========================================= RTView Enterprise Monitor(R) for TIBCO(R) ========================================= The RTView Enterprise Monitor(R) for TIBCO(R) is an easy-to-configure and use monitoring system that gives you extensive visibility into the health and performance of your TIBCO applications. The Monitor enables TIBCO users to continually assess and analyze the health and performance of their infrastructure, gain early warning of issues with historical context, and effectively plan for capacity of their messaging system. It does so by aggregating and analyzing key performance metrics and presents the results, in real time, through meaningful dashboards as data is collected. Users also benefit from predefined dashboards and alerts that pin-point critical areas to monitor in most environments, and allow for customization of thresholds to let users fine-tune when alert events should be activated. The Monitor also contains alert management features so that the life cycle of an alert event can be managed to proper resolution. All of these features allow you to know exactly what is going on at any given point, analyze the historical trends of the key metrics, and respond to issues before they can degrade service levels in high-volume, high-transaction environments. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS & SUPPORTED VERSIONS Please refer to README_sysreq.txt INSTALLATION 1. Download the RTViewTIBCOMonitor_.zip archive to your Windows/UNIX/Linux server. 2. Extract the files to a location of your choosing, using an OS-appropriate extraction tool. It will create a directory named "RTViewTIBCOMonitor". UNIX/Linux, in a console window: $ unzip -a RTViewTIBCOMonitor_.zip Windows, in Windows Explorer: Right-click on RTViewTIBCOMonitor_.zip Click "Extract all..." If you prefer not to use the pre-configured Apache Tomcat 8 application server, you must obtain another application server. This change implies additional configuration steps. ESSENTIAL CONFIGURATION Set JAVA_HOME to the location of your Java installation and include it in the path. ---- Choosing Technologies --------------------------------- The RTView Monitor uses data collector servers to collect monitoring metrics from your TIBCO applications. The data in these collectors are analyzed and organized by the central configuration and alert servers. You can enable or disable collectors from running by editing the server startup file in a text editor: RTViewTIBCOMonitor/em-tibco/servers/rtvservers.dat To enable a server, confirm that the server definition is not commented out. To disable a server, comment out that line with a #. Example: ### EMSMON # emsmon ./emsmon dataserver rundata #emsmon ./emsmon historian runhist -ds Some technologies are configured to run from a dedicated collector, while others are combined within a shared collector. The collectors are organized thusly: amxmon TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) Service Grid TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks(TM) 5.x TIBCO Hawk(R) bwmon TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks(TM) 5.x TIBCO Hawk(R) bw6mon TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks(TM) 6.x TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks(TM) 5.x TIBCO Hawk(R) emsmon TIBCO Enterprise Message Service(TM) miscmon TIBCO BusinessEvents(R) TIBCO ActiveSpaces(R) TIBCO Hawk(R) VMWare TIBCO Adapter(TM) IMPORTANT! - The Monitor is configured to only one of the three ActiveMatrix servers - AMXMON, BWMON, or BW6MON - per host. Enable and configure the collector that most matches your organization's technology and disable the other two. The default enabled server is BWMON. If you wish to disable a specific TIBCO technology from being monitored by the MISCMON data collector, edit: RTViewTIBCOMonitor/em-tibco/servers/miscmon/rtview.properties Comment out the rtvapm_package line for those technologies that you do not require. # # RTVAPM Package(s) used by this application # rtvapm_package=rtvmgr rtvapm_package=tbemon rtvapm_package=vmwmon rtvapm_package=tasmon rtvapm_package=hostbase rtvapm_package=tadmon ---- sample.properties -------------------------------------- Connection configuration and other common configuration are exposed in each server's sample.properties configuration file. Example: RTViewTIBCOMonitor/em-tibco/servers/emsmon/sample.properties While you can edit any properties file that is called by a server, any property that is added or changed in sample.properties will override properties set in other files, because sample.properties is the last file to be loaded by a server. ---- AMXMON connections ------------------------------------- See RTViewTIBCOMonitor/rtvapm/amxmon/README.txt ---- BWMON connections -------------------------------------- See RTViewTIBCOMonitor/rtvapm/bwmon/README.txt ---- BW6MON connections ------------------------------------- See RTViewTIBCOMonitor/rtvapm/bw6mon/README.txt ---- EMSMON connections ------------------------------------- See RTViewTIBCOMonitor/rtvapm/emsmon/README.txt ---- MISCMON connections ------------------------------------ TBEMON - See RTViewTIBCOMonitor/rtvapm/tbemon/README.txt TASMON - See RTViewTIBCOMonitor/rtvapm/tasmon/README.txt HAWKMON - See RTViewTIBCOMonitor/rtvapm/hawkmon/README.txt TADMON - See RTViewTIBCOMonitor/rtvapm/tadmon/README.txt IMPORTANT! - The MISCMON server is able to monitor TIBCO Hawk agents, the same as AMXMON, BWMON, or BW6MON. If you are running one of those servers as well as miscmon, be careful not to configure two servers to monitor the same Hawk agents. VMWMON - See RTViewTIBCOMonitor/rtvapm/vmwmon/README.txt RUNTIME ---- UNIX/Linux File Permissions ---------------------------- In some installation circumstances, UNIX/Linux file permissions may not be set during installation. To correct execution permissions for your installation, do one of the following the first time you start your servers: Option 1: $ cd RTViewTIBCOMonitor/bin $ chmod a+x start_servers.sh $ ./start_servers.sh Option 2: $ cd RTViewTIBCOMonitor/bin $ sh start_servers.sh ---- Starting Servers --------------------------------------- From the RTViewTIBCOMonitor/bin directory: UNIX/Linux, in a console window: $ ./start_servers.sh Windows, from either command prompt or explorer: Execute start_servers.bat Open a browser to: http://:8068/em-tibco (admin/admin) Optionally, if you are not running a headless system: UNIX/Linux, in a console window: $ ./start_viewer.sh Windows, from either command prompt or explorer: Execute start_viewer.bat ---- Stopping Servers --------------------------------------- From the RTViewTIBCOMonitor/bin directory: UNIX/Linux, in a console window: $ ./stop_servers.sh Windows, from either command prompt or explorer: Execute stop_servers.bat Optionally, you can stop the processes using OS-specific tools: UNIX/Linux: $ ps -ef | grep rtv $ kill -9 Windows: Open Task Manager and look for Java sessions with "hsqldb" or "rtv" in the execute statement, and terminate any that are active ADVANCED CONFIGURATION ---- User-Created .properties files ------------------------- In this QUICKSTART we refer to changing sample.properties, but for final implementation it is sometimes desireable to create a properties file with a unique name. You can override any RTView property by adding or changing it in a unique properties file, so long as you add your properties file as the last option for a server in: RTViewTIBCOMonitor/em-tibco/servers/rtvservers.dat Example: bwmon ./bwmon dataserver rundata -properties:myprops bwmon ./bwmon historian runhist -properties:myprops ---- Database Usage ----------------------------------------- RTview includes an HSQLDB instance for storing alerts configuration and historical information. This is convenient for development environments, but we recommend that users switch to a supported database for their production environment (see README_sysreq.txt for the supported databases). ---- Running the Historian -------------------------------- To enable the storage of archival data to a database, edit: RTViewTIBCOMonitor/em-tibco/servers/rtvservers.dat Uncomment the server line(s) that include "historian": Example: #bwmon ./bwmon historian runhist -ds The next time you start the servers, the Historian(s) will now be started as well. Note that not all metrics are automatically configured to be stored, as some data caches contain so much data as to be prohibitive for optimal database and server performance. For more information on the default configuration and how to modify it, please see: RTViewTIBCOMonitor/rtvapm//README.txt TROUBLESHOOTING ---- Logging ------------------------------------------------ RTView components output an error message to the console and/or to the corresponding log files. em-tibco/servers/myserver/logs/dataserver.log em-tibco/servers/myserver/logs/displayserver.log em-tibco/servers/myserver/logs/historian.log ---- Resources --------------------------------------------- The RTView(R) Monitor for TIBCO is based on the technology of RTView Enterprise Monitor(R) and the EM Solution Packages for TIBCO technologies. While the directory structure of the em-solmon project is unique to this Monitor, the User Guide's for RTView Enterprise Monitor and the related Solution Packages can be a valuable resource for more in-depth configuration. SL Corporation's documentation site: http://sl.com/support/documentation/ RTView Enterprise Monitor User's Guide: RTView_EM_UserGuide_x.x.pdf