The RTVPipe data adapter supports attachments that launch an external process. The connection between RTView and the output stream of that process is referred to as a pipe. Using a Java class known as a pipe handler, it is possible to create a custom RTVPipe Handler to parse the output of specific programs or scripts. See “RTVPipe Data Source” for more information.
Note: Custom RTVPipe Handlers must be defined on the “RTVPipe Handlers Tab” of the Application Options dialog and the Java Class Name(s) assigned must be added to the “RTV_USERPATH” environment variable.
Using the API in the package, refer to the docs/javadocs directory. There are two sample display files (WindowsExample.rtv and LinuxExample.rtv) in custom/rtvpipe (located in your RTView installation directory).
Review the README file (in that same directory) for directions on how to create two basic custom RTVPipe Handlers: the Windows Tasklist Handler and the Linux Top Handler. These custom handlers are designed to convert the output of a tasklist command, or top command, to a table.