Creating a New Display (.rtv) File
To create a new display, click the New button on the toolbar (or Ctrl-N). This will open a new file with assigned default properties, including background and model width and height.
To open a display, click the Open button on the toolbar (or Ctrl-0). From the Open dialog, either double-click on a file name or enter the file name of a specific display (the .rtv extension is not required) and click Open. The last four displays you've opened will be listed in the File menu.
Note: If your “Login” doesn't allow you to view a particular display, the display will not open when you select or enter the file name in the Open dialog.
To save a display, click the Save button on the toolbar (or Ctrl-S). If the display file is new or if it does not have write permission, the Save dialog will appear. Type in a name for the display file and click Save. Display files are saved with the .rtv extension, which is added automatically if you do not enter it.
Note: The following characters can be used in display file names:
• ASCII alpha-numeric (a-z, 0-9)
• . (dot)
• - (dash)
• _ (underbar)
• (space)
To save a display file under a different name, select File>Save As and enter a file name. File names may include spaces, however they are not recommended.
Printing a Display (.rtv) File
To print a display, select File>Print (or Ctrl-P)