Oracle Coherence Monitor

Release Notes


Version 6.4.0 Release Notes


21765: New Cache Size Alerts

New alerts are available to monitor cache sizes and alert if thresholds are exceeded. A new alert - OCCacheSizeHigh has been added. This alert will trigger when the cache size goes above the specified threshold for the specified duration. This alert has per cluster, per (cache) service, per cache and per (cache) tier overrides. This alert appears in the "Other" Category when triggered. Given that cache sizes vary, if you are only interested if the size of specific caches exceeds specific thresholds, it may be preferable to use the Per Cache, or Per Storage Class Override settings, allowing you set specific thresholds for specific caches. e.g. If the size of the "DistributedCacheForMessages" caches exceeds a specific size. A new alert - OcCacheOCCacheSizeLow has been added. This alert will trigger when the rate of cache gets goes above the specified threshold for the specified duration. This alert has per cluster, per (cache) service, per cache and per (cache) tier overrides. This alert appears in the "Other" Category when triggered. Given that cache sizes vary, if you are only interested if the size of specific caches goes below specific thresholds, it may be preferable to use the Per Cache, or Per Storage Class Override settings, allowing you to set specific thresholds for specific caches. e.g. If the size of the "DistributedCacheForMessages" cache goes below a specific size. These alerts are disabled by default as appropriate threshold values and overrides will vary by installation and will need to be set accordingly.



21644: Added new configuration option to display invocation only clusters

Invocation only clusters (those with no storage nodes or caches) require additional configuration to be monitored. This requires that one invocation only cluster be monitored at a time by a suitably configured data server. Configuration for use with an invocation cluster takes the form of a properties file that must be edited by the user before use. The properties file is called and can be found in the sample project directory. You will need to edit the file, to set the ACTUAL_CONN_NAME placeholder to the value of the sl.rtview.jmx.jmxconn property used to connect to the invocation only cluster. e.g. consider using the named connection "MyInvocationCluster" Then you would have the property sl.rtvapm.ocmon.jmxconn=MyInvocationCluster and you would need to to edit the property line in from $conn:ACTUAL_CONN_NAME $cache:OcStorageDataRaw $file:ocmon_ts_constants.xml $table:DummyOcStorageDataRaw to $conn:MyInvocationCluster $cache:OcStorageDataRaw $file:ocmon_ts_constants.xml $table:DummyOcStorageDataRaw When the has been edited this way, it can be used to configure the monitoring dataserver by using the command line argument -properties:invocationonly either on the command line when launching the dataserver, or adding it in the rtvservers.dat entry used to launch the monitoring dataserver.

Data Model

21501: Fixed performance issue due to large list of subs on RtvDisplayServerDisplays cache

A performance issue from misconfigured history on the RtvDisplayServerDisplays cache has been fixed.


21205: Thin client table objects are now rendered as HTML5

The table objects in the EM thin client have been enhanced to provide improved filtering, sorting, and other interactive features. See the release note for 20185 for a detailed description of the new table features.

21486: New option to use cross-platform fonts

When the Display Server is running from a host operating system other than the operating system of the client browsers, label alignment inconsistencies can occur due to font unavailability. This is especially pronounced for a Linux server and WIndows client scenario. RTView EM now provides a rtvapm/rtview/lib/rtvfonts.jar that can be enabled in the Display Server, so that the client browser will download the fonts used by the server. To enable this option, which is recommended for linux hosts, edit rtvapm/common/conf/ and uncomment the following two lines: #sl.rtview.cp=%RTV_HOME%/lib/rtvfonts.jar

21763: New Cluster MBean Servers display has been added

A new Cluster MBean Servers display has been added that lists information on currently detected remote JMX management enabled MBean Servers within the cluster. The new Cluster Bean Server display is accessible from the OC Metrics Administration display, by clicking on the "Cluster MBean Servers" Button. This will bring up the Cluster MBean Servers display. The Cluster MBean Servers display lists the currently detected remote JMX management enabled Mbean Servers, in the currently selected cluster. Information displayed includes the hostname and IP address of the cluster node, and the port used for remote JMX management.

21764: New displays for federated cache information have been added

Coherence now allows you to federate caches across clusters. New displays allow you to monitor federation performance and throughput. The new displays are under the Federated Clusters tab in the nav tree. Detail and Summary displays are available for performance statistics derived from the cluster Destination and Origin MBeans. The Detail displays show the current information for all participating nodes for a selected cluster. This information may be restricted to a single host if desired. You can drill down on an individual node in the Detail display to display Summary information for that node. Summary displays show current information, and trended historical rate information. Destination information shows how efficiently each node in the local cluster participant is sending data to each destination cluster participant. Origin information shows how efficiently each node in the local cluster participant is receiving data from destination cluster participants.


21134: The date picker no longer generates incomplete date format.

In previous releases, the date chooser dialog in the trend graph views did not set the end time correctly for servers that were not in the same time zone as the client. This has been fixed.

RTView Core Functionality

21582: Thin Client now adds scrollbars at smaller resolutions

Displays in the thin client with a minimum size and resize mode = Layout now correctly display scrollbars at smaller resolutions.


21795: Fixed an issue where the Cleared Reason for an alert was incorrect

In prevous releases, the Cleared Reason was sometimes incorrect after an alert was disabled and re-enabled. This has been fixed.


21672: Builder enhanced to remember dialog window sizes and positions

The Display Builder has been enhanced to automatically save and restore the size and location of the following dialogs: - Open (File->Open) - Save (File->Save/Save-As) - Function Results (Function Dialog->Result Button) The Tools->Reset Window Layout menu option and the -resetlayout command line option restore the size and location of these windows in addition to the other windows that were previously reset.

Data Historian

21683: Fixed a retention / compaction issue

When a mixture of simple retention and retention via advanced compaction was used, only the first table using simple retention was processed for retention. This has been corrected.

Data Server

20910: RTVquery no longer hangs when the target data server re-boots

In previous releases, the rtvquery servlet would occasionally fail to respond to queries after its target data server was restarted. This problem is fixed

21648: Enhanced rtvquery servlet to handle +/- infinity and NaN

In prior releases, the rtvquery servlet encoded the numeric values NaN (not a number), positive infinity, and negative infinity in a json or jsonp response as "" (an empty string). This makes it impossible for a client application to distinguish between those three values, when processing a json or jsonp response. In this release, the rtvquery servlet supports a URL parameter to encode NaN, positive infinity, and negative infinity in a json or jsonp response as the strings "NaN", "Infinity", and "-Infinity" respectively. The new parameter is named "nanok" and a value of true specifies the new behavior. The default value is false. For example, the following URL specifies the new option: http://somehost/rtvquery/cache/MyCache/current?fmt=json&nanok=true The other response formats (xml, xmlrtv, js, text) supported by the rtvquery servlet have always used NaN, Infinity, and -Infinity. That behavior has not been changed, so the nanok=true parameter is not needed to make those values appear in the response in those formats.

21684: Enhanced rtvquery servlet to support CORS

The rtvquery (REST) servlet has been enhanced to support CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing). A new optional property named AllowOrigins may now be specified in The property value is a string that specifies which domains are allowed to send requests to the servlet. By default AllowOrigins is blank, which indicates that requests are allowed only from the same domain that hosts the rtvquery servlet (as in all prior releases). Specify a value of * to indicate that requests are allowed from any domain: AllowOrigins=* Or, specify a comma-separated list of the domains which may make requests, in this format: protocol://hostname_or_address:port For example: AllowOrigins=,https://SomeHost:6789

21898: Fixed an issue with rtvquery returning errors on valid query strings

In previous releases, the rtvquery servlet would sometimes return an error of "No data received before timeout, query may be invalid" for a specific, valid cache query string, on every attempt. The servlet needed to be restarted to clear the error. This has been fixed.

Data Sources

21669: Enhanced caches with new trim option

An option has been added to the cache data source to remove rows periodically from a cache's history table according to its historyTimeSpan property. By default, that operation is performed only when new data is applied to the cache. The new option is useful in rare cases where new data may be applied to the cache at time intervals (e.g. 1 hour) that are longer than the cache's historyTimeSpan (e.g. 30 minutes). The new option can be specified on the command-line as follows: -cacheds:trimhist Or in CACHEOPTIONS.ini as follows: trimhist true Or in an rtview properties file as follows: sl.rtview.cache.trimhist=true If the new option is specified, the historyTimeSpan limit is checked on all caches every 30 seconds, approximately. The new option is disabled by default. If the new option is not specified, then the historyTimeSpan limit is only checked when new data is applied to the cache as in all prior releases.

21680: Fixed an issue with encrypted database passwords

In RTView version 6.7, a problem was introduced that caused an error to print to the console for property if the property value was encrypted. In the error message, the databasePassword in the error was shown in plain text. This problem has been fixed.

21689: Fixed an issue with the "Extend with SQL" cache feature

In prior releases, the "Extend with SQL" feature of the cache data source could cause thread growth if the history database connection was undefined or unavailable. This is now fixed.

Display Server

21435: Fixed mouse wheel scrolling for tables when using Firefox 42 or newer

In prior releases, the thin client did not support scrolling of table objects using the mouse wheel, if webGridFlag = false, in Firefox version 42 or newer. This is fixed.

21772: Extra-bold font in Firefox fixed

In the previous release, objects using font index 7 (sans-serif bold) would appear extra bold in some versions of Firefox if the display server was configured to use the extended font feature with arimob.ttf assigned to font 7. This has been fixed.

21853: Fixed an issue with small numbers not updating to zero in the thin client

In previous releases, the value displayed in an obj_rect_ilv object would not change if the previous value was greater than zero and less than one, and a value of zero was applied. This problem occurred only in the thin client and is now fixed.

21906: Thin client enhanced to check user role access on each request

In prior releases, after a user had logged into the thin client, the user could manually enter a specific URL in the same browser instance and possibly view data from rtview displays to which the user's role should have denied access. This is fixed.

21908: Enhanced display server with option to limit access to specific panel files

The display server now supports a "permitpanel" option to specify the panel layout files that the server will read. A panel layout for the thin client is requested from the display server with a URL parameter as follows: panels.jsp?file=X where X is the name of the panel layout file that the server should read. By default, the display server will attempt to read any filename on the server that is specified by the URL parameter. If the file is a valid panel layout file, the thin client will use it. But if the file does not exist, a "no such file" error is displayed in the browser, and if the file exists but does not contain the expected layout information, a "no panels found" error is displayed in the browser. The permitpanel option allows you to specify the file(s) which the display server will read in response to a panels.jsp request. Requests from panels.jsp for any other files are rejected with a "Permission denied" error shown in the browser, regardless of whether the file exists or not, and the server will not attempt to read such files. The option may be specified multiple times to allow access to multiple panel files. Command-line example: run_displayserver -permitpanel:PANELS.ini -permitpanel:layout.xml DISPLAYSERVER.ini example: permitpanel PANELS.ini permitpanel layout.xml In addition, the display server supports another new option to prevent attempts to load remote files, as follows: -permitfile:LOCAL_ONLY If that option is specified any rtv or image files that are referenced by URL will not be read and the server will log a message similar to the following: non-local file read permission denied: http://host/somefile

21912: Fixed phishing vulnerabilities in thin client

In prior releases, it was possible to create phishing URLs which appeared to be directed at the rtview thin client but would redirect the user to another site, or download and possibly execute a file. These vulnerabilities have been fixed.


21638: Firefox now displays button states the same as other browsers

In the thin client in Firefox, a button control (obj_c1button) will now appear depressed when the user clicks on it, as it does in other browsers.


19451: Viewer and builder now print copyright to log4j output

Previously the Display Viewer and Builder did not show the copyright banner in log files created using Log4j. This has been corrected.

Object Library

20996: Copy to clipboard now enabled on multiselect Kendo grid

The text in selected row or rows of the web (kendo) grid can now be copied to the clipboard by pressing Ctrl+c when the grid has keyboard focus. Only text cells are copied. If a cell contains an image, its value is not copied to the clipboard. The grid must have keyboard focus for the Ctrl+c keystroke to have effect.

Platform Support

21076: Windows 10 and Edge Browser now supported

Windows 10 and the Edge Browser are now supported by RTView products.

21871: RTView upgraded to Java 1.7

RTView is now built with Java 1.7. Java 1.6 is no longer supported.


21179: Column names in servlet URL now check for code injection attacks

The rtvquery servlet will now encode any < or > characters that appear in the "cols" parameter as < and > in the response, to avoid possible XSS hacks.


19498: Fixed error in script

The shell script rtvapm/common/bin/ used the Linux rename utility which does not exist on some versions of UNIX. This has been corrected.

20961:, and corrected for Mac

On Macintosh systems the script would give the error "command not found" when trying to start a server. this has been fixed.

21051: RTView Processes now named in greater detail

When an Rtview process is launched it is given a Java argument of the form -DPROCESS_NAME=xxx. Previously the value "xxx" was a generic tag such as "dataserver". Now this will specifically identify the process by constructing a tag from the line in rtvservers.dat used to launch the process. The tag will be of the form {config name}_{server name}_{server JMX port}. For example, the server "AlertServer" in the config "central" will be given the tag central_AlertServer_10023. This can be seen on Unix with ps: > ps -ef | grep java m 19558 1 0 06:29 pts/2 00:00:00 java -DPROCESS_NAME=central_AlertServer_10023 -DRTV_HOME=/u/rtvdemos/rtvapm/rtview -DRTV_DEMOSERVER=/u/rtvdemos/rtvapm/rtview/servers/apache-tomcat-6.0.18-sl -Xmx256m -Xms128m . . . Or with jps (if available): > jps -vV 19558 RTViewDataServer -DPROCESS_NAME=central_AlertServer_10023 -DRTV_HOME=/u/rtvdemos/rtvapm/rtview -DRTV_DEMOSERVER=/u/rtvdemos/rtvapm/rtview/servers/apache-tomcat-6.0.18-sl -Xmx256m -Xms128m

21278: status_rtv.bat on Windows again shows Uptime, CPU, Heap

On Windows the status_rtv.bat script, while listing running dataservers, was omitting the JMX info (e.g. Uptime 000:00:00:46 CPU 00:00:24 Heap 3.6% ...) This has been fixed.

21337: Windows scripts no longer fail if no file is missing

The rtvapm run scripts (rundata, runhist, etc.) now run without error if are missing from the project directory.

21439: Added common scripts for making .war files

A new set of common scripts has been added for making .war files for the RTView servlets. They are: make_rtvdata_war.bat/sh make_rtvdisplay_war.bat/sh make_rtvquery_war.bat/sh make_rtvagent_war.bat/sh These scripts may be executed from any directory and will put the war files there. When you run the scripts you specify an appname (which will be used to name the war file) and you may specify a host and port. (For the display servlet you may also specify a backup port.) You may also put a copy of the servlet's properties file in the current directory and it will be used in the war. (The original properties files may be found in rtvapm/rtview/servlets/...) Note that if you put a properties file in the current directory you may still override its host or port values when you run the script. The scripts take the following arguments: -appname: -host: -port: -ha_port: -verbose -help For example: make_rtvdata_war -appname:test -host:testhost -port:9999 Only the -appname argument is required. If no other arguments are supplied, the values in the original properties file will be used. (The original file from the war, or the file in the current directory if present.) The -verbose argument will cause the script to print out the original and new values it puts in the properties file. For example: make_rtvdata_war -appname:test -host:testhost -port:9999 -verbose These scripts also support positional arguments, in the order of: appname, host, port. For example, with an appname of 'test', a host of 'testhost', and a port of '9999', the user could use the argument this way: make_rtvdisplay_war test testhost 9999

21561: Project directory now uses common .war scripts

The update_wars.bat/sh scripts in the project directories have been updated to use the new make*war.bat/sh scripts in common/bin.

21579: Fixed an issue with the scripts that make .war files

The new make_*_war scripts on Windows would change comment lines when changing host and port values in properties files. This has been corrected.

21681: Optimized the scripts that make .war files

The scripts used to make war files for the servlets now check that RTVAPM_HOME is defined before proceeding.

21771: Fixed an issue where ports were misidentified

The rtvapm start/stop/status scripts, when testing the ports of a given server, would incorrectly identify a port as "taken" whose number contained the server's number with a leading or trailing digit. (For example finding 33675 in use and saying 3675 is taken.) This has been corrected.

Version 6.3.0 Release Notes


19689: Two new alerts for proxy/extend backlog

Two new limits alerts OcExtendConnectionByteBacklogHigh and OcProxyNodeByteBacklogHigh have been added to the OCMON alerts set. These alerts are associated to Extend Connections and Proxy Node respectively.

20763: New Alert OcHATargetFailed

A new alert OcHATargetFailedhas been added. This alert triggers when the (distributed service) target status (HATarget) has not been met. The HA Target value is determined using the PartitionAssignment MBean in Coherence Versions 12 and above. In prior versions of coherence, the default value of MACHINE-SAFE is used. The default value can be overridden by setting the substitution variable $ocmDefaultHATarget to the desired value.

20866: New Cache Activity Alerts

New alerts are available to monitor cache activity across cache tiers and alert if it is excessive. The metrics represent rate of various activities against a given tier of a given cache for a given service in a given (coherence) cluster. The tier can be front, where appropriate, or back. Caches and services are named, and (coherence) clusters are represented by their named monitoring connection. A new alert - OcCacheRateTotalPutsHigh has been added. This alert will trigger when the rate of cache puts goes above the specified threshold for the specified duration. This alert has per cluster, per (cache) service, per cache and per (cache) tier overrides. This alert appears in the "Other" Category when triggered. A new alert - OcCacheRateTotalGetsHigh has been added. This alert will trigger when the rate of cache gets goes above the specified threshold for the specified duration. This alert has per cluster, per (cache) service, per cache and per (cache) tier overrides. This alert appears in the "Other" Category when triggered. A new alert - OcCacheRateCacheMissesHigh has been added. This alert will trigger when the rate of cache misses goes above the specified threshold for the specified duration. This alert has per cluster, per (cache) service, per cache and per (cache) tier overrides. This alert appears in the "Other" Category when triggered. A new alert - OcCacheRateStoreReadsHigh has been added. This alert will trigger when the rate of cache store reads (load operations) goes above the specified threshold for the specified duration. This alert has per cluster, per (cache) service, per cache and per (cache) tier overrides. This alert appears in the "Other" Category when triggered. A new alert - OcCacheRateStoreWritesHigh has been added. This alert will trigger when the rate of store writes (store and erase operations) goes above the specified threshold for the specified duration. This alert has per cluster, per (cache) service, per cache and per (cache) tier overrides. This alert appears in the "Other" Category when triggered. These alerts are disabled by default as appropriate threshold values will vary by installation an will need to be set accordingly.


19448: Single Cache Summary trends now displayed correctly

In previous versions, under certain circumstances, data for the Trend Graphs were not displayed correctly. This is no longer the case.


20641: New Top Level Cluster Selection Screen

A new top level cluster selection screen has been added. The new top level screen consists of a single table where each row represents a coherence cluster that is being monitored. Selecting a row in the Cluster Selector table will navigate to the Cluster - Overview screen for that cluster. Data will come from the selected dataserver, and the named connection will be selected cluster drop down selector on the cluster overview screen. Each row in the table has summary overview data for the monitored (coherence) cluster. The Columns in the table are described as follows. Connection: The name of the used defined connection used to connect to the monitored coherence cluster. Alert Severity: A "traffic light" icon representing the max alert severity of alerts on that cluster. * Red - Alerts have triggered for the given cluster. * Amber - Warning Alerts have triggered for the given cluster. * Green - No Alerts have triggered for the given cluster. Alert Count: The number of Alerts for the given cluster. Cluster Size: The total number of nodes for the given cluster. Caches: The total number of caches for the given cluster. Objects: The total number of objects stored in the given cluster. Data Sever:The name of the Data Server (connection) used to monitor the given cluster For Standalone OCM Systems where there is only one (default) dataserver - the dataserver is named __default. In systems where there are multiple dataservers used to monitor coherence clusters, each dataserver is named using the named dataserver connection used to connect to that dataserver. In this way the table contains all the (declared) dataservers used to monitor coherence clusters. In the case of dataservers monitoring multiple coherence clusters via multi cluster monitoring, there will be one row for each connection on that cluster. Selecting that row in the table will navigate to the Cluster - Overview screen for that cluster. Data will come from the selected dataserver, and the named connection will be selected cluster drop down selector on the cluster overview screen.

20761: Add background colors for new StatusHA Values

Background colors have been added for the new StatusHA Values RACK-SAFE and SITE-SAFE, where the StatusHA value is displayed in existing displays. A contrasting text color is used

Data Sources

19009: Optimized JMX data retrieval option using custom MBeans (JMX Tables)

An option is available to speed up retrieval of Coherence MBean information (over JMX) by providing the aggregated MBean data in tabular form by using custom MBeans. This option is useful when monitoring large clusters (clusters with a large number of nodes, caches and or services) using JMX, where the volume of data retrieved can effect the time taken to retrieve all the data, and thus limit the sampling rate for monitoring data. By using custom MBeans the data is aggregated within the cluster, and transmitted in the form of tabular data, rather than as individual attributes, reducing the time taken to query the data. Enabling this requires (unlike default JMX monitoring) that the custom MBeans (contained in a jar) are deployed and registered on all nodes in the cluster, and the monitoring is configured to query the custom MBeans. The Oracle Coherence Documentation describes registering custom mbeans in a declarative manner in detail The key points are: * The Custom MBeans must be found at run time. Make sure to place the library that contains the MBeans in the classpath of the coherence nodes/members including the JMX management-enabled member. * The Custom MBeans are specified using a MBean Configuration Override File The Custom MBeans (CacheTable, ServiceTable, StorageManagerTable) are contained in the jar ocjmxtables.jar. The jar ocjmxtables.jar is located in the rtvapm/ocmon/lib directory of the ocmon installation. This jar file must added to the classpath of the Coherence members to be monitored. This may require that the jar be copied to a location that is visible to all the coherence members. This may vary based on your deployment. It may prove convenient to copy it to where the coherence jars are deployed, so they can use the same classpath root. The tangosol.coherence.mbeans system property specifies an MBean configuration override file to be used instead of the default custom-mbeans.xml override file. The MBean configuration file to be used is called sl-custom-mbeans.xml and is contained at the root of the ocjmxtables.jar. Thus when the ocjmxtables.jar is added to the Coherence members classpath, it can be specified by setting the tangosol.coherence.mbeans system property for the Coherence cluster members to reference it thus -Dtangosol.coherence.mbeans=/sl-custom-mbeans.xml The above should be applied to all Coherence cluster members so that the tangosol.coherence.mbeans system property is set to /sl-custom-mbeans.xml If you have configured your coherence cluster correctly, you should be able to connect to the cluster using JConsole, and see in addition to the previous Cache, Service, and StorageManager MBeans the new custom CacheTable, ServiceTable, and StorageManagerTable MBeans. To configure the ocm monitoring system to use the Custom MBeans, you should configure your monitoring system to use JMX as normal, and then uncomment the ( line below # JMX TABLES # # Uncomment the line below to use the JMX tables custom mbeans so that the -ocjmxtables command line argument is passed to the maincollector program (typically this is the dataserver) If this is done, then the log file will contain the following text at startup ... using OC JMX Tabular Data And at runtime, the previous JMX queries ( as seen in the JMX Metrics Administration display in the MBean Query Key column of the RTView JMX Query Statistics table ) * Coherence:type=Cache,* 0 * -1 *- * Coherence:type=Cluster 0 * -1 *- * Coherence:type=Service,* 0 * -1 *- Will now be * Coherence:type=CacheTable,* 0 CacheTable -1 *- * Coherence:type=ServiceTable,* 0 ServiceTable -1 *- * Coherence:type=StorageManagerTable,* 0 StorageManagerTable -1 *- And should have a reduced execution time leading to a reduced total (Jmx Query) Execution time. In Summary * Add the ocjmxtables.jar to the classpath of the cluster members * Set -Dtangosol.coherence.mbeans=/sl-custom-mbeans.xml for the cluster members JVM's * Use the property for the OCM monitoring system.


19864: Enhanced visibility of Status in Summary pages

The visibility of the Status text has been enhanced in the Single Cache -> Cache Summary and the Cache Service -> Single Service Summary displays.

19623: Updated all displays with new resizing behavior

Six OCM displays were modified so that when they are stretched vertically the upper and lower data display elements (heatmaps, bar charts, etc) resize equally. Prior to this change only one of those elements would resize, with the other remaining at the initial height. The six displays are: Cluster Views -> All Services History Cluster Views -> All Nodes History Cache Services -> Service Metric Heatmap Cache Services -> Single Service History All Caches -> Current Activity Chart All Nodes -> Communication Issues

19625: Modified trend colors

The colors of certain displays have been modified to improve their readability.

20854: New CPU Metric in Cache, UI and Alert

A new metric is available to monitor average CPU use across a cluster by storage class, and alert if it is excessive. A new Metric AvgCpuPercent has been added to the OcNodeTotals cache. This metric is the average CPU usage of all the nodes of a given storage class in a cluster. The storage class is represented by the StorageEnabled index column, which can be true or false. Thus metrics for storage enabled nodes in a cluster are aggregated into a cache row where StorageEnabled = true, and non storage enabled nodes in a cluster are aggregated into a cache row where StorageEnabled = false. This metric is displayed as trace on the Cluster - Memory/Network Health display. The Metric has the legend "Avg. CPU %" and is displayed (for storage enabled nodes) in the Storage Nodes trend grouping and (for non storage enabled nodes) in the Process Nodes trend grouping. A new alert - OcClusterNodesCPUHigh has been added. This alert will trigger when the average CPU usage for the cluster / storage class goes above the specified threshold for the specified duration. This alert has a per cluster and a per (cluster) storage class override. This alert appears in the "Other" Category when triggered.

20865: New Cluster Nodes Alerts

New Alerts are available to monitor memory use and network health across a cluster by storage class, and alert if it is excessive. The metrics are averaged across all of the nodes of a given storage class in a cluster. The storage class is represented by the StorageEnabled index column, which can be true or false. Thus metrics for storage enabled nodes in a cluster are aggreagated into a cache row where StorageEnabled = true, and non storage enabled nodes in a cluster are aggreagated into a cache row where StorageEnabled = false. A new alert - OcClusterNodesMemHigh has been added. This alert will trigger when the average memory usage for the cluster / storage class goes above the specified threshold for the specified duration. This alert has a per cluster and a per (cluster) storage class override. This alert appears in the "Memory" Category when triggered. A new alert - OcClusterNodesSentFailureRateHigh has been added. This alert will trigger when the average (network/packet) sent failure rate for the cluster / storage class goes above the specified threshold for the specified duration. This alert has a per cluster and a per (cluster) storage class override. This alert appears in the "Memory" Category when triggered. A new alert - OcClusterNodesRcvdFailureRateHigh has been added. This alert will trigger when the average (network/packet) received failure rate for the cluster / storage class goes above the specified threshold for the specified duration. This alert has a per cluster and a per (cluster) storage class override. This alert appears in the "Network" Category when triggered.

20878: Cache activity Alerts enabled as EM key metrics

New Cache Activity Alerts are available as Key Metrics to monitor cluster health based on excessive cache activity. The new Alerts are of CI-TYPE OC-CACHE, and monitor cache activity. CI-TYPE OC-CACHE has indices that represent (coherence) Cluster, (Cache) Service, Cache (Name) and Tier (front or back as appropriate). The Top Level (Level 0) Cache Key Metric Alerts are as follows The OcCacheRateTotalPutsHigh Alert sets the threshold for the (Cache) Rate Cache Puts metric. The OcCacheRateTotalGetsHigh Alert sets the threshold for the (Cache) Rate Cache Gets metric. The OcCacheRateStoreReadsHigh Alert sets the threshold for the (Cache) Rate Cache Misses metric. The Top Level 1 Cache Key Metric Alerts are as follows The OcCacheRateStoreReadsHigh Alert sets the threshold for the (Cache) Rate Store Reads metric. The OcCacheRateStoreWritesHigh Alert sets the threshold for the (Cache) Rate Store Writes metric. These alerts are disabled by default as appropriate threshold values will vary by installation and will need to be set accordingly.


20537: New properties to limit Display Server table cells

The Monitor has been enhanced to support 3 new properties to limit the amount of data that is passed from the Display Server to the browser for tables. The following properties have been added to common\conf\ cellsperpage - This limits the number of cells (columns*rows) that will be displayed in a table object. This avoids the sluggish performance, timeouts, and out-of-memory exceptions that might otherwise occur from processing and transmitting all of the rows at once Table objects with more than the specified number of cells are paged. This means that the Display Server only sends the rows that are visible plus a few rows before and after the visible rows. As the user scrolls, the new rows are requested from the Display Server. This results in a small delay between the scroll action and the data showing up in the table. The default is 20000. cellsperexport - This limits the number of cells (columns*rows) that will be exported for the Export to Excel and Export to HTML operations. The default is 40000. cellsperreport - This limits the number of cells (columns*rows) that will be exported for the Export to PDF operation. The default is 20000. For all of the new properties, a value of less than 1000 will disable the property. Values larger than the defaults may result in slower performance, timeouts and/or out-of-memory exceptions when interacting with tables in displays in the thin client.

Platform Support

20536: Support added for Red Hat Linux 7

RHEL 7 is now a supported platform for RTView.

Proxy / Extend

19610: Fixed Proxy/Extend Connections trend

The Proxy Services -> Proxy / Extend Connections display has been improved to prevent some errors in the trend graphs. Alert Level has been also added to the two tables that show Proxy and Remote End Point information. Alert Level has been also added to the two tables shown in Proxy Services -> Proxy / Extend Detail display.

19611: Enhanced Proxy/Extend Client Heatmap

The Proxy Services -> Proxy / Extend Overview has been enhanced to be driven through four more metrics: Alert Severity, Alert Count, Bytes Backlog, and Proxy Bytes Backlog. Total metrics have been removed from the Metric drop down. Now from the heatmap one can drill down to the Proxy Services -> Proxy / Extend Connections display.

19690: Added OutgoingByteBacklog to proxy node and extend client caches

OutgoingByteBacklog has been added to history in the OcProxyServiceStats, OcProxyServiceTotals, and the OcExtendConnections caches. As part of this change, the column "OutgoingByteBacklog" has been added to the history tables OCM_PROXYSERVICESTATS, OCM_PROXYSERVICETOTALS, and OCM_EXTENDCONNECTIONS. These history tables are not enabled in a default configuration, so not all users will already be using these tables. Users who do have existing database tables will need to alter their table to include this additional column. (Task 19797 also has caused changes to OCM_PROXYSERVICESTATS. See that release note for more information.) The new table structure (DB2 example) is: CREATE TABLE "OCM_EXTENDCONNECTIONS" ( "TIME_STAMP" TIMESTAMP , "OutgoingByteBacklog" BIGINT , "UUID" VARCHAR(100) , "name" VARCHAR(100) , "Connection" VARCHAR(100) , "Location" VARCHAR(100) , "RemoteEndpoint" VARCHAR(100) , "DeltaTotalBytesReceived" BIGINT , "DeltaTotalBytesSent" BIGINT , "DeltaTotalMessagesReceived" BIGINT , "DeltaTotalMessagesSent" BIGINT , "DeltaRefreshTime" BIGINT , "RateTotalBytesReceived" DOUBLE , "RateTotalBytesSent" DOUBLE , "RateTotalMessagesReceived" DOUBLE , "RateTotalMessagesSent" DOUBLE ) IN "USERSPACE1" ; CREATE INDEX "rtvts_ocm_extendconnections" ON "OCM_EXTENDCONNECTIONS" ("TIME_STAMP"); CREATE INDEX "rtvpk_ocm_extendconnections" ON "OCM_EXTENDCONNECTIONS" ("Connection","Location","name","UUID","RemoteEndpoint","TIME_STAMP"); CREATE TABLE "OCM_PROXYSERVICESTATS" ( "TIME_STAMP" TIMESTAMP , "name" VARCHAR(100) , "Location" VARCHAR(100) , "RequestPendingCount" BIGINT , "Connection" VARCHAR(100) , "ConnectionCount" INTEGER , "OutgoingByteBacklog" BIGINT , "DeltaTotalBytesSent" BIGINT , "DeltaTotalBytesReceived" BIGINT , "DeltaRefreshTime" BIGINT , "RateTotalBytesSent" DOUBLE , "RateTotalBytesReceived" DOUBLE ) IN "USERSPACE1" ; CREATE INDEX "rtvts_ocm_proxyservicestats" ON "OCM_PROXYSERVICESTATS" ("TIME_STAMP"); CREATE INDEX "rtvpk_ocm_proxyservicestats" ON "OCM_PROXYSERVICESTATS" ("Connection","Location","name","TIME_STAMP"); CREATE TABLE "OCM_PROXYSERVICETOTALS" ( "TIME_STAMP" TIMESTAMP , "Connection" VARCHAR(100) , "name" VARCHAR(100) , "ConnectionCount" INTEGER , "DeltaTotalBytesSent" BIGINT , "DeltaTotalBytesReceived" BIGINT , "RateTotalBytesSent" DOUBLE , "RateTotalBytesReceived" DOUBLE , "DeltaTotalMessagesSent" BIGINT , "DeltaTotalMessagesReceived" BIGINT , "RateTotalMessagesSent" DOUBLE , "RateTotalMessagesReceived" DOUBLE , "RequestPendingCount" BIGINT , "OutgoingByteBacklog" BIGINT ) IN "USERSPACE1" ; CREATE INDEX "rtvts_ocm_proxyservicetotals" ON "OCM_PROXYSERVICETOTALS" ("TIME_STAMP"); CREATE INDEX "rtvpk_ocm_proxyservicetotals" ON "OCM_PROXYSERVICETOTALS" ("Connection","name","TIME_STAMP"); See rtvapm/ocmon/dbconfig/*.sql for the example schema that pertains to your database.

19797: Added the Service Name as an index to proxy/extend caches

The Proxy / Extend Overview, Proxy /Extend Connections, and Proxy /Extend Detail displays have been enhanced to provide better drill down capabilities and additional information about alert state of Proxy Services and Extend Connections. As part of this change, the column "name" has been added to the history table OCM_PROXYSERVICESTATS as an index column. Users with existing database tables will need to alter their table to include this additional column. (Task 19690 also has caused changes to this table. See that release note for more information.) The new table structure (DB2 example) is: CREATE TABLE "OCM_PROXYSERVICESTATS" ( "TIME_STAMP" TIMESTAMP , "name" VARCHAR(100) , "Location" VARCHAR(100) , "RequestPendingCount" BIGINT , "Connection" VARCHAR(100) , "ConnectionCount" INTEGER , "OutgoingByteBacklog" BIGINT , "DeltaTotalBytesSent" BIGINT , "DeltaTotalBytesReceived" BIGINT , "DeltaRefreshTime" BIGINT , "RateTotalBytesSent" DOUBLE , "RateTotalBytesReceived" DOUBLE ) IN "USERSPACE1" ; CREATE INDEX "rtvts_ocm_proxyservicestats" ON "OCM_PROXYSERVICESTATS" ("TIME_STAMP"); CREATE INDEX "rtvpk_ocm_proxyservicestats" ON "OCM_PROXYSERVICESTATS" ("Connection","Location","name","TIME_STAMP"); See rtvapm/ocmon/dbconfig/*.sql for the example schema that pertains to your database.

RTView Core Functionality

20643: New option to restrict number of characters in alert comments in the alert ds

The Alert data source has been enhanced with a new Maximum Characters Allowed in Comments Field property to limit the number of characters it will store in the Comments field. In previous releases, new comments were appended to the existing contents of the Comments field with no limit on the amount of text. This caused problems for alert persistence and alert history if the Comment field became longer than corresponding database field could handle. For this enhancement, the order of the comments has been reversed so that new comments are added before existing contents in the Comments field. If the Maximum Characters Allowed in Comments Field is greater than 0 and a new comment is added to an alert, the content of the Comments field will be trimmed by removing characters from the end of the contents if necessary to stay under the limit. By default, this feature is disabled and the Comments field will grow unbounded as new comments are added. To enable the limit, set the Maximum Characters Allowed in Comments Field in the Alerts tab of the Application Options dialog to a value greater than 0. You can set it using the following property: sl.rtview.alert.commentlimit This comment limit is be available via a data attachment to alert-commentlimit to facilitate building a UI that will prevent users to enter comments longer than this limit. Note that the UI text entry limit should be set to 100 characters less than the comment limit in order to account for the time stamp, user name and hard returns between comments. Persisted alerts with comments from a previous versions will have mixed order on the Comments contents. It will be oldest->newest for persisted comments, then newest->oldest for new comments added in this and later releases. Persisted comments from previous versions that have been persisted and are longer than the specified Maximum Characters Allowed in Comments Field will be trimmed on startup.


19141: alertExpireMode added to event alerts

Event Alerts have been enhanced with a new property, alertExpireMode. This property supports 2 options: - Initial Time - if selected and the alertExpireTime is greater than 0, the alert will clear if the alertExpireTime has passed since the alert was generated. - Last Update Time - if selected and the alertExpireTime is greater than 0, the alert will clear if the alertExpireTime has passed since the alert received a data update Note that only indexed event alerts can receive data updates, so the Last Update Time option will not work for unindexed event alerts.

19291: Cleared event alerts no longer regenerated in ssa

In previous releases, event alerts that did not have a mapping for Cleared in the valueTableMap were erroneously regenerated after being cleared when running with Self Service Alerts enabled. This has been fixed.

20664: New option to exit if alert persistence is enabled but database table is unavailable

The Alert data source has been enhanced with a new property: sl.rtview.alert.exitOnPersistInitFailed This property controls what happens when alert persistence is enabled but cannot be initialized due to a database problem or configuration issue. When exitOnPersistInitFailed is set to false (default), RTView will initialize the alerts with persistence disabled. This is the behavior in previous releases. When exitOnPersistInitFailed is set to true, RTView will exit after the persistence initialization has failed without initializing the alerts.

Builder - Editing

19879: Fixed NPE when deleting local var with same name as global

A bug has been fixed in the Builder which caused a NullPointerException to be thrown if a local variable was deleted and the local variable had the same name as a global variable.


18643: japanese chars no longer garbled by "Send Email" command

The email command will now properly encode Japanese and other Asian characters contained in the text of the email. In prior release, such characters were garbled.

19854: Email command no longer garbles Japanese chars in name of attached file

The Send Email command no longer garbles Japanese and other non-ascii characters in the names of files attached to an email.

Data Historian

19469: Avoid removal of all batch data when some data is wrong.

The historian will no longer discard all rows in a batch if a SQL exception is thrown during an row insert. Instead it will catch the exception and continue with the other row inserts in the batch and commit all of the successful inserts at the end of the batch.

19786: smoothCompaction no longer throws NPE when there are no compaction rules

Previously a NPE was thrown when -smoothcompaction was used with a cache with a compaction type of "aggregate" but with no compaction rules. Now this scenario fails silently.

19915: Simple retention now applied only to tables without compaction rules

If a cache history table that was persisted by the historian had no compaction rules, then the simple retention time limit was applied to ALL tables persisted by the historian. This was incorrect. The simple retention limit will now only be applied to tables without compaction rules.

19992: New Smooth Compaction configuration options

New arguments have been added to customize how compaction smoothing is performed. -smoothingonly Run smoothing only without data being provided -smoothcompaction:table1,table2 Restrict the tables being smoothed to those specified

20019: Compaction smoothing no longer sets incorrect "run after" date

Previously, the smooth compaction option caused an an incorrect "run after" date to be set for further compaction. This could result in a small portion of data not being compacted. This has been fixed.

20067: Data retention (purging) now correctly performed after compaction/smoothing

Previously, database retention logic was incorrectly postponed after smoothing/compaction had taken place on a table. This could result in the retention of more data than specified in historian configuration. This has been fixed.

20159: Sync up data from the history cache when historian starts

The Historian supports a new option named persistInitTimeRange which affects the cache persistence feature. Normally, when the cache persistence feature is enabled in the historian, the historian begins collecting cache history data starting at the time when each data server connects. This is adequate in most situations. The persistInitTimeRange option can be used to specify a time range, in seconds, back from the current time that the historian should get cache history data from the data server. This can be useful if the historian is started sometime after the data server, so the data server has collected cache history that hasn't been sent to the historian. For example, if the data server was started an hour before the historian, then the historian could be started as follows, so that it will request an hour of cache history from the data server: run_historian -persistCaches:true -persistInitTimeRange:3600

20187: Option to perform compaction for a time range prior to "now"

An option was added to the Historian to allow for the smoothing process to only go back as far as a specified range in the form: -smoothCompactionRecent:NN Where NN is '1d' or '1w'

20254: Retention-only compaction now executed correctly

Previously the historian would fail to run compaction if the Compaction Rules consisted of a single rule that only specified a duration of Raw data (-). This has been fixed.

20637: New option to limit length of strings from cache table stored in db

The historian has been enhanced to support a limit on the length of a string from a cache table column that it will store in the database. If a string is longer than the specified limit, it will be truncated to the limit before it is stored in the database table. This can avoid SQL exceptions encountered when the length of a string exceeds the capacity of the column's data type (for example, 4000 characters in an VARCHAR2 column in Oracle). The limit is specified by a new property named stringColMaxLen. This can be specified in HISTORY.ini as follows: stringColMaxLen 3500 It can also be specified on the command line or a properties file. By default the property has no value, so no limit is enforced.

Data Server

20596: Fixed duplication in connection error messages

A bug has been fixed which caused duplication of log messages when a client lost its connection to a data server.

Data Sources

18403: Fixed cache bug with maxNumberOfCurrentRows and blank timestampColumnName

The cache data source no longer throws a NullPointerException if a cache has maxNumberOfCurrentRows > 0 and a blank timestampColumnName.

19563: -sqltryodbc:false is now the default RTView behavior

By default, the SQL data source will no longer attempt to make an ODBC connection to XYZ if an sql query or command is executed that references a database XYZ but there is no definition of XYZ in OPTIONS.ini. Instead the following error message will appear in the console: Undefined SQL database XYZ To force the SQL data source to attempt an ODBC connection when an undefined database is referenced as in prior releases, specify the following command-line options: -sqltryodbc:true The option can also be specified in OPTIONS.ini: sqltryodbc true or in a properties file: sl.rtview.sql.sqltryodbc=true Note that RTView will still make an ODBC connection to database XYZ if it appears in OPTIONS.ini with the odbc driver specified, regardless of the -sqltrodbc option. However, note that the ODBC driver is not supported in Java 1.8 or newer. If an ODBC connection is attempted in java 1.8 or newer, the following error messages will appear in the console: ClassNotFoundException: sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver (ODBC driver is not available in Java 1.8 or newer) Unable to connect to database <XYZ>: No suitable driver found for jdbc:odbc:XYZ

19928: ODBC option removed from Builder and Historian GUI

The checkbox labeled "Use ODBC Driver" has been removed from the SQL Add Database dialog in the Builder and also from the Database Options panel of the Historian UI. This change was made because the JdbcOdbc driver is no longer supported by Oracle beginning in Java 1.8 and in earlier releases it was not intended for production use. If an existing OPTIONS.ini or HISTORY.ini file contains a database connection that was saved with the "Use ODBC Driver" box checked, those connections will still work in this release if run with java < 1.8. In the new UI, such entries will now show: JDBC Driver Class Name : sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver JDBC Database URL : jdbc:odbc:<dbname> ... rather than showing the checked "Use ODBC Driver" box. But, if run with java 1.8 or newer, the following error will appear in the console for each database that is configured to use ODBC: ClassNotFoundException: sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver (ODBC driver is not available in Java 1.8 or newer)

20100: Cache extend-by-sql query now ignores row filters with value=*

A bug has been fixed in the cache data source which affected cache data attachments using the Extend with SQL option and which also use a row filter with multiple columns or multiple values, where * is used as one or more filter values. In those cases, the "where" clause in the SQL query generated by the cache data source was incorrect and returned no rows. This is fixed.

20191: Prevent data with timestamp < historyTimeSpan from going to history

In prior releases, a row with a timestamp older than a cache's historyTimeSpan could be added to the cache's history table and would not be removed until the next update. In this release this has been fixed so that such a row is not added to the history table in the first place.

20692: Fixed bogus timeout of sql query

A problem has been fixed in the SQL datasource which would sometimes cause a query to fail with a bogus timeout error showing a very large and incorrect timeout value.

20767: xml parser no longer throws exception if token >= 8192 chars

In previous releases, the JMS and XML data sources would throw an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if an XML string token contained 8192 or more characters and none of those characters was a space. This is fixed.

Display Server

18024: Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBounds on Grid containing more than 1 icon type

In prior releases, the display server threw an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception if a display was opened containing an object grid configured with more than one icon per item, and the display was not rendered in the thin client. This is fixed.

19512: Support audio and threshold command in thin client

The thin client now supports the Play Audio File command and threshold commands. In addition, a new property named valueCommandResetTrigger has been added to the display objects that support threshold commands. ------------------- Play Audio File command: The thin client now supports the Play Audio File command. The support for audio file formats varies by platform, as follows. - The Play Audio File command is not supported in Internet Explorer version 8 and older. - In a desktop browser (Internet Explorer 9 or newer, Firefox, Chrome) .wav and .mp3 files are supported. However, Internet Explorer uses the Windows Media Player to play .wav files, which may require user confirmation or may fail due to security settings. - In mobile browsers (e.g. Safari on iOS) only .mp3 files are supported, and the user must click on the "Enable Audio" button that appears in a display the first time an audio command is executed. - The "Beep" command is still not supported in the thin client. Note that in the builder/viewer, only .wav files are supported by the Play Audio File command. This has always been the case and has not changed in this release. --------------------- Threshold command: There are four objects that support threshold commands: obj_circ2d_ilvx_ra4, obj_rect_ilvx_ra4, obj_circ2d_ilvx_da3, and obj_rect_ilvx_da3. A threshold command can be defined using any of the properties named value*Command on those objects. In this release, if the webChartFlag property is checked on an object with a threshold command, the threshold command will be executed in a thin client deployment when appropriate. In prior releases, threshold commands were ignored in a thin client deployment. If the threshold command is a supported client-side command it will be executed in the browser. The client-side commands are: Play Audio File, Drilldown/Set substitution, Execute Custom Command (if the custom command has a javascript implementation), Open Browser. All other commands are executed by the display server or (for a data source command) in the data server. A new property named valueCommandResetTrigger was added to the objects that support threshold commands. Typically, once a threshold command has been executed by one of those objects because the value exceeds or equals a limit, the command will not execute again until the value exceeds another limit. But now, if the value of valueCommandResetTrigger property is changed, then the object's threshold command will be executed again even if the value property has not changed. Changing the value of valueCommandResetTrigger when the object's value is not at or above a limit has no effect.

19813: Fixed javascript error thrown by obj_datechooser in IE

A bug in the thin client has been fixed which caused an "unterminated string constant" error message to appear in Internet Explorer's javascript console when the date chooser control was clicked.

19880: Fixed unstable dropdown list in FF & Chrome

In prior versions of the thin client, on each display refresh the dropdown list of the combo box control would scroll and the highlighted list item would change, even if the refresh did not change the items in the list. This behavior could make it difficult to use the dropdown list. This problem has been fixed. Note that this problem affected the thin client in Firefox and Chrome, but not Internet Explorer.

20021: Images now found when rtv file loaded from subdirectory

In prior releases, the thin client would fail to load images for some objects if the images and the display containing the objects were in a subdirectory of the display server's working directory. This is fixed.

20097: “loading …” label no longer remains after loading finished

A problem has been fixed in the thin client that would sometimes cause the "loading..." message to remain on the display after the display had finished loading.

20237: Touchscreen PCs no longer display thin client in tablet mode

In prior releases, if the thin client was opened in a browser on a PC with a touchscreen, items would be missing from in the right-click context menu. The missing items includied the Drill Down, Execute Command, and Export Table to Excel items, plus any custom menu items. This is fixed.

20582: Enable mouse cursor to change appearance when hovering over composites

If a composite object has its drilldownTarget set, then in the thin client the "hand" cursor will appear when the mouse is over the composite. This is consistent with the behavior of other objects that have a drilldownTarget.

20621: Fixed: obj_rect_il may not draw in comp grid if webLabelFlag=1

A bug in the thin client has been fixed that sometimes caused objects with the webLabelFlag property checked to not to be drawn if the objects were in a composite display inside an object grid instance.

20623: Table no longer fails to populate when cellsperpage is smaller than visible cells

A bug in the display server has been fixed which sometimes caused table cells in the thin client to always contain "..." if the cellsperpage property was set. Typically this occurred if the cellsperpage value was small (in the range of 1000 to 2000) and a table with many columns was opened. It was unlikely to occur with a typical cellsperpage value of 10000 or more. The problem is fixed for all cellsperpage values. As before, a value less than 1000 is ignored.

20679: Table row selection in AW grid no longer unreliable in IE >= 10

In previous releases, when using the thin client in IE 10 and 11, after performing a drilldown from a table object subsequent row clicks in the same table may be ignored. This is fixed.


20017: rtvquery servlet now uses "UTF-8" instead of "UTF8"

The rtvquery servlet will now specify UTF-8 character encoding for all responses. Previously, the servlet specified UTF8 which was not recognized by Internet Explorer versions 9 and older and caused an exception with the message "Could not complete the operation due to error c00ce56e"

20326: New -version flag that prints version information without starting the app

Each of the RTView applications now supports a -version option on the command line which will cause the app to print the RTView version information and then exit immediately. For example: run_dataserver -version


19543: Alert notification script output error when using log4j

Alert notifications from an RTView now go to a log4j output as desired.

Object Library

19796: Table Rows containing larger images no longer clip

A problem in the display server has been fixed which could cause the heights of table rows containing images to be too small to display the entire image. This problem only occurred if multiple instances of the rtvdisplay servlet were connected to the same display server instance.

19936: Added support for data quality to obj_statushistory

The status history chart (obj_statushistory) has been enhanced to indicate data quality. Two new properties have been added, named valueQualityColumnName and valueQualityBadValuesList. These properties can be used to set a color and pattern to be plotted when on a bar when the data quality is bad. The valueQualityColumnName property can be set to the name of the table column that contains a value indicating the data quality for each row. The column can contain string, integer, or boolean values. The valueQualityBadValuesList property can be set to a string containing value,label pairs with each pair separated by semicolons. This is used to assign a label to a numeric bad quality value, for example "-1,no data;0,stale data" The default value for valueQualityColumnName is blank, which means that the new feature is disabled. In this mode the color and pattern for each bar is determined by getting the value for that row from the column specified by valueColumnName, and looking up that value in the chart's barProperties. (This is the behavior in all prior releases). If valueQualityColumnName non-blank, then for each row R the row's value to be plotted is determined as follows: - let Q = value of quality column for row R, and V = value of value column for row R - if Q is blank, then the quality is considered good and V is used at the row value, as normal. - else if the valueQualityBadValuesList property is blank, then Q is used as the row value. - else if valueQualityBadValuesList contains an entry "Q,X" then X is used as the row value - else the quality is considered good (since no match was found in valueQualityBadValuesList) and V is used at the row value Then the row value is looked up in barProperties, as usual, to determine the color and fill pattern. That value is also shown in the mouseover text as usual. For example, consider the following data table: Plant Status Quality ----- ------ ------- A online 1 B offline 1 C online -1 D offline 0 ... where 1 = data OK, -1 = no data, and 0 = stale data. Next, consider a status history chart with these properties: indexColumnNames = Plant valueColumnName = Status valueQualityColumnName = Quality valueQualityBadValuesList = -1,no Data;0,stale data barProperties = online : green offline : blue no data : red stale data : orange Note that valueQualityBadValuesList has no entry for quality = 1, because that is the "good" quality value. With that configuration, when the data table shown above is applied to the chart, it will plot a segment for each Plant as follows: A green (since Status = online and Quality = 1 / OK) B blue (since Status = online and Quality = 1 / OK) C red (since Quality = -1 / no data) D orange (since Quality = 0 / stale data)

20142: Fixed minor usability problems with tree/accordion control

The following minor problems with the tree and accordion control object are fixed: 1 The initialExpandDepth property is now only applied to new branches. Previously, on a tree control with valueTableType = Row-node the initialExpandDepth was improperly reapplied on each update to the tree, reopening any existing branches that the user may have closed. 2. In the thin client, the labels on accordion buttons are now aligned properly: Parent (non-leaf) node labels are left aligned, and leaf node labels are center aligned. This is consistent with the accordion in the builder/viewer. Previously, parent node labels were center aligned in the thin client, which was incorrect. 3. On a tree control In the thin client, a click on the +/- icon now opens/closes the tree branch as expected but it no longer selects the node or triggers the tree control's command. This is now consistent with the tree control behavior in the viewer. 4. On an accordion control In the thin client in most browsers, a click on a left/down arrow icon now opens/closes the branch as expected but it no longer activates the accordion button or triggers the accordion control's command. However, in IE version 8 or older, and in the viewer, the accordion button is still activated and the control's command is executed.

20638: New property to limit text entered into text area control

The text area control (obj_c1textarea) has been enhanced to enforce an optional maximum character limit. (The text field control, obj_c1textedit, has supported this feature for several releases). maxCharacters - The maximum number of characters that will be submitted to the control's actionCommand. The default value is blank (no limit). The limit does not restrict the length of the text in the control, instead the limit is checked before the command is executed and if the limit is exceeded, the command is not executed. inputValidVarToSet - Attach to a local variable. This variable will be updated with a value of 1 if the maxCharacters limit is blank or the text is less than or equal to the maxCharacters limit, or updated with a value of 0 if the text length exceeds the maxCharacters limit. invalidInputMsgVarToSet - Attach to a local variable. This variable will be updated with an error message if the text length exceeds the maxCharacters limit, or updated with an empty string if the text length is less than or equal to the maxCharacters limit.

Platform Support

19592: Support Chrome as a browser for the thin client

The thin client is now supported in Chrome, on Windows. The version tested was Chrome 35.0. Chrome was not tested on iOS or Android.

19925: Support Java 1.8

Java 1.8 is now officially supported. NOTES: As noted in the release notes for 19927 and 19928, the JdbcOdbc driver is no longer supported by Oracle beginning in Java 1.8. Version v4.14.137 of IBM DB2's db2jcc.jar driver is required to work with Java 1.8


20794: Fixed XSS Security Issue in Thin Client Deployment

A cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the thin client has been fixed.


19952: Solaris 10 Script change not always executed

On Solaris 10 systems the script modifies other scripts in common/bin to use the bash shell. Under certain conditions this operation was not executed. This has been fixed.

Version 6.2.0 Release Notes


18863: Notify when the hit Percentage drops below a percentage

A new alert - OcCacheHitPercentageLow- has been added. This alert will trigger when the current Hit % (total current hits/total current gets) drops below the specified threshold for a sampling period and the specified cache(s). This alert has a service/cache override.

18864: New alert for average read Millis

A new alert - OcStoreReadMillisHigh - has been added. This alert will trigger when the current average read millis (total current StoreReadMillis/total current StoreReads) drops below the specified threshold for a sampling period and the specified cache(s). This alert has a service/cache override.


18866: Time Range Comparison Cache

A new display has been added that allows for analysis of cache data between two sets of time ranges.


18790: Cluster Selection display user experience improvements

The Oracle Coherence Cluster Selection display has been enhanced to provide a more intuitive default sort order for each table.

18797: Readability enhancements to Cluster Views / Overview display

To provide a less cluttered appearance, some data fields on the Cluster Overview display have been re-positioned.

Data Historian

18736: Sybase support for OCM history tables

Two support issues for Sybase have been addressed: 1) When auto-creating a database table for Sybase, the Historian will now declare a column of type SMALLINT rather than BIT for a boolean column in a cache table. This is necessary because Sybase does not allow a BIT column to be used in an index, and some EM caches use boolean columns as index columns. This change has also been made to the database schema file for Sybase found under rtvapm\ocmon\dbconfig. 2) The following error that was seen with some Sybase drivers should be fixed: WARNING: unrecognized database product name "sql server". A lost connection to __RTVHISTORY will be undetected.

19180: All trends now show 7 days of data

All trend graphs have been enhanced to allow the display of up to 7 days of data.


18865: GC Duty Cycle in Node History Heatmap

A new display has been added to show the GC Duty Cycle for all the nodes in a cluster. The display can be accessed from the existing All Nodes History Heatmap, from a newly added "GC Metrics" button.

19449: All Nodes Heatmap now shows departed nodes correctly

In prior versions, under certain circumstances, various All Nodes Heatmaps showed departed nodes incorrectly. This is no longer the case.

19555: Log Scale fixed for the All Nodes History Heatmap

The Log Scale functionality of the All Nodes History heatmap has been restored. A bug in the previous version left the Log Scale setting ineffective. Also, resizing of this display will now result in both heatmaps equally sharing the available display space.

RTView Classic

Data Historian

16720: Table creation for Sybase now declares NULL for non-index columns

Two problems in the Historian have been fixed related to Sybase: 1) The following exception was sometimes thrown when the historian was storing or compacting data: SQLException: The column <abc> in table <xyz> does not allow null values. 2) The following exception was sometimes thrown when the historian was compacting data: SybSQLException: The 'CREATE TABLE' command is not allowed within a multi-statement transaction in the <xyz> database. Both problems are fixed.

19312: Sybase integer conversion error fixed

A problem has been fixed that caused the Historian to throw an exception when compaction of an integer column by averaging produced a floating point result, when used with Sybase. The exception was reported as "Scale error during implicit conversion of NUMERIC value". This has been fixed by setting "arithabort numeric_truncation off" in the active session between the Historian and the Sybase database.

Data Server

19477: Data Server NPE when DS is busy and pushing data to a disconnecting client

A problem has been fixed that in rare circumstances caused the data server to throw a NullPointerException and become unresponsive after a client disconnected.

Data Sources

18738: Data type handling improvements for Extend by SQL option

Three problems affecting the Extend By SQL option in cache data source attachments have been fixed. The first problem caused the following SQL error in some conditions when a cache attachment was configured with the Extend By SQL option and a filter on a string column, and the database in use was Sybase: "Implicit conversion from datatype 'VARCHAR' to 'INT' is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query." The second problem caused SQL errors when a cache attachment was configured with the Extend By SQL option and a filter on a Boolean column, and the database in use was Sybase, Oracle, DB2, or MySQL. The third problem caused the Extend By SQL query result to use integer columns for columns that were Boolean in the cache, if the database was Oracle or DB2. All three problems are fixed.

19204: Improved support for mbeans that serialize (Tabular/Composite)DataSupport

The JMX adapter was updated to handle mbeans that serialize TabularDataSupport and CompositeDataSupport objects, as used in some Tibco BusinessEvent mbeans. The previous adapter would return a text blob for BE methods that returned these types. Now, these objects are properly deserialized into an RTView table.

Object Library

19504: listbox selection no longer clears when list changes

A problem has been fixed in the viewer which caused the selected item in a list box control (obj_c1tlb) to be deselected when the control's listValues property was updated.

19511: Listbox validation bug fixed

A problem in the listbox control (obj_c1tlb) has been fixed which caused it to ignore changes to the listValues property in some cases.

Version 6.1.0 Release Notes

18476: New Columns added to the OcNodeStats Cache and Database Table

New columns that reflect the state of TCMP traffic on a per node basis have been added to the the OcNodeStats Cache and persisted to the corresponding Database Table (OCM_NODESTATS) to enable historical analysis. The Columns contain Delta and Rate information obtained from the raw (incrementing) count value. The new columns are DeltaNackSent, DeltaPacketsResentEarly, DeltaPacketsResentExcess, RateNackSent, RatePacketsResentEarly, RatePacketsResentExcess.

18490: Departed Nodes now correctly displayed

The Departed Nodes indicator on the Cluster Overview display, and the Departed Nodes table on the Cluster Stability Metrics display, were inaccurate in their reporting of departed nodes. This has now been fixed, and required a change to the ocmRowExpirationTimeForDelete property in the file. This property is now set to 86400, which allows the OCMonitor to wait 24 hours before removing records of expired nodes.


18297: New alert CacheQueueSize

The alert OcCacheQueueSizeHigh has been added to trigger when the CacheQueueSize for ALL nodes exceeds a threshold.

18298: New alert OcSendQueueSize

The OcSendQueueSize alert has been added to inform the user when a Send Queue exceeds a given threshold.

18407: Support new EM alert notifier

Alert notifications in OC Monitor have been enhanced to support easier integration with EM. In order to support this, the previously supported notifications properties are no longer being used. See the upgrade notes section below if you have modified or overridden the values for any of the notification properties. The following properties are defined in for notifications: sl.rtview.alert.notifierenabled - Set to true to enable alert notifications. This defaults to true. To disable alert notifications, set this to false. sl.rtview.alert.notifiercommandnew - Set this to the command to execute when a new alert is generated. This defaults to executing the my_alert_actions.bat. To execute, set the following: sl.rtview.cmd_line=-sub:$scriptEnding:sh. To execute a different script with the same arguments, set the following (where my_script is the name of your script): sl.rtview.cmd_line=-sub:$alertActionScript:my_script sl.rtview.alert.notifiercommandsevincrease - Set this to the command to execute the first time an alert changes severity. The default for this is the same as the sl.rtview.alert.notifiercommandnew. sl.rtview.alert.notifiercommandcleared - Set this to the command to execute the when an alert is cleared. By default, no command is configured. To execute a script, copy the notifiercommandnew line and replace $alertActionScript with the name of the script you want to execute. To execute a custom java command, see the example in common\conf\ sl.rtview.alert.notifiercommandchanged - Set this to the command to execute when a column in the alert table changes. To execute a script, copy the notifiercommandnew line and replace $alertActionScript with the name of the script you want to execute. To execute a custom java command, see the example in common\conf\ This must be used in conjunction with the sl.rtview.alert.notifiercolumns property sl.rtview.notifiercolumns - Set this to the name of one or more columns to execute the sl.rtview.alert.notifiercommandchanged notification when they change. For multiple columns, use a semi-colon delimited list. Note that this should be limited to the minimum number of necessary columns, preferably less than 5, as a large number of columns increases the persistence load on the central alert server. You may alternatively execute a custom java command instead of a script for alert notifications. An example of this is provided under RTVAPM_HOME\ocmon\sample\custom. To use the sample custom code, you must build it and add the custom package and jar to your application: 1. Run RTVAPM_HOME\ocmon\sample\custom\make_classes.bat. This will build the custom handlers and output them in RTVAPM_HOME\ocmon\sample\custom\lib\rtvapm_custom.jar. 2. Modify common\conf\ to uncomment the sl.rtview.alert.notifiercommandnew line. Also, modify the sl.rtview.cp line to %RTVAPM_HOME%/ocmon/sample/custom/lib/rtvapm_custom.jar. You can optionally uncomment the sl.rtview.alert.notifiercommandsevincrease, sl.rtview.alert.notifiercommandcleared, sl.rtview.alert.notifiercommandchanged and sl.rtview.alert.notifiercolumns lines if you want those additional notifications to execute your custom java command notification. 3. When you run the data server, add the following to the command line: -properties:%RTVAPM_HOME%/common/conf/custom_handlers Upgrade Information The following properties from rtvapm\common\conf\ have been removed or replaced. If you have modified any of these properties in rtvapm\common\conf\ or overridden them in your properties file, you will need to make the following modifications. sl.rtview.alert.alertcommand - use sl.rtview.notifiercommandnew instead. Also set the same value on the sl.rtview.notifiercommandfirstsevchange property if you want to receive a notification the first time the severity changes on an alert. If you do not want to receive notifications the first time the severity changes on an alert, set sl.rtview.notifiercommandfirstsevchange to a blank value. sl.rtview.alert.renotificationmode - This property is no longer supported. sl.rtview.alert.renotifyonsevchangedmode - This property is no longer supported. This property previously defaulted to 1. If you set it to 0, set the sl.rtview.notifiercommandfirstsevchange to a blank value. If you set it to 1, set the sl.rtview.alert.notifiercommandchanged to the same value as sl.rtview.notifiercommandnew and set the sl.rtview.alert.notifiercolumns property to Severity. With this configuration, you will get a notification each time the Severity changes. If you only want to act on increases, add logic to support this to your script or custom command code. sl.rtview.alert.renotficationcommand - This property is no longer supported. sl.rtview.alert.commentcommand - This property is no longer supported. To receive notifications when the comment changes, set the sl.rtview.alert.notifiercommandchanged to the value you previously used for the commentcommand property. Set the sl.rtview.alert.notifiercolumns property to Comments. sl.rtview.alert.alertclearedcommand - This property is no longer supported. Use the sl.rtview.alert.notifiercommandcleared property instead.

18492: New alerts for Cache status

Two new alerts, OcEndangeredCache and OcNodeSafeCache, have been added: OcEndangeredCache For each node in the cluster, an alert is executed if the StatusHA value is ENDANGERED. By default the alert is disabled. OcNodeSafeCacheTwo For each node in the cluster, an alert is executed if the StatusHA value is NODE-SAFE. By default the alert is disabled.

18541: New alerts on the number of nodes falling below a threshold

Three new alerts have been added to trigger when node counts dip below their respective thresholds: OcLowTotalNodeCount, OcLowStorageNodeCount, OcLowClientNodeCount. The three alerts are disabled by default.

Data Historian

18322: New variable to set how much historical data to load on startup

The new substitution variable $ocmHistoryTimeSpan has been added to to allow the user to set the number of days of history data that is loaded at startup. The value to be set is based in seconds with the default being 1296000 (15 days).

Data Model

18475: Add Nacks to History and the Node History Heatmap.

To aid in troubleshooting communication errors, the data points "Delta Nacks Sent" and "Rates Nacks Sent" have been added to the Node History heatmap display. Both appear in the Metric drop-down list, and both have been added to the tooltips for both heatmaps (Process and Storage Nodes) on that display.


17946: Single Service Summary Display now showing all data

The Cache Services > Single Service Summary display now correctly displays historical data.

18434: Expiration now indicated for Nodes, Caches and Services

Previously, under certain circumstances the All Caches - Current Size Chart display would display incorrect cache totals. This is no longer the case. (Expired Cache nodes are not counted) This has been achieved by implementing Expiry for Nodes, Caches and Services. Expiry affects data elements, UI elements and configuration properties. Expired Data items are represented by the addition of an Expired column in the current table of a cache, where a row in the cache represents the entity in question. For Expired entities Expired will be true. For currently active entities (i.e. non expired) Expired will be false. Expired entities contain the last known data for that entity. Expired entities are indicated in the UI by a dark red color. Expired entities may be shown in aggregates (Tables, Heatmaps) along with non expired entities and individual Expired entities may be displayed on their own displays that represent that entity. Cells in heatmaps that indicate an expired entity will have this dark red color and rows in data tables that represent an expired entity will have a dark red background. Often the last column in the table will be the Expired column, allowing for sorting/grouping of expired and non expired entities Displays that represent an expired entity typically have a drop down selector that selects a particular entity. Expired entities are represented by an appended [X] at the end of the selector dropdown. When an expired entity is selected the display background will be set to dark red to reinforce that this is an expired entity. The display shows the last known values for the entity where available. Typically trend graphs will only show data up the point of expiry of the entity. Expiry currently relies on the absence of previously available data during an update. Some data is required for the update to succeed. Total absence of data means there is no data to update. Expiry behavior is controlled by properties. Previously the user could control time base expiry. Expiry is now event based and must be configured correctly. For new installs the defaults are set correctly and the user need not be concerned. Users migrating from a previous version, or using a properties file from a previous version, need to take care that the following properties are not redefined (so as to take the correct default values) or are explicitly set using the the following values. # Configure to detect expired entities in caches on update, and delete expired entities after a finite time. By Default # Expiry Mode # 3 = Mark + Delete # Mark Expired Entities. Delete Expired Entities. # # Known entities are Nodes, Caches and Cache Services at this point. Consider what Entity a row in a configured cache represents # sl.rtview.sub=$ocmRowExpirationMode:3 # # Detect Expired Entities, by absence, on update, rather than by (implicit assumed) absence after minimum time-out since last updated. # expiration time of -1 means use update mechanism rather than time mechanism. # sl.rtview.sub=$ocmRowExpirationTime:-1 Failure to do so may result in undesired behavior. The user can still control when expired entities are deleted, and thus no longer appear in displays, or are available for selection. By default expired entities are deleted after 24 hours. Users can override this setting if desired: thus # Delete expired entities from caches a finite time after they expire. # Can be used to limit the grown of configured current caches based on the rate of growth/churn # (Creation + Expiry of new entities with unique identifiers) # By default set to 24 hours - ocmRowExpirationTimeForDelete (86400 = 24 hrs) # sl.rtview.sub=$ocmRowExpirationTimeForDelete:86400

18435: 'Delta' columns now format numbers with "," seperator

The Delta Columns in the "Totals For Each Cache over all Storage Nodes" table in the "All Caches - Current Activity Table" display are now formatted with "," thousands separator like the non delta numeric columns. Additional Delta Columns that are now formatted with "," thousands separator like the non delta numeric columns, can be found in the following displays: "Single Cache - Cache Detail Tables" display Bottom Table labeled "Statistics By Node for Selected Cache" "Proxy / Extend Detail" display Bottom Table labeled "Extend Client Connections"

18436: Proxy Service CPU % now displayed correctly

Previously, the Proxy Service CPU % may have been displayed incorrectly in various Proxy Services displays. This is no longer the case.

18537: Alert indicators added to the overview screen.

A set of six alert indicator lights has been added to the Cluster Views / Overview display. The lights indicate the aggregated status for Memory, Network, Stability, Tasks, Data Quality and "Other" alerts. Green signifies no alert, yellow signifies at least one warning, and red signifies at least one alarm level alert. Clicking within this area will display the Alert Detail Table for more specific information on the alerts.

18651: SQL definitions added for optional history tables

Several changes have been made to the history table SQL schemas. 1) SQL table schema definitions have been added for those history tables that are disabled in the default configuration. Those tables are: OCMCACHESERVICESTATS_TABLE OCMINVOCATIONSERVICESTATS_TABLE OCMCACHESTATS_TABLE OCMSTORAGESTATS_TABLE OCMPROXYSERVICESTATS_TABLE OCMPROXYSERVICETOTALS_TABLE OCMEXTENDCONNECTIONS_TABLE OCMJVMGCINFO_TABLE OCMJVMMEMORYPOOL_TABLE OCMJMXMGMTDATA_TABLE Definitions have also been added for two legacy tables. These tables do not store historical data, but errors may be thrown to the console if they are not found. HISTORY HISTORY_S 2) The max length for VARCHAR columns has been increased across all history tables to 255. Users should not need to modify existing tables.

RTView Classic

Data Sources

18670: Gaps in extend-by-sql cache data attachment fixed

A bug has been fixed that caused time gaps to appear in data supplied a cache attachment configured as follows: Cache : MyCache Table : history, or history_combo Time Range : <any value larger than the time range of data available in the cache table above> Extend with SQL : on Begin Time: <blank> End Time: <blank> Update Once: off (if Table = history) Update : On Condense or Always (if Table = history_combo) A cache attachment with that configuration will periodically update its listeners, as new data is added to the cache history table. In prior releases, a time gap would eventually appear between the most recent data retrieved by the Extend with SQL query and the oldest data in the cache history table. This is fixed.

18707: Enhance rowExpiredIndexColumns behavior in Mark+Delete mode

The row expiration feature of the cache data source has been enhanced to allow the rowExpiredIndexColumns and the rowExpirationTimeForDelete properties to be used in combination. If a cache is configured as follows ... rowExpirationMode = 3 (Mark + Delete) rowExpirationTime = -1 rowExpirationTimeForDelete = any value > 0 rowExpiredIndexColumns = any subset of the cache's index columns ... then if a row X exists in the cache's current table and that row's values in the columns specified by the rowExpiredIndexColumns are not matched in the data table applied to the cache's valueTable property, the row will be marked as Expired. Subsequently, if row X is not updated again before the time specified by the rowExpirationTimeForDelete property has elapsed then row X will be deleted from the cache's current table.

Display Server

18689: Support updates to drillDownColumnSubs on table

The drillDownColumnSubs property of the table object (obj_table02) can be attached to data. However, in previous releases the thin client only read that property when the display was opened and ignored subsequent updates from the data attachment. This has been fixed.

Platform Support

18746: Table index names shortened for Oracle and Sybase

The historian will now keep index names to 30 characters or less on Oracle and Sybase to avoid "identifier is too long" errors from those databases.

Version 6.0.0 Release Notes


17248: ObjectCountDelta*Cache now only triggers for back of near-cache

Both the ObjectCountDeltaUpCache and ObjectCountDeltaDownCache alerts have been modified to ensure that no alerts are generated due to object count changes in the front of the near cache. Alerts will only reflect activity in the back portion of a near cache.

17988: Integrate OCM alerts into the EM framework

The existing set of OCM alerts has been updated to work within the new EM framework.

18182: Support global alert notification definitions

The alert notification functionality has been enhanced. The changes include: - The alert command is my_alert_script.bat. - The alert command executes for new alerts and on the first severity change. Alert notification is now setup through property files, rather than by editing .rtv files. - To use my_alert_actions.bat, copy it from common\bin to your project directory and modify the end of the script to do the appropriate action. - To use, copy it from common\bin to your project directory and modify the end of the script to do the appropriate action. Also, add this to your properties file: sl.rtview.cmd_line=-sub:$scriptEnding:sh - To use a different script, add it your project directory and add the following to your properties file: sl.rtview.cmd_line=-sub:$alertActionScript:my_custom_script where "my_custom_script" is the name of your script. If it does not use the .bat extension, also add the following to your properties file: sl.rtview.cmd_line=-sub:$scriptEnding:XX where "XX" is the extension for your script. - To use a different command, add the following property to your properties file: sl.rtview.alertCommand=XX where XX is the command to execute. This can be any RTView command string. See the documentation for the alertCommand property on any of the alerts for more information on this. There are also several properties that can now be set: sl.rtview.alert.renotificationmode sl.rtview.alert.renotificationtime sl.rtview.alert.renotifyonsevchangedmode sl.rtview.alert.renotficationcommand sl.rtview.alert.commentcommand sl.rtview.alert.alertclearedcommand Further information can be found in the alert documentation.

18219: Alert when JMX connections drop

The alert OcNoJmxConnection has been added which will execute after sensing that JMX connection has been disconnected for a set amount of time. By default the alert is set to ON and the default time value is 60 seconds..

18220: OCM Processing Time Alert.

A new alert - OcJmxProcessingTime - will trigger when the sum of the data collection tIme (sum of the JMX Queries) and the data processing Time (sum of all the functions) is greater than the JMX Period * the threshold. The threshold defaults are 80% for warning, 90% alarm. The alert duration default is 0 and the alert is disabled by default.

18221: StoreFailures alert.

An OcStoreFailure alert has been added which can trigger when the DeltaStoreFailures on the CacheTotals Stats exceeds a specified threshold.

18222: Alert - Minimum Node Memory after GC Alert

The alert OcMemoryUsedPercentageAfterGC has been added which will trigger on low memory conditions that might occur in a node after garbage collection. The alert is disabled by default.

18254: Custom handler and custom alert command added to sample project

OC Monitor has been enhanced with an optional custom package that lets you define custom functions and commands. The custom package code is in %RTVAPM_HOME%\ocmon\projects\sample\custom\src\com\sl\rtvapm\custom. To build the custom package classes, run %RTVAPM_HOME%\ocmon\projects\sample\custom\src\make_classes.bat. This will build the classes and output them in %RTVAPM_HOME%\ocmon\projects\sample\custom\lib\rtvapm_custom.jar. You may modify the custom function handler,, to implement custom functions for use in custom displays. The custom function handler api is described in the RTView Classic documentation under Customization->Custom Functions and Customization->Customization API. You may modify the custom command handler,, to implement custom commands for use in custom displays or as alert notification commands. The custom command handler api is described in the RTView Classic documentation under Customization->Custom Commands and Customization->Customization API. To enable these classes, include %RTVAPM_HOME%\common\conf\ in your command line: -properties:%RTVAPM_HOME%/common/conf/custom_handlers The RtvApmCommandHandler class contains a sample alert notification command named my_alert_command. You can use this example as a starting place to implement your own custom alert notification command. To use the my_alert_command custom command for alert notifications, uncomment the sl.rtview.alert.alertcommand line in %RTVAPM_HOME%\common\conf\


17969: Provide new metrics in the All Caches History display

Five new metrics have been added to the All Caches History Heatmap display. These are: StoreFailures (Delta) StoreReads (Delta) StoreReadMillis (Delta) StoreWrites (Delta) StoreWritesMillis (Delta)

18051: All Caches current size display obscures conn OK light

An indicator light was obscured by a button on the Current Size display. The button has been moved so that the indicator light is now visible.

18165: Cache Summary - Add Delta/Rate Selection

Delta/Rate Selection added to the "Single Cache - Summary" Display A new "Use Rates" Checkbox has been added to the "Single Cache - Summary" display that allows the user to select either Delta values or Rate Values to be used in the display for Trend Graphs and "Activity - Current" Values. Delta/Rate Selection added to the "Single Service - Summary" Display A new "Use Rates" Checkbox has been added to the "Single Service - Summary" display that allows the user to select either Delta values or Rate Values to be used in the display for Requests And Messages Trend Graphs and "Current" Value displays.


18416: Update database schemas

The database schema files have been updated, and are now under rtvapm\ocmon\dbconfig.

Development and Build

18014: Integrate OCM custom functions into RTView EM

OCM custom functions are available in EM CSP ocmon. The OCM custom functions are available in the EM CSP ocm by use of the package ocmon and the jar file rtvapm_ocmon.jar


17931: Supress unwanted error messages in dataserver logs

Spurious ERROR message no longer occurs Previously, under certain circumstances the proxyServiceConnectionManagerData3_RTDelta function would generate ERROR messages regarding invalid columns. This is no longer the case.

18201: Rename cache names to be consistent with EM naming conventions

All Cache names have changed and been given an OC prefix.

18238: Create a Proxy Node History heatmap.

A History Heatmap has been added that displays the sent and received statistics for each of the Proxy nodes. It can be navigated to via Proxy Services / Proxy Nodes History


17968: Provide new metrics for the All Node History heatmap

Two new metrics have been added to the All Nodes History Heatmap display. These are: DeltaPacketsSent and DeltaPacketsReceived.

Proxy / Extend

17399: History Heatmap for Extend Connections

A History Heatmap has been added that allows for the selection of a proxy node and exposes the Extend Client information. It can be navigated to via Proxy Services / Extend Connections History

Version 5.9.1 Release Notes


17880: EndangeredAllCaches alert now triggers correctly

Previously under certain circumstances the EndangeredAllCaches alert would trigger incorrectly. This is no longer the case

17906: Tabular Alerts regression fixed

Tabular alerts now work as intended.


17900: All Caches - Activity Heatmap can now show Units or Objects

The All Caches - Activity Heatmap now has a "Use Objects instead of Units" check box, allowing for use of either Units or Objects for the heatmap cell sizing, and mouse over tool-tips


17862: Large object totals for cache services now displayed correctly

Previously Large object totals for cache services may not have displayed correctly in the Cluster Overview Display. This is no longer the case.


17851: Connection status now displays correctly

Previously, under some circumstances the connection status may not have displayed the correct connection status. This is no longer the case.


17849: Historian no longer issues an alert persistence error

The Historian is no longer used for alert persistence. Alert persistence settings have been removed from the Historian script files.

17850: script now stops the OCM Agent when appropriate

Previously the script tried to stop the OCM agent when it was not in use. This is no longer the case

Version 5.9.0 Release Notes


16667: Duration increased in HSQLDB alertdefs.script

Duration changed from 0 to 60 for BadCommunicationCluster and BadCommunicationNode alert definitions in database alertdefs files Previously the initial value of Duration for the BadCommunicationCluster and BadCommunicationNode alert definitions was 0. The value of duration has been increased to 60 seconds, so that the alert condition will have to persists for a minute before the alert is triggered

16806: -dbretry:30000 added to script defaults for database retry

The dbretry command line option is now automatically set to 30000 milliseconds when the ocm_setup scripts (Win and Unix) are executed.

16837: Alert Comments now saved

The Manage Alert Detail dialog now persists time and date-stamped comments.

17492: Updates to the Manage Alert dialog

The Manage Alerts dialog is now resizable. Additionally, an field for displaying the index column has been added to aid in identifying the source of the alert.

17495: Implemented alert persistence

The OCM the alert persistence mechanism is now on by default and allows the alert state to be maintained when the data server is restarted.

17789: Unix/Linux alert notification fixed

Unix/Linux alert scripts are now called with an explicit ./ to ensure they are found in the current directory without assuming that ".", the current directory, is in the current shell execution path.


17535: Multi-cluster support

Support has been added for allowing multiple clusters to be monitored with one instance of the OCM. The Multi-Cluster Configuration is suitable for monitoring many small clusters with a single OCM instance. Multiple clusters must be monitored using the JMX connection method of data access. See documentation for configuration information under Configuring a Data Connection->Configuring a JMX Connection.


16810: Add dataserver_url Examples to OCM Property Files

The property files in the conf directory now contain examples of the usage of the dataserver_url property.

17758: Corrected bad database table name in OPTIONS.ini

The commented out $OCMCACHESERVICESTATS_TABLE substitution has been corrected to: #sub $OCMCACHESERVICESTATS_TABLE:OCM_CACHESERVICESTATS to provide a consistent definition if un-commented.


17432: REST based interface for OCM data servers added

The rtvquery servlet has been added to OCM. The rtvquery servlet allows your custom client application to retrieve data from the Data Server via a REST interface. Additionally, in order to provide details about OCM caches in the cluster that persist data to the database, a new set of auto-generated documentation has been under ocmdocs\cachedocs. This documentation describes settings for the cache such as persisted columns, default table sizes and compaction rules. For more information see the documentation under Additional Configurations -> Custom Web App Queries

Data Historian


17616: Historian compaction rules now configurable

Options have been provided for altering the way the OCM historian does data compaction when managing data in the historical database. Decreasing compaction rates will result in larger database tables. See the Cache substitutions section of the documentation for details on setting the $ocmCompactionRules substitution.

Data Model

17053: Rework and Cleanup of Cache Definitions

Schemas and table names have been changed for persisted historical data. Alert information is not affected but all other persisted data is affected. Upgrading users will have to create new schema definitions to store historical information. See the database configuration section of the documentation for details.

17613: maxNumberOfHistoryRows now externally configurable

For resource optimizations, it is now possible to configure the amount of data that OCM is storing in internal caches. See the documentation under Cache substitutions for the use of ocmMaxNumberOfHistoryRowsSmall, ocmMaxNumberOfHistoryRowsMedium, and ocmMaxNumberOfHistoryRowsLarge,

17615: Condense rules now more easily configured

Substitutions have been provided for changing the way OCM does data compaction. This allows for users to determine the granularity of the raw and compacted data. Reducing compaction results in larger resource usage. See the Cache substitutions section of the documentation for the details on setting these substitutions: ocmMaxNumberOfHistoryRowsSmall, ocmMaxNumberOfHistoryRowsMedium, ocmMaxNumberOfHistoryRowsLarge, ocmCondenseRowsRawDataTimeSpan, ocmCondenseRowsInterval, ocmCompactionRules,


17638: Support for JMX tables for data retrieval on Coherence 3.7.1

The JMX tables option for supporting optimized JMX data retrieval now supports Coherence version 3.7.1. This enhancement is backward compatible and will still support Coherence 3.5.x, 3.6.x and 3.7.x


16894: RackName now appearing in Group By drop down

The RackName now appears in the Group By drop down in Single Cache->Node/Group Distribution.

17045: Ability to select longer time range in trend charts

Trend charts have been enhanced so that not only can you view data currently being held in the in-memory caches, but you can change the time periods so that you can view all metrics which have been stored in the historical database.

17306: Implemented proper resize behavior

The OC Monitor is now fully resizable. Where applicable, key display items will expand for greater readability as the application grows in size.

17627: User interface changes

The following UI changes have been made: 1) There is a new multi-cluster drop-down at the top left of each display. 2) The "open in new window" button is now at the top right of each dsplay (to the immediate left of the Help (?) button). 3) The Administration / SL Administration display now appears and resizes correctly.

17671: About screen added

An About display has been added to the OC Monitor. It displays product and version information, and shows a list of all available data sources. The About display is reachable from the Administration node on the navigation tree.

17782: Graphs traces corrected in Single Node Summary

Under certain circumstances the Single Node Summary traces would not display aligned data. This is no longer the case.

JMX Data Access

17464: jmx_mbeans_change_dynamically set to false by default

A change was made to JMXOPTIONS.ini to override a default setting for the JMX Data Source. To minimize the number of JMX metadata queries, the option jmx_mbeans_change_dynamically has been set to false.

JVM metrics

16605: JVM GC trends now plot correctly on all platforms

Previously in certain circumstances, the JVM GC trends for a single node may have show no data, when GCInfo data was available. This no longer the case, and the trends are plotted correctly for available data.

16843: Loading status label added to Single Node Summary

On initial launch of the OC Monitor, Thread and Class Loader data require 3 update passes before their data is displayed. A label has been added to the Single Node Summary display that explains the delay. The label will not appear once the data is ready for display.


16607: Node labels corrected

The All Nodes -> Memory Usage and All Nodes -> Packet Communication Trends displays will no longer show incorrect trace label names.

17370: Indication of expired nodes is now configurable

Indication of expired nodes is now an optional feature. See the documentation under Substitutions->Cache Substitutions to determine how to configure the substitutions ocmRowExpirationMode, ocmRowExpirationTime and ocmRowExpirationTimeForDelete to get the desired results.

17610: SendQueueSize attribute added

The Send Queue Size metric has been added to 4 displays: Cluster Views / Memory/Network (at upper right of display) Single Node / Node Summary (in Packet Communication area) Single Node / Node Detail (last column in Node MBean Data table) All Nodes / All Nodes - Detail (last column in MBean Detail Data table)

Proxy / Extend

17797: Removed total KB sent/received traces from extend detail page

KB Sent / Received Totals are no longer displayed in proxy/extend connections trends since these were only increasing totals. The Deltas of the messages + bytes sent and received are still displayed.


17087: OCM proxy scripts adjusted to avoid ServerSocket binding errors

The startDemoProxyNodes script was changed to avoid a port conflict error.

17182: Coherence version property and env var removed

Commented examples referencing the "ocm.coherence_version" property were removed from property and script files as these examples are no longer of use.

17368: make_ocmonitor_war.bat no longer fails due to copy error

The make_ocmonitor_war script now correctly builds the ocmonitor.war file.


17796: Active Threads Trend Correctly Displayed and Labeled

Previously, under certain circumstances the Active Threads Trend would not be correctly displayed or labeled in the Single Service Summary Screen. This is no longer the case.

Timing / Performance

17108: Data Server optimisation

Performance enhancements have been included to improve garbage collection handling.

Version 5.8.0 Release Notes


16660: _win & _unix alertdefs no longercause setGmsVarFromString errors

Previously, when using ts_alertdefs_win.rtv or ts_alertdefs_unix.rtv as ts_alertdefs.rtv ( for script based alert handling ) in projects/myocm, you might see the following error message displayed at startup: "ERROR: setGmsVarFromString, value passed in for value must be a double." This is no longer the case.


16791: New service selector for All Caches / Storage Nodes Cache Map

The All Caches / Storage Nodes Cache Map has been enhanced to permit selection of only those nodes running a specific service. Note that "unused" caches, which are caches that aren't identified with any specific service, will always be displayed, regardless of the service filter selection.

16807: New All Caches History heatmap

An "All Caches History" heatmap has been added to the OCM navigation tree. This provides a way to see in one page a short-term history of activity on all the caches running in a cluster.

16808: All Caches Size and Activity Charts now readable w/ many caches

Previously, the All Caches / Current Size Chart and the All Caches / Current Activity Chart displays would become unreadable if there were many caches (> 50). This behavior has been corrected.


15630: Show node start times in Stability page, dead nodes in overview

The "departed node" count has been added to the OCM Overview page and the Grid Stability page has been modified to show a table of all nodes and their start times, sorted by the most recently created. This provides a quick way to see which nodes have departed and returned to the cluster recently.

16822: New All Nodes History heatmap

An "All Nodes" History heatmap has been added to the OCM navigation tree. This provides a way to see a short-term history of the activity on all the nodes running in a cluster.


16234: Database template configuration files added

A new directory, dbconfig, has been included with the Oracle Coherence Monitor product. The files in this directory can be used to configure the application to use a database other than the demo HSQLDB instance provided with OCM. For more information on how to utilize these files, dbconfig/README.txt has been provided with the files. The default status for all alerts has been configured, in these files and in the HSQLDB database included with projects\myocm, to be disabled by default.

16772: New default coherence properties in conf property files.

The property files in the conf directory have new default values for coherence management properties. The new default values will improve the data collection behavior of OCM. The properties changed are:

Data Historian

17044: Trend Charts now show 7 days worth of data

Previously for some trend charts when the time range was selected as '7 days', the charts would only show data for the past 2 days and not 7 days. The Trend charts will now show 7 days of data when a 7 day time range is selected. The following displays are affected All Nodes > Memory Usage Trends All Nodes > Communication Trends All Caches > Size Trends All Caches > Activity Trends Single Cache > Size Trends Single Cache > Activity Trends Single Node > JVM Memory Trends Single Node > JVM GC Trends


16586: Corrected Data Server connections in debug display

Data Server Connections now display correctly in debug display when using Data Server and rich client on Unix. Previously the Data Server Connections in the rtv_debug display (accessible from the Administration->Metrics Administration display via the "RTView Internal Statistics" button) may not have displayed correctly when using the script. This is no longer the case.

16857: Average (Total) Execution Time value to Added to Debug Displays

An Average (Total) Execution Time Value has been added in addition to the Total Execution Time value for the JMX and Function Statistics Debug Displays

17195: Log4j Msgs button removed from ts_node_detail.rtv

Due to the number of connections needed and the volume of log data to process, the Log4j functionality has been removed from the OCM.

17202: Alert Admin tabular alert table no longer scrolls on row select

On the Administration -> Alert Administration display, the tabular alert table's scrollToSelectionFlag has been set to 0 rather than 1. This will prevent the selected item to scroll out of view when run in the thin client.

JMX Data Access

16696: OCM JMX Tables option now works correctly when using OCM Agent

Previously the OCM JMX Tables option did not work correctly when both the properties: ocm.use_jmxtables=true ocm.use_agent=true ...were set in the Cluster properties files. This is no longer the case.


16642: Integrate Windows services support into the OCM/OCV batch files

OCM / OCV Monitoring applications can now be installed and run as Windows services. The OCM applications can be managed all at once using the startocm.bat script using the following command line arguments startocm.bat propfile [-test] [-svc(install|remove|start|stop)] where * propfile = cluster property file name w/o extension * -test = echo variables and command lines w/o execution * -svcinstall = Install all apps for an OCM instance as Windows Services * -svcremove = Remove the Windows Services for all apps for a specific OCM instance * -svcstop = Stop the Windows Services for all apps for a specific OCM instance * -svcstart = Start the Windows Services for all apps for a specific OCM instance The affected OCM apps (as appropriate) are the OCM agent, the OCM Data Server. the OCM Display Server and The OCM Historian. The [-svc(install|remove|start|stop)] command line argument can be used with the individual Win_RunOCM* scripts as required. OCV applications can managed all at once using the startocv.bat script using the following command line arguments startocv.bat propfile [-test] [-svc(install|remove|start|stop)] where * propfile = cluster property file name w/o extension * -test = echo variables and command lines w/o execution * -svcinstall = Install all apps for an OCV instance as Windows Services * -svcremove = Remove the Windows Services for all apps for a specific OCV instance * -svcstop = Stop the Windows Services for all apps for a specific OCV instance * -svcstart = Start the Windows Services for all apps for a specific OCV instance The affected OCV apps are the OCV Data Server and the OCV Display Server and The OCM Historian. The [-svc(install|remove|start|stop)] command line argument can be used with the individual Win_RunOCV * scripts as required.

16646: Fixed typo in

Previously a typo in the unix script in the sims/myclusters directory caused the created ProcessNode05 to create and update the incorrect cache -foo instead of the intended cache foo. This is now no longer the case, and the intended cache foo is created and updated by ProcessNode05 when using the unix script

16650: now able to make OCV wars

Previously, directory errors in prevented the creation of OCV war files on unix. This is no longer the case.

16689: Missing JARs added to OCV make_myclasses classpaths

In the OCV projects/myocv/src/ocv/myclasses directory, the make_myclasses script files have had references to gmsjrtviewds.jar and gmsjocds.jar added to their respective javac classpaths.

16990: now parses arguments with spaces

The script has been modified to better handle arguments that contain spaces.

17180: make_ocmonitor_war now updates correct .war file

The make_ocmonitor_war script file now correctly updates the correct war file.

17385: encode_string utility added

The encode_string utility has been added to Oracle Coherence Monitor. This utility can be called from the command line to return a hash value of a string. Example: encode_string helloworld Results: encrypted value: 01338013350134201342013450135301345013480134201334


16789: Service History Heatmap modified to show Location, not Member

The Cache Services / Service History Heatmap now shows the Location of each node in the tooltip box that appears when you mouse over a strip in the heatmap. This corrects a problem that occurred if the member name had not been set for the nodes

16790: New All Services History heatmap

An "All Services" History Heatmap has been added to the OCM navigation tree. This provides a way to see a short-term history of the activity on all the services running in a cluster. The drilldown targets for All Caches / Current Size Chart and All Caches / Current Activity Chart were changed to Single Cache / Cache Summary.


16350: Provide option to execute Entry Processor and Invocation Service

The OCSIMDATA simulator has been enhanced to provide the option to perform Entry Processors and Invocation Services for testing. The Custom Display 2 / OCSIMDATA page has been enhanced to show the state of the checkboxes that control these options. The Client Configuration dialog has been enhanced to provide checkboxes to enable / disable these options. When enabled, each update will result in one simple entry processor executed on every object in the specified caches or to perform an invocation on every node in the cluster.

17375: OCM Simulators enhanced to work with Coherence 3.7.1

The Simulators in the OCM 5.8.0 release work with Coherence 3.7.1

Timing / Performance

16870: Delta Function optimization

The performance of the RTView Delta function has been improved significantly when there are a large number of unique index column combinations.

Version 5.7 Release Notes


16537: New alert DepartedNodesPercentage

A new alert - DepartedNodesPercentage - has been added to trigger an alert when a user-defined percentage of nodes depart within a user-defined period of time. This percentage is measured against the total number of nodes (both running and departed). The DepartedNodesPercentage alert is disabled by default and the default warning and alarm thresholds are 90% and 95%.

16538: New Alert AvailableMemoryLowNodeSpike added

A new alert "AvailableMemoryLowNodeSpike" has been added which allows user to be alerted if the memory used on a node exceeds a %age of the average memory used in the last 24 hours. This alert allows users to enter threshold values which would be a percentage above average, relevant to a 24 hour period. For example if a user entered 50% for this threshold and the average memory consumption on a particular node over 24 hours was 40% of total , then an alert would be triggered if that nodes current memory consumption was over 60% of total. The time span of 24 hours (86400 seconds) is controlled by the $AVERAGE_MEMORY_TIME_WINDOW substitution.

16539: New Alert BadCommunicationNodesInTimeRange Added.

A new alert BadCommunicationNodesInTimeRange has been added which allows users to be alerted when a percentage of nodes ( or more) meet the criteria for the BadCommunicationNode alert within a time range. The Time range is currently defaulted to 5 minutes ( 300 seconds), but can be changed by modifying the $BAD_COMMUNICATION_NODES_TIME_RANGE substitution variable

16540: Provided ability to disable the alerting system

The OC Monitor now offers the ability to disable the alerting system. When disabled, all alerting is suspended. On the Alerts Administration display, a pair of buttons has been added to allow for disabling and re-enabling of the alerting system. As a precaution against accidental disabling of the system, indicator labels appear on both the Alerts Administration and Alert Detail displays to serve as reminders of the disabled state. A confirmation dialog also appears prior to disabling the alerting system.

16552: AlertLabel substitution now passed to example alert handlers

The alertLabel substitution ($alertLabel), which may contain spaces, is now passed to the the example alert handlers * java = * windows = my_alert_actions.bat * unix= They show how to extract the value of this arg and echo it, together with the other arguments passed to the alert action command

Data Historian

16546: Cache Size/Activity Trends now display correctly with Oracle

Previously when loading historical data from an Oracle database for use with the Cache Size/Activity Trends, the trends may have not displayed correctly. This is no longer the case, and the trends now correctly display the loaded historical data.

16573: Historical Cache Trend Graphs now display correctly with ORACLE

Previously under certain circumstances various cache related trend graphs may have not displayed accurate data when using an ORACLE database for the historical data. This is no longer the case.


16568: Correct database tables used when non default values selected

Previously if you selected non default values for the database tables in the cluster .properties file ( by means of the substitution variables) e.g ocm.cachetotals_sub=-sub:$CACHETOTALS_TABLE:CACHETOTALS ocm.nodestats_sub=-sub:$NODESTATS_TABLE:NODESTATS ocm.alertdefs_sub=-sub:$ALERTDEFS_TABLE:ALERTDEFS ocm.alertdefs_tab_sub=-sub:$ALERTDEFS_TAB_TABLE:ALERTDEFS_TAB you may have seen SQL errors at run time from the DataServer when using the following scripts. Win_RunOCMBuilder_DS.bat Win_RunOCMonitor_DS.bat Win_RunOCMDisplayServer_DS.bat Win_RunOCMReportGen_DS.bat This is no longer the case

Version 5.6c1 Release Notes


16470: Total JMX query time added to Admin Metrics

The Admin Metrics page has been enhanced to show a trend chart of the total JMX query time, i.e. the total time taken to query the monitoring MBeans from Coherence. A Total MBean count is also shown. The Total MBean count shown includes miscellaneous MBeans such as Cluster and Connection beans.


16149: LongGCDurationNode alert added

The OCMonitor now has a LongGCDurationNode alert that will trigger when garbage collection times extend beyond user specified durations. It can be accessed on the Alert Administration page and allows for the setting of a warning level, an alarm level and a duration, as well as a setting to enable or disable the alert. By default the alert is enabled and is set to trigger a warning after 1 second GC duration, and an alert after 2 seconds of GC duration.

16291: Alert Definition Files added for Unix and Windows

Alternate OCM alert definition files are available that execute a batch file or shell script when an alert is triggered. The new files are provided as an alternative to the custom Java command used in the default alert configuration. The files are in the projects/myocm directory ts_alertdefs_win.rtv - executes my_alert_actions.bat ts_alertdefs_unix.rtv - executes Select the appropriate file for the platform that hosts OCM processes. Copy the file in the myocm directory, and change the name to ts_alertdefs.rtv. Then restart the OCM processes. The my_alert_actions scripts send the alert information to standard output by default. This can be changed as needed to send the alert information to the desired destination.

16335: New alerts for cache's object count delta.

The OCM monitor now has ObjectCountDeltaUpCache and ObjectCountDeltaDownCache alerts. They can be found on the Alert Administration page and are tabular alerts that will allow for the setting of warning levels, alarm levels and duration for each cache, and are triggered on the absolute value of the cache's object count delta. ObjectCountDeltaUpCache will trigger when the count deltas increase in value and hit the specified thresholds. ObjectCountDeltaDownCache will trigger when the count deltas decrease in value and hit the specified thresholds. Since these are tabular alerts (like the CapacityLimitCache alert), selecting either in the Active Alert Table will display a "Per Cache Alert Setting" list of caches, rather than the "Current Alert Settings" box that is displayed for scalar alerts. These alerts are both disabled by default.

16336: New HighTaskBacklogNode alert

The OCM monitor now has a HighTaskBacklogNode alert to warn and/or alert when the backlog of tasks extends beyond a user threshold. It can be found on the Alert Administration page and allows for the setting of a warning level, an alarm level and a duration, as well as a setting to enable or disable the alert. By default the alert is disabled. It is set to trigger a warning after a threshold of 10, and to trigger an alert after a threshold of 20.

16384: New HighPendingRequestNode alert

The OCM monitor now has a HighPendingRequestNode alert. It can be found on the Alert Administration page and will allow for the setting of warning levels, alarm levels and duration. It is triggered when the RequestPendingCount reaches the specified thresholds. This alert is set to be initially disabled.

16385: New HighThreadAbandonedNode alert

The OCM monitor now has a HighThreadAbandonedNode alert. It can be found on the Alert Administration page and allows for the setting of warning levels, alarm levels and duration. It is triggered when Coherence's Thread Abandoned Count reaches the user-specified thresholds. This alert is set to be initially enabled with warning and alert levels both set to 0. and a duration set to 60.

16433: New HighGCDutyCycleNode alert

The HighGCDutyCycleNode alert has been added to the OC Monitor. This is a scalar alert which will trigger if any Node has breached the threshold allocated for the duty cycle (% of time spent in Garbage Collection). By default, this alert is enabled with defaults of 10(%) for the warning, 20(%) for the alarm, and a duration of 10 seconds.


14493: Eviction statistics added to Cache Summary

The OC Monitor now monitors and displays Eviction metrics. These can be found on both the Cache Activity Trends display and the Cache Summary display.

16467: Persistence information added to Cache Summary, Trends

The OC Monitor Cache Summary display has been enhanced with the following fields: Persistence Type, size of Write Queue, total number of writes and total number of write failures. The OC Monitor Single Cache Active Trends display has been enhanced with a trend graph plotting the size of the Write Queue.

16468: Cache Storage Index Info page enhanced

The Index Info page that comes up when a Node is selected in the Single Cache / Storage Detail page has been enhanced. It now shows the "cardinality" (or number of unique extractors), and the total number of indexes associated with this node and cache.


16194: Memory/Network Display no longer times out

In previous versions of OCM, the Cluster Views Memory Network Display would give a timeout error when running in the Display Server. This problem has been fixed.

16198: Cluster Stability Metrics Page trend is now a flex trend

The trend chart in the Cluster Views - Stability Metrics display has been replaced with the a flex trend chart.

16218: Memory/Network display enhanced to show info by Storage class

The Cluster Views, Memory Network Display has been enhanced to display aggregate information for Process Nodes and Storage Nodes separately. The display contains four trend graphs - Publish Failures, and Received Failures for Process Nodes, Memory Utilization % for Process Nodes, Publish Failures and Received Failures for Storage Nodes, Memory Utilization % for Storage Nodes.

16420: Client/Storage spark charts now load historical data

The spark charts on the Cluster Views Overview display now load data from history. In previous versions of OCM the spark charts showed 5 minutes of data. They now show the last 20 minutes of data.


15996: New Oracle Coherence properties added to cluster properties file

New Oracle Coherence properties can now be set from cluster properties files. These properties are listed as available for use the file. The properties (as described the the Oracle Coherence documentation) are: tangosol.pof.enabled tangosol.pof.config tangosol.coherence.ttl

Data Model

16431: Duty Cycle added to JVM GcInfo Cache.

A New DutyCycle column has been added to the JVM GcInfo Cache. The column represents the %of time that that the given Garbage collector for the given node has been engaged in garbage collection over the last update period (where the update period is the jmx sample period for coherence Mbeans)


16510: Location column in All Nodes - Detail Display corrected

Previously, under certain circumstances, the thin client may not have displayed the Location Column in the All Nodes - Detail Display correctly on its initial display. This is no longer the case.

Development and Build

16293: Libraries are no longer signed

The RTView libraries included with RTView for APM | OC Monitor are no longer signed.


16170: Non-Flex chart toggle buttons removed

By default the OCM Monitor uses Flex Graphs. Users may use the -fxreplace application option to use non-Flex graphs instead. In previous versions, the displays contained "FX" and "No FX" buttons which could be used to navigate between Flex and the non-Flex graphs. These buttons have been removed from OCM.

16458: Updated Custom displays

The Custom Displays tab in the OCM Navigation Panel on the left provides access to 2 custom display pages. These pages have been modified to provide users valuable information regarding the use of the RTView Builder to develop custom displays and incorporating them into the OCM framework. A couple of empty custom display pages are provided to make it easy for users to build their own custom displays.

16508: Error message no longer appears in Front Back Cache Analysis

Previous when navigating to the Single Cache -> Front/Back Analysis display you may have sen an error message that said GmsRtViewLocalDs: addObject(__$cacheNameFormat) object is already in table, not added. This is no longer the case

16509: Error Message no longer generated for Alert Detail Table

Previously when navigating to the Alert Detail Table (Alert Views->Alert Detail Table) Display, the following error message may have been generated ERROR: Initial value for variable does not match specified data type. Setting data type to string. This is no longer the case.

JMX Data Access

16332: New optimized JMX data retrieval option using custom mbeans

A new feature has been added to OCM that provides the ability to collect monitoring JMX data from a Coherence cluster much more efficiently. By using a custom MBean to compact the data before it is passed through the Coherence MBeanServer, the rate of data collection is made faster by a factor of up to 3 X. Additionally, the CPU load and the volume of data transferred is also significantly reduced.

16446: New "Fast JMX" option to minimize garbage collection overhead

A new option, -fastjmx, has been added to OCM to enable a mode of operating that minimizes garbage collection during the acquisition of JMX MBeans for Coherence. The -fastjmx option will tell the OCM data collection component (i/e OCM Agent, DataServer, or directly connected client) to minimize garbage collection, by reusing data buffers where possible and assuming similarly sized bean counts on each update cycle. This is especially valuable for use in very large clusters with many MBeans where garbage collection can cause messages from cluster nodes indicating that the MBeanServer is not responding due to garbage collection.

16469: New agent-based data collection option in

There is a new property in file that allows for the use of agent-based data gathering from the coherence cluster. The agent is used to gather data from coherence cluster and supply it to the OCM Data Server process. The agent is responsible for acquiring data from the coherence cluster, and forwarding it to the data server process. Since the agent does not have the overhead of the Data server, which aggregates and processes raw data into caches, it creates fewer transient objects which are then subject to garbage collection. In situations where large amounts of transient data triggers potentially length garbage collection pauses in a node in the cluster, potentially increasing the likelihood of communication delays and other gc activity in the cluster, the agent based approach may be beneficial. Note: The agent-based approach adds an additional java process and agent->Data Server communication to the monitoring machine. The agent based approach can be utilized by setting the property ocm.use_agent=true in the file, before starting any OCM processes.

JVM metrics

16432: GC Duty cycle trend added to JVM GC trends

The OCM now displays trend data reflecting the percent of time spent in garbage collection, also known as the Duty Cycle.

16435: Percent CPU Time corrected and shown in Node displays

The OCM Single Node / JVM Summary display now displays the correct "Percent CPU" value. A trend line of the CPU Percent is also now displayed in the Single Node Summary page. The All Nodes CPU page has been restored (under All Nodes) and shows CPU for all nodes in a heatmap


16414: "Service Trends" display moved to the Single Node group

The Service Trends display that was in the Cache Services category has been moved to the Single Node category.

Oracle Coherence Viewer

16272: Cache now selected on a per-display basis

In prior versions, the selection of a cache on one tab's display changed the selected cache on the other displays. This has now been fixed so that each tab's selected cache remains independent of the others. Changing the selected cache on one display will not effect the selected cache on the other displays.

16273: Each query execution is now seen as a new query

In previous versions, it was possible for the same query, when run multiple times, to use the cached results. This has been updated so that each query execution is seen as a new query and executed as such.

16364: Query no longer fails when max rows contains a comma

Errors in processing comma separators in the Max Rows field of the Query Objects Tab have been resolved.

Proxy / Extend

16039: Data correction for 'Proxy / Extend Connection Detail' display

In the previous version, the units value (KB) was missing from the Bytes Sent and Bytes Rcvd values. This has now been fixed. Additionally, Delta columns have been added for each of these two columns.

16453: New Proxy/Extend Heatmap and Connection History display

A heatmap showing proxy services with extend clients has been added to OCM. The headmap colors are user-selectable. Beneath the heatmap, a trend chart displays the total connections and total byes transferred across all proxies.

16454: New category for Proxy / Extend displays

The OC Monitor has been enhanced with a Proxy Services tab that includes three new displays: Proxy / Extend Overview - includes a heatmap of the extend connections and a trend graph of the total connections and total bytes transferred across all proxies Proxy / Extend Connections - includes tabular data about the proxy services and a trend graph messages and bytes sent and received. Proxy / Extend Detail - similar to the above, but with a table of extend client connection data.


16368: Report templates enhanced to enable duration setting

The $reportDuration substitution has been added to allow the user to specify the time range displayed in the charts. By default, the $reportDuration substitution is set to 1 Hour. The charts in the report will display an hours worth of data. The valid entries for the $reportDuration substitution are set in the constants.xml file: All Data 2 Mins 5 Mins 20 Mins 1 Hour 4 Hours 8 Hours 24 Hours Last 2 Days Last 7 Days When setting the $reportDuration substitution on the command line, the substitution command must be enclosed in double quotes Win_RunOCMReportGen_DS "-sub:$reportDuration:4 Hours" -report:ts_report.xml The substitution my optionally be set in the OPTIONS.ini file. sub $reportDuration:'2 Mins'


16196: HSQLDB scripts enhanced to respect RTV_JAVAOPTS environment var

The scripts used to run the default OCM database, HSQLDB, have been enhanced to respect the RTV_JAVAOPTS environment variable, used for changing Java VM configuration. The RTV_JAVAOPTS environment variable can be configured on the command line, or using the common conf/ocm_setup script

16199: Alert actions script now works on Solaris

In previous versions the alert actions script ( did not work on Solaris platforms. The script has been enhanced to work on Solaris platforms.

16200: Script error in run_ocsimdata on Solaris

In the previous versions, the rtview/bin/ script did not run on Solaris. This has been fixed.

16214: Machine Name added to simulator nodes to ensure unique location

Simulator nodes, used in the demo cluster scripts now have machine names added to the member names to ensure unique location ID's.

16271: OCV Display Server now uses correct stylesheet on Unix

The Unix scripts have been update to use the rtv_darkstyles stylesheet by default.

16484: New Background behavior available for OCM processes

It is now possible to run OCM processes in the background, minimizing the number of processes running in an OCM monitoring situation. When running in background mode, OCM processes do not output to the command line, instead output appears in a log file in a log directory as specified in the file. The logging directory is specified by the ocm.log_dir=logs property, and individual named log files, by the ocm.agent_log=DemoCluster_agent.log ocm.data_log=DemoCluster_dataserver.log ocm.display_log=DemoCluster_displayserver.log ocm.historian_log=DemoCluster_historian.log properties in the cluster. properties file. NOTE: The logging directory and the log file names cannot contain spaces. The options to be used prior to running the process, can be shown by using the -test command line argument. OCM processes can be run in the background by using the -bg command line argument. Note: The startocm script on unix uses the -bg option by default.


16428: New Single Service Summary display added

The Single Service Summary Display has been added to the Cache Services Category. This display shows performance metrics for a single service aggregated across all nodes.

Version 5.5c1 Release Notes


15953: New alert, CapacityLimitCache, has been added

A new alert, CapacityLimitCache, has been added to the Oracle Coherence Monitor. This alert is the same as the CapacityLimitAllCaches alert, except that is allows you do set the warning level, alarm level and enabled flag for each cache being monitored. In the CapacityLimitAllCaches alert, a single warning level, alert level and enabled flag is applied to all alerts being monitored. By default, all caches in the new CapacityLimitCache are disabled. To configure this alert, navigate to the Alert Administration page and select CapacityLimitCache from the Active Alert Table at the top. This will populate the bottom of the display. The Enabled and Duration options under Current Alert Settings apply to the alert as a whole. For example, if Enabled is deselected here, no alerts will be generated for any of the caches. The Per Cache Alert Settings are applied to the selected cache. Select one or more caches from the table, adjust the Warning Level, Alarm Level and Enabled fields to the left, then click Save Settings to apply the per cache alert settings and save them to the alert database. Select one or more alerts in the table and click Remove Settings to remove the settings for the selected cache(s) from the database. This will disable the selected cache for the alert. The status column of the Per Alert Cache Settings table indicates the state of the alert settings for the corresponding cache. Valid Status values are as follows: saved - The settings have been applied and saved to the alert database. blank - No settings have been applied or saved for the corresponding cache. absent - Settings have been saved for a cache that is not active.

Data Historian

16181: Cache Size/Activity Trends now display correctly with Oracle

Previously when loading historical data from an Oracle database for use with the Cache Size/Activity Trends, the trends may have not displayed correctly. This is no longer the case, and the trends now correctly display the loaded historical data.


16098: Directory structure changes

The directory structure of RTView for Oracle Coherence Monitor has changed as follows: 1. A lib directory has been added to the top level. This directory contain gmsjocm.jar, which used to be in rtview\lib. 2. The myclusters directory has been moved to sims\myclusters. 3. The myocm, myocv and myocv_ols directories have been moved to projects. A subdirectory named src has been added to the projects that contain same source code. The source files are in package subdirectories under src. 4. A servlets directory has been added to the top level. This directory contains the ocmonitor servlet directory which used to be located in rtview\servlets\ocmonitor.

16179: Cluster Views-Memory/Network. graph label changed

The Cluster Views-Memory/Network display flex graph title label has been changed to "Memory/Network Metrics for Cluster"

JVM metrics

16081: Data points now correct when changing Garbage collector

Previously, when changing the selected Garbage collector in Single Node - GC Statistics Trend Display the trend display may have not updated correctly to show all the relevant data points. This is no longer the case.


16127: Communication Issues bar graphs now sort correctly

Previously bars in the Upper graph in the Communication Issues - By Node display would not order correctly when the Sent Failure Rate or Received Failure Rate Sort By: options were selected. This is no longer the case.

16128: Service now set correctly in Single Cache - Summary display

Previously when drilling down from the Cache Data table in the Single Node - Summary display, the selected Service in the Single Cache Summary display was not set correctly, and thus the appropriate information was not displayed. This is no longer the case


15968: make_ocmonitor_war.bat and make_rtvdata_war.bat improved

The OCM batch files make_ocmonitor_war.bat and make_rtvdata_war.bat were originally designed to only be executed from higher level batch files that initialized the environment for them. They have been enhanced to initialize the environment independently.

16164: Test simulator nodes can now be run in demo cluster

New simulated cluster scripts (startDemoTestNodes ) allow the starting of simulated nodes for use in a demo cluster


16080: Cache services displays now show Messages metric

The graphical Cache Service displays now show the Messages metric. This is the number of messages for the given node in the measured interval.

Version 5.4h1 Release Notes


16125: All Caches - Current Size Chart displays data correctly for Unit

Previously the All Caches - Current Size Chart may not have displayed data correctly for Units. Thus display now displays the data correctly

Data Sources

SQL Data Source

16124: Historian database support for Oracle

A bug preventing the use of Oracle for the Historian database has been fixed.

Version 5.4g1 Release Notes


15963: Custom command now used when alert is triggered

The default action executed when an OCM alert is triggered has been changed from a Beep to a custom command. The source for the custom command is provided in myocm/ The command sends alert information to the data server log file. Sample alert output as it appears in the data server log is provided below: Custom alert command executed clusterName = DemoCluster alertName = DepartedNode alertIndex = ProcessNode04.sleltx1 alertId = 1000 alertSeverity = 2 alertText = High Alert Limit exceeded, current value: 1.0 limit: 1.0 The default behavior can be changed by editing to produce the desired functionality. A script is provided (make_myclasses.bat, that compiles the handler and updates myclasses.jar. A batch file (my_alert_actions.bat) and a shell script ( are provided that can also be configured for execution when an alert is triggered. The steps are: 1. Extract ts_alertdefs.rtv into the myocm directory Unix/Linux: cd $RTVOC_HOME/myocm jar xvf ../rtview/lib/gmsjocm.jar ts_alertdefs.rtv Windows Double-click rtvoc_cmd.bat to open a command window cd myocm jar xvf ..\rtview\lib\gmsjocm.jar ts_alertdefs.rtv 2a. Windows Edit ts_alertdefs.rtv using the Builder or a text editor. Replace all occurrences of the alertCommand property with the following: alertCommand="system cmd 'my_alert_actions.bat $clusterName ~$alertName~ ~$alertIndex~ ~$alertID~ ~$alertSeverity~ $alertText'" Save ts_alertdefs.rtv and restart the data server. 2b. Unix/Linux Edit ts_alertdefs.rtv using the Builder or a text editor. Replace all occurrences of the alertCommand property with the following: alertCommand="system cmd ' $clusterName ~$alertName~ ~$alertIndex~ ~$alertID~ ~$alertSeverity~ $alertText'" Save ts_alertdefs.rtv and restart the data server. Note: If after testing the batch file and shell script you want to return to the custom command, the alertCommand property to use is: alertCommand="system cust my_alert_command '$clusterName $alertName~$alertIndex~$alertID~$alertSeverity~$alertText'" Then rebuild myclasses.jar and restart the data server.


16027: New Displays available with cache services information

New displays are available showing additional cache services information: New Cache Services Tab with * Service Metrics Overview * Service Metrics Detail * Service Metric - History * Cache Service Details Display (moved) New Front/Back Analysis Display in Single Cache Tab

16028: New Service trends display for cache services.

New Service trends display for cache services. This display shows trend graphs , On a per node / location basis, for the 6 metrics * CPU% * Requests * Request Average Duration * Request Pending Count * Task Backlog * Active Threads These are the same metrics Sshown in the services Overview heatmap, or individually in the history heatmap. The metrics are shown as trend graphs, with a user selectable Time Range The user selects an individual location (node) to plot metrics for the available locations are filtered by user selectable Service and Host.

Version 5.4e1 Release Notes

JMX Data Access

15997: Option to specify (non default) named JMX connection

OCM now has means of specifying (non default) named JMX connection for obtaining coherence data. use the command line option: -ocm.jmxconn: or add to the properties file: sl.rtview.ocm.jmxconn property=


15958: Added ability to generate reports from the command line

The report generation capability of RTView has been added to OCM by the inclusion of the appropriate jar files in the library, and additional command line scripts, so that reports featuring OCM displays can be generated from the command line.

Version 5.4c1 Release Notes

Data Historian

15530: Size of history caches now configurable

The size of the history caches used by the ocmonitor can now be configured by the user, by setting the value of the $rtvCacheHistorySize global substitution. This can be done in the Application Options General->Substitutions Tab.

Version 1.3.0 Release Notes

14491: Using Oracle as Historian Database no longer throws exception

The calculation of the Hit Percent for caches sometimes resulted in a NaN (not a number) result. When written to a database using the historian, some databases would complain or crash. This problem has been fixed.

14494: New "Cache Browser" display

A "Cache Browser" display has been added that permits the user to select a cache and see the list of keys in that cache. When a key in the list is selected, the content for that key is shown.

14511: New "cumulative" checkbox added to several Cache data displays

A "cumulative" checkbox has been added to several displays showing cache statistics. This permits the user to select whether to view data for the last time interval (10 seconds by default) or the cumulative total since the cache was initiated.

14512: Navigation panel reworked

The Navigation panel has been reorganized to better reflect the functional grouping of the various displays

14513: Cache Totals By Cache page split into Activity/Capacity

Cache Totals are now presented in two separate displays, one showing Activity metrics and the other showing Capacity metrics

14517: Additional administration displays added

Two new administration displays have been added. There are the Cache and Node administration pages. Log in as super to access these pages.

14523: New "Communication Issues" display

A new display "Communication Issues" has been added. This display shows the packet transmission statistics broken down by Node.

14525: Cache Totals Activity and Capacity page now affected by Service

The Cache Totals displays are now properly filtered by the Service dropdown list.

Version 1.2.0 Release Notes

14443: New High Level Overview page

A new top-level summary display was added to the Data Grid Monitor. Objects in this display drill down to the relevant displays that contain greater detail.

14448: Unix shell scripts added

Unix bash shell scripts have been added, to duplicate the functionality of the Windows batch files. The documented instructions are now applicable to all supported platforms.

14460: Windows run* scripts modified to clean up temp variables

The Windows scripts to invoke RTView applications as a member of the Coherence cluster have been modified to properly clean up after execution or termination by control-C.

14461: Size of all tables increased to 1000

The node and cache detail tables previously were limited to 100. The limit is now 1000.

Version Release Notes

14826: Cache browser does not work with simulator

The Cache Browser view again displays data with the simulated cluster, as a DistributedCache service has been added to the simulator.


14727: Admin pages now always visible, but buttons disabled

The behavior of displays based on roles has been changed. Now, the displays are always visible, but the buttons are disabled if user does not have permissions.

14751: Show RTView Memory Utilization Information in Metrics Admin page

The Metrics Administration display has been enhanced to show the memory used by RTView to store the history of Cache and Node statistics that are presented in trend charts.

14781: Admin Node and Admin Cache page corrections

Some interaction errors in the Node and Cache administration pages have been corrected. The selected Location is now shown instead of the node id. A value entered in an edit field will remain during the confirm process rather than disappear as in previous versions.

15261: Boolean updating of Enabled properly supported in Alert Admin

The Alert Administration page now supports all databases without change to the rtv files. Previously there was an issue working with databases that do not support a boolean type, but this has been corrected.


14622: Alert mechanism added to Oracle Coherence Monitor

The ability to generate and customize Alerts has been added to the Oracle Coherence Monitor application. Alerts may be managed by administrators, who set the threshold values as desired within the GUI of the Oracle Coherence Monitor application. An initial set of 7 alert types is available: Available Memory Low for Cluster Available Memory Low for Node Bad Communication by Cluster Bad Communication by Node Capacity Limit for All Caches Capacity Limit for Cache Endangered StatusHA for All Caches

14776: Alert provided for Departed Nodes

The "DepartedNode" alert has been added to the Oracle Coherence Monitor. This alert is triggered whenever a node leaves the cluster for more than the specified delay time (default = 60 seconds). When a departed node rejoins the cluster, the alert is cleared. This alert may be disabled/ enabled from the Alert Admininstration page.

14951: Alert Summary view updated to indicate disabled alerts

The Alert Summary view has been updated to indicate that disabled alerts in gray. Unimplemented alerts have been removed.

14964: Removed unimplemented alerts

Unimplemented Alerts are no longer visible. These will be added back to the views once they have been implemented.


14716: New Activity/Capacity Trend views for All Caches

Two new displays have been added, the All Caches Activity and Capacity Trends. These show up to ten active Caches comparing total activity or capacity against one another. The user can select which metric to compare.

14758: All Caches Activity/Capacity Charts now scale better

The Current Activity and Current Capacity charts now scale graphically to accomodate larger number of caches.

14759: Cache Statistics page now shows average object size

The Cache Statistics page now shows average object size

14820: Tier Selector added to All Caches Activity/Capacity Bar Charts

The All Caches Activity and Capacity Chart displays have been modified to provide a "Tier" selector. This enables the user to specify either Front or Back tier caches to be shown in these displays.

14836: Corrected spiking in Cache Activity hit/miss history

In previous versions, the Cache Activity trend chart would show spikes in the historical data. This has been fixed.

15257: "All Services" option now available for all pages

It is now possible to select all Services and see the activity and capacity for all caches across all services on a single page. Simply select "All Services" wherever the Service: selector is available to see all the caches on all services.

15258: Improve Cache Service page to show more useful information

The Cache Services display has been enhanced to provide more useful information.

15259: Added ability to shorten long cache names

Long cache names can now be shortened for display in the RTView OC Monitor. By default, cache names longer than 28 chars will show only the first 14 characters followed by a ".." and the last 14 characters. This format can be controlled by a substitution variable $cacheNameFormat contained in the OPTIONS.ini file. By default it is set to 14*14. Users may change this to N*M where N represents the number of initial characters to display, and M represents the number of ending characters to display. This format substitution may also be set to override what is in the OPTIONS.ini by using the command line option: -sub:$cacheNameFormat:N*M

15879: Caches removed from current cache displays when destroyed

Previously OCM would persist the display of caches, after they had been destroyed. This is no longer the case, as caches are removed from the current internal tables when they are destroyed.

15944: Storage IndexInfo view now displays all Index values.

Previously the Storage IndexInfo view display would only display a single IndexInfo value. Now it displays all InfoIndex elements, like jconsole.


14760: Storage Node Count on overview display is now correct

On the Overview display, the Storage Node Count was sometimes incorrect. This problem has been corrected.

14818: The Invocation Service Detail page was incorrect

The Invocation Service detail page was incorrectly showing the same information as the Cache Service Detail page. This has been corrected.


15964: Coherence Properties available in file

A list of the Coherence properties available for use in files is provided in the file.


14739: Mechanism added for including custom displays in navtree

The Oracle Coherence Monitor application has been enhanced look for, by default, a navigation panel configuration file called "custom_navtree.xml". If found it will read this file and add the contents to the left hand navigation panel. One sample display is included by default in demos/ocmdemo.

15062: HISTORY.ini and ts_alertdefs.rtv in ocmdemo for customization

The demos/ocmdemo directory now contains a default Historian configuration file (HISTORY.ini). It is configured to use the built-in HSQLDB database. This directory also contains a default Alerts configuration display (ts_alertdefs.rtv). The default action on any alert is to issue a beep. This can be changed by editing the ts_alertdefs file using the RTView Builder.

Data Historian

14701: HSQLDB used for RTVHISTORY and ALERTDEFS database

HSQLDB is now available for the new Oracle Coherence Monitor application for persisting Alert definitions and saving data for the Data Historian. To start the database, you must run the following command line script from the demos/ocmdemo directory: run_hsqldb The Oracle Coherence Monitor is configured to find and use this database by default.

14742: Eliminated need for substitution change to load historian data

There is no longer any need to make changes to OPTIONS.ini to select whether historical data comes from the database or in- memory tables. Historical data now always comes from in-memory tables, and is pre-loaded from any HISTORY database available and enabled.

14897: SQL query to Oracle no longer fails due to using reserved word

In previous versions, a SQL query to an Oracle Historian database failed due to using a reserved keyword. This was changed to a non- reserved name.

15061: Displays and Historian updated to use new SQL timestamp mode

The default OCM displays and configuration files have been enhanced to take advantage of the new Historian timestamp mode that stores timestamps as SQL TIMESTAMPs, rather than as VARCHAR. This permits the creation of database scripts to manipulate or purge the historical data using the TIME_STAMP column.

Data Sources

Oracle Coherence Data Adapter

15986: OC listener registration modified to minimize memory usage

In 5.4d and earlier, the OCDs mechanism for registering for data listeners (the __NEW__ key) used a large amount of memory, since it used a ContinuousQueryCache which makes a complete copy of every object in the cache of interest. This has been modified so that the listener is attached directly to the cache of interest and memory utilization is greatly reduced.


14644: Restructuring of application directory and scripts

The organization of the Oracle Coherence Monitor (OCM) has changed, as have the scripts used to run it. DIRECTORIES Oracle Coherence Monitor no longer in a single directory, but has been integrated more closely into the RTView directory structure. Main class files and displays - All of the files necessary to run the Oracle Coherence Monitor are now included in lib/gmsjocm.jar, which is included in the classpath when you pass in the -ocm argument. As a consequence, you are not required to run the OCM from a specific location. Run scripts - The scripts are now located in the RTV_HOME/bin directory, and are included in the users PATH in an initialized command windows. Documentation - Expanded documentation can now be found in the RTView Userguide, in the Monitoring Oracle Coherence subsection. Simulated Cluster - The simulated cluster is now located in demos/ocmdemodata. Customization - The demos/ocmdemo directory contains copies of the configuration files that are included in lib/gmsjocm.jar, as well as some new examples of customization. JMX CONNECTIONS The Oracle Coherence Monitor connection is controlled via the $conn substitution. Previously $conn was set to "Development" by default, and "Development2" was used to connect to a remote JMX RMI. "Development" has been renamed to "LocalJmxNode", and Development2 has been renamed to "RemoteJmxRMI". "RemoteJmxRMI" is now the default value of $conn. SCRIPTS RTView applications now recognize two new mutually-exclusive command line arguments, -ocm and -ocmnode. They must be the first argument used. -ocm: Adds gmsjocm.jar to the classpath, and by default connects RTView applications to Oracle Coherence via a remote JMX RMI on port 9991. -ocmnode: Adds gmsjocm.jar and COHERENCE_HOME/lib/ coherence.jar to the classpath, runs the application as an Oracle Coherence Node, and sets $conn to LocalJmxNode. By default - will be set for you, but you can override this default by setting in the RTV_JAVAOPTS variable. The scripts have been replaced as follows: run_monitor run_ocmonitor run_monitor_node run_ocmonitor -ocmnode run_builder_node run_builder -ocmnode run_historian_node run_historian -ocmnode run_dataserver_node run_dataserver -ocmnode run_displayserver_node run_displayserver -ocmnode The old scripts will eventually be removed from the product.

15495: Applet Throws "Unable to load MyRtvAppManager" but Still Runs

When running in an applet, the Oracle Coherence Monitor no longer throws the following error: ERROR: cannot create RTView MBeans: access denied createMBeanServer) ERROR: Unable to load MyRtvAppManager. Pack it into one of your applet jars and restart the browser.

Development and Build

14797: Launcher arguments supported in any order

In the previous release, if the -ocm and -ocmnode command line arguments were used, they had to be the first argument specified. This has been fixed so that the arguments can now be specified in any order.


14852: Updated OCM help screens

The popup Help windows for the Oracle Coherence Monitor have been revised and improved.


14718: Name changes in navigation tree

The names of some of the displays in the navigation tree have been changed to better reflect their purpose.

14725: Time range and cache name selectors now global

The selection of Time Range or Cache is now retained across a change of display.

14757: Service/Cache/Node dropdown lists auto-populate

The dropdown lists for Service, Cache, and Node will now auto- populate based on the available selections. It is no longer necessary to predefine selector variables with substitutions on initialization. Also, when switching to a different service, the cache selector is automatically set to the first cache in that service.

15260: Option to use process name as the location name

A new command line option -processnames has been added to indicate that the Process Name is to be used as the Location Name for all nodes.

15287: Excessive data no longer sent by Data Server to OCM

When the OCM is used in conjunction with the Data Server, excessive amounts of data were being transferred to the OCM and it would continually increase. This problem has been corrected.

15297: Log4J messages available from each node

A feature has been added to the Oracle Coherence Monitor to permit users to see the Log4J messages coming from the Coherence nodes. If a Coherence node is outputting log4j messages, and its "Application" name is assigned to be the same as its Location (, then the messages will appear in a drilldown window that can be selected from the Node Summary page. Note that the LOG4JOPTIONS.ini file must be configured to make a connection to the appropriate Log4J SocketHubAppender.

15593: Connection Status indicator now shows JMX and Data Server status

Connection Status indicator on the Grid Overview page now shows both the JMX status and the state of a Data Server connection if the monitor is connected to a Data Server. The indicator will be changed to a grey color if the Data Server is being used but is not connected. Otherwise a red color indicates that the JMX connection to the Coherence cluster is not established properly. Green indicates a successful connection.

15916: Separate hosts now correctly identified in certain displays.

Previously under some configurations, separate hosts were misidentified and aggregated as a single host "localhost". This is now no longer the case, as the machines are uniquely identified.

JMX Data Access

16049: Gaps in JMX Trend Data no longer occur

Previously, under certain circumstances, gaps would appear in certain trended JMX Data. This is no longer the case

16069: Non-Authentication Remote JMX connections work again

Previously, under certain conditions, non-authenticated JMX connections may not have connected. This is no longer the case.


16036: Navigation tree organization and accuracy improved

Previously some the navigation tree did not always correctly reflect the display that was accurate, nor was it completely consistent with the drill down options from the top-level displays. This has been addressed.


14712: New option to generate unique Node Names

A new option, -idnames, can be used to start any of the Oracle Coherence Monitor applications. If started with this option, node names will be forced to be unique, even if the Member Name is not uniquely assigned.

14714: Memory/Communication Trends by Node Display added

Two new displays have been added, Memory Trends and Communication Trends. These show the memory utilization and the communication failure rate for the worst ten nodes in a trend graph over a selectable time range.

14779: Failure rates and time range selection added to Comm. Issues

Instead of showing absolute packets resent/repeated in the Communication Issues view, failure rates are now shown. Additionally, the time range selector has been enabled to show time range averages on cached data.

15440: Node Location now shown in Departed Nodes display

The Location identifier is now shown in the Cluster Stability Departed Nodes table, along with the ip address and port.


14764: Provide button to perform a Print PDF operation

A new feature has been added to generate a PDF report consisting of several of the key displays in the Oracle Coherence Monitor application. The button labelled "Generate Report" on the Administration -> Admin Metrics display will cause the generation of a PDF report from the configuration file ts_report.xml contained in the gmsjocm.jar file. The generation of the PDF report requires a lot of memory, so it is recommended that you add "-Xmx256m" to the RTV_JAVAOPTS variable to increase the amount of memory available.


15063: Sample RTV_JAVAOPTS and RTV_USERPATH added to myocm_setup

The myocm_setup scripts now contain commented-out sample settings of RTV_USERPATH and RTV_JAVAOPTS for users to modify as needed.

16025: Startup, shutdown, and status scripts available

New scripts are now available that start, stop or find a set (Data Server, Display Server and Historian) of OCM server processes for a specified cluster running on localhost. The tagbase portion of process tags is set to the name of the cluster property file. The scripts use new properties defined in cluster .properties files. Unix/Linux: propname [test] propname - cluster property file name w/o extension test - output command lines w/o execution propname propname - cluster property file name w/o extension propname propname - cluster property file name w/o extension Windows: startocm.bat propname [test] propname - cluster property file name w/o extension test - output command lines w/o execution Additional Support Files: Template and example files have been provided for five clusters conf/ conf/ conf/ conf/ conf/ webconf/ webconf/make_myocm5_wars.bat The HSQLDB provided for use with the myocm project has been enchanced with alert threshold and history tables for five clusters (Cluster1-Cluster5). It also uses a different port (3380)

16057: Bourne shell compatability fixed

Previously the following scripts would have generated errors when run under the Bourne shell . This is no longer the case.


15915: LocalCacheService and its associated caches will now appear

Previously the LocalCache service did not appear as one of the available services in OCM. Now the LocalCacheService and its associated caches will appear (if any are present)

15987: Services statistics now include historical data

Historical Data is now available for the service statistics cache





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