This section includes:
§ “Served Data Versus Direct Data Connection” on page 885
§ “Application with Served Data - Manual Deployment Process” on page 887
§ “Application with Direct Data Connection - Manual Deployment Process” on page 894
§ “Display Viewer Application” on page 896
Served Data Versus Direct Data Connection
With application deployments, clients either have a direct data connection to each data source or they connect to the Data Server. In most production scenarios it is best to use the Data Server. The Data Server uses EII and XML technologies to gather, federate and distribute information from disparate data sources based on information currently in demand. It also caches the data so that multiple demands are delivered to any number of clients - without need of subsequent data queries. These important factors greatly enhance processing speed.
However, in some small scale implementations the direct data connection may be the best choice. For instance, in order to rapidly implement RTView for prototyping and testing purposes. When testing is complete, it can be ported to a served data deployment for the production environment.
Ultimately, this decision would be determined by weighing the advantages that the Data Server brings; performance, scalability, security, easier setup, and lower impact on backend data sources, against the cost advantage of the direct data connection.
Note: Refer to the Data Sources section of this documentation to see if deployment with a Direct Data Connection is supported by your data source.
The pros and cons of the two scenarios, Served Data and Direct Data Connection, are described below.
Pros and Cons
Issue |
Served Data |
Direct Data Connection |
Setup |
Server: Requires Data Server setup Client: Requires less setup since clients do not need to meet all system requirements for each data source |
Server: Does not require Data Server Client: Requires more setup since each client must meet all system requirements for each data source |
Performance |
For a very small deployment it is slower, but for all other deployments it is faster |
For a very small deployment it is faster, but for all other deployments it is slower |
Security |
More secure since backend data applications are only accessed by the Data Server |
Less secure since backend data applications are directly accessed by clients |
Scalability |
More scalable due to data requests being federated and caching by the Data Server |
Less scalable since each client makes individual data request |
Cost |
Large Deployment: Client maintenance more costly, hardware less costly Small Deployment: Hardware cost equal to Direct Data Connection but client maintenance more costly |
Large Deployment: Client maintenance less costly, hardware more costly Small Deployment: Hardware cost equal to Served Data but client maintenance less costly |
The Application with Served Data deployment involves providing access to the Display Viewer Application for all clients which need to view displays. This could be done by either doing individual installs on each client, sharing an install with a central platform, or via Java Web Start. The Data Server is installed on a server to provide access to all defined data sources and deliver the federated and cached data via XML to the appropriate Display Viewer Applications (see Figure 6). When you deploy RTView as an Application with Served Data, depending on the command, commands are executed either on the server or the client. See command descriptions for information on where commands are executed.
Figure 6: Application with Served Data Deployment Overview
“Application with Served Data - Manual Deployment Process” on page 887
Application with Direct Data Connection
The Application with Direct Data Connection deployment involves providing access to the Display Viewer Application for all clients which need to view displays. This could be done by either doing individual installs on each client, sharing an install with a central platform, or via Java Web Start. Each individual client must be configured so that it can have direct access to data sources. This may involve the installation of additional software such as database drivers or middleware components depending on the data source types used (see Figure 7).
Figure 7: Application with Direct Data Connection Deployment Overview
“Application with Direct Data Connection - Manual Deployment Process” on page 894
Application with Served Data - Manual Deployment Process
The following is an overview of how to manually deploy the Application with Served Data option of RTView. Alternatively, you can use the Deployment Wizard to guide you through this process.
“Step 1: Install and Configure Data Server”
“A: Verify System Requirements”
“E: Set up RTVAgent Servlet on Application Server (Optional)”
“A: Verify System Requirements”
“Step 3: Install and Setup Client”
“A: Verify System Requirements”
“Step 4: Start / Run Data Server”
Application with Served Data - Manual Setup
This section provides step-by-step instructions on how to manually deploy RTView. Alternatively, you can use the “Deployment Wizard” to guide you through this process.
Step 1: Install and Configure Data Server
Install RTView on the system where you will run the Data Server. If you are using multiple or high availability Data Servers, you will need to repeat the following steps on each system where you will run Data Server(s). See “Data Server Tab” and “Data Server” for more information.
• Basic “System Requirements”
• In addition to basic system requirements, refer to the Data Sources section of this documentation for system requirements and setup specific to your data source.
• Data Server must be accessible via network to all clients.
Note: All clients must have permission to access the Data Server on the port specified for the socket in the DATASERVER.ini file (see Step D).
At this point you have verified your system requirements.
1. Install RTView. See “Installation” for more information.
2. Setup RTView. See “Setup” for more information.
At this point you have installed and setup RTView.
Register for a license for the Data Server. See “Registration” for more information.
At this point you have installed, setup, and registered your RTView installation.
1. Create a project directory to store Data Server configuration files.
2. Copy the following files into the directory you just created from the project directory where you developed your RTView application:
• Refer to Deployment in the Data Sources section of this documentation for information on configuration (.ini) files specific to your data sources.
• All display (.rtv) files you want to preload (optional)
• Style sheet (.rts) files (optional)
Note: If you are using multiple or high availability Data Servers, each Data Server needs to run on a different host and/or port. Be sure that the DATASERVER.ini file, the OPTIONS.ini file, and any related data source initialization files are all correct for this instance of the Data Server. See “Data Server Tab” and “Data Server” for more information.
3. If you already created a DATASERVER.ini that is configured to run the Data Server in socket mode on the correct port, copy the DATASERVER.ini to the project directory you just created. Then go to Step 2: Setup File Server.
If you have not created a DATASERVER.ini, go to next step.
4. In an initialized command window (see “Initializing a Command Prompt or Terminal Window”), go to the project directory you created and type:
run_dataserver -socket
5. Setup the Data Server configuration. See “Configuration Tab” for more information.
The Data Server must be configured to run on a socket. The port specified for the socket must match the port specified for the Data Server in Step 2B-5.
6. Click the Save Configuration button to save DATASERVER.ini and exit the Data Server.
E: Set up RTVAgent Servlet on Application Server (Optional)
Note: This step is only required if you are setting up the Data Server to accept RTVAgent data via HTTP or HTTPS.
At this point you have installed and setup RTView and configured the Data Server.
1. Verify System Requirements
• Application server with a JSP servlet container, such as Apache Tomcat.
2. Install and Setup RTVAgent Servlet
The Data Server uses the RTVAgent Servlet that runs on your application server to access data sent from an RTVAgent application that is sending data via HTTP. The servlets\rtvagent directory contains all of the files necessary to configure and install the RTVAgent Servlet.
If you are using multiple Data Servers that are gathering RTVAgent data, you must configure and install a RTVAgent Servlet for each Data Server.
a. Configure RTVAgent Servlet Options
The RTVAgent Servlet reads the properties file to get configuration information. If you have not installed the RTVAgent Servlet, modify (in the servlets\rtvagent directory) and install. (Step 1E-2b - Install the RTVAgent Servlet). If you have already installed the RTVAgent Servlet on your application server, you can edit your properties file in the application server. Note: You may need to restart your application server after making changes to your properties file.
You can set the following options in
Option |
Description |
ServiceHost |
The name of the host on which the Data Server is running. Default is localhost. Note: Default localhost assumes the servlet and Data Server are running on the same machine. |
ServicePort |
Port for communicating with the Data Server. Default is 5665. |
ServiceTimeout |
Amount of time (in seconds) the servlet will wait for replies from the RTVAgent. Default is 15 seconds. |
The following is an example of the file:
b. Install the RTVAgent Servlet:
• In an initialized command window, go to the servlets\rtvagent directory and type:
This script creates a web archive (.war) named rtvagent.war that includes all of the files necessary to run the RTVAgent Servlet.
• Install the files in the rtvagent.war file to your application server according to the documentation for that product.
Step 1 is completed. Go to Step 2: Setup File Server.
At this point you have installed, setup, and registered RTView, configured the Data Server and set up the RTVAgent Servlet.
Note: Instead of using a file server, you may install your project files onto each client machine. Using a file server allows you to update project files in a single location but is not required.
• All clients must be able to map a drive to this system.
At this point you have verified your system requirements.
1. Create a shared project directory to store files for the application.
2. Copy the following files into this directory from the project directory where you developed your RTView application:
• Display (.rtv) files
• COLORS.ini (only required if Custom Colors have been defined). See “Custom Colors Tab” for more information.
• Panel configuration file (optional). See “Multiple Display Panels” for more information.
• jar file containing custom classes (optional)
• Security configuration files (optional). See “Configuration” for more information.
3. If you already created an OPTIONS.ini in which the Display Viewer is configured to connect to the Data Server via socket, copy the OPTIONS.ini to the project directory created in Step 1. Then go to Step 3: Install and Setup Client.
If you have not created an OPTIONS.ini, go to next step.
4. On the system where you developed your RTView application, open an initialized command window (see “Initializing a Command Prompt or Terminal Window”) and go to the project directory for the application you will be installing and type;
run_builder -xmlonly -dataserver
Note: The -xmlonly option prevents several data sources from loading. This allows us to save only OPTIONS.ini and not the other data source configuration files, which are not needed for this step.
5. Open the Application Options dialog, select the “Data Server Tab” and do the following:
• Select Read Data from Socket (Direct or via HTTP) from the Data Server Mode menu and confirm that the Connect Directly to Socket option is selected.
• Set Data Server Host to be the name of the system where you installed the Data Server in Step 1, and the Data Server Port to the port specified in Step 1D-5.
• Configure the Redirect XML Data Source option as best suits your application (Redirect XML Data Source is recommended). The Viewer Only check box should be selected if you do not want these settings to be used by the Display Builder.
6. Click Save to apply and do the following:
• Save your Data Server options.
• In the confirm dialog, click No to save the OPTIONS.ini file to the current directory.
7. Copy the OPTIONS.ini file to the directory you created in Step 1.
You have finished Step 2. Go to Step 3: Install and Setup Client.
Step 3: Install and Setup Client
At this point you have installed, setup and registered RTView, configured the Data Server, set up the RTVAgent Servlet and the file server.
See “System Requirements” Checklist to verify:
• Hardware requirements
• RTView application requirements
Note: You do not need to verify data source requirements.
• Must have permission to access the Data Server on the port specified for the socket in the DATASERVER.inifile (see Step 1D)
Note: Instead of installing RTView on each client system, you can install it only on the file server and have all clients share the installation by running it over a mapped drive. Using a single installation allows you to upgrade your RTView version on a single system. Each client must still register.
1. Install RTView. See “Installation” for more information.
2. Setup RTView. See “Setup” for more information.
At this point you have installed and setup RTView.
Register for a license for the Display Viewer. See “Registration” for more information.
You have finished Step 3. Go to Step 4: Start / Run Data Server.
Step 4: Start / Run Data Server
At this point you have installed and setup RTView, configured the Data Server, set up the RTVAgent Servlet, the file server and a client. If you are using multiple Data Servers, you will need to repeat the following steps on each system where you will run Data Server(s).
1. In an initialized command window (see “Initializing a Command Prompt or Terminal Window”), go to the directory you created in Step 1 and type:
2. Click Start Serving Data.
Note: You may also run the Data Server as a daemon process. See “Running the Data Server” for more information and additional options.
Note: The Data Server is instrumented with JMX to allow you to manage and monitor the clients and application settings. See “Managing the Data Server Using JMX” for more information.
You have finished Step 4. Go to Step 5: Test Client.
At this point you have setup RTView, configured the Data Server, set up the RTVAgent Servlet, the file server, the client, and are running the Data Server.
1. In an initialized command window (see “Initializing a Command Prompt or Terminal Window”), go to the project directory on the file server and:
type run_viewer
Note: If no file is specified on the command line (on Windows or UNIX), the Display Viewer Application opens init.rtv. If the file init.rtv is not found, a blank display opens. Once the Display Viewer Application is open, you can access display files by selecting File>Open.
Note: Application options set on the command line will override values in initialization files. See “Command Line” for more information on using command line parameters.
2. “Login”. By default, the Display Viewer requires a login to support “Role-based Security”. If your system administrator has configured a user name and password for you, use those. You may also need to select a role. Otherwise, the default user name and password are:
User Name: admin
Password: admin
Congratulations! RTView deployment is completed.
Application with Direct Data Connection - Manual Deployment Process
The following is an overview of how to manually deploy the Application with Direct Data Connection option of RTView. Alternatively, you can use the Deployment Wizard to guide you through this process.
Note: This documentation is intended for users with a working knowledge of HTML code. If you do not have a full understanding of these topics, you will need assistance from your system administrator.
“A: Verify System Requirements”
“Step 2: Install and Setup Client”
“A: Verify System Requirements”
Application with Direct Data Connection - Manual Setup
This section provides step-by-step instructions on how to manually deploy RTView. Refer to “Application with Direct Data Connection - Manual Deployment Process” for a summary of these instructions. Alternatively, you can use the “Deployment Wizard” to guide you through this process.
Note: Instead of using a file server, you may install your project files onto each client machine. Using a file server allows you to update project files in a single location but is not required.
• All clients must be able to map a drive to this system.
At this point you have verified your system requirements.
1. Create a shared project directory to store files for the application.
2. Copy the following files into this directory from the project directory where you developed your RTView application:
• Display (.rtv) files
• Style sheet (.rts) files (optional)
• Panel configuration file (optional). See “Multiple Display Panels” for more information.
• .jar file containing custom classes (optional)
• Security configuration files (optional). See “Configuration” for more information.
• OPTIONS.ini. See “Application Options” for more information.
• COLORS.ini (only required if Custom Colors have been defined). See “Custom Colors Tab” for more information.
• Refer to “Deployment” in the Data Sources section of this documentation for information on configuration (.ini) files specific to your data sources.
You have finished Step 1. Go to Step 2: Install and Setup Client.
Step 2: Install and Setup Client
At this point you have setup the file server.
• Basic “System Requirements”
• In addition to basic system requirements, refer to the “RTView Data Sources” section of this documentation for system requirements and setup specific to your data source.
Note: Instead of installing RTView on each client system, you can install it only on the file server and have all clients share the installation by running it over a mapped drive. Using a single installation allows you to upgrade your RTView version on a single system. Each client must still register.
1. Install RTView. See “Installation” for more information.
2. Setup RTView. See “Setup” for more information.
At this point you have installed and setup RTView.
Register for a license for the Display Viewer. See “Registration” for more information.
You have finished Step 2. Go to Step 3: Test Client.
At this point you have setup the file server and the client.
1. In an initialized command window (see “Initializing a Command Prompt or Terminal Window”), go to the project directory on the file server and:
type run_viewer
Note: If no file is specified on the command line (on Windows or UNIX), the Display Viewer Application opens init.rtv. If the file init.rtv is not found, a blank display opens. Once the Display Viewer Application is open, you can access display files by selecting File>Open.
Note: Application options set on the command line will override values in initialization files. See “Command Line” for more information on using command line parameters.
2. “Login”. By default, the Display Viewer requires a login to support “Role-based Security”. If your system administrator has configured a user name and password for you, use those. You may also need to select a role. Otherwise, the default user name and password are:
User Name: admin
Password: admin
Congratulations! RTView deployment is completed.
The Display Viewer is a stand-alone Java application. It can either access your data source(s) directly or it can connect to the “Data Server”. For step-by-step instructions on how to deploy the Display Viewer Application, see “Application with Served Data - Manual Setup” or “Application with Direct Data Connection - Manual Setup”.
This document describes system requirements and how to configure and run the Display Viewer Application.
§ Basic “System Requirements”
§ In addition to basic system requirements, if you are not using the Data Server, refer to the “RTView Data Sources” section of this documentation for system requirements and setup specific to your data source.
If initialization files are present in a specified directory, the current directory or in the lib directory (found in your installation directory) they will be used to set application options. See “Application Options” for more information on creating initialization files. See “RTV_JAVAOPTS” for more information.
Note: Application options set on the command line will override values in initialization files. See “Command Line” for more information on using command line parameters.
Java options specified in “RTV_JAVAOPTS” will be used by the run_viewer scripts.
Start the Display Viewer Application
In an initialized terminal window (see “Initializing a Command Prompt or Terminal Window”) type:
type run_viewer
Note: If no file is specified on the command line, the Display Viewer Application will open init.rtv. If the file init.rtv is not found, a blank display will open. Once the Display Viewer Application is open, you can access display files by selecting File>Open.
By default, the Display Viewer does not require a login. Login can be enabled at setup to support role based security. The default user name and password are:
User Name: admin
Password: admin
It is possible that your system administrator may have configured another user name and password. In this case, you may also need to select a role.
Since editing is not allowed there are no editing dialogs, no toolbar, and menus are limited to File, View, Tools, and Help. To include editing dialogs for viewing only, run the Display Builder with the editing disabled instead of running the Display Viewer. Several options are available to control how you view a display, including multiple display panels. See “View Options”, “Viewing Multiple Display Panels”, and “Command Line Options: Display Builder and Display Viewer” for more information.