
By default, login for the following RTView components is disabled:

§        Display Builder

§        Configuration Utility

§        Display Viewer Application

§        Display Viewer Applet

§        Display Server

If login is enabled, the default user name and password are:

User Name: admin

Password: admin 

Note: It is possible that your system administrator may have configured another user name and password. In this case, you may also need to select a role.

Set up Login

RTView supports single sign-on. By securely passing on authenticated user information, single sign-on allows users to login once and gain access to all the resources to which they have permission. See “Command Line Options: Display Builder and Display Viewer” to learn about the parameters necessary (i.e.: rtvuser, rtvpass, rtvrole and rtvsign) to setup the Display Builder and the Display Viewer, see “Display Viewer Applet” for a Rich Client Browser deployment or “Display Server” for a Thin Client Browser deployment. The Display Server also supports single sign-on through the servlet container or custom JavaScript. See “Display Server Single Sign-On” for more information.

Enable Login

1.     Open an initialized Windows command window or Unix terminal window (see “Initializing a Command Prompt or Terminal Window” for more information about initializing a com­mand/terminal window), and type:

run_builder -login

2.     Login as admin using default user name and password.   

User Name: admin

Password: admin

3.     Select Tools>Options and click on the Security tab to configure and save your login options.

Note: To disable security, login in as admin and deselect Login Enabled on the Security tab.

Set up Roles

The login validates the user name and password against the defined users. Each user must be assigned at least one role. If the user has multiple roles, a drop down menu of roles will be added to the dialog once the password has been validated. The role definitions control access to displays. In addition, the user name and password from the RTView login can also be passed into data sources that have the Use Client Credentials option enabled. See “Configuration” and “Roles and Displays” for more information.

Note: Some data sources do not support this feature. For information on Application Options for your data source, refer to the “RTView Data Sources” section of this documentation.

Admin Role

A “Security Tab” is added to the Application Options dialog if you are logged in with the admin role that allows you to disable the login. This dialog also allows you to configure the location of the user and role definition files. You cannot disable the login from the Security tab for the Display Server. This must be configured in the “Display Servlet”.

Roles and Displays

If a display is not allowed for a role, the behavior is slightly different according to the situation:

Display Scenario



If the display is in a tree node definition, that node (and any child nodes) will not be added to the tree. There will be no error message. This means that the display for the top node of the tree must always be allowed for all roles.


If the display is in a tab definition, the tab will not be added to the window and there will be no error message.




If the display is in a GridPanel, BorderLayout, or CardPanel, it will not be loaded into the layout and there will be no error message.


Applet Parameter

Command Line

If the specified display is not allowed, we will open a blank display and popup an error.

Drill Down

If the display you are drilling down to is not allowed, a dialog will popup with an error and the drill down will not be performed.