvuser substitution. |
Enable Alert Definition |
Enables/disables the specified alert definition object. Note: It is not recommended that you use this command on an alert that has the enabledFlag property attached to data. |
Alert Name |
Name of the alert definition object. |
Enable |
Enter True to enable and False to disable. |
Enable Alerts |
Enables/disables all alerts in the active Alert Definition files. |
Enable |
Enter True to enable and False to disable. |
Remove Alert Definition |
Removes the Alert Definition file from the data source. |
Alert Definition |
The name of the Alert Definition file. |
Substitution |
Specify substitutions for this Alert Definition file. This must match the substitution used when the Alert Definition file was added. |
Set Custom Alert Event Attribute |
Set the value of a Custom Alert Event Attribute. Note: This command is only available if a Custom Alert Event Attribute has been defined on the “Custom Alert Fields Tab” in the Application Options dialog. |
ID |
ID of the alert. This can either be a single ID or a semi-colon (;) delimited list of IDs. |
Attribute Name |
Name of the Custom Alert Event Attribute. |
Attribute Value |
Value of the Custom Alert Event Attribute. Note: This value must be of the Data Type specified for this Custom Alert Event Attribute. |
Set Owner |
Specify the Owner of an alert. |
ID |
ID of the alert. This can either be a single ID or a semi-colon (;) delimited list of IDs. |
Owner |
Owner (string value) of the alert. |
Unacknowledge Alert |
Specify the ID, or list of IDs, for the alerts to unacknowledge. After an alert is unacknowledged, the AlertTable Acknowledged field updates, the renotification command resumes, and the Severity and Count fields in the alert table resume updating. This command is tracked in the Alert Action Audit table as an Event Management alert where the alert id is the target value. For details, see “Audit Alert Action”. |
ID |
The ID of the alert. This can either be a single ID or a semi-colon (;) delimited list of IDs. |
Update Self Service Alerts Table |
Modify an alert setting. Note: This command is only available if “Self Service Alerts” are enabled and RTView has successfully connected to the Alert Settings Table. |
Alert Name |
Name of the alert. |
Warning Threshold Value |
Warning threshold value to store. If this value is not a double, a null value will be stored. |
Alert Threshold Value |
Alert threshold value to store. If this value is not a double, a null value will be stored. |
Duration |
Duration value to store. If this value is not an integer, a null value will be stored. |
Enabled |
Enabled value to store. This can be a boolean (true/false) or 0/1. Other values will be stored as false. |
Index |
Index to remove. |
Index Type |
Index type of the index to remove. |
Use Index |
Set to 1 (or true) to indicate that the alert should use this row in the database, or to 0 (or false) to indicate it should ignore this row in the database. |
User |
User name to specify in the Audit Table for this update. Note: To specify value of user name from RTView login, if enabled, use $rtvuser substitution. |
Substitutions allow you to build open-ended displays in which commands depend on values defined at the time the display is run. Generic names are used instead of arguments for specific commands. Later when the display is running, these generic values are defined by the actual arguments. In this way, a single display can be reused to issue a number of different commands. Substitutions are not applied to Drill Down or Set Substitution commands. For more information on creating displays using substitution values, see “Substitutions”.
$value |
When an actionCommand is executed $value is replaced with the value from the control. This value may be used in any field in the Define Alert Command dialog. Note: This value may only be used for Action Commands. See “Commands” for more information. |
The following describes Define Alert Command dialog commands:
Command |
Description |
OK |
Applies values and closes the dialog. |
Apply |
Applies values without closing the dialog. |
Reset |
Resets all fields to last values applied. |
Clear |
Clears all fields. Detaches object from assigned command (once Apply or OK is selected). |
Cancel |
Closes the dialog with last values applied. |