Use On Demand Reporting to export reports a single display from within an RTView application.
This section contains the following:
§ “Generating Reports with the Display Builder” on page 970
§ “Generating Reports with the Display Viewer” on page 970
§ “Generating Reports with the Rich Client Browser” on page 970
§ “Generating Reports with the Thin Client Browser” on page 970
§ “Localizing Reports” on page 971
Generating Reports with the Display Builder
When generating a report in the Display Builder, the Page Setup dialog opens, then RTView creates a printable PDF file to save to disk.
Display - Right-click on the display to export and select Export>Display.
Report - Right-click on the display to export and select Export>Report.
Note: Export>Report / Display from the file menu will export the display in the main window of the Display Builder.
Generating Reports with the Display Viewer
When generating a report in the Display Viewer, the Page Setup dialog opens, then RTView creates a printable PDF file to save to disk.
Display - Right-click on the display to export and select Export>Display.
Report - Right-click on the display to export and select Export>Report.
Selecting Export>Report / Display from the file menu will export the display in the main window of the Display Viewer. If you are using “Multiple Display Panels”, the display that will be exported depends on the layout:
Border Panel - Display in center panel is exported
Tabbed Panel - Display in selected tab is exported
Grid Panel - Display in first panel in grid is exported
Card Panel - Display in visible panel is exported
Navigation Tree - Display in center panel is exported
Generating Reports with the Rich Client Browser
When generating a report in the Rich Client Browser, the Page Setup dialog opens, then the PDF file opens in a new browser window.
Display - Right-click on the display to export and select Export>Display.
Report - Right-click on the display to export and select Export>Report.
Note: In order to generate reports from the Rich Client Browser, you must setup the rtvreport servlet. See “Report Servlet” for more information.
Generating Reports with the Thin Client Browser
When generating a report in the Thin Client Browser, the Page Setup dialog opens, then the PDF file opens in a new browser window.
Display - Right-click on the display to export, select Export PDF, and choose Display in the Page Setup dialog.
Report - Right-click on the display to export, select Export PDF, and choose Report in the Page Setup dialog.
You can localize the headers and footers of exported reports for the Display Builder, Display Viewer, and the Thin Client.
To localize the headers and footers of your exported reports:
1. Navigate to the custom\rtvreport directory.
2. Copy the file into the directory where you start the RTView application. Typically, this is where the display (.rtv) files used by your application reside.
3. Open the file you just copied in a text editor and edit the following properties as needed:
The following example file contains the default values and initial values. Where:
§ Date / Time formats are delimited by |||.
§ Date Time formats use standard Java SimpleDateFormat patterns, as defined here:
§ Page numbers are defined as:
### = current page number
@@@ = total number of pages
# PDF Report Headers and footers properties
# This properties file ( can contain property
# definitions for the values used as header and footer elements in
# exported PDF files
# If a value is defined, it will override the default value
# If a value is not defined, the default value will be used.
# default values are defined below
#pdf.footer.left=|||EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy||| ### of @@@
#pdf.footer.right=|||h:mm:ss a z|||
# To define an actual value,
# Copy the appropriate default value,
# Uncomment, by removing the leading '#'
# And set the property value following the '='
pdf.footer.left=|||EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy||| ### of @@@
pdf.footer.right=|||h:mm:ss a z|||
Note: To use a single file for multiple applications in different directories, use the RTV_USERPATH environment variable to define a classpath that includes a reference to where the file resides, as the file is a properties file that is read from the classpath at runtime.
Note: The file is treated as a resource bundle, and thus follows the java convention for localizing resource bundles (rtvreport is followed by an underscore and a two-letter language code (ISO 639-2 code) that specifies the language that the resource bundle deals with.) For example, for Spanish and French you create and, respectively.