Home > Chapter 19 Troubleshooting & Monitoring > RTView Monitor
The RTView Monitor enables you to monitor the performance, memory allocation, and utilization for all licensed RTView Data Servers, Display Servers, Historian applications, and Tomcat applications in your system. Use the RTView Monitor to determine how an RTView application is utilizing its memory.
The RTView Monitor is a demo application (located in the RTView demos/rtvmonitor directory) that you can customize for your own system, including adding alerts. To start the RTView Monitor demo, see “Starting the RTView Monitor”. To customize the RTView Monitor, see “Configuring the RTView Monitor”.
The RTView Monitor uses the RTView JMX Data Adapter to display all connectivity information available via JMX, as well as all detailed operational and management features currently available via JMX.
Monitoring Tips:
§ If your RTView system is unexpectedly slow, use the RTView Monitor to see how much memory is allocated and determine how it is being utilized. If the amount of memory used is close to the amount designated, consider making more memory available for the application.
§ When viewing metrics for application usage of JVM heap and non-heap memory, note that heap usage might go up and down between garbage collection intervals but, overall, the heap size should be stable. See “Using RTView Monitor” for more information. An exception to this is an RTView server that runs the RTVIew cache data source. In that case, heap usage grows until each cache history table reaches its maximum row counts or timeSpan. See “Caches” for more information.
§ Obtain performance metrics for both before and after a failure.
§ If an RTView application is not performing as expected, investigate the following most critical and commonly encountered issues:
Display Server: Check CPU usage. This is the most typical issue for the Display Server as the application processes many user requests.
Data Server and Historian: Check both the amount of available memory and memory used. The amount of memory used grows as these applications run, so the amount of memory originally designated might no longer be adequate. If the amount of memory used is close to the amount designated, consider making more memory available.
This section contains the following:
§ “Configuring the RTView Monitor” on page 1180
§ “Starting the RTView Monitor” on page 1184
§ “Verifying Your Setup” on page 1185
§ “Using RTView Monitor” on page 1186
Configuring the RTView Monitor
This section provides step-by-step instructions on how to setup your servers to be monitored by the RTView Monitor.
Basic Steps To Configure the RTView Monitor
Perform the following steps in the order given to configure the RTView Monitor. Steps 2 and 3 are optional.
1. Setup your servers. Configure your servers to be monitored by the RTView Monitor, and to expose their metrics through JMX. See “Setup your servers for RTView Monitor” for more information.
2. Configure Application Groups (optionally). Application groups allow you to organize your application servers into categories for ease of access. You can create a group name and assign one or more servers to that group. Application servers can belong to multiple groups. See “Configure Application Groups for the RTView Monitor” for more information.
3. “Modify the default settings for the RTView Monitor” (optionally). You can edit default settings, such as the update period, in the OPTIONS.ini file.
4. Start the RTView Monitor. See “Starting the RTView Monitor” for information.
5. Verify your setup. See “Verifying Your Setup” for information.
Setup your servers for RTView Monitor
1. To set up your RTView servers for monitoring, execute run_configutil.bat, located in the /bin directory. The Application Options dialog opens.
2. Select JMX from the list of options in the left pane.
3. Select the JMX Connections tab, then click Add Connection to open the Add JMX Connection dialog.
4. In the Add JMX Connection dialog, make the following entries:
Connection Name: Enter the connection name as you want it to appear in the RTView Monitor.
Host or IP: Enter the server host or IP address.
Port: Enter the JMX port number assigned to that server.
Note: Use the additional fields only if needed for your specific configuration.
The settings entered in the Add JMX Connection dialog are stored in the local JMXOPTIONS.ini file, located in the demos/rtvmonitor directory (the JMXOPTIONS.ini resides in the same directory as the RTView Monitor application).
You can also use a text editor to edit the JMXOPTIONS.ini file, using the following syntax:
jmxconn <servername> <IPaddress> <port> URL:- - - 'false'
<servername> is a name of your choosing for the application.
<IPaddress> is the IP address of the host on which the application runs.
<port> is the port number of the host on which the application runs. The port number must be the same port number used when launching the respective server.
URL:- - - 'false'
For example:
jmxconn MyDataserver localhost 9952 URL:- - - ‘false’
jmxconn MyDisplayServer localhost 9953 URL: - - - ‘false’
jmxconn slhost1_OCM_HISTORIAN 9913 URL:- - - ‘false’
5. Click OK when you are finished.
6. To configure your servers to expose their metrics through JMX, add the following parameter to the command line string of each server:
Where xxxxx is the same JMX port number used to configure the “RTView Monitor”.
Note: SL recommends port numbers above 10000 to avoid conflicts with existing SL server application port numbers.
To (optionally) configure Application Groups for the RTView Monitor, continue to the next steps (below). To (optionally) modify the RTView Monitor default settings, see “Modify the default settings for the RTView Monitor”. Otherwise, proceed to “Starting the RTView Monitor”.
Configure Application Groups for the RTView Monitor
1. Edit the appgroups.xml file, located in the demos/rtvmonitor directory, using the following format:
Where each row (<tr>) contains two columns (<td>). The first column contains the name of the Application Group, and the second column contains the name of an application to be contained in that group.
Application groups allow you to organize your application servers into categories for ease of access. You can assign one or more servers to a group. Application servers can belong to multiple groups.
In the following example, an Application Group named DataServers contains two applications, slhost1_OCM_DATASERVER and slhost3_OCM_DATASERVER:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<table key="app_groups">
<tc name="GROUPNAME"
<tc name="APPNAME"
The XML code preceding the first <tr> and following the last </tr> must not be altered.
To (optionally) modify the RTView Monitor default settings, see “Modify the default settings for the RTView Monitor,” next. Otherwise, proceed to “Starting the RTView Monitor”.
Modify the default settings for the RTView Monitor
Optionally, you can edit the default performance settings for the RTView Monitor, such as the update period, in the OPTIONS.ini file. The OPTIONS.ini file settings override settings made in the Application Options dialog.
Proceed to “Starting the RTView Monitor,” next.
This section provides step-by-step instructions on how to start the RTView Monitor in the “Display Viewer” and the “Thin Client”.
To start the RTView Monitor:
1. In an initialized command prompt (see “Initializing a Command Prompt or Terminal Window”), navigate to the core/demos/rtvmonitor directory and type:
The RTView Monitor opens.
2. Verify that the Connected check box in the table is checked for the applications you are running. If an application that should be running is not checked, do the following:
• Verify that the non-connected application is running.
• Verify that it was started with the –jmxport:xxxx parameter.
• Verify that the same application port number is used for the –jmxport:xxxx parameter and the JMXOPTIONS.ini file entry. If they do not match, edit the JMXOPTIONS.ini entry and restart the RTView Monitor.
To start the RTView Monitor:
1. In a Web browser, navigate to:
where xxxx is the Web server port number.
The RTView Monitor opens.
2. Verify that the Connected check box in the table is checked for the application/s you are running. If an application that should be running is not checked, do the following:
• Verify that the non-connected application is running.
• Verify that it was started with the –jmxport:xxxx parameter.
• Verify that the same application port number is used for the –jmxport:xxxx parameter and the JMXOPTIONS.ini file entry. If they do not match, edit the JMXOPTIONS.ini entry and restart the RTView Monitor.
Proceed to “Verifying Your Setup,” next.
Perform the following steps to verify the RTView Monitor is setup properly.
To verify your RTView Monitor setup:
1. Verify that new application servers appear in the RTView Monitor:
Display Viewer
• Open the JMXOPTIONS.ini file in a text editor (located in the demos/rtvmonitor directory) and add application servers using the following syntax: jmxconn DisplayServer1 9997 URL:- - - 'false'
• Start the RTView Monitor.
• Verify that the application servers you added appear in the Host and Application lists.
Thin Client
• Open the JMXOPTIONS.ini file in a text editor (located in the demos/rtvmonitor directory) and add application servers using the following syntax: jmxconn DisplayServer1 9997 URL:- - - 'false'
• Start (or stop and the restart) the Display Server.
• Verify that the application servers you added appear in the Host and Application lists.
2. Verify that new Application Groups appear in the RTView Monitor:
Display Viewer
• Create a new Application Group in the appgroups.xml file. See “Configure Application Groups for the RTView Monitor” for more information.
• Save the appgroups.xml file and start (or restart) the RTView Monitor.
• Verify that the Application Group you added appears in the Host and Application lists.
Thin Client
• Create a new Application Group in the appgroups.xml file. See “Configure Application Groups for the RTView Monitor” for more information.
• Save the appgroups.xml file.
• Verify that the Application Group you added appears in the Host and Application lists.
Note: Any change to the Thin Client JMXOPTIONS.ini file requires that the Display Server be restarted (not the application). Changes to the appgroups.xml file does not require anything to be restarted as it is read with each refresh, and updated automatically.
3. Verify RTView Monitor GUI functionality:
• Click the Show Only Connected check box so that only connected application servers are displayed. Clear the check box and verify that both connected and non-connected servers appear.
• Click entries in the Applications list and verify that the detail pane is populated with associated detail data.
4. Verify detail data displays properly by clicking:
• Memory
a) Verify that fields are populated.
b) Click the Time Rage drop-down and verify that both graphs reflect the selected time range.
Verify that fields are populated and that the data is correct.
• App > Data Server
a) Verify that fields are populated and that the data is correct.
b) Verify that Start Serving Data and Stop Serving Data work as expected.
c) Verify that Start Serving Data and Stop Serving Data reflect their current state: enabled or disabled.
d) Verify that Serving Data reflects its current state.
e) Verify that Current Number of Clients matches the number of client rows displayed in the Client Data table.
• App > Display Server
a) Verify that fields are populated and that the data is correct.
b) Verify that Clear Display Cache does clear the cache.
• App > Historian
a) Verify that fields are populated and that the data is correct.
b) Verify that Start Storing Data and Stop Storing Data work as expected.
c) Verify that Start Storing Data and Stop Storing Data reflect their current state: enabled or disabled.
d) Verify that Storing Data reflects its current status.
e) Verify that Purge Stored Data does purge the stored data.
f) Verify that the Primary Server indicator reflects its current status.
• App > Tomcat
Verify that fields are populated and that the data is correct.
• App > (none)
Verify that this panel only appears when App is selected and there is either no application server selected, or the server is not currently connected.
Your RTView Monitor setup is complete. For details about using the RTView Monitor, see “Using RTView Monitor” (next).
The RTView Monitor main page lists all of the RTView Data Servers, Display Servers, Historian applications and Tomcat applications in your system. The RTView Monitor provides information about the current status of RTView applications. Hosts available are specified in the JMXOPTIONS.ini file. See “Setup your servers for RTView Monitor” for more information.
Select a specific host or All Hosts, then select a specific group or All Groups, to populate the RTView Applications table. Select an application from the RTView Application table to populate the lower pane of the screen. Choose one of the following to drill down to detailed information for the application:
§ Memory - View metrics for JVM heap and non-heap memory usage by the application. Note that heap usage might go up and down between garbage collection intervals but, overall, the heap size should be stable. An exception to this is an RTView server that runs the RTVIew cache data source. In that case, heap usage grows until each cache history table reaches its maximum row counts or timeSpan. See the table below for information.
§ JVM - Monitor Java Virtual Machine memory usage, get JVM system information, application performance metrics, and input arguments for the application. See “JVM Details” for information.
§ App - Monitor application load and client connections and manage the Data Server, Display Server, Historian or Tomcat applications. See “App Details” for information.
§ RTView - View performance metrics for functions and Web applications. See “RTView Details” for information.
Field Name |
Description |
Host |
Select a host. This list is populated by the entries int he JMXOPTIONS.ini file. For details, see “Configuring the RTView Monitor”. |
Group |
Select a group of applications or All Groups. Groups are available if they are created in the appgroups.xml file. For details, see “Configure Application Groups for the RTView Monitor”. |
Show Only Connected |
When checked, excludes non-connected servers from the list in the RTView Applications table. |
RTView Applications |
The table lists all RTView applications for the selected group/s. This list is populated by the entries in the JMXOPTIONS.ini file. |
Application |
The host name on which the application resides and the name of the application. |
Group |
The name of the Group, if one was created, in which the application resides. |
Connected |
Indicates that the application is connected when checked. |
Host |
The IP address of the host on which the application resides. |
Port |
The port number on the host that the application uses. |
Memory |
Select to view details about JVM memory usage for an application. Fields are populated by the selection made in the RTView Applications table. |
Time Range |
Select the time range for the trend charts range varying from 2 Minutes to Last 7 Days, or display All Data. |
Heap |
Displays data pertaining to JVM heap memory allocation. That is, the allocation of memory storage for use by an application at runtime. These fields are populated by the selection made in the RTView Applications table. Further JVM details are available in the “JVM Details” display. Note: Heap usage might go up and down between garbage collection intervals but, overall, the heap size should be stable. An exception to this is an RTView server that runs the RTVIew cache data source. In that case, heap usage grows until each cache history table reaches its maximum row counts or timeSpan. See “Caches” for information. |
Maximum |
The maximum amount of memory used for memory management by the application in the time range specified. This value may change or be undefined. Note: A memory allocation can fail if the JVM attempts to set the Used memory allocation to a value greater than the Committed memory allocation, even if the amount for Used memory is less than or equal to the Maximum memory allocation (for example, when the system is low on virtual memory). |
Committed |
The amount of memory guaranteed to be available for use by the JVM. The amount of committed memory can be a fixed or variable size. If set to be a variable size, the amount of committed memory can change over time, as the JVM may release memory to the system. This means that the amount allocated for Committed memory could be less than the amount initially allocated. Committed memory will always be greater than or equal to the amount allocated for Used memory. |
Used |
The amount of memory currently used by the application. Memory used includes the memory occupied by all objects including both reachable and unreachable objects. |
Heap Trend Graph |
Displays data pertaining to JVM allocation of memory storage for use by an application at runtime. The graph is populated by the selection made in the RTView Applications table. The memory pools available for display are determined by the JVM being used. Further JVM Details are available in the “JVM Details” display. |
Eden Space |
Traces the amount of memory used by the JVM eden pool in the time range specified. Eden refers to the JVM eden pool, which is used to initially allocate memory for most objects. |
Old Gen |
Traces the amount of memory used by objects that have survived some number of young generation collections, as well as some large objects that may be allocated directly in the old generation. |
PS Survivor Space |
Traces the amount of memory used by the JVM survivor pool in the time range specified. The JVM survivor pool holds objects that survive the eden space garbage collection. |
Total Heap Memory Used |
Traces the total amount of heap memory used. |
Non-Heap |
Displays data pertaining to JVM non-heap memory allocation. That is, the allocation of memory storage for the method area shared by all threads, and the memory required for JVM internal processing. The graph is populated by the selection made in the RTView Applications table. Further JVM Details are available in the “JVM Details” display. |
Maximum |
The maximum amount of memory used for JVM non-heap memory management by the application in the time range specified. |
Committed |
The amount of memory guaranteed to be available for use by JVM non-heap memory management. The amount of committed memory can be a fixed or variable size. If set to be a variable size, it can change over time, as the JVM may release memory to the system. This means that the amount allocated for Committed memory could be less than the amount initially allocated. Committed memory will always be greater than or equal to the amount allocated for Used memory. |
Used |
The amount of memory currently used by the application. Memory used includes the memory occupied by all objects including both reachable and unreachable objects. |
Non-Heap Trend Graph |
Displays data pertaining to JVM non-heap memory allocation. The graph is populated by the selection made in the RTView Applications table. The memory pools available for display are determined by the JVM being used. Further JVM details are available in the “JVM Details” display. |
PS Perm Gen |
Traces the amount of memory used by the pool containing reflective data of the virtual machine, such as class and method objects. With Java virtual machines that use class data sharing, this generation is divided into read-only and read-write areas. |
Total Used |
Traces the total amount of memory used. |
Select to view JVM details. Fields are populated by the selection made in the RTView Applications table. See “JVM Details”, below. |
App |
Select to view application details. Fields are populated by the selection made in the RTView Applications table. See “App Details”, below. |
RTView |
Select to view RTView details. Fields are populated by the selection made in the RTView Applications table. See “RTView Details”, below. |
Use the JVM Details page to monitor Java Virtual Machine memory usage, get JVM system information, application performance metrics, and input arguments for the application. Verify whether the memory usage has reached a plateau. Or, if usage is getting close to the limit, determine whether to allocate more memory.
To view, select JVM. Fields are populated by the selection made in the RTView Applications table.
JDK 5.0
Some data is only available for JDK v5.0+. JDK v5.0+ extends the Operating System MBean to include the following operating system resource information:
§ CPU processing time
§ total amount of memory
§ total amount of free physical memory
§ total amount of committed virtual memory (virtual memory guaranteed to be available to the running process)
§ total amount of swap space
§ total amount of free swap space
Field Name |
Description |
Operating System |
Displays data pertaining to The operating system running on the host on which the JVM resides. Fields are populated by the selection made in the RTView Applications table. |
Operating System |
The name of the operating system running on the host on which the JVM resides. |
Version |
The operating system version. |
Architecture |
The ISA used by the processor. |
Available Processors |
The total number of processors available to the JVM. |
Process CPU % |
The average amount of CPU usage by the JVM, in percent. |
Total Swap Space Size |
The total amount of swap space, in megabytes, allocated for the JVM (visible with JDK v5.0+). |
Free Swap Space Size |
The total amount of currently free swap space, in megabytes, available to the JVM (visible with JDK v5.0+). |
Total Physical Memory |
The total amount of physical memory, in megabytes, allocated for the JVM (visible with JDK v5.0+). |
Free Physical Memory |
The total amount of currently free physical memory, in megabytes, available to the JVM. |
Committed Virtual Memory |
The total amount of virtual memory guaranteed to be available to the running process, in megabytes, allocated for the JVM (visible with JDK v5.0+). |
Application |
Displays JVM data for the application selected in the RTView Applications table. Start Time The date and time that the application started running. |
Up Time |
The amount of time the application has been running, in the following format: 0d 00:00 <days>d <hours>:<minutes> For example: 30d 22:30 |
Compilation Time |
The approximate accumulated elapsed time (in milliseconds) spent in compilation. If multiple threads are used for compilation, then this value is a summation of the approximate time that each thread spent in compilation. |
Live Threads |
The total number of live threads. |
Daemon Threads |
The total number of live daemon threads. |
Peak Threads |
The total number of peak live threads since the Java virtual machine started or the peak was reset. |
Loaded Classes |
The total number of classes that are currently loaded in the JVM. |
Unloaded Classes |
The total number of classes unloaded since the JVM started executing. |
Total Classes |
The total number of loaded and unloaded classes since the JVM started execution. |
Trend Graph |
Traces the amount of memory used by the specific Java space (server or client) being published at the time. For example: Peak Tenured: Traces the amount of memory used by tenured JVM objects in the time range specified. Tenured refers to JVM objects contained in a pool that holds objects that have avoided garbage collection and reside in the survivor space. Peak tenured refers to the maximum value of the tenured memory over a specified period of time. |
Input Arguments |
The JVM arguments in the RuntimeMXBean InputArguments attribute. |
Use the App Details page for Data Server, Display Server, Historian and Tomcat applications to monitor processing load, the number of client connections, and determine whether the number of client connections or the load is getting close to the limit (and subsequently whether these need to be reduced).
Fields are populated by the type of application selected in the RTView Applications table.
To view, select App from the RTView Monitor main page.
§ “Data Server” - Monitor Data Server application load, client connections and start or stop the application.
§ “Display Server” - Displays information for Display Servers, such as the number of active displays, functions, Web application load, and client connections. You can also clear the display cache.
§ “Historian” - Displays the caches that are archived by the Historian application. Also included are any substitution variables associated with the history cache configuration file, as well as the history cache status.
§ “Tomcat” - Monitor the performance of Tomcat application sessions and get Tomcat hosting and connection details.
§ “RTView Details” - Monitor performance between the RTView application and the Data Servers, and monitor how long it takes for an RTView application to execute functions.
Monitor Data Server application load, the amount of data sent by the Data Server and connected clients, and start or stop the application.
To view Data Server application select App, then select a Data Server application from the RTView Applications table.
Field Name |
Description |
Client Data |
Displays metrics for data being sent to clients connected to the application selected in the RTView Applications table. |
Host |
The host machine for the client. |
Address |
The client IP address. |
Client ID |
The client ID. |
Duration |
The length of the client-application session, with the following format: 00:00:00 hours:minutes:seconds For example: 24:00:00 |
Last Data Sent |
The amount of data, in kilobytes, last sent to the client. |
Total Data Sent |
The total amount of data, in kilobytes, sent to the client since the session started. |
Current Number of Clients |
The total number of clients currently connected to the application. |
Serving Data |
When green, indicates that the application is currently serving data to clients. When red, indicates that the application is not currently serving data to clients. |
Start Serving Data |
Click to start or resume serving data. |
Stop Serving Data |
Click to stop serving data. |
View the number of active displays, functions, Web application load, and client connections on the Display Server. You can also clear the display cache.
To view Display Server application select App, then select a Display Server application from the RTView Applications table.
Field Name |
Description |
Display Data |
Fields are populated by the selection made in the RTView Applications table. |
Active |
Displays Lists the displays currently operational for the application selected in the RTView Applications table. Display Name The display (.rtv) file name. |
Display Number |
The display number is a value that ranges from 1 to N, where N is the number of displays currently in the cache. This number is not tied to a particular display, and can change as displays are automatically removed from the cache. |
Last Reference Time |
The amount of time that has elapsed since the display was last requested by a client. |
Panel ID |
A unique string identifier assigned to each panel. The Display Server loads each display requested by each client into a panel. This ID can be useful in troubleshooting. |
Preloaded |
When checked, indicates that the display (.rtv) file is configured in the DISPLAYSERVER.ini file to be preloaded. The history_config option is used to configure display preloading. Preloading a display makes data immediately available. Preloaded displays are not unloaded unless the Display Server is restarted or the display cache is cleared via JMX. This option can be used multiple times to specify multiple displays to preload. See “Display Server Configuration” for more information. |
Session |
The browser session ID for the client that requested the display. |
Substitutions |
Lists the substitutions used for the display which are specified in the DISPLAYSERVER.ini file. See “Display Server Configuration” for more information. |
Image Quality (0 - 100) |
A value between 0 and 100, set in the DISPLAYSERVER.ini file, which controls the quality of the generated images. If the value is 100, the Display Server outputs the highest quality image with the lowest compression. If the value is 0, the Display Server outputs the lowest quality image using the highest compression. The default is 75. |
Display Timeout (seconds) |
The amount of time, in seconds, that a display can be kept in memory after the Display Servlet has stopped requesting it. This value is set in the DISPLAYSERVER.ini file. Default is 60 seconds (to allow faster load time when switching between displays). |
Max Displays |
The number of displays kept in memory. This value is set in the DISPLAYSERVER.ini file. Default is 20 (to optimize memory used by the Display Server). |
Active Displays |
The total number of displays currently being viewed by a user. |
Clear Display Cache |
Click to unload and reload the preloaded (shared) displays. Use this when a shared display is modified while the Display Server is running. |
View the caches that are archived by the Historian application, substitution variables associated with the history cache configuration file, as well as the history cache status. You can also stop and start the Historian, and purge data.
To view Historian data select App, then select a Historian application from the RTView Applications table.
Field Name |
Description |
Data Configuration Files |
Lists the configuration files that are used by the history cache. |
File Name |
The name of the history cache configuration file. |
Substitutions |
Lists the substitutions specified in the history cache configuration file. |
Primary Server |
When green, indicates that this Historian, when used within a group of Historians, is the primary group member. If the primary member fails or shuts down, the standby member with the highest priority becomes the primary group member. When red, indicates that this Historian is a secondary server. |
Storing Data |
When green, indicates that this Historian is actively archiving data. When red, indicates that this Historian is not actively archiving data. |
Start Storing Data |
Click to start or resume archiving data on the history cache. |
Stop Storing Data |
Click to stop archiving data on the history cache. |
Purge Stored Data |
Click to remove all archived data on the history cache. |
Monitor the performance of Tomcat application sessions and get Tomcat hosting and connection details. Use this data to verify response times of your Web applications.
To view Tomcat application data select App, then select a Tomcat application from the RTView Applications table.
For more information about Tomcat, see The Apache Software Foundation documentation, located at: http://tomcat.apache.org/.
Field Name |
Description |
Tomcat |
The Tomcat pane displays hosting information for the Tomcat application, as well as performance metrics. |
Host Name |
The name of the host where the application resides. |
App Base |
The directory in which Tomcat is installed. |
Auto Deploy |
When checked, indicates that Tomcat option, automatic application deployment, is enabled. Note: This Tomcat option is set using the autoDeploy property in the server.xml file, located in the Tomcat conf directory. autoDeploy=true enables the option. |
Unpack WARs |
When checked, indicates that the option to unpack WAR files located in the application base directory is enabled. Note: This Tomcat option is set using the unpackWARs propert in the server.xml file, located in the Tomcat conf directory. When enabled (unpackWARs=true), WAR files are unpacked into the appropriate folder off of the webapps folder (the default base directory), and the applications run from that directory. When disabled (unpackWARs=false), the applications run directly from the WAR file. For more information about the Tomcat settings, refer to: http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-5.5-doc/config/host.html#Introduction and: |
Deploy On Startup |
When checked, indicates that the option to deploy the application on Tomcat startup is enabled. Note: This Tomcat option is set using the deployOnStartup property in the server.xml file, located in the Tomcat conf directory. When enabled (deployOnStartup=true), applications from the host are automatically deployed. |
Connections |
Displays Tomcat application connection information. Port The port number used by the Tomcat application on the host. |
protocol |
The protocol used by the Tomcat application on the host. |
redirectPort |
The redirect port number used by the Tomcat application on the host. |
secure |
When checked, specifies that the Tomcat application uses a secure connection on the host. |
Web Apps Summary |
Displays servlet information. For more information about Tomcat, see The Apache Software Foundation documentation, located at: http://tomcat.apache.org/. |
path |
The path of the Web application. |
activeSessions |
The number of clients currently in session with the servlet. |
expiredSessions |
The number of clients currently in session with the servlet. |
processingTime |
The amount of time, in milliseconds, for the servlet to process client requests. |
averageAliveTime |
The average amount of time, in milliseconds, of client sessions. |
Base Dir |
The webapps folder, where applications are run from. |
Auto Resize |
When checked, automatically resizes the Web Apps Table columns. |
Monitor the performance of specific RTView application functions and get connection information for Data Servers. From the View drop-down menu, select:
§ Function Statistics: to verify execution time for functions and expressions. Check for slow Avg Execution Time values, and consider modifications to run the application run more efficiently.
§ Dataserver Connections: to monitor the number of requests received by the Data Server, the last time a request was received and the current status.
To view RTView Details data select App, select an application from the RTView Applications table, then select Function Statistics or Dataserver Connections from the View drop-down menu.
Field Name |
Description |
Function Statistics |
Displays statistics for RTView functions executed by the application. |
Avg Execution Time |
The average amount of time, in milliseconds, for the function to execute. |
Execution Count |
The number of times that the function executed. |
Function Name |
The name of the function. |
Last Column Count |
The number of columns in the most recent query result. A value of 0 indicates a scalar result. |
Last Execution Time |
The amount of time, in milliseconds, the RTView function took to execute. |
Last Row Count |
The number of rows in the most recent query result. A value of 0 indicates a scalar result. |
Panel Name |
The name of the panel within the RTView display in which the function executed. |
Dataserver Connections |
Displays connection information for the Data Server. |
Connected |
The number of clients currently connected to the Data Server. |
ConnectionString |
The host and port number of the connected Data Server. |
Name |
The Data Server name. |
ReceiveCount |
The total number of requests received by the Data Server. |
ReceiveTime |
The time the last message was received. |
Status |
The command execution status (OK, inactive, no service or no connection). |