RTView® BW Monitor
Release Notes

Version 6.7.0 Release Notes


22399: Time Since Last Update now formatted as duration

In the BW All Activities table in BusinessWorks 5 Monitor, the column Time Since Last Update is now formatted as a duration, e.g. 0d 00:50 is 50 minutes.

BW Platform Support

22157: Show BW6 deployment as appspace or container

The Application and Appnode tables have a new column Deployment with values Appspace and Container, and there are checkboxes on the Table and Heatmap displays to control which are displayed.

22425: Support for standalone containers in BW6/BWCE

In this release, if you choose not to supply values for the properties sl.rtview.bw.domain sl.rtview.bw.appspace sl.rtview.bw.appnode then unique names will be created for appspace and appnode, and each container will appear as a standalone application with a single appnode. If you supply specific names then your containers will appear in the displays as if they were appnodes in an appspace, and if they are instances of the same application, their metrics will be summed for the application, as if it were deployed to the appspace. In summary, you may configure your containers to run as if they were appnodes in an appspace; or else they will run such that each is a unique appnode and application.


22264: New Configuration application added

RTView EM and its specialized Monitors have been enhanced to support a configuration application. See the documentation for more information.

22284: add rtvadmin to make_war and update_war scripts

The new rtvadmin war file, which runs the Config UI, has been added to the make_war and update_war scripts

22298: New portprefix command line option

The RTView launcher has been enhanced with options for changing all the port numbers used by a package. Port numbers are assigned to a package using a package prefix and a two-digit suffix specific to the port. A complete list of suffixes is appended. This enhancement allows you to change the port number prefix for the server being launched. The change will apply only to that launch unless you also specify -saveportprefix, in which case the new prefix and port numbers will be saved to project.properties.json and project.properties. -portprefix:X Change all relevant ports to use prefix X by appending arguments to the command line that will be used to launch the server. -saveportprefix Used with -portprefix, save project.properties and project.properties.json. If the project does not contain those files, create them and add project.properties to the end of the command line. If the project does contain those files modify and save them. Note if you start a server with -portprefix, you may use the status_rtv and stop_rtv commands with it only if you repeat the -portprefix option with those commmands.

22531: Added button to displays to access the config ui

The EM Config UI may be accessed via a "gear" icon which will appear at the right end of the title bar. It is visible only in the thin client when the role is admin.

22570: New HTML server enabled for Monitor

The sample projects in the following deliverables have been enhanced to run without tomcat, using Eclipse Jetty to support running an html server in any data server process: - RTView TIBCO EMS Monitor - RTView TIBCO BusinessWorks Monitor - RTView TIBCO BusinessEvents Monitor By default, all servlets are hosted in the data server process and can be accessed as follows: http:\\localhost:XX70\rtvadmin http:\\localhost:XX70\rtvdata http:\\localhost:XX70\rtvquery http:\\localhost:XX70\rtvpost http:\\localhost:XX70\spname Where XX and spname are - RTView TIBCO EMS Monitor - 31 \ emsmon - RTView TIBCO BusinessWorks Monitor - 33 \ bwmon or 45 \ bw6mon - RTView TIBCO BusinessEvents Monitor - 32 \ tbemon The war files are still included in the deliverables and can optionally be updated and deployed to your application server such as Tomcat. Note that to run the Configuration Application (rtvadmin) on your application server, you must first define at least one user with the role rtvadmin. Only rtvadmin users can log into the Configuration Application. When running with the html server enabled in a data server, you must always shut down the server using the stop_rtv script. This is because the html server writes temporary files to the directory listed in the java.io.tmpdir System property. When the data server is shutdown properly using stop_rtv, the temporary files are deleted. If the data server is shut down using a kill command, the temporary files are not cleared. Eclipse Jetty is dual licensed under Apache License 2.0 and Eclipse Public License 1.0.

Data Model

22187: Removed "Error Count" from BW6 AppNodes Heatmap metrics dropdown

The BW All AppNodes Heatmap display had an erroneous entry "Error Count" in the Metrics dropdown menu. This has been removed.

22188: Fixed "Current Executions" on the BW6 AppNode summary display

On the BW AppNode summary display the field "Current Executions" was not correctly attached to data and showed zero. This has been corrected.


22546: Viewer support removed

The desktop viewer application is no longer supported.


22700: Support for specifying BW Engine name prefix on data server command line

The BW Monitor data server has been enhanced with a new command-line argument -engineprefix:<string> where <string> will be used to identify BW Engine microagents in the Hawk agent, and will be removed from BW Engine names in the displays. This string is normally COM.TIBCO.ADAPTER.bwengine. If you set the prefix e.g. -engineprefix:COM.TIBCO.ADAPTER.bwxxx you will see a log message such as ... setting BW Engine prefix to COM.TIBCO.ADAPTER.bwxxx


22442: Rename BW6 to BW in displays and navtree

The naming of BW displays across versions 5 and 6 has been made more uniform. The displays such as BW6 Applications, BW6 AppNodes etc. will now be labeled simply BW Applications etc. In the navigation tree their section will be labeled TIBCO BusinessWorks and the section formerly labeled TIBCO BusinessWorks will be labeled TIBCO BusinessWorks 5

22564: bw6mon and amxmon assigned unique port prefixes

The RTView EM packages TIBCO ActiveMatrix Monitor (amxmon) and TIBCO BusinessWorks Monitor (bw6mon) have been given new default port assignments. This will be reflected in the "port prefix" in the Configuration UI as well as the "update_wars" scripts in the emsample project. For BusinessWorks Monitor the new port prefix is 45. This results in the following default port assignments: dataserver data port 4578 dataserver JMX port 4568 datserver SC port 4570 dataserver rtvhttp port 4575 dataserver rtvagent port 4572 dataserver sender data port 4576 dataserver sender JMX port 4566 displayserver data port 4579 displayserver JMX port 4569 historian JMX port 4567 database (hsqldb) JMX port 4561 For ActiveMatrix Monitor the new port prefix is 44. This results in the following default port assignments: dataserver data port 4478 dataserver JMX port 4468 datserver SC port 4470 dataserver rtvhttp port 4475 dataserver rtvagent port 4472 dataserver sender data port 4476 dataserver sender JMX port 4466 displayserver data port 4479 displayserver JMX port 4469 historian JMX port 4467 database (hsqldb) JMX port 4461 For compatibility purposes the old port assignments are available in the rtvapm.<package>.compat.properties files in RTVAPM_HOME/<package>/conf. Note that these files will be automatically loaded if the file rtview.properties (which is now obsolete) is found in the project directory.


21741: Monitoring Tomcat 8.0 or 8.5 no longer produces cache function errors

A bug that caused errors in the dataserver.log file for data server's monitoring Tomcat 8.x servers has been fixed. The errors had the following syntax: ERROR: function <tomcatWebModuleStats04DeltaRate>, Table structure has changed; cannot save data., type:DELTARATEROWS, file:tomcat_cache.rtv ERROR: function <tomcatManagerStats77DeltaRate>, Table structure has changed; cannot save data., type:DELTARATEROWS, file:tomcat_cache.rtv

RTView Core Functionality

22551: Mouseover text no longer mispositioned on scrolled thin client displays

A problem has been fixed in the thin client that caused the mouseover (tooltip) text to be mispositioned for objects that needed to be scrolled into view.

Data Server

22462: Float column values no longer garbled in rtvquery response

In the previous release, values for cache columns with type = float were garbled in query responses from the rtvquery (REST) servlet, so the response could not be parsed. This is fixed.

Data Sources

22482: GmsRtViewHawkCustomSSLHandler now called for HAWK 5.x ems connections by the TIBCO Hawk Data Source

Previously the GmsRtViewHawkCustomSSLHandler "MyHawkSSLHandler" was not called for TIBCO Hawk 5.x ems connections. This is no longer the case. Use of the GmsRtViewHawkCustomSSLHandler "MyHawkSSLHandler" to set Hawk SSL parameters is described in the "TIBCO Hawk SSL Parameters" Section of the TIBCO Hawk Data Source documentation.

Display Server

22117: Tomcat no longer throws an error if image path contains a backslash

A bug has been fixed in the thin client which would cause Tomcat 8.5+ to throw an IllegalArgumentException if the path to an image contained a backslash. The full exception is as follows: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid character found in the request target. The valid characters are defined in RFC 7230 and RFC 3986

Object Library

19863: Added support for HTML pie charts

BASICS: The thin client now supports a web pie chart. The web pie chart is a pure HTML implementation of an RTView pie chart object. In the RTView thin client, the web pie chart provides an interactive, high performance chart without requiring the Flash player or other browser plugin. There is no web pie chart in the Builder palette. Instead, a new property named webChartFlag has been added to the flex (obj_fxpie) and swing (obj_pie) pie charts. To enable the web pie chart the user simply sets the webChartFlag property to true (checked) on a flex or swing pie chart instance. Then, when the display is opened in the thin client in a web compatible browser, the web pie chart will appear in place of the flex or swing pie chart. This feature is similar to the webChartFlag property that has been available on the flex and swing trend graph and bar graph objects in several prior releases. PROPERTIES: The web pie chart supports all of the major properties available in the flex and swing pie charts. However several minor properties are not supported or have limited support in the web pie chart. These properties are listed at the end of this note. BEHAVIOR: In addition to the properties listed below, there are some behavioral differences between the web pie chart and the flex/swing pie chart as follows. 1) Stretching: Unlike the swing pie chart obj_pie, the web pie chart does not stretch to an oval shape to fill the available space. Instead the web pie chart remains round, with its diameter determined by the smaller dimension. (The flex pie chart is always round too). 2) Slice order: In the swing and flex pie charts the bottom edge of the first wedge/slice, corresponding to the first row in the valueTable, is drawn at 0 degrees (that is, its bottom edge is horizontal). The slices for subsequent rows follow in counter-clockwise order. In the web pie chart, the first slice is drawn at 90 degrees, so its left edge is vertical. The slices for subsequent rows follow in clockwise order. 3) Tooltip: The tooltip on the web pie chart shows the label and value for a wedge, but does not show its computed % 4) Wedge labels (on obj_fxpie only): On obj_fxpie, wedge labels are visible unless wedgeLabelPosition = None(0), as expected. However, the label shows only the wedge's label, not its value or %. Also the wedgeLabelPosition values of "Inside with Callout(3)" and "Outside(4)" give the same result as "Callout(1)" on the html5 chart. If wedgeLabelPosition = Inside(2), some wedge labels may spill outside of their wedge, depending on the size of the label and wedge. ENABLING / DISABLING: The web pie chart can be enabled for all obj_fxpie (flex) instances by adding the following rule to an rtview stylesheet (.rts) file loaded by the display server: obj_fxpie { webChartFlag : 1 } Similarly, the web pie chart can be enabled for all obj_pie (Swing) instances by the following rule: obj_pie { webChartFlag : 1 } See the documentation for more information on using RTView stylesheets. If a stylesheet is used note that the webChartFlag value can still be overridden and set to zero (false) on individual instances. UNSUPPORTED/IGNORED PROPERTIES: As mentioned earlier, some chart properties are hidden in the builder if webChartFlag is checked. These properties of obj_fxpie are hidden if webChartFlag is checked: bg3dFlag bgGradientFlag labelColumnFormat rowLabelVisFlag rowNameVisFlag legendBgGradientFlag legendWidthPercent legendValueVisFlag legendPercentVisFlag entranceDuration entranceTrigger entranceType exitDuration exitTrigger exitType wedgeExplodeRadiusPercent wedgeLabelTextColor wedgeLabelTextFont These properties of obj_pie are hidden if webChartFlag is checked: bgEdgeWidth bgGradientMode bgGradientColor2 bgRaisedFlag bgShadowFlag bgStyle borderPixels labelColumnFormat rowLabelVisFlag rowNameVisFlag labelMinTabWidth legendBgGradientMode legendBgGradientColor2 legendWidthPercent legendValueVisFlag legendPercentVisFlag outlineColor transparencyPercent

22114: webChartFlag can now be set in styles sheet for bar and trend graphs

In prior releases, the webChartFlag property could not be set on obj_bargraph and obj_trendgraph02 objects via an rtview stylesheet (.rts) file. This has been fixed, so the following stylesheet entries will now set webChartFlag on all such objects: obj_trendgraph02 { webChartFlag: 1; } obj_bargraph { webChartFlag: 1; }

22398: Fx Graphs now supported in 64 bit java on Windows

The Fx Graph objects are now supported in the Builder & Viewer in 64 bit versions of Java on Windows. Previously only 32 bit java was supported. This enhancement does not affect Linux or MacOS rtview installations. The Fx Graph objects are still not supported in the Builder/Viewer on those platforms.


22541: Export to PDF in thin client no longer triggers server log error message

Previously, under certain circumstances, exporting a PDF, using the "Export to PDF" option would trigger a java.lang.IllegalStateException error message in the (display)server log (e.g. logs\displayserver.log). This is no longer the case.

22558: Ability to suppress headers and footers in generated PDF reports added

A capability to suppress headers and footers in generated PDF reports has been added to the report generator. This is achieved by means of adding new attributes to the report tag in the report config xml file The new attributes are: no_header no_footer which take a boolean value, and are false by default. Not adding the attributes will have the same behavior as previously. e.g. for a generated report with a header and footer <report name = "plant_status"> for a generated report with no header (but with a footer) <report name = "plant_status_no_header" no_header="true" > for a generated report with no footer (but with a header) <report name = "plant_status_no_footer" no_footer="true" > for a generated report with no header and no footer <report name = "plant_status_no_header_footer" no_header="true" no_footer="true">

Solution Package

22310: Solution package README.txt files deprecated

The solution package README.txt files have been deprecated. Information relevant to essential configuration has been migrated into the conf\sample.properties comments, to continue to support users who prefer to set properties manually in the properties files, rather than use the new Config UI.


22170: Default hawk connection disabled

In previous releases, using stop_rtv.sh on Unix platforms to stop a Data Server running the HAWKMON package failed due to a spurious rvd process caused by the creation of an unecessary connection made by the HAWKMON data source. This has been fixed.

Version 6.6.1 Release Notes


22147: Active applications no longer incorrectly appear as EXPIRED

In the previous release, applications in the table could be missing a value in the Timestamp column, which would cause the application to be marked expired, and thus trigger the AppExpired alert if enabled. This has been fixed.


22139: The column CPU % in BwEngines cache should never have NaN

Under some circumstances stopped engines would report a CPU% of NaN. They will now report a value of zero.

Version 6.6.0 Release Notes


21965: Improved notification of stopped/expired BW6 appnodes and applications

In BW6 Monitor an appnode is marked as expired in the displays after a period of time has elapsed with no change in its data. This enhancement adds a new alert, Bw6AppNodeExpired, that you can enable for all or specific appnodes, to be raised at that time. If an application is stopped (e.g. by admin interface) its state will become "Stopped" in the application table. This enhancement adds a new alert, Bw6ApplicationStopped, that you can enable for all or specific applications, to be raised at that time. Note that whereas expired AppNodes may be removed from the displays after a specified time, Applications do not expire. If an application is undeployed and not redeployed, it will only be removed from the displays when the RTView dataserver is restarted.

22014: New alert BwEngineUnreachable

BW Monitor has improved the way it detects and presents the status of BW Engines. 1. If an Engine is stopped normally its status will become STOPPED as before. Now this status will also be shown by highlighting the Engine's row in the All Engines table using a light pink color. This highlighting will also be used on the BW Processes and Activities associated with the stopped Engine. In addition the alert BwEngineStopped will be triggered if it is enabled. 2. If an Engine stops abnormally, e.g. crashes, the Hawk agent will report it as "unreachable", and BW Monitor now makes use of this information: the Engine status becomes UNREACHABLE and the Engine and its processes and activities become highlighted in their respective tables using the standard gray color. In addition a new alert BwEngineUnreachable will be triggered if it is enabled. Note that, as before, if the Hawk agent itself becomes unreachable, it will be marked Expired, along with all its engines and their associated processes and activities, and the BwServerExpired alert will be triggered if it is enabled.

22015: appnode status of "Expired" split into "Stopped" vs "Unreachable"

Previously an appnode would be marked Expired if data was not received from it for any reason. Now it will be marked either Stopped if it was stopped normally, e.g. by an admin comand, or Unreachable if it stops abnormally, e.g. the process crashes. In either case the appnode will be removed from the displays after 24 hours with no data. The Bw6AppNodeExpired alert has been replaced with two new alerts, Bw6AppNodeStopped and Bw6AppNodeUnreachable.

22017: New alert Bw6AppExpired

BW6 Monitor has been enhanced with Application expiration, defined as follows: an application expires when none of its processes has shown activity for longer than the expiration period, 10 minutes by default. Thus if an application is distributed across multiple AppNodes in an AppSpace, it will not expire as long as any one of its AppNodes is still running. An expired application will be highlighted in gray the All Applications table, and a new alert Bw6AppExpired will be triggered if it is enabled.

22067: BW6MON enhanced with new alert

BW6 Monitor has been enhanced with a new alert Bw6AppErrorState which indicates that an application has encountered an error and thus is in some state other than Running or Stopped. The specific state (e.g. StartFailed) will be reported in the alert text. e.g. BW6 App is in error state "StartFailed".


22035: BWMON enhanced with option to limit collection of activity and process data

If you want to reduce the amount of data collected by BW Monitor and you do not require BW Activity data, you may disable the collection of this data with the following property: collector.sl.rtview.sub=$bwActivitiesDisabled:1 Likewise, you may disable the collection of BW Process data with the following property: collector.sl.rtview.sub=$bwProcessesDisabled:1

22053: EM property handling has been enhanced

In previous releases, sender properties could be overriden by project properties unintentionally. In order to address this, the EM property handling has been enhanced to give precedence to the properties that use the sender property filter for processes that are run with the sender property filter.


21992: BWMON enhanced with a new and improved readme file

The README file for the RTView OSGi Plugin for BusinessWorks Monitor has been expanded and reorganized for greater clarity.


22116: BW6MON AppNode table enhanced with new State column

The column State has been added to the BW6 AppNode table, with the values ACTIVE, STOPPED, UNREACHABLE. A corresponding text field has been added to the AppNode Summary display. In addition, the AppNode, AppSlice, Process, and Activity tables will display row highlighting for any AppNode in the Stopped or Unreachable states. Unreachable rows will be displayed in grey and Stopped rows in pink.

RTView Core Functionality


21924: Fixed an issue with disabling event alerts

In previous releases, disabling event alerts was sometimes ignored due to a bug that was introduced in RTView Classic 6.7.0, RTView EM 3.2.0. This has been fixed.


21672: Builder enhanced to remember dialog window sizes and positions

The Display Builder has been enhanced to automatically save and restore the size and location of the following dialogs: - Open (File->Open) - Save (File->Save/Save-As) - Function Results (Function Dialog->Result Button) The Tools->Reset Window Layout menu option and the -resetlayout command line option restore the size and location of these windows in addition to the other windows that were previously reset.

Data Historian

21921: Microsoft SQL Server 2014 and 2016 now supported

Microsoft SQL Server 2014 and 2016 are now supported as databases for use with the Data Historian, provided that the latest JDBC driver is used (sqljdbc41.jar with Java 1.7, sqljdbc42.jar with Java 1.8).

Data Server

21898: Fixed an issue with rtvquery returning errors on valid query strings

In previous releases, the rtvquery servlet would sometimes return an error of "No data received before timeout, query may be invalid" for a specific, valid cache query string, on every attempt. The servlet needed to be restarted to clear the error. This has been fixed.

Data Sources

21689: Fixed an issue with the "Extend with SQL" cache feature

In prior releases, the "Extend with SQL" feature of the cache data source could cause thread growth if the history database connection was undefined or unavailable. This is now fixed.

Display Server

21906: Thin client enhanced to check user role access on each request

In prior releases, after a user had logged into the thin client, the user could manually enter a specific URL in the same browser instance and possibly view data from rtview displays to which the user's role should have denied access. This is fixed.

21908: Enhanced display server with option to limit access to specific panel files

The display server now supports a "permitpanel" option to specify the panel layout files that the server will read. A panel layout for the thin client is requested from the display server with a URL parameter as follows: panels.jsp?file=X where X is the name of the panel layout file that the server should read. By default, the display server will attempt to read any filename on the server that is specified by the URL parameter. If the file is a valid panel layout file, the thin client will use it. But if the file does not exist, a "no such file" error is displayed in the browser, and if the file exists but does not contain the expected layout information, a "no panels found" error is displayed in the browser. The permitpanel option allows you to specify the file(s) which the display server will read in response to a panels.jsp request. Requests from panels.jsp for any other files are rejected with a "Permission denied" error shown in the browser, regardless of whether the file exists or not, and the server will not attempt to read such files. The option may be specified multiple times to allow access to multiple panel files. Command-line example: run_displayserver -permitpanel:PANELS.ini -permitpanel:layout.xml DISPLAYSERVER.ini example: permitpanel PANELS.ini permitpanel layout.xml In addition, the display server supports another new option to prevent attempts to load remote files, as follows: -permitfile:LOCAL_ONLY If that option is specified any rtv or image files that are referenced by URL will not be read and the server will log a message similar to the following: non-local file read permission denied: http://host/somefile

21909: Tomcat logs no longer produce gratuitous rtvCleanup errors

In previous releases the following error message appeared in the Tomcat log at shutdown, for each deployed copy of the rtvdisplay servlet: "SEVERE: The web application [/rtvdisplay] appears to have started a thread named [rtvCleanup] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak." Starting with this release, the error message should be seen less often in the log file, although it may still appear occasionally. In any case, there is no danger of a memory leak when tomcat is shutdown.

21912: Fixed phishing vulnerabilities in thin client

In prior releases, it was possible to create phishing URLs which appeared to be directed at the rtview thin client but would redirect the user to another site, or download and possibly execute a file. These vulnerabilities have been fixed.

21990: Fixed a vulnerability in the thin client

An XSS (cross-site scripting) vulnerability in the thin client login.jsp file has been fixed.

21996: Fixed an issue with thin client resizing

In previous releases, after a display is resized by the thin client to fit the browser window, the black border around the default button (if any) was drawn in the button's original position, rather than the button's new position. This is fixed.

Object Library

21045: Misconfigured table objects no longer cause javascript exceptions in the thin client

A bug in the thin client has been fixed which could cause a javascript exception if the columnFormat on a table object was misconfigured to specify a format for a string column, and a backslash character appeared in the column.

Platform Support

21871: Support for Java 1.6 dropped

RTView is now built with Java 1.7. Java 1.6 is no longer supported.

Solution Package

Host Infrastructure

21903: Fixed an issue with HostProcessCountLow alert

The indexes and the driving metric of the HostProcessCountLow alert have been fixed. In addition, the Alert Text now reads as a Low Alert instead of a High Alert.

Version 6.5.0 Release Notes

21569: Empty displays with zero or null data no longer invisible

In BW Monitor when monitoring BW6, if for any reason the BW6 Process data is not available, some displays would be invisible, rather than visible but showing zero or null data. The displays were the Table and Heatmap views of BW6 Applications, AppNodes, AppSlices and Activities. The Summary views were not affected. This has been corrected so that the displays will show what data is available. Note that Application, AppSlice, and Activity heatmaps will not display visible cells, because (as noted in the titles) the cell sizes are controlled by process metrics.

21627: Engines no longer incorrectly marked as stopped

The BW Engine dropdown lists indicate stopped engines by "(X)". This was incorrectly applied to limited engines as well. This has been corrected.


21781: Solution packages using Hawk enhanced with custom setup scripts for Unix

The solution packages that use the Hawk data adapter include bwmon, bw6mon, amxmon, and hawkmon. On Unix systems they require that Tibco RV be included in the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Specifically, RV_ROOT must be defined and LD_LIBRARY_PATH must contain $RV_ROOT/lib. These packages now include custom_setup.sh files, which are automatically executed when rtview programs start up. These files will modify LD_LIBRARY_PATH correctly, whether it was previously defined or not.

Data Historian

21893: History tables BW6_APPS and BW6_APPSLICES no longer created

The Bw6App and Bw6AppSlice caches were incorrectly creating database tables. These caches do not store their own history; their history metrics come from aggregations of the Bw6Process cache history. The BW6_APPS and BW6_APPSLICES tables have been removed from configuration files and database schemas.


21619: Limited engines no longer marked with red background

The BWMON Single Engine Summary display indicates a stopped engine with a red background. This was incorrectly applied to limited engines as well. This has been corrected


21205: Thin client table objects are now rendered as HTML5

The table objects in the EM thin client have been enhanced to provide improved filtering, sorting, and other interactive features. See the release note for 20185 for a detailed description of the new table features.

21530: Enhanced BW Server Summary display

The BW Server Summary display has been enhanced with the following features: - Active Engines text boxes on the All Engines table now have drill down capability. - Heatmap now reflects stopped engines as gray, and expired engines as dark red. - Heatmap hover text now displays Status and Expired metrics.

21532: BW Processes Heatmap tooltips optimized

The Process Heatmap display has been optimized so that the metrics displayed in the tooltip are in the same order as the metrics selector list.

21533: Engine Status now reflected in BW Engine Summary display

The Engine Summary display has been enhanced to display a dark red background if the engine is not active.

21534: Engine Status now reflected in BW Process Summary display

The Process Summary display has been enhanced to display a dark red background if the associated engine is not active.

21535: Engine Status now reflected in BW Activity Summary display

The Activity Summary display has been enhanced to display a dark red background if the associated engine is not active.

21536: Improved heatmap aesthetics

Heatmap displays now have their objects aligned properly.

21555: Alert light indicators now correctly report number of alerts

Alert light indicators in the Single BW Server Summary display now correctly report both critical alerts and warning alerts. The color of the alert light indicators will reference the highest severity for the element and the number of alerts is the sum of the warning and critical alerts for the element.

21620: Fixed alignment problem in certain displays

The background of some BWMON displays were slightly overlapping the display objects. This has been corrected.

21723: Fixed a bug on the All Engines table where engines misreported their statuses

When you drilled down to an engine from the All Engines table and returned to the table, the Active Processes column would display NaN or Not Available for every engine other than the one to which you drilled down. This has been fixed. Note: the Active Processes column will display NaN or Not Available for any engine whose status is STOPPED.

21796: The monitor has been enhanced to support OSGi

RTView monitor for Tibco BusinessWorks has been enhanced with the ability to monitor BW applications deployed in BW6 AppSpaces using the new RTView OSGi Plugin for TIBCO BusinessWorks. An application using the OSGi plugin does not require the use of Hawk for monitoring purposed. For information on enabling and configuring the OSGi Plugin please refer to the documentation and/or the online README file.

21797: RTView enhanced to monitor BW inside a Docker container

RTView monitor for Tibco BusinessWorks has been enhanced with the ability to monitor BW applications deployed in Docker containers, using the new RTView OSGi Plugin for TIBCO BusinessWorks. For information on enabling and configuring the OSGi Plugin please refer to the documentation and/or the online README file.

21843: Data Types on the Monitor Process table have been optimized

In the BW6 Monitor Process table the columns Average Execution Time and Average Elapsed Time were displayed as type Long, where they should be Double. This has been corrected.

21867: Fixed a column formatting issue in BW6

The BW6 AppNode table "Up Since" column actually represents the "uptime", or time the appnode has been running, but it was not formatted as a duration. This has been corrected.

21868: Fixed the default sort order for all BW6 tables

The display tables in the BW6 monitor are now sorted by default according to their index columns.

Platform Support

21844: RTView enhanced to monitor BW in PCF

RTView monitor for Tibco BusinessWorks has been enhanced with the ability to monitor BW applications deployed in Pivotal Cloud Foundry containers, using the new RTView OSGi Plugin for TIBCO BusinessWorks. For information on enabling and configuring the OSGi Plugin please refer to the documentation and/or the online README file.

RTView Core Functionality

21582: Thin Client now adds scrollbars at smaller resolutions

Displays in the thin client with a minimum size and resize mode = Layout now correctly display scrollbars at smaller resolutions.

Data Sources

21851: An issue with the handling of the onTermination event has been fixed

In a previous version, in task 21299, a bug was introduced to the onTermination() error handling. In some cases, it would cause all data from the microagent that sent the error to stop coming into RTView. This has been fixed.

Display Server

21772: Extra-bold font in Firefox fixed

In the previous release, objects using font index 7 (sans-serif bold) would appear extra bold in some versions of Firefox if the display server was configured to use the extended font feature with arimob.ttf assigned to font 7. This has been fixed.


19451: Viewer and builder now print copyright to log4j output

Previously the Display Viewer and Builder did not show the copyright banner in log files created using Log4j. This has been corrected.


21337: Windows scripts no longer fail if no rtview.properties file is missing

The rtvapm run scripts (rundata, runhist, etc.) now run without error if rtview.properties are missing from the project directory.

21439: Added common scripts for making .war files

A new set of common scripts has been added for making .war files for the RTView servlets. They are: make_rtvdata_war.bat/sh make_rtvdisplay_war.bat/sh make_rtvquery_war.bat/sh make_rtvagent_war.bat/sh These scripts may be executed from any directory and will put the war files there. When you run the scripts you specify an appname (which will be used to name the war file) and you may specify a host and port. (For the display servlet you may also specify a backup port.) You may also put a copy of the servlet's properties file in the current directory and it will be used in the war. (The original properties files may be found in rtvapm/rtview/servlets/...) Note that if you put a properties file in the current directory you may still override its host or port values when you run the script. The scripts take the following arguments: -appname: -host: -port: -ha_port: -verbose -help For example: make_rtvdata_war -appname:test -host:testhost -port:9999 Only the -appname argument is required. If no other arguments are supplied, the values in the original properties file will be used. (The original file from the war, or the file in the current directory if present.) The -verbose argument will cause the script to print out the original and new values it puts in the properties file. For example: make_rtvdata_war -appname:test -host:testhost -port:9999 -verbose These scripts also support positional arguments, in the order of: appname, host, port. For example, with an appname of 'test', a host of 'testhost', and a port of '9999', the user could use the argument this way: make_rtvdisplay_war test testhost 9999

21561: Project directory now uses common .war scripts

The update_wars.bat/sh scripts in the project directories have been updated to use the new make*war.bat/sh scripts in common/bin.

Version 6.4.1 Release Notes

Platform Support

21556: Collection of BW6 appnode memory metrics

BW6 Monitor was not collecting all the data for appnodes; specifically memory and cpu metrics were missing. This has been corrected.

Version 6.4.0 Release Notes


20858: BW Engine name with spaces now shows in alert message

The my_alert_actions.sh script (rtvapm/common/bin) failed to process the AlertIndex field correctly if the value contained a space, and would pass "N/A" to subsequent commands. For example, a BW alert BWProcessExecutionTimeHigh is executed and the BW Engine name contains a space, "prod.com-Process Archive1". The script sends an email, and in the message the engine name appears as "N/A". This has been corrected.


21382: History for Tomcat metrics now disabled by default

Tomcat history has been turned off by default. To enable Tomcat history, add the following properties to your sample.properties file: collector.sl.rtview.sub=$TOMCAT_GLOBALREQUESTSTATS_TABLE:TOMCAT_GLOBALREQUESTSTATS collector.sl.rtview.sub=$TOMCAT_WEBMODULESTATS_TABLE:TOMCAT_WEBMODULESTATS collector.sl.rtview.sub=$TOMCAT_WEBMODULETOTALS_TABLE:TOMCAT_WEBMODULETOTALS

Data Model

21501: Fixed performance issue due to large list of subs on RtvDisplayServerDisplays cache

A performance issue from misconfigured history on the RtvDisplayServerDisplays cache has been fixed.


21260: Source column in sender/receiver configuration corrected

Previously, when BW Monitor dataservers were deployed in sender/receiver mode, the dashboards did not show the correct Source column values. They should reflect the name of the sender dataserver as configured by sender.sl.rtview.sub=$rtvAgentName:MyMachineName but instead the column showed "localhost". This has been corrected.

21433: BWAgentPlugin moved to bwmon\agents directory

The BWAgentPlugin files have been moved from bwmon\lib to bwmon\agents\BWPluginAgent.


19233: Engine status now indicated in Engine heatmap drop down list

BW Monitor displays have been enhanced such that the engine selector dropdown list will show if an engine is not running by appending "(X)" to the entry in the list.

21263: Total Engine Statistics now displayed on Engine Level

The BW All Engines Table and Heatmap have been enhanced with the addition of columns giving the total count of created, completed, and aborted processes for each engine. These columns are displayed in the table and in the mouse tooltip in the heatmap


20674: Add jmxconn settings for rtview servers pages

The jmx connections specified for connecting to RTView Server JVMs have been moved from rtvapm.bwmon.properties into a new file bwmon_jvm.properties, which is now called from the standalone rtvservers.dat. This will prevent an EM collector from incorrectly trying to connect to these servers.

20764: Checkboxes to control labels added to BW Monitor heatmaps

In the BW Monitor heatmap displays for Engines, Processes, and Activities, the slider which controlled the visibility of the heatmap labels has been replaced with checkboxes, following the standard for EM displays.

21290: New Alerts and key metrics for correlating process activity vs. resources

BW Monitor has been enhanced with new alerts and new Key Metrics. The following new alerts have been added: Name Metric ---- ------ BwProcessAvgExecutionTimeHigh AverageExecution BwProcessAvgElapsedTimeHigh AverageElapsed BwProcessCreatedRateLow RateCreated BwProcessCreatedRateHigh RateCreated BwProcessTotalCpuPercentHigh TotalCpuPercent For EM users, the following new Key Metrics have been added to the BW-PROCESS CI Type: Name Alert ---- ----- Process Avg Elapsed Time BwProcessAvgElapsedTimeHigh Processes Created / sec BwProcessCreatedRateHigh Process Total CPU Percent BwProcessTotalCpuPercentHigh

21409: Added AvgElapsedTime, AvgExecTime, and TotalCpuPercent to BwProcesses cache

The BW Process metrics Average Execution and AverageElapsed are now calculated by dividing the delta execution or elapsed time for the interval by the delta completed, or the number of process instances that completed in the interval. Previously they were calculated by dividing the total execution or elapsed time by the total number of process instanced (over all time). Users will need to update the table structure of the BW_PROCESSES historian tableby executing the following alter table SQL sentences in your selected database administrative tool: DB2: ALTER TABLE "BW_PROCESSES" ADD "AverageExecution" BIGINT; ALTER TABLE "BW_PROCESSES" ADD "AverageElapsed" BIGINT; ALTER TABLE "BW_PROCESSES" ADD "TotalCpuPercent" DOUBLE; SQL Server: ALTER TABLE [BW_PROCESSES] ADD [AverageExecution] BIGINT; ALTER TABLE [BW_PROCESSES] ADD [AverageElapsed] BIGINT; ALTER TABLE [BW_PROCESSES] ADD [TotalCpuPercent] FLOAT; MySQL: ALTER TABLE "BW_PROCESSES" ADD "AverageExecution" BIGINT; ALTER TABLE "BW_PROCESSES" ADD "AverageElapsed" BIGINT; ALTER TABLE "BW_PROCESSES" ADD "TotalCpuPercent" DOUBLE; Oracle: ALTER TABLE "BW_PROCESSES" ADD ("AverageExecution" NUMBER, "AverageElapsed" NUMBER, "TotalCpuPercent" REAL); SyBase: ALTER TABLE "BW_PROCESSES" ADD "AverageExecution" BIGINT NULL, "AverageElapsed" BIGINT NULL, "TotalCpuPercent" FLOAT NULL;

21410: Enhancements to Activity metrics on Process displays

The trends on the BW Process Summary page have been enhanced as follows: The Process Elapsed/Exec Time per Sec trends have been replaced with Average Elapsed and Execution Time trends. A Total CPU Percent trend has been added. The "All Activities Exec Count and Time" trends have been removed. The BW All Processes table has also been enhanced as follows: A Total CPU Percent column has been added, and the columns have been rearranged to put the Key Metrics among the first columns displayed.

21411: Implement filter-in and filter-out patterns for process cache

The BwProcess cache has been enhanced with the ability to filter the processes by name using regular expressions before they are added to the cache. Two filter expressions may be set by using new properties in sample.properties. Each property specifies a regular expression which will be applied to the process name. If the name matches the pattern the process will be included. To exclude processes, start the filter pattern with "^" (negation). collector.sl.rtview.sub=$bwprocessFilterPattern:'' collector.sl.rtview.sub=$bwprocessFilterPattern2:'' For example, say you have these processes: process01.process process02.process process03.process process04.process process05.process process06.process process07.process If you set the first property as follows: collector.sl.rtview.sub=$bwprocessFilterPattern:'0[3-5]' you will get: process03.process process04.process process05.process If you set the second property as follows: collector.sl.rtview.sub=$bwprocessFilterPattern:'0[^4]' you will get, finally: process03.process process05.process

21486: New option to use cross-platform fonts

When the Display Server is running from a host operating system other than the operating system of the client browsers, label alignment inconsistencies can occur due to font unavailability. This is especially pronounced for a Linux server and WIndows client scenario. RTView EM now provides a rtvapm/rtview/lib/rtvfonts.jar that can be enabled in the Display Server, so that the client browser will download the fonts used by the server. To enable this option, which is recommended for linux hosts, edit rtvapm/common/conf/rtvapm.properties and uncomment the following two lines: #sl.rtview.cp=%RTV_HOME%/lib/rtvfonts.jar #sl.rtview.global=rtv_fonts.rtv


21134: The date picker no longer generates incomplete date format.

In previous releases, the date chooser dialog in the trend graph views did not set the end time correctly for servers that were not in the same time zone as the client. This has been fixed.

RTView Core Functionality

Data Historian

19992: New Smooth Compaction configuration options

New arguments have been added to customize how compaction smoothing is performed. -smoothingonly Run smoothing only without data being provided -smoothcompaction:table1,table2 Restrict the tables being smoothed to those specified

21455: New mechanism to 'throttle' historian deletions.

A command line argument has been provided to enable throttling of historian deletions by separating large deletions into smaller groupings. This option will help in scenarios where users see the following errors in the log: SQLException: The transaction log for database <DB Name> is full. ERROR: java.sql.SQLException: The transaction log for database <DB Name> is full. retention doing delete in SQL: [delete from <DB Table Name> where "timestamp" < 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'] failed. To enable multi-chunk retention start the historian with the -retentionChunkSize argument. Example of deleting in 2 day chunks: -retentionChunkSize:2d Example of deleting in 1 week chunks: -retentionChunkSize:1w This argument does not support time segments of multiple units, such as "1h 30m"

Data Server

20910: RTVquery no longer hangs when the target data server re-boots

In previous releases, the rtvquery servlet would occasionally fail to respond to queries after its target data server was restarted. This problem is fixed

Data Sources

18403: Fixed cache bug with maxNumberOfCurrentRows and blank timestampColumnName

The cache data source no longer throws a NullPointerException if a cache has maxNumberOfCurrentRows > 0 and a blank timestampColumnName.

20692: Fixed bogus timeout of sql query

A problem has been fixed in the SQL datasource which would sometimes cause a query to fail with a bogus timeout error showing a very large and incorrect timeout value.

20767: xml parser no longer throws exception if token >= 8192 chars

In previous releases, the JMS and XML data sources would throw an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if an XML string token contained 8192 or more characters and none of those characters was a space. This is fixed.

21299: Improved hawk error handling

The TIBCO Hawk data source error handling has been enhanced as follows: 1. Improved logging for onErrorExceptionEvent and onWarningExceptionEvent. These events occur when there is a problem with one of the connected TIBCO Hawk Transports. Also, RTView will now try reconnecting to the transport if an onErrorExceptionEvent occurs. 2. Improved logging for subscription error events. Also, RTView will cancel all subscriptions for a MicroAgent if an onTermination event occurs and attempt to recreate them.

21392: New reconnect option added to Hawk DS

The TIBCO Hawk data source has been enhanced to attempt to reconnect when the initial connection to a transport fails. By default, it will attempt to reconnect once a minute for 60 attempts. You can set the max number of reconnect attempts by command line or property. command line: -hawkmaxreconnect:3 property: sl.rtview.hawk.hawkmaxreconnect=3 Every time a reconnect is attempted, you will see this in the console: 016-03-07 13:00:50.282 re-attempt connection to transport <test_ems>: 1 of 60 016-03-07 13:00:52.911 re-attempt connection to transport <test_ems>: succeeded/failed To disable reconnection attempts, set the max reconnect to 0.

Display Server

19512: Support audio and threshold command in thin client

The thin client now supports the Play Audio File command and threshold commands. In addition, a new property named valueCommandResetTrigger has been added to the display objects that support threshold commands. ------------------- Play Audio File command: The thin client now supports the Play Audio File command. The support for audio file formats varies by platform, as follows. - The Play Audio File command is not supported in Internet Explorer version 8 and older. - In a desktop browser (Internet Explorer 9 or newer, Firefox, Chrome) .wav and .mp3 files are supported. However, Internet Explorer uses the Windows Media Player to play .wav files, which may require user confirmation or may fail due to security settings. - In mobile browsers (e.g. Safari on iOS) only .mp3 files are supported, and the user must click on the "Enable Audio" button that appears in a display the first time an audio command is executed. - The "Beep" command is still not supported in the thin client. Note that in the builder/viewer, only .wav files are supported by the Play Audio File command. This has always been the case and has not changed in this release. --------------------- Threshold command: There are four objects that support threshold commands: obj_circ2d_ilvx_ra4, obj_rect_ilvx_ra4, obj_circ2d_ilvx_da3, and obj_rect_ilvx_da3. A threshold command can be defined using any of the properties named value*Command on those objects. In this release, if the webChartFlag property is checked on an object with a threshold command, the threshold command will be executed in a thin client deployment when appropriate. In prior releases, threshold commands were ignored in a thin client deployment. If the threshold command is a supported client-side command it will be executed in the browser. The client-side commands are: Play Audio File, Drilldown/Set substitution, Execute Custom Command (if the custom command has a javascript implementation), Open Browser. All other commands are executed by the display server or (for a data source command) in the data server. A new property named valueCommandResetTrigger was added to the objects that support threshold commands. Typically, once a threshold command has been executed by one of those objects because the value exceeds or equals a limit, the command will not execute again until the value exceeds another limit. But now, if the value of valueCommandResetTrigger property is changed, then the object's threshold command will be executed again even if the value property has not changed. Changing the value of valueCommandResetTrigger when the object's value is not at or above a limit has no effect.

20679: Table row selection in AW grid no longer unreliable in IE >= 10

In previous releases, when using the thin client in IE 10 and 11, after performing a drilldown from a table object subsequent row clicks in the same table may be ignored. This is fixed.

21435: Mouse wheel scrolling for tables when using Firefox 42 or newer

In prior releases, the thin client did not support scrolling of table objects using the mouse wheel, if webGridFlag = false, in Firefox version 42 or newer. This is fixed.


20326: New -version flag that prints version information without starting the app

Each of the RTView applications now supports a -version option on the command line which will cause the app to print the RTView version information and then exit immediately. For example: run_dataserver -version


19543: Alert notification script output error when using log4j

Alert notifications from an RTView now go to a log4j output as desired.

Object Library

19936: Added support for data quality to obj_statushistory

The status history chart (obj_statushistory) has been enhanced to indicate data quality. Two new properties have been added, named valueQualityColumnName and valueQualityBadValuesList. These properties can be used to set a color and pattern to be plotted when on a bar when the data quality is bad. The valueQualityColumnName property can be set to the name of the table column that contains a value indicating the data quality for each row. The column can contain string, integer, or boolean values. The valueQualityBadValuesList property can be set to a string containing value,label pairs with each pair separated by semicolons. This is used to assign a label to a numeric bad quality value, for example "-1,no data;0,stale data" The default value for valueQualityColumnName is blank, which means that the new feature is disabled. In this mode the color and pattern for each bar is determined by getting the value for that row from the column specified by valueColumnName, and looking up that value in the chart's barProperties. (This is the behavior in all prior releases). If valueQualityColumnName non-blank, then for each row R the row's value to be plotted is determined as follows: - let Q = value of quality column for row R, and V = value of value column for row R - if Q is blank, then the quality is considered good and V is used at the row value, as normal. - else if the valueQualityBadValuesList property is blank, then Q is used as the row value. - else if valueQualityBadValuesList contains an entry "Q,X" then X is used as the row value - else the quality is considered good (since no match was found in valueQualityBadValuesList) and V is used at the row value Then the row value is looked up in barProperties, as usual, to determine the color and fill pattern. That value is also shown in the mouseover text as usual. For example, consider the following data table: Plant Status Quality ----- ------ ------- A online 1 B offline 1 C online -1 D offline 0 ... where 1 = data OK, -1 = no data, and 0 = stale data. Next, consider a status history chart with these properties: indexColumnNames = Plant valueColumnName = Status valueQualityColumnName = Quality valueQualityBadValuesList = -1,no Data;0,stale data barProperties = online : green offline : blue no data : red stale data : orange Note that valueQualityBadValuesList has no entry for quality = 1, because that is the "good" quality value. With that configuration, when the data table shown above is applied to the chart, it will plot a segment for each Plant as follows: A green (since Status = online and Quality = 1 / OK) B blue (since Status = online and Quality = 1 / OK) C red (since Quality = -1 / no data) D orange (since Quality = 0 / stale data)

20996: Enable copy to clipboard on multiselect Kendo grid

The text in selected row or rows of the web (kendo) grid can now be copied to the clipboard by pressing Ctrl+c when the grid has keyboard focus. Only text cells are copied. If a cell contains an image, its value is not copied to the clipboard. The grid must have keyboard focus for the Ctrl+c keystroke to have effect.

Platform Support

19925: Support Java 1.8

Java 1.8 is now officially supported. NOTES: As noted in the release notes for 19927 and 19928, the JdbcOdbc driver is no longer supported by Oracle beginning in Java 1.8. Version v4.14.137 of IBM DB2's db2jcc.jar driver is required to work with Java 1.8

21076: Windows 10 and Edge Browser support

Windows 10 and the Edge Browser are now supported by RTView products.


20794: Fixed XSS Security Issue in Thin Client Deployment

A cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the thin client has been fixed.

21179: Check column names in servlet URL for code injection attacks

The rtvquery servlet will now encode any < or > characters that appear in the "cols" parameter as < and > in the response, to avoid possible XSS hacks.


19498: Fixed error in script update_wars_package.sh

The shell script rtvapm/common/bin/update_wars_package.sh used the Linux rename utility which does not exist on some versions of UNIX. This has been corrected.

20961: start_rtv.sh, status_rtv.sh and stop_rtv.sh corrected for Mac

On Macintosh systems the start_rtv.sh script would give the error "command not found" when trying to start a server. this has been fixed.

21051: RTView Processes now named in greater detail

When an Rtview process is launched it is given a Java argument of the form -DPROCESS_NAME=xxx. Previously the value "xxx" was a generic tag such as "dataserver". Now this will specifically identify the process by constructing a tag from the line in rtvservers.dat used to launch the process. The tag will be of the form {config name}_{server name}_{server JMX port}. For example, the server "AlertServer" in the config "central" will be given the tag central_AlertServer_10023. This can be seen on Unix with ps: > ps -ef | grep java m 19558 1 0 06:29 pts/2 00:00:00 java -DPROCESS_NAME=central_AlertServer_10023 -DRTV_HOME=/u/rtvdemos/rtvapm/rtview -DRTV_DEMOSERVER=/u/rtvdemos/rtvapm/rtview/servers/apache-tomcat-6.0.18-sl -Xmx256m -Xms128m -Dcom.sl.rtview.customRtvAppManagerClassName=com.sl.gmsjrtvutils.RtvApmAppManager . . . Or with jps (if available): > jps -vV 19558 RTViewDataServer -DPROCESS_NAME=central_AlertServer_10023 -DRTV_HOME=/u/rtvdemos/rtvapm/rtview -DRTV_DEMOSERVER=/u/rtvdemos/rtvapm/rtview/servers/apache-tomcat-6.0.18-sl -Xmx256m -Xms128m -Dcom.sl.rtview.customRtvAppManagerClassName=com.sl.gmsjrtvutils.RtvApmAppManager

21278: status_rtv.bat on Windows again shows Uptime, CPU, Heap

On Windows the status_rtv.bat script, while listing running dataservers, was omitting the JMX info (e.g. Uptime 000:00:00:46 CPU 00:00:24 Heap 3.6% ...) This has been fixed.

Solution Package


21390: New hawk debug caches added to hawkmon

The hawkmon package (included in bwmon and amxmon) has been enhanced with new caches that will assist in debugging problems with Tibco Hawk agents. The new caches are: HawkAgentStatus - This contains one row for each Hawk agent and shows the status of that agent. HawkConnections - This contains one row for each hawkconsole property line and shows the status of that connection.

Version 6.3.0 Release Notes


20113: New BwProcessElapsedTImeHigh alert

A new alert has been added: BwProcessElapsedTimeHigh. This is driven by the metric RateTotalElapsed in the BwProcesses table.

BW Platform Support

20702: BW6 Support

The BW solution has been enhanced with the ability to monitor TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 6 Applications and AppNodes. The BW6 solution displays show current and historical resource usage and error states across BW Applications and down to the level of BW Processes and Activities. RTView Alerts are implemented on key metrics at the Application, AppNode, and Process levels and are incorporated into the displays. The following displays are added to the navigation tree of the standalone solution: BW6 Applications All Applications Heatmap All Applications Table Single Application Summary BW6 AppNodes All AppNodes Heatmap All AppNodes Table Single AppNode Summary BW6 AppSlices All AppSlices Heatmap All AppSlices Table Single AppSlice Summary BW6 Processes All Processes Heatmap All Processes Table Single Process Summary BW6 Hosts All Hosts Heatmap All Hosts Table The layout of the displays follows RTView standards and is similar to BW(5)mon. In each section of the tree the table view shows all the data, allowing for filtering, and the heatmap allows you to select the metric for the color scale. The summary views show current and historical metrics for a single instance. Process and Activity metrics are essentially unchanged from BW(5) and AppNode metrics are similar to BW(5) Engine metrics. BW6mon adds the viewpoint of Application and AppSpace. Process metrics, including such things as creation and completion, exec and elapsed times, are summarized for the application and also for each slice of the application on multiple appnodes. Specifically: BW6 Applications Shows Applications and AppSpaces across BW6 Domains with Process metrics totaled by Application. The summary display also shows the AppNodes of the deployment and Process metrics totaled by AppNode. This is useful to see the deployment and load balancing of the Application in current and historical time. BW6 AppNodes Shows ApppNodes and their resource usage in terms of internal JVM memory and host CPU. This is useful because the AppNode performance is dependent on both internal and external factors and sometimes they interact. BW6 AppSlices The AppSlice is the part of an Application running on a specific AppNode when the Application is deployed to multiple AppNodes. These displays show process metrics totaled by Application and AppNode. this is useful to see how the application is distributed and how each part of it is peforming. BW6 Processes Very similar to the BW(5) Process metrics, including the addition of Delta and Rate columns for many metrics. These displays are useful for a closer look at the performance and resource usage of specific Processes in the Application. BW6 Hosts These displays show the health and history of the host systems running the AppNodes. BW6mon can be installed along with BW(5)mon and an RTView data server can include one or the other or both according to the user's configuration. The configuration is similar to BW(5)mon, using Hawk for data collection. =========================== Limitations in this release: =========================== TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 6.2.1 has issues with the Hawk microagent that impose the following limitations on BW Monitor. (1) Activity statistics are not completely implemented in Hawk. Activity-level metrics and displays are not available in this release of BW Monitor. (2) Process statistics are not completely implemented in Hawk. Min/Max/Average Elapsed Time will be zero. (3) Some statistics are not implemented in Hawk on Windows. This release of BW6mon does not support TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 6 on Windows. (4) The bwadmin command "enablestats" command does not enable statistics in the Hawk microagent. You must enable process statistics for your BW6 applications via hawk, e.g. using the Hawk Display tool.

Data Historian

20218: Accuracy of BW Process columns improved

The data types of Active and DeltaCreated columns in the BW_PROCESSES table have been converted to real numbers to account for the loss of resolution when compaction is taking place by averaging the metrics. As part of upgrading you must use alter table SQL like provided below for your supported DB platform (Oracle not required). DB2: ALTER TABLE "BW_PROCESSES" ALTER COLUMN "Active" SET DATA TYPE DOUBLE; ALTER TABLE "BW_PROCESSES" ALTER COLUMN "DeltaCreated" SET DATA TYPE DOUBLE; ALTER TABLE "BW_PROCESS_TOTALS" ALTER COLUMN "Active" SET DATA TYPE DOUBLE; SQL Server: ALTER TABLE [BW_PROCESSES] ALTER COLUMN [Active] FLOAT ALTER TABLE [BW_PROCESSES] ALTER COLUMN [DeltaCreated] FLOAT ALTER TABLE [BW_PROCESS_TOTALS] ALTER COLUMN [Active] FLOAT MySQL: ALTER TABLE "BW_PROCESSES" MODIFY "Active" DOUBLE , MODIFY "DeltaCreated" DOUBLE ; ALTER TABLE "BW_PROCESS_TOTALS" MODIFY "Active" DOUBLE ; SyBase: Altering the data type of columns in a Sybase table requires enabling the “select into” option for your database. Consult with your DB Admin on the correct procedure for your installation. ALTER TABLE "BW_PROCESSES" MODIFY "Active" FLOAT ALTER TABLE "BW_PROCESSES" MODIFY "DeltaCreated" FLOAT ALTER TABLE "BW_PROCESS_TOTALS" MODIFY "Active" FLOAT


19293: Cleaned up incorrect symbols appear in Heatmap mouseover

NaN special-character symbols have been replaced in the mouse over of All Engines Heatmap display with a 0 value.


19961: BW Engine heatmap box size adjusted to accomodate outliers

In previous versions, the heatmap on the "BW Engine Summary" screen would fail to show a box for each process in certain cases. The box size was proportional to the number of process instances that had been created for a given process. Hence, boxes would be missing when either a) one process creation count was so large that it crowded out the other process creation values, or b) one or more processes had a zero creation count. The box size is now proportional to the log(+1) of the creation count, so a box should now be visible in all cases to support visualization and drill-down.

20143: Improved resize behavior of top-level common selectors

The resize behavior of the Activity displays has been improved so there will be more room to show the Process and Activity names as the display is resized.

20616: Odd square shape drawn atop center ListBoxes of "Single BW Activity Summary"

Under some circumstances the BW Monitor Activity Summary display would show some extraneous objects when displayed in the thin client. These objects are small rectangles (about 4 X 2 pixels) drawn on top of the selector combo boxes. This has been fixed.

20759: Removed “Invalid column name” startup errors

When BW Monitor would start up the following messages would appear one time in the log. <bwProcessDefinitionDataUnix41>, Invalid column name <bwProcessDefinitionDataWin41>, Invalid column name This did not indicate a problem and the messages have been removed.

JVM metrics

20229: JVM Memory data no longer gaps in trends received from sender

A bug that prevented correct visualization of Memory in the JVM Summary display has been fixed.


20537: New properties to limit Display Server table cells

The Monitor has been enhanced to support 3 new properties to limit the amount of data that is passed from the Display Server to the browser for tables. The following properties have been added to common\conf\rtvapm.properties: cellsperpage - This limits the number of cells (columns*rows) that will be displayed in a table object. This avoids the sluggish performance, timeouts, and out-of-memory exceptions that might otherwise occur from processing and transmitting all of the rows at once Table objects with more than the specified number of cells are paged. This means that the Display Server only sends the rows that are visible plus a few rows before and after the visible rows. As the user scrolls, the new rows are requested from the Display Server. This results in a small delay between the scroll action and the data showing up in the table. The default is 20000. cellsperexport - This limits the number of cells (columns*rows) that will be exported for the Export to Excel and Export to HTML operations. The default is 40000. cellsperreport - This limits the number of cells (columns*rows) that will be exported for the Export to PDF operation. The default is 20000. For all of the new properties, a value of less than 1000 will disable the property. Values larger than the defaults may result in slower performance, timeouts and/or out-of-memory exceptions when interacting with tables in displays in the thin client.

Platform Support

20536: Support added for Red Hat Linux 7

RHEL 7 is now a supported platform for RTView.


19472: New Version Info display added to rtvmgr

The RTVMGR has been enhanced with a new RtvServerVersions cache and Version Info page. The information in this cache and display is useful when reporting problems to SL Technical Support as it contains very detailed information about the version of each jar used in each connected RTView application. The Version Info display is accessible from the navigation tree under RTView Servers->Version Info or from the About display. The table contains one row for each RTView jar in each RTView application for which the RTVMGR has a jmx connection defined. This display combines the values for all connected RTVMGR data servers. The table contains the following columns: Source: The name of the RTVMGR source. Connection: The name of the jmx connection to the RTView application. ApplicationName - The name of the application. Ex.RTView Data Server. ApplicationConfiguration - The configuration string for the application. This string contains the main application version that corresponds to the version information that is printed to the console at startup. JarName - The name of the jar. JarConfiguration- The configuration string for the jar. JarVersionNumber - The version number for the jar. JarVersionDate - The version name for the jar. JarReleaseType - The release type for the jar. JarMicroVersion - The micro version for the jar. Expired - True if the row in the RtvServerVersions cache has expired. The expiration is set by the $jvmRowExpirationTime substitution. time_stamp - The timestamp when this information was last received. This data is queried once a minute. DataServerName - The name of the RTVMGR data server connection. Rows where the JarConfiguration does not match the ApplicationConfiguration are highlighted in teal. RTView applications running versions previous to this enhancement will only have one row in the table and will say "version info not support in this version" in the ApplicationConfiguration column. Filter the table using the controls at the top of the display: Source: Select a value to filter on the Source column Connection: Select a value to filter on the Connection column Filter Field: Select an additional column to filter on Filter Value: Enter a value to filter on in the Filter Field column Use RegEx: Set to true to use the Filter Value as a regular expression when filtering Not Equals: Set to true to show rows where the Filter Field value does not match the Filter Value. This is only available if Use RegEx is selected. Clear: Clears the Filter Field, Filter Value and Not Equals.

20108: New alerts TomcatActiveSessionsHigh and TomcatAppActiveSessionsHigh

Two new Tomcat alerts, TomcatActiveSessionsHigh and TomcatAppActiveSessionsHigh, have been added to alert when the number of active sessions of a Tomcat Server and a Tomcat Application reach their thresholds.

20183: JVM Operating System Cache no longer shows PhysicalMemory = 0

A bug that prevented the JvmOperatingSystem cache from correctly collecting the TotalPhysicalMemory metric has been fixed.

20190: New Jvm Thread Count High alert

A new alert, JvmThreadCountHigh, has been added. This alert fires when the number of threads exceeds the established thresholds.

20214: Process Name and PID added to Data Server display

The RTView Data Server metrics display has been enhanced to include Process Name and PID columns in the Data Server Clients table. The value that appears in the Process Name column depends on the type of client. If the client is an RTView application, then the Process Name shows the value of the PROCESS_NAME property when the app was started. If the client process was started with a standard RTView script (e.g. run_viewer, run_displayserver, etc) then the Process Name will be viewer, builder, dataserver, displayserver, or historian. For a server, a "d" at the end of the process name indicates it was started with the -daemon option. If the PROCESS_NAME property was undefined when the client process was started, then the Process Name will be RTView (the viewer), RTView Display Builder, Display Server, Data Server, or Historian, or the OEM names assigned to those applications. If the client is the viewer applet, then "applet" is appended to the name. If the client is the rtvdata or rtvquery servlet, the Process Name will be RTVDataServlet and rtvquery, respectively, or the custom servlet name that has been configured for the deployed servlet instance. The PID column shows the PID (process ID) of the client process. Typically the PID column value will appear as nnnn@hostname, where nnnn is the PID from the client's host system (as reported by jps, top, or tasklist) and hostname is the name of the client's host. If the client is the rtvdata or rtvquery servlet, then the PID will correspond to the app server (e.g. tomcat) process on the client host. The PID column may be blank if the client is unable to obtain its PID from the local operating system. The @hostname portion may be omitted if it cannot be obtained from the local operating system. The PID and Process Name columns will both be blank if the client process is running an older version of RTView that does not have this enhancement.

20574: Fixed "tomcatManagerStats77DeltaRate" function error

Previously the message "ERROR: function <tomcatManagerStats77DeltaRate>, Invalid (non-numeric) data column" would appear when Tomcat connections were not present. This has been fixed

RTView Core Functionality

20643: New option to restrict number of characters in alert comments in the alert ds

The Alert data source has been enhanced with a new Maximum Characters Allowed in Comments Field property to limit the number of characters it will store in the Comments field. In previous releases, new comments were appended to the existing contents of the Comments field with no limit on the amount of text. This caused problems for alert persistence and alert history if the Comment field became longer than corresponding database field could handle. For this enhancement, the order of the comments has been reversed so that new comments are added before existing contents in the Comments field. If the Maximum Characters Allowed in Comments Field is greater than 0 and a new comment is added to an alert, the content of the Comments field will be trimmed by removing characters from the end of the contents if necessary to stay under the limit. By default, this feature is disabled and the Comments field will grow unbounded as new comments are added. To enable the limit, set the Maximum Characters Allowed in Comments Field in the Alerts tab of the Application Options dialog to a value greater than 0. You can set it using the following property: sl.rtview.alert.commentlimit This comment limit is be available via a data attachment to alert-commentlimit to facilitate building a UI that will prevent users to enter comments longer than this limit. Note that the UI text entry limit should be set to 100 characters less than the comment limit in order to account for the time stamp, user name and hard returns between comments. Persisted alerts with comments from a previous versions will have mixed order on the Comments contents. It will be oldest->newest for persisted comments, then newest->oldest for new comments added in this and later releases. Persisted comments from previous versions that have been persisted and are longer than the specified Maximum Characters Allowed in Comments Field will be trimmed on startup.


20664: New option to exit if alert persistence is enabled but database table is unavailable

The Alert data source has been enhanced with a new property: sl.rtview.alert.exitOnPersistInitFailed This property controls what happens when alert persistence is enabled but cannot be initialized due to a database problem or configuration issue. When exitOnPersistInitFailed is set to false (default), RTView will initialize the alerts with persistence disabled. This is the behavior in previous releases. When exitOnPersistInitFailed is set to true, RTView will exit after the persistence initialization has failed without initializing the alerts.


19854: Email command no longer garbles Japanese chars in name of attached file

The Send Email command no longer garbles Japanese and other non-ascii characters in the names of files attached to an email.

Data Historian

20019: Compaction smoothing no longer sets incorrect "run after" date

Previously, the smooth compaction option caused an an incorrect "run after" date to be set for further compaction. This could result in a small portion of data not being compacted. This has been fixed.

20067: Data retention (purging) now correctly performed after compaction/smoothing

Previously, database retention logic was incorrectly postponed after smoothing/compaction had taken place on a table. This could result in the retention of more data than specified in historian configuration. This has been fixed.

20159: Sync up data from the history cache when historian starts

The Historian supports a new option named persistInitTimeRange which affects the cache persistence feature. Normally, when the cache persistence feature is enabled in the historian, the historian begins collecting cache history data starting at the time when each data server connects. This is adequate in most situations. The persistInitTimeRange option can be used to specify a time range, in seconds, back from the current time that the historian should get cache history data from the data server. This can be useful if the historian is started sometime after the data server, so the data server has collected cache history that hasn't been sent to the historian. For example, if the data server was started an hour before the historian, then the historian could be started as follows, so that it will request an hour of cache history from the data server: run_historian -persistCaches:true -persistInitTimeRange:3600

20187: Option to perform compaction for a time range prior to "now"

An option was added to the Historian to allow for the smoothing process to only go back as far as a specified range in the form: -smoothCompactionRecent:NN Where NN is '1d' or '1w'

20254: Retention-only compaction now executed correctly

Previously the historian would fail to run compaction if the Compaction Rules consisted of a single rule that only specified a duration of Raw data (-). This has been fixed.

20637: New option to limit length of strings from cache table stored in db

The historian has been enhanced to support a limit on the length of a string from a cache table column that it will store in the database. If a string is longer than the specified limit, it will be truncated to the limit before it is stored in the database table. This can avoid SQL exceptions encountered when the length of a string exceeds the capacity of the column's data type (for example, 4000 characters in an VARCHAR2 column in Oracle). The limit is specified by a new property named stringColMaxLen. This can be specified in HISTORY.ini as follows: stringColMaxLen 3500 It can also be specified on the command line or a properties file. By default the property has no value, so no limit is enforced.

Data Server

20596: Fixed duplication in connection error messages

A bug has been fixed which caused duplication of log messages when a client lost its connection to a data server.

Data Sources

19563: -sqltryodbc:false is now the default RTView behavior

By default, the SQL data source will no longer attempt to make an ODBC connection to XYZ if an sql query or command is executed that references a database XYZ but there is no definition of XYZ in OPTIONS.ini. Instead the following error message will appear in the console: Undefined SQL database XYZ To force the SQL data source to attempt an ODBC connection when an undefined database is referenced as in prior releases, specify the following command-line options: -sqltryodbc:true The option can also be specified in OPTIONS.ini: sqltryodbc true or in a properties file: sl.rtview.sql.sqltryodbc=true Note that RTView will still make an ODBC connection to database XYZ if it appears in OPTIONS.ini with the odbc driver specified, regardless of the -sqltrodbc option. However, note that the ODBC driver is not supported in Java 1.8 or newer. If an ODBC connection is attempted in java 1.8 or newer, the following error messages will appear in the console: ClassNotFoundException: sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver (ODBC driver is not available in Java 1.8 or newer) Unable to connect to database <XYZ>: No suitable driver found for jdbc:odbc:XYZ

19928: ODBC option removed from Builder and Historian GUI

The checkbox labeled "Use ODBC Driver" has been removed from the SQL Add Database dialog in the Builder and also from the Database Options panel of the Historian UI. This change was made because the JdbcOdbc driver is no longer supported by Oracle beginning in Java 1.8 and in earlier releases it was not intended for production use. If an existing OPTIONS.ini or HISTORY.ini file contains a database connection that was saved with the "Use ODBC Driver" box checked, those connections will still work in this release if run with java < 1.8. In the new UI, such entries will now show: JDBC Driver Class Name : sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver JDBC Database URL : jdbc:odbc:<dbname> ... rather than showing the checked "Use ODBC Driver" box. But, if run with java 1.8 or newer, the following error will appear in the console for each database that is configured to use ODBC: ClassNotFoundException: sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver (ODBC driver is not available in Java 1.8 or newer)

20191: Prevent data with timestamp < historyTimeSpan from going to history

In prior releases, a row with a timestamp older than a cache's historyTimeSpan could be added to the cache's history table and would not be removed until the next update. In this release this has been fixed so that such a row is not added to the history table in the first place.

Display Server

18024: Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBounds on Grid containing more than 1 icon type

In prior releases, the display server threw an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception if a display was opened containing an object grid configured with more than one icon per item, and the display was not rendered in the thin client. This is fixed.

20237: Touchscreen PCs no longer display thin client in tablet mode

In prior releases, if the thin client was opened in a browser on a PC with a touchscreen, items would be missing from in the right-click context menu. The missing items includied the Drill Down, Execute Command, and Export Table to Excel items, plus any custom menu items. This is fixed.

20582: Enable mouse cursor to change appearance when hovering over composites

If a composite object has its drilldownTarget set, then in the thin client the "hand" cursor will appear when the mouse is over the composite. This is consistent with the behavior of other objects that have a drilldownTarget.

20621: Fixed: obj_rect_il may not draw in comp grid if webLabelFlag=1

A bug in the thin client has been fixed that sometimes caused objects with the webLabelFlag property checked to not to be drawn if the objects were in a composite display inside an object grid instance.

20623: Table no longer fails to populate when cellsperpage is smaller than visible cells

A bug in the display server has been fixed which sometimes caused table cells in the thin client to always contain "..." if the cellsperpage property was set. Typically this occurred if the cellsperpage value was small (in the range of 1000 to 2000) and a table with many columns was opened. It was unlikely to occur with a typical cellsperpage value of 10000 or more. The problem is fixed for all cellsperpage values. As before, a value less than 1000 is ignored.

Object Library

20142: Fixed minor usability problems with tree/accordion control

The following minor problems with the tree and accordion control object are fixed: 1 The initialExpandDepth property is now only applied to new branches. Previously, on a tree control with valueTableType = Row-node the initialExpandDepth was improperly reapplied on each update to the tree, reopening any existing branches that the user may have closed. 2. In the thin client, the labels on accordion buttons are now aligned properly: Parent (non-leaf) node labels are left aligned, and leaf node labels are center aligned. This is consistent with the accordion in the builder/viewer. Previously, parent node labels were center aligned in the thin client, which was incorrect. 3. On a tree control In the thin client, a click on the +/- icon now opens/closes the tree branch as expected but it no longer selects the node or triggers the tree control's command. This is now consistent with the tree control behavior in the viewer. 4. On an accordion control In the thin client in most browsers, a click on a left/down arrow icon now opens/closes the branch as expected but it no longer activates the accordion button or triggers the accordion control's command. However, in IE version 8 or older, and in the viewer, the accordion button is still activated and the control's command is executed.


20052: Tibco Spotfire reports added for Engine Metrics

An example Tibco Spotfire dashboard is available to run for both MySQL and Oracle SQL databases. The dashboard can report on historical data for BW Engine Metrics and can be run using Tibco Spotfire Desktop version 7.0. The dashboards and associated SQL custom query text files are located in the rtvapm/bwmon/projects/reports/Spotfire directory. They include: bw_engines_mysql.dxp (for MySQL) bw_engines_mysql.txt bw_engines_sql.dsp (for Oracle SQL) bw_engines_sql.txt For more information, please refer to the User Guide.


19952: Solaris 10 Script change not always executed

On Solaris 10 systems the rtvapm_init.sh script modifies other scripts in common/bin to use the bash shell. Under certain conditions this operation was not executed. This has been fixed.


20020: Prevent Hawkmon from filtering out blank Processor fields

Under some conditions Hawkmon would fail to correctly identify Hawk agents, which could then affect other parts of the product such as Servers in BWmon. This occurred if the Hawk data contained a blank value for the getCpuInfo Processor field . This has been corrected.

Solution Package


20581: Adjusted margins for tables in Hawk displays

Cosmetics (margins around tables and fields) have been adjusted for the Hawk Agent Table and Hawk Alert Table for the sake of consistency with other displays. No functional changes were made to these displays.

20624: Added buffer to HawkAgents cache to prevent missed updates

In previous versions where multiple sender dataservers forwarded copies of their HawkAgents cache to a single receiving dataserver (ie, remote collectors with a central aggregator), it was possible that the receiver could drop updates. This has been corrected by adding row buffering to the receiver.

20646: Expiration removed from the HawkAgent cache

Rows in the HawkAgents cache only update when asynchronous events like hawk alerts or onAgentAlive/onAgentExpired are received, so it is normal for rows to not update for lengthy periods. Hence, the Expired column has been removed from the HawkAgents cache and associated tabular display.

Version 6.2.0 Release Notes

BW Monitor Microagent

19802: BW versions no longer read incorrectly on certain BW servers

In certain cases the BW Monitor Servers data would include the incorrect BW Version, i.e., when there are additional BusinessWorks plugins installed in the BW server. This has been fixed.


19462: Update in the TRA microagent set to 300 seconds

The RTView plugin microagent for BW Monitor has an update setting which will cause it to re-read the Tibco deployment files on the specified period. This enables it to find engines that have been newly deployed or undeployed. The default update setting is now 300 seconds (5 minutes) and may be changed by editing the line "<arg>-update:300</arg>" in $TIBCO_HOME/tra/domain/<name>/plugin/BWAgentPlugin.hma.

Data Historian

19368: 'Active' column in bw_process cache reverted back to type long

In EM 1.4.2 the data type for the ‘Active’ field in the bw_process cache changed from a type of long to integer. This may have caused problems reading from database tables defined with a column type of BIGINT for ‘Active’. This change has been reverted so that ‘Active’ is again a type of long.


19816: Corrected failure to obtain server data on Solaris

Previously BW Monitor could not obtain BW Server data from a BW Server/hawk Agent running on Solaris. This has been corrected.


19215: All Engines table Clear button fixed

The BW Monitor All BW Engines Table has a text field for filtering on the Engine Name and an associated Clear button to clear the text field and return to the full display. In the thin client this button did not correctly clear the text field. This has been fixed. Also a checkbox labeled "Regex" has been added. This will select whether the string entered in the text box is interpreted as a simple wildcard expression or a full Regular Expression.

19296: Enhance discovery of BWSE engines

The BW Monitor can be configured to discover BW Engines running as BWSE components of an AMX service implementation. The engines must be configured with HawkEnabled=true. To enable the discovery of BWSE engines you may edit rtview.properties and uncomment two lines, or copy those lines to your own properties file. The lines are: collector.sl.rtview.hawk.enablematable true collector.sl.rtview.cache.config=bw_engine_microagents.rtv

19306: Provide process data subset; add all engines all processes display

BW Monitor has been enhanced with an alternative All BW Processes table, which can be enabled to replace the default table (or be used in addition to it) by editing the bwmon_navtree.xml file. This table has the option to display all BW Processes across all BW Engines and BW Servers but with a subset of table columns. The column subset used in the table is specified by the $bwprocessColumnSubset property in rtview.properties, e.g. sl.rtview.sub=$bwprocessColumnSubset:'Active;Created;Completed;AverageExecution;'

19313: Add Active Processes to engine table and heatmap.

The BW Monitor All Engines table and heatmap have been enhanced with the addition of the metric Active Processes. This per-engine value is distinct from Running Processes in that it is calculated by BW Monitor each update using data returned by the Hawk GetProcesses method.

19566: CPU% utilization no longer rounded to zero if ess than 1

BWMON 6.1 was modified to use EM's hawkmon solution package to collect host and process metrics. In the case of process CPU utilization (as displayed in BWMON's all engines table), hawkmon used the integer CPU utilization directly from hawk, whereas earlier versions of BWMON calculated %CPU from the CPU Time metric.The result is that BWMON 6.1 displayed zero % CPU when the actual percentage was less than 0.5, whereas older BWMON versions displayed a fraction. Hawkmon has been updated to calculate % CPU the same way previous versions of bwmon did, so the older behavior is now present in newer releases of bwmon.


19621: Sorting consistency improved on BW Table displays

The BWmon Server and Process tables are now sorted initially by the item they display, like the Engines table. The order of Activities in the table is left as it comes from the source.

19851: Flashing "expired" status fixed

Under some conditions in a multi-dataserver environment, a BW Server that was expired would cycle between expired and unexpired in the displays. This has been corrected.


19324: Reduce amount of process data sent by the sender data server

BW Monitor has been enhanced with the ability to limit the amount of BW Process data sent by the BW Monitor data server in sender mode. The user may specify a subset of the available Process table columns to be sent via a new property in rtview.properties, e.g. sl.rtview.sub=$bwprocessColumnSubset:'Active;Created;Completed;AverageExecution;' In addition an alternative sender file must be selected as per the instructions in rtview;properties: # # Sender functions # sender.sl.rtview.cache.config=bw_rtvagent_sender.rtv # # Sender functions for process table subset # (Comment out the line above and uncomment the one below) # #sender.sl.rtview.cache.config=bw_rtvagent_sender_subset.rtv

19809: BW Process history table now disabled by default

By default BW Monitor will no longer save historical BW Process data to the database. To enable the collection of historical BW Process data find the following section in rtvapm.bwmon.properties and proceed as indicated. ########################## # HISTORIAN PROPERTIES # # By default we disable collection of historical data for Processes. # sl.rtview.sub=$BW_PROCESSES_TABLE:'' sl.rtview.sub=$BW_ACTIVITY_TOTALS_TABLE:'' # # To enable this, copy the following two lines into your local properties and uncomment them: # #sl.rtview.sub=$BW_PROCESSES_TABLE:BW_PROCESSES #sl.rtview.sub=$BW_ACTIVITY_TOTALS_TABLE:BW_ACTIVITY_TOTALS

RTView Core Functionality

Builder - Editing

19879: Fixed NPE when deleting local var with same name as global

A bug has been fixed in the Builder which caused a NullPointerException to be thrown if a local variable was deleted and the local variable had the same name as a global variable.

Data Historian

19469: Avoid removal of all batch data when some data is wrong.

The historian will no longer discard all rows in a batch if a SQL exception is thrown during an row insert. Instead it will catch the exception and continue with the other row inserts in the batch and commit all of the successful inserts at the end of the batch.

19786: smoothCompaction no longer throws NPE when there are no compaction rules

Previously a NPE was thrown when -smoothcompaction was used with a cache with a compaction type of "aggregate" but with no compaction rules. Now this scenario fails silently.

19915: Simple retention now applied only to tables without compaction rules

If a cache history table that was persisted by the historian had no compaction rules, then the simple retention time limit was applied to ALL tables persisted by the historian. This was incorrect. The simple retention limit will now only be applied to tables without compaction rules.

Data Sources

19977: New onData Length column

The TIBCO Hawk data source has been enhanced to include a new onData Length column in the RTViewDs GetSubscriptionStatus method. This column contains the amount of time, in milliseconds, that the last onData call took to process the subscription data.

Display Server

19880: Fixed unstable dropdown list in FF & Chrome

In prior versions of the thin client, on each display refresh the dropdown list of the combo box control would scroll and the highlighted list item would change, even if the refresh did not change the items in the list. This behavior could make it difficult to use the dropdown list. This problem has been fixed. Note that this problem affected the thin client in Firefox and Chrome, but not Internet Explorer.


19933: rtvquery default time range for current table changed from 30s to ALL

The rtvquery servlet will no longer apply a default time range of 30 seconds to queries on the current table of a cache. Instead, it will apply a default time range of zero, which will return all rows from the current table regardless of their timestamp. A default of 30 seconds will still be applied to all queries on cache history tables. Note that the time range, in seconds, can be specified with the tr parameter in the URL. For example, this query will return the last 10 minutes of history data from a cache named Servers: http://host:port/rtvquery/cache/Servers/history?tr=600

Object Library

19861: Support HTML label object in the thin client

A number of simple RTView graphical objects have been enhanced to allow them to be rendered as HTML elements in a thin client deployment, rather than rendered in the image generated by the Display Server. This enhancement can improve system performance in some cases and also allows the user to copy text strings in the objects to the clipboard. Most of the objects affected by this enhancement are found on the General tab and Labels tab in the Builder's object palette. The enhanced objects are: obj_rect obj_rect_il obj_rect_ilv obj_rect_ilvs obj_rect_ilvx_da3 obj_rect_ilvx_ra4 obj_circ2d obj_circ2d_il obj_circ2d_ilv obj_circ2d_ilvs obj_circ2d_ilvx_da3 obj_circ2d_ilvx_ra4 obj_label05 obj_label05s obj_label11 obj_label11s obj_text01 obj_c1btn_chk These objects now support a new a new property named webLabelFlag. In a display server deployment, if webLabelFlag is true (checked) then the object will be rendered as HTML in the thin client, rather than rendered in the image by the display server. This allows the display server to update the individual object, if necessary, when the display is refreshed, rather than regenerating the entire display image. If all of the dynamic objects on a display can be rendered as HTML, this can improve the performance of the display server and thin client. The list of objects that can be rendered as HTML now includes all the objects listed above, all objects on the Controls tab in the object palette (obj_c1*), the table object (obj_table02), and the trend chart (obj_fxtrend). Another advantage of setting webLabelFlag on an object is that it allows the user to select the object's text and copy it to the clipboard. By default webLabelFlag is false (unchecked). The webLabelFlag property is listed in the "Label" category in the Builder's property sheet. The webLabelFlag can be set on all of the objects listed above via the following entry in an rtview stylesheet (.rts) file: rtv-all { webLabelFlag: 1; } In certain cases, an object included in the list above will still be rendered in the image by the display server even if webLabelFlag = true. These cases are: - the display is opened in Internet Explorer 8 or older. - the display server is run with the -nohtml5 option on the command-line. - an obj_text01 instance with rotated text (a nonzero value for rotationAngle). - an obj_rect* with labelTextPosY = Tab Top - an obj_rect* with labelTextPosY= Title Top and bgBorderFlag = true - an obj_label* with bgStyle = Round Rectangle - the object is inside an object grid, and is not inside a composite object in that grid - the object is an obj_rect* and there is a non-html object above it in Z-order which overlaps (for example, an obj_rect instance used as a background behind several meter objects) In other cases, an object may have a slightly different appearance in the thin client when it is rendered as HTML, as follows: - only vertical and horizontal gradients are supported on HTML objects in the thin client, so if an object has its bgGradientMode property set to "Diagonal Edge" or "Diagonal Center" it is treated as "Vertical Edge" instead. - the object's bgShadowFlag property is ignored Note that the webLabelFlag property has no effect in the builder or viewer (thick client).

19934: New property to limit size of label area

The status history object (obj_statushistory) supports a new property named barLabelMaxLengthPct. This can be used to specify the maximum length for each bar label as a percentage of the plot area width. The default is zero which means no limit is applied to the label length. If a positive value is specified for both the barLabelMaxLength and barLabelMaxLengthPct properties, then the smaller length limit of the two will be used.

19935: Newlines now supported in mouseover

The status history chart (obj_statushistory) will now properly convert a backslash-n sequence into a newline when displaying the mouseover (tooltip) string. This string is acquired from the column specified by the chart's descriptionColumnName property.

19938: HTML5 obj_trendgraph02 no longer ignores data table with 1 column

A problem in the display server has been fixed which prevented an obj_trendgraph02 instance with webChartFlag = 1 from plotting any data points on trace N if traceNValue was attached to a table containing a single numeric column.


19939: obj_trendgraph02 using HTML 5 can now be exported to PDF

A problem has been fixed which prevented an obj_trendgraph02 instance with webChartFlag = 1 from being included in the output of the thin client's "Export to PDF" option.


19850: Default server expiration time raised to 300 seconds

The default value for $bwserverExpirationTime has been raised to 300 (seconds), so as to be less sensitive to network delays, variance in system clocks, etc. To change this value copy the following line into your local properties and edit it: sl.rtview.sub=$bwserverExpirationTime:300

Version 6.1.0 Release Notes


18406: Integrate new EM alert notifier

Alert notifications in BW Monitor have been enhanced to support easier integration with EM. In order to support this, the previously supported notifications properties are no longer being used. See the upgrade notes section below if you have modified or overridden the values for any of the notification properties. The following properties are defined in rtvapm.properties for notifications: sl.rtview.alert.notifierenabled - Set to true to enable alert notifications. This defaults to true. To disable alert notifications, set this to false. sl.rtview.alert.notifiercommandnew - Set this to the command to execute when a new alert is generated. This defaults to executing the my_alert_actions.bat. To execute my_alert_actions.sh, set the following: sl.rtview.cmd_line=-sub:$scriptEnding:sh. To execute a different script with the same arguments, set the following (where my_script is the name of your script): sl.rtview.cmd_line=-sub:$alertActionScript:my_script sl.rtview.alert.notifiercommandsevincrease - Set this to the command to execute the first time an alert changes severity. The default for this is the same as the sl.rtview.alert.notifiercommandnew. sl.rtview.alert.notifiercommandcleared - Set this to the command to execute the when an alert is cleared. By default, no command is configured. To execute a script, copy the notifiercommandnew line and replace $alertActionScript with the name of the script you want to execute. To execute a custom java command, see the example in common\conf\custom_handlers.properties. sl.rtview.alert.notifiercommandchanged - Set this to the command to execute when a column in the alert table changes. To execute a script, copy the notifiercommandnew line and replace $alertActionScript with the name of the script you want to execute. To execute a custom java command, see the example in common\conf\custom_handlers.properties. This must be used in conjunction with the sl.rtview.alert.notifiercolumns property sl.rtview.notifiercolumns - Set this to the name of one or more columns to execute the sl.rtview.alert.notifiercommandchanged notification when they change. For multiple columns, use a semi-colon delimited list. Note that this should be limited to the minimum number of necessary columns, preferably less than 5, as a large number of columns increases the persistence load on the central alert server. You may alternatively execute a custom java command instead of a script for alert notifications. An example of this is provided under RTVAPM_HOME\bwmon\sample\custom. To use the sample custom code, you must build it and add the custom package and jar to your application: 1. Run RTVAPM_HOME\bwmon\sample\custom\make_classes.bat. This will build the custom handlers and output them in RTVAPM_HOME\bwmon\sample\custom\lib\rtvapm_custom.jar. 2. Modify common\conf\custom_handlers.properties to uncomment the sl.rtview.alert. notifiercommandnew line. Also, modify the sl.rtview.cp line to %RTVAPM_HOME%/bwmon/sample/custom/lib/rtvapm_custom.jar. You can optionally uncomment the sl.rtview.alert.notifiercommandsevincrease, sl.rtview.alert.notifiercommandcleared, sl.rtview.alert.notifiercommandchanged and sl.rtview.alert.notifiercolumns lines if you want those additional notifications to execute your custom java command notification. 3. When you run the data server, add the following to the command line: -properties:%RTVAPM_HOME%/common/conf/custom_handlers Upgrade Information The following properties from rtvapm\common\conf\rtvapm.properties have been removed or replaced. If you have modified any of these properties in rtvapm\common\conf\rtvapm.properties or overridden them in your properties file, you will need to make the following modifications. sl.rtview.alert.alertcommand - use sl.rtview.notifiercommandnew instead. Also set the same value on the sl.rtview.notifiercommandfirstsevchange property if you want to receive a notification the first time the severity changes on an alert. If you do not want to receive notifications the first time the severity changes on an alert, set sl.rtview.notifiercommandfirstsevchange to a blank value. sl.rtview.alert.renotificationmode - This property is no longer supported. sl.rtview.alert.renotifyonsevchangedmode - This property is no longer supported. This property previously defaulted to 1. If you set it to 0, set the sl.rtview.notifiercommandfirstsevchange to a blank value. If you set it to 1, set the sl.rtview.alert.notifiercommandchanged to the same value as sl.rtview.notifiercommandnew and set the sl.rtview.alert.notifiercolumns property to Severity. With this configuration, you will get a notification each time the Severity changes. If you only want to act on increases, add logic to support this to your script or custom command code. sl.rtview.alert.renotficationcommand - This property is no longer supported. sl.rtview.alert.commentcommand - This property is no longer supported. To receive notifications when the comment changes, set the sl.rtview.alert.notifiercommandchanged to the value you previously used for the commentcommand property. Set the sl.rtview.alert.notifiercolumns property to Comments. sl.rtview.alert.alertclearedcommand - This property is no longer supported. Use the sl.rtview.alert.notifiercommandcleared property instead.

19169: BWM will show duplicates of Hawk alerts

BW Monitor Solution Package (1.4.0) was showing duplicate entries for in the alerts table for Hawk alerts. This has been corrected.

BW Monitor Microagent

19073: Periodic update now disabled by default

In the BWAgentPlugin.hma file the argument -update is now commented out. This allows it to take its default value of 0, which disables the periodic update of the deployment data by the BWAgentPlugin microagent. If the argument is uncommented and given a nonzero value (seconds) the microagent wil update its deployment data on that interval.


18717: Engines that are deployed but not active are now shown

If a BW server had engines deployed but none were active, BW Monitor would show no engines at all for that server. This has been corrected.

Platform Support

17315: Support for BWSE (ActiveMatrix)

BW Monitor can now display BW Engines running as BWSE components in an ActiveMatrix environment. See the documentation for instructions on configuring BW Monitor appropriately. Limitations: (1) JVM memory metrics will be available for BWSE components running in AMX 3.x environments only. (2) The BW Version column in the Engines table will be blank for BWSE components. (3) The Deployment column in the Engines table will be UNKNOWN for BWSE components. The AMX environment controls in which node or nodes a BWSE component is running so the concept of "deployment" in traditional BusinessWorks does not apply. (4) Likewise, BWSE components will only appear in the Engines table when they are running in a node.


18622: Fixed incorrect engine data with two domains on same server

Previously BW Monitor would return an incorrect list of deployments if a user was querying multiple domains on the same server. The list returned would show each domain as having the deployments of both domains. This problem did not occur if the user queried each domain separately. This has been fixed, so that now the list returned will show the correct deployments for each domain.

18821: Deployed Engines and Active Engines added to All Servers pages

The columns Deployed Engines and Active Engines have been added to the All Servers Table and Heatmap displays. In the Heatmap these metrics may be selected in the dropdown list and seen in the mouseover tooltip.

19120: Server process summary pages disabled by default

The BW Monitor Server Processes and Server Process Summary pages are not enabled by default, because (due to limitations in Tibco Hawk) the data they display is not available from IBM AIX or HP-UX servers. To enable these displays, edit bwmon_navtree.xml in the project directory and uncomment the following two lines, then restart BW Monitor. <!-- <node label="Server Processes" display="bw_server_processes"/> --> <!-- <node label="Server Process Summary" display="bw_server_process_summary"/> -->

Version 6.0.0 Release Notes


18312: Agent deployments have been optimized

In a sender-receiver dataserver deployment, the communication between sender and receiver has been improved to be more efficient.


18177: Support global alert notification definitions

Alert notification is now user-configurable via properties. The defaults are: - The alert command is my_alert_script.bat. - The alert command executes for new alerts and on the first severity change. To configure notification, you no longer need to modify the .rtv files, just set properties and customize the alert handler script to your needs. - (Windows) To use my_alert_actions.bat, copy it from common\bin to your project directory and modify the end of the script to do the appropriate action. - (Linux) To use my_alert_actions.sh, copy it from common\bin to your project directory and modify the end of the script to do the appropriate action. Add your project directory to the start of your path environment variable, or add "./" to your $alertActionScript in conf/rtvapm_oramon.properties as follows. sl.rtview.cmd_line=-sub:$alertActionScript:./my_alert_actions Also, add this to your properties file: sl.rtview.cmd_line=-sub:$scriptEnding:sh - To use a different script, add it your project directory and add the following to your properties file: sl.rtview.cmd_line=-sub:$alertActionScript:my_custom_script where "my_custom_script" is the name of your script. If it does not use the .bat extension, also add the following to your properties file: sl.rtview.cmd_line=-sub:$scriptEnding:XX where "XX" is the extension for your script. - To use a different command, add the following property to your properties file: sl.rtview.alertCommand=XX where XX is the command to execute. This can be any RTView command string. See the documentation for the alertCommand property on any of the alerts for more information on this. There are also several properties that the user can now set that were not previously documented. You can get more info on these from the alert documentation on the Global Notifications app option tab. At the time this rn was written, the global notifications hadn't been added to the docs yet, but the concepts can be found in Alerts->Alert Types->Limits in the descriptions for these properties: reNotificationMode, reNotificationTime, reNotifyOnSevChangedMode, reNotificationCommand, alertClearedCommand, commentAddedCommand. sl.rtview.alert.renotificationmode sl.rtview.alert.renotificationtime sl.rtview.alert.renotifyonsevchangedmode sl.rtview.alert.renotficationcommand sl.rtview.alert.commentcommand sl.rtview.alert.alertclearedcommand

18253: Custom handler and custom alert command added to sample project

BW Monitor has been enhanced with an optional custom package that lets you define custom functions and commands. The custom package code is in %RTVAPM_HOME%\bwmon\projects\sample\custom\src\com\sl\rtvapm\custom. To build the custom package classes, run %RTVAPM_HOME%\bwmon\projects\sample\custom\src\make_classes.bat. This will build the classes and output them in %RTVAPM_HOME%\bwmon\projects\sample\custom\lib\rtvapm_custom.jar. You may modify the custom function handler, RtvApmFunctionHandler.java, to implement custom functions for use in custom displays. The custom function handler api is described in the RTView Classic documentation under Customization->Custom Functions and Customization->Customization API. You may modify the custom command handler, RtvApmCommandHandler.java, to implement custom commands for use in custom displays or as alert notification commands. The custom command handler api is described in the RTView Classic documentation under Customization->Custom Commands and Customization->Customization API. To enable these classes, include %RTVAPM_HOME%\common\conf\custom_handlers.properties in your command line: -properties:%RTVAPM_HOME%/common/conf/custom_handlers The RtvApmCommandHandler class contains a sample alert notification command named my_alert_command. You can use this example as a starting place to implement your own custom alert notification command. To use the my_alert_command custom command for alert notifications, uncomment the sl.rtview.alert.alertcommand line in %RTVAPM_HOME%\common\conf\custom_handlers.properties.

BW Monitor Microagent

17986: Microagent discovery now catches deployments with added fields

The RTView microagent expects domains listed in the file <tibco-home>/tra/domain/DomaonHomes.properties to contain information of the format: <domain-name>.TIBCO_TRA_DOMAIN_HOME=<tibco-home>/tra/domain In some deployment configurations, additional information may be in these lines between the domain name and TIBCO_TRA_DOMAIN_HOME. This will cause the microagent to fail in the discovery of deployment information and will cause all engines that are running to be indicated as status LIMITED and those that are not running will not appear at all. The BWM RTVIew microagent has been enhanced to properly discover deployment information with these types of deployments.

17991: Corrected Max Heap overflow when > 2GB

On 64-bit systems the BW Microagent could return incorrect values for BW engine Max Heap Size. These values would cause other memory metrics to be incorrect. This has been corrected.


18130: Create scripts to manage multiple configurations of servers

RTView has been enhanced with the addition of commands to start, stop, and get the status of multiple processes (servers and clients) that are managed together. For any type of deployment there is a set of RTView processes to manage; we will refer to this set of processes as a ?configuration?. Configurations are specified in a simple text file in your project settings directory named rtvservers.dat. (See note about project settings directories below.) Here is an example file: default . dataserver rundata default . historian runhist -ds default . displayserver rundisp -ds default . database rundb Each line has four fields: ? The configuration name (?default? in this case). This may be any name you choose. ? The location of the project settings directory, relative to the location of the rtvservers.dat file (?.?, or current directory, in this case) ? The property filter which identifies the server (specifically, the property filter under which the server?s JMX port is defined). By default this is the server name: dataserver, displayserver, historian, etc. ? The command line used to start the process. Typically you will use one of the following commands: Command Process started rundata Data Server runhist Historian rundisp Display Server rundb Database (HSQLDB) runv Viewer The command line may include additional arguments such as -properties and ?propfilter. *NOTE: the commands listed above may also be used directly in a command prompt or shell window. On Windows you may type the commands as shown; on Unix systems you must add .sh to each command, e.g. rundata.sh, runv.sh, etc. *NOTE: you may write the paths using forward-slash notation on both Windows and Unix systems. For example if your project settings directory were located in a sub-directory below the location of your rtvservers.dat file, you would write the path as ./subdirectory on both Windows and Unix. The above example is for a web application deployment. In the case of a desktop deployment you would not start the Display Server, and you would start the Viewer desktop application; in this case the rtvservers.dat file could look like this: default . dataserver rundata default . historian runhist -ds default . viewer runv -ds default . database rundb Here are the three commands that, together with the rtvservers.dat file, enable you to manage your configurations: Command Description start_rtv Starts servers and clients using the run command line stop_rtv Stops servers and clients using their defined JMX ports status_rtv Displays status of servers and clients using their defined JMX ports *NOTE: On Windows you may type the commands as shown; on Unix systems you must add .sh to each command, e.g. start_rtv.sh, stop_rtv.sh, etc. Each command used without arguments will give a usage message and list the available configurations: > start_rtv Usage: start_rtv config [server] or 'all' Available configs: default As indicated, each command may take: ? the name of a configuration, in which case the action will apply to all the servers or clients specified in the configuration ? the keyword all, in which case the action will apply to all configurations in the file ? the name of a configuration followed by the name of a server, in which case the action will apply only to that server (or client) as specified in the configuration In addition the start_rtv command may take: ? an optional argument ?console (or ?c). Normally the processes are started without a command window (on Windows) or standard output to the console (Unix); this argument changes this behavior and is useful for testing. ? Other optional arguments to be included in the run command line. *NOTE: On Windows the HSQLDB server (if used) will always run with a command window and cannot be stopped via the stop_rtv command. You may stop it by typing ctrl-C in its command window. Here are some examples using the default configuration. *NOTE: since there is only one configuration in the default file, the following commands could specify all as well as default for the configuration. > start_rtv default Start default: dataserver: Executing rundata -bg displayserver: Executing rundisp -ds -bg historian: Executing runhist -ds -bg database: Executing start/min rundb > status_rtv default Status default: dataserver: Running PID 4696 Uptime 000:00:01:47 CPU 00:00:02 Heap 0.7% Clients 2 displayserver: Running PID 6340 Uptime 000:00:01:45 CPU 00:00:01 Heap 1.0% Displays 0 historian: Running PID 6108 Uptime 000:00:01:42 CPU 00:00:01 Heap 1.3% Connected true database: Running PID 6848 Uptime 000:00:01:39 CPU 00:00:00 Heap 0.4% Note the Data Server reports two clients: those are the Display Server and Historian, both of which were started with the ?ds argument, telling them to connect to the Data Server. Note also the Historian reports it is connected to the database > stop_rtv default dataserver Stop default: dataserver: Stopped PID 4696 via JMX port 3368 > status_rtv default Status default: dataserver: Running PID 6256 Uptime 000:00:00:37 CPU 00:00:01 Heap 1.3% Clients 1 displayserver: Running PID 2216 Uptime 000:00:02:48 CPU 00:00:00 Heap 1.1% Displays 0 historian: Stopped database: Running PID 6848 Uptime 000:00:10:57 CPU 00:00:00 Heap 0.6% Note that with the Historian stopped, the Data Server has only one client. > start_rtv default Start default: historian: Executing runhist -ds -bg Note the start_rtv command only tries to start processes it determines to be stopped. The status_rtv command will report if a configured port is in use but the process using it does not appear to belong to RTView: dataserver: Data port xxx in use by PID yyy displayserver: JMX port xxx in use by PID yyy If no JMX port is configured the stop_rtv command will just report : dataserver: No JMX port configured; must kill PID xxx by system command. If the port is in use but the PID is not available (HP-UX, some Linux systems) then the stop_rtv and status_rtv command will report the PID as ?????, for example: dataserver: Running PID ??? Uptime 000:00:00:37 CPU 00:00:01 Heap 1.3% Clients 1 dataserver: Stopped PID ??? via JMX port 3368 Finally, please note the following. If multiple configurations are specified in the rtvservers.dat file with different locations for the project settings directory, the all argument will cause them all to be processed. However if they are specified with the same startup directory they are considered alternative configurations and only the first one will be processed. For example you might have two installed RTView monitors and want to start them both: bwmon ./bwmon dataserver rundata bwmon ./bwmon historian runhist -ds bwmon ./bwmon displayserver rundisp -ds bwmon2 ./bwmon2 dataserver rundata bwmon2 ./bwmon2 historian runhist -ds bwmon2 ./bwmon2 displayserver rundisp ?ds In this case the all argument would cause both configurations to be processed. On the other hand you might want to have alternative configurations for one RTView monitor, such as desktop deployment and browser deployment: desktop ./bwmon dataserver rundata desktop ./bwmon historian runhist -ds desktop ./bwmon viewer runv -ds browser ./bwmon dataserver rundata browser ./bwmon historian runhist -ds browser ./bwmon displayserver rundisp -ds In this case the all argument would cause only the first configuration to be processed. The second configuration could be processed by referring to it explicitly, e.g. start_rtv browser.

18319: Correct bad JOIN in BwServerNames cache, causing missing data

In cases where a Hawk agent has a deficient or missing Process microagent, bw monitor would fail to show any of the engines running on it, although it would show the processes and activities of those engines. This has been corrected; now if the Process:getProcess method does not return a matching PID for a given engine, it will display normally except its CPU % will display as "Not Available".

18320: Disabled RTVHISTORY and ALERTDEFS dbs for sender data servers

By default a dataserver will try to make connections for history and alert definitions to a local hsqldb database. In a sender-receiver deployment the receiver may need these connections but the sender does not, so they are now disabled by default in rtview.properties for propfilter "sender".

Data Historian

18153: Trend charts in BWMON now configured for history

BWMon trend graphs now show historical data properly.


18073: Remove HAWKOPTIONS.ini from distribution

The file HAWKOPTIONS.ini is obsolete and may be removed.

18473: Solaris Sparc support

The EM scripts use to start, stop, and run processes, would fail on Solaris 11 systems. This has been corrected. On Solaris 10 systems the scripts are not compatible with "sh" (which is a strict Bourne shell). As a workaround you can edit the scripts to specify a different shell. The shell "bash" is recommended, but if it is not available "ksh" may be used instead. Edit the following files in $RTVAPM_HOME/common/bin and change the first line from "#!/bin/sh" to "#!/bin/bash": rtvapm_common.sh rtvapm_ports.sh start_rtv.sh status_rtv.sh stop_rtv.sh unix_run_apm_builder.sh unix_run_apm_database.sh unix_run_apm_dataserver.sh unix_run_apm_displayserver.sh unix_run_apm_historian.sh unix_run_apm_viewer.sh


17735: Show Business Works Version in Engine Display

The All BW Servers table and All BW Engines table have been enhanced with the addition of a column showing the version of TIBCO BusinessWorks in use on each BW server.

18460: UPTIME value mismatch in displays

The values for BW Engine Uptime displayed in the All Engines table were incorrectly formatted, and were inconsistent with the (correct) values on the Engine Summary page. This has been fixed.


18327: Server Free Memory MB no longer reported as 0 for linux servers

The BW Monitor metric Server Free Memory MB would be reported as 0 if the Hawk Agent was running on UNIX. This has been corrected.

Version 5.9.0 Release Notes


17317: Alert definition and alert event handling.

Alert actions may be customized by editing the alert action script for the appropriate platform, by default my_alert_actions.(bat, sh) in the startup directory.


17512: New Property files mechanism

Properties in rtview.properties specific to BWMonitor. ############################# # HAWK DATA SOURCE PROPERTIES # # Configure Hawk poll intervals here # sl.rtview.sub=$bwserverPollInterval:30 sl.rtview.sub=$bwenginePollInterval:30 sl.rtview.sub=$bwprocessPollInterval:30 sl.rtview.sub=$bwactivityPollInterval:30 # # Hawk agents and agent groups may be configured by running the # Configuration Utility and modifying HAWKOPTIONS.ini, or here: # #sl.rtview.hawk.hawkconsole unixagent rvd domaintest 7474 ; tcp:7474 #sl.rtview.hawk.hawkconsole winagent rvd domaintest 7474 ; tcp:7474 #sl.rtview.hawk.agentGroup WIN_AGENTS winagent(winagent) #sl.rtview.hawk.agentGroup UNIX_AGENTS unixagent(unixagent)

Data Historian

17511: History now provided for all BW metrics

Each display which contains trend graphs has been enhanced so that users can set the time range to view any historical information that has been captured by the historian and stored in the historian database.


17069: Provide DB schemas for historian and alert properties

The example SQL scripts for BW Monitor (rtvapm\bwmon\dbconfig) have been updated.

17356: Components now available as Windows Services

The RTVAPM data server, display server, and historian may now be installed and uninstall run as Windows Services. To install and run a server as a service you will use properties to supply the service name and startup directory and then use the appropriate command to run the server with those properties. For example, to run a data server using "local.properties" as a service named "BWMONdataserver", put this in local.properties: installdata.sl.rtview.cmd_line=-install_service installdata.sl.rtview.cmd_line=-service:BWMONdataserver installdata.sl.rtview.cmd_line=-dir:%RTVAPM_STARTUP% uninstalldata.sl.rtview.cmd_line=-uninstall_service uninstalldata.sl.rtview.cmd_line=-service:BWMONdataserver Then you may install and run the dataserver, for example, with the command rundata -properties:local -propfilter:installdata Note the environment variable %RTVAPM_STARTUP% is set by the run scripts to the directory in which the script started up.


16863: Engines should no longer incorrectly indicate NO DATA status

In the engines tab the status of NO DATA would appear for some engines that actually have data available. This issue appears to be related to large numbers of active engines and high data volumes and has been addressed with improved data buffering.

16943: Incorrect CPU percentage with multi-processors addressed

In BW Monitor, the BW Engine table includes the column CPU %, defined as the percent of the server's total available CPU being used by the BW Engine O/S process. However the server's total available CPU is not actually available from BW, so BW Monitor approximates the value using elapsed time. This algorithm did not allow for the possibility that multiple processors (CPUs, cores, etc.) could be available to the BW Engine, so the CPU % value could on such systems become greater than 100%. This has been fixed.

16944: Provided CPU% usage on engine icon

BW Monitor now provides an indication on the BW engine icon to show percent CPU used by each engine.

17712: Combo boxes repositioned for easier reading

On the process and activity pages where there are selector combo boxes for processes and activities in addition to engines, the combo boxes have been repositioned so that the engine box is always able to be expanded (it being the longest name.)

17876: BWM enhanced to detect and report undeployed engines

BW Monitor has been enhanced to detect and report undeployed engines and to detect newly-deployed ones. To implement this, the BWAgentPlugin microagent will now look for undeployed or newly deployed engines on an update period which defaults to one hour. This period may be adjusted by editing BWAgentPlugin.hma and changing the value of the new "-update" argument. The value is in seconds. On each execution the microagent will check to see if the period specified by -update has passed, and if so it will update the deployment data. Note that the microagent will execute on an interval determined by the poll interval of the data attachments made to its methods; this is set by the substitution $bwenginePollInterval and defaults to 30 seconds.

17897: Process laels in the engine summary page renamed

On the Engine Summary Page, under Process Counts the label "Active" has been changed to Running, and in the trends the label Active Procs has been changed to Running Procs, to reflect the underlying BW metric, TotalRunningProcesses.


17092: Server name no longer truncated in displays if 20+ chars

The BW Monitor displays have been improved to allow for display of long server names. Specifically, the width of the server icon in the all servers grid view, and the width of the server drop-down listboxes has been increased, and tooltips displaying the complete names have been added to the server icon and all the selector drop-down listboxes.

17320: RTView for APM integration

BW Monitor has been integrated into the RTView for APM platform and its displays now follow the standards of that platform and also receive enhancements from it, including - navigation enhancements: navtree, back button - heatmaps with selectable metrics - alert indicators in tables - improved presentation of trend graphs In addition BW Monitor itself has been enhanced: - deltas and rate columns added for strategic data - totals caches added for selected activity and process data - improved server and engine grid objects with trends, etc. - improved summary pages with deltas, rates, averages

17332: Conformance with RTView for APM standards

The layout of objects in BW Monitor has been adjusted in various small ways to conform to the visual conventions of the RTView for APM suite.

17350: Provide indication when data updates stop

BW Monitor will now recognize that a BW Server has become unavailable or stopped sending data and will reflect this in the displays. After a user-configurable length of time with no data received, the server will be marked "expired", and (f desired) after another user-configurable length of time the server will be removed from the displays. The length of time before expiration and the length of time before deletion are specified via two new substitution variables: sub $bwServerExpirationTime:600 sub $bwServerExpirationTimeForDelete:3600 When a server is marked expired this is displayed as follows: 1. In the server grid and table displays the server's status is set to EXPIRED. In the grid display the server icon color changes and in the table the server's row is marked with different foreground/background colors. 2. In the server heatmap display the server's color changes. 3. All the engines belonging to that server are marked "Expired" and this is reflected in the engine table, grid and heatmap displays in the same manner as the server displays. 4. All process and activity data belonging to the expired engines are marked "Expired" and this is reflected in their displays in the same manner. 5. If a server is deleted then all engine, process, and activity data related to it are deleted as well.

17359: BW Monitor now resizes more effectively

The BW Monitor is now fully resizable. Where applicable, key display items will expand for greater readability as the application grows in size.

17690: Implememented auto-scale heatmaps

BWM heatmaps now provide auto-scale and log check boxes to automatically alter the selected metric color visualization.

17710: Added microagent filter name in the all engines table

The All Engines Tables Display has been enhanced with an "Engine Name Filter" text field which allows you to select engines based on name. You may enter any string which is present in the name of the engines you want to see. Wild card characters are supported. If you press the 'Clear' button, the text in the "Engine Name Filter:" is removed and all engines for the given Filter/Server selection are shown. In addition there is a "Show Active Only" checkbox which will hide, in the table, any engines whose status is not ACTIVE, and a "Count" field which shows the number of engines currently being displayed.

17711: Drilldown from engine/server summary to engine/server table

The server summary page and engine summary page both display alert indicator lights, showing the count of alerts at each index level (server, engine, process, activity). These alert indicators have been enhanced with drilldowns to new displays, bw_engine_tables and bw_server_tables, which display the current alerts for the selected server or engine.

17837: Hide non-relevant columns in Engine table display

The following columns have been removed from the All Engines Table display because they repeated information already present: Process Name Host Adapter Name Instance ID

17910: Server Process (Summary) pages now disabled by default

The BW Monitor Server Processes and Server Process Summary pages are not enabled by default, because (due to limitations in Tibco Hawk) the data they display is not available from IBM AIX or HP-UX servers. To enable these displays, edit bwmon_navtree.xml in the project directory and uncomment the following two lines, then restart BW Monitor. <!-- <node label="Server Processes" display="bw_server_processes"/> --> <!-- <node label="Server Process Summary" display="bw_server_process_summary"/> -->

Hawk Alerts

17893: Need way to filter out Hawk alerts from bw_hawk_alerts display

Hawk Alerts in BW Monitor have been enhanced as follows: 1. Unwanted alerts may be filtered out of the cache data according to the alert text. If you specify a regular expression filter string via the substitution $hawkAlertTextFilterOut then any alerts whose text matches the expression will be filtered out. The default is no filter, see see rtview.properties: # Default filtering out string for the Hawk Alerts display sl.rtview.sub=$hawkAlertTextFilterOut: If one wants to filter out a Hawk alerts containing a given strin, then one needs to declare the string to filter out between either single quotes or no quotes. E.g. The following two declarations should work similarly: sl.rtview.sub=$hawkAlertTextFilterOut:Source and sl.rtview.sub=$hawkAlertTextFilterOut:Source will filter out all Hawk Alerts in which the Alert Text string contains the substring 'Source' Note: alerts removed from the Hawk cache data will not be included in alert counts and displays throughout BW Monitor 2. The Hawk Alerts display has been enhanced with the addition of: (a) An Agent Filter dropdown list, by means of which you may select alerts from a single agent or all agents (b) An Alert Text Filter field, in which you may put an expression to filter on the alert text. The filter field may be cleared with the associated Clear button. Note: in this case the alerts are only filtered out in the display and are not removed from the data. So in this case the alerts will be included in alert counts and displays throughout BW Monitor.

17895: Hawk alerts integration

Hawk alerts have been integrated into BW Monitor by means of a new BW Monitor alert named HawkAlert, which is triggered by Hawk alerts and includes the Hawk alert text. If you enable this alert via BW Monitor Alert Admin, then Hawk alerts will be included in alert counts and displays throughout BW Monitor.

17896: Hawk Alerts Expiration

Hawk Alerts in BW Monitor have been enhanced as follows: Alerts that have been cleared will be removed from the cache data according to the expiration time set by the substitution $rtvHawkAlertClearTime. The default value is 3600 seconds, see rtview.properties: # Default time to remove cleared Hawk Alerts from table sl.rtview.sub=$rtvHawkAlertClearTime:3600

17907: BW data server agent now collects corrects data

In a sender-receiver dataserver deployment with multiple senders and one receiver, the state of the Hawk agents was not correctly displayed. This has been fixed.

Hawk Data Access

17846: BWMON sender dataserver doesnt send HawkAlerts table

The Hawk Alerts table was not included in the tables that are sent by a Sender Data Server. This has been corrected.

17875: Add process Active metric from Hawk

On the BW Monitor Process Summary display and in the All Processes table is a field Active. Under some conditions of Process Engine design and execution this value was showing as negative. This has been corrected.


17852: Show Active / Most Recent Execution and Elapsed times in table

The following columns have been added to the All Processes Table: After AverageExecution: MostRecentExecutionTime Execution time (in milliseconds) of the most recently completed process instance. After AverageElapsed: MostRecentElapsedTime Elapsed clock time (in milliseconds) of the most recently completed process instance. Active Number of processes instances created and not completed or aborted.


17052: set_rtvapm_options.sh error removed

Unix_RunAPMDisplayServer_DS.sh reported ERROR: cannot open <Server".rtv> to its console on startup. This has been fixed.


17316: Server metric limitations for Unix platforms addressed

In the previous version, there were limitations for host metrics from Unix systems. Some of these limitations have been resolved. The Process Heatmap is now included and Free Memory is now available for Unix and HP-UX Itanium. The following limitations still exist: AIX - Status will be LIMITED - CPU Usage, Free Memory and Virtual Memory Usage will not be available

17720: Disable deletion of expired servers

A BW Server is "expired" when the period of time specified by the substitution variable $bwserverExpirationTime has passed since data was last received from the server. When a server is expired all data relating to it in the BW Monitor displays is highlighted accordingly. The default value for $bwserverExpirationTime is 75 seconds, as defined in rtvapm-home/bwmon/conf/rtvapm.bwmon.properties, viz: ############################ # CACHE / HISTORIAN SETTINGS # # Server data are considered expired after 75 seconds but are not deleted. # sl.rtview.sub=$bwserverExpirationTime:75 To configure this value, copy the above line into your rtview.properties file and edit it there. Note that expired BW Servers will be removed from the displays only when the relevant bw monitor data servers are restarted.

17813: All Servers heatmap now drills down to the correct server

In the BW All Servers heatmap display, when clicking on one of the squares of the heatmap to drill down to the specific server summary, it didn't go to the correct server display, but rather to the first server in the list. This has been fixed.

Version 5.8g1 Release Notes


17198: Support for multiple distributed dataservers

RTView BW Monitor has been enhanced so that BW Monitor data servers can send to and receive from each other on a network, using the RTVAgent data adapter. Typically you would configure some data servers as senders and direct them to a common receiver in a master-slave or hierarchical relation. This would allow you to locate BW Monitor data servers close to their data sources to provide more efficient data transport over a wide area. The following is included in this release: (1) New directory projects/apmbw_ds with configuration files for enabling the RTVAgent sender in the data server. Only the data server is run from this directory. (2) New run scripts [Unix/Win]_ RunAPMDataServerAgent.[sh/bat] in apm/bin. Configuration of the sender: (1) In projects/apmbw_ds: (a) In OPTIONS.ini find the line sub $bwrtvAgentTarget:'localhost:5665' and replace localhost with the receivers hostname. (b) Set up BW servers in HAWKOPTIONS.ini as appropriate. (2) Run the data server using the RunAPMDataServerAgent script. Other BW components may be started as usual in a data server environment, e.g. RunAPMViewer_DS, RunAPMDisplayServer_DS, etc. Configuration of the receiver: (1) Remove from HAWKOPTIONS.ini any BW servers which have been configured as senders. (2) Run the data server as usual using the RunAPMDataServer script. Other BW components may be started as usual.


17261: make*wars.sh scripts corrected to support HP and Solaris

On HP-UX and Solaris, running apm-home/webconf/make_apmbw_wars.sh resulted in several "command not found" messages for commands pushd and popd. This has been corrected.

Version 5.8f1 Release Notes

BW Monitor Microagent

17002: Discover BW engines installed in all PARs

If more than one PAR (Process Archive) were defined per deployed engine, BW Monitor would not recognize them all. This has been corrected.


17113: Default filters removed

The example filter definitions provided in BW_FILTERS.xml have been commented-out so they will not appear in the Filters dropdown list.


17092: Server name no longer truncated in displays if 20+ chars

The BW Monitor displays have been improved to allow for display of long server names. Specifically, the width of the server icon in the all servers grid view, and the width of the server drop-down listboxes has been increased, and tooltips displaying the complete names have been added to the server icon and all the selector drop-down listboxes.

Version 5.8e1 Release Notes


16863: Engines should no longer incorrectly indicate NO DATA status

In the engines tab the status of NO DATA would appear for some engines that actually have data available. This issue appears to be related to large numbers of active engines and high data volumes and has been addressed with improved data buffering.

16864: Engines now showing correct status of ACTIVE when restarted

Under certain circumstances the status of a BW engine would not show ACTIVE after the engine was stopped and restarted. This has been fixed.


16865: Defined filters now work on the Servers and Hawk Alert tabs

The Named Filters functionality on the Servers tab was working incorrectly such that applying a filter would cause all data to be removed from the display. This has been fixed; a named filter with a Servers section will work correctly on this tab. The Named Filters dropdown has been removed from the Hawk Alerts tab and replaced with a checkbox which will cause only active alerts to be displayed.

Hawk Data Access

16875: New "Show Active Alerts" checkbox for Hawk Alerts

The Hawk Alerts tab now has a checkbox labeled "Show Active Alerts" that will filter the display to show only active alerts.


16876: Status of Discovered Servers changed to Limited

Certain types of Hawk agents, when discovered and connected, do not provide all the requested information (see BW Monitor documentation, Limitations section). These have been displayed with status "UNKNOWN", but this has been changed to "LIMITED" to represent the situation more correctly.

Version 5.8d1 Release Notes


16802: Thin Client no longer unresponsive

Under certain conditions the BWM thin-client would hang after navigating to several displays. This problem has been corrected.

Version 5.8c1 Release Notes

BW Monitor Microagent

16542: Premature exit when parsing error occurs has been prevented

The BW microagent, if it encountered a fatal error parsing the files of a given deployment, would skip the remainder of the deployments in that domain and go on to the next domain if any. This has been corrected so it will continue with the next deployment in that domain.

16543: BW microagent now distinguishes beween BW and other adapters

The BW microagent will now search a properties file for the productType and will skip the file if the value is not "BW".

16545: Parsing for the TRA file path improved

The BW microagent will now correctly parse the executeCmd --propFile argument for the TRA file path if it contains quotes or trailing parameters.

16557: Changed "-tibco" argument in .hma to "-domainhome"

The optional argument "-tibco" supplied to the plugin microagent by the .hma file, has been changed to "-domainhome". This is the path to the directory containing the DomainHomes.properties file (usually /tra/domain)

16647: Support blank input lines and don't reset the log

If the DomainHomes.properties file in the Tibco configuration contained a blank line (e.g. as a result of hand-editing) the microagent would log an error "Error parsing input". Additionally, if the method ResetDeploymentData was invoked more than once without restarting the agent, the GetDeploymentLogEntries method would report an indexing error when it was next invoked.(These methods are invoked manually e.g. via the Hawk Display tool). These issues have been fixed.


16499: Opening splash page now appears correctly in thin client

Previously when BW Monitor was started using the thin-client, the initial display was blank. This has been corrected. The BW Overview display is now drawn when BWM is started.

Hawk Data Access

16585: Data now only collected from domains named in configuration

BW Monitor has been modified to collect live BusinessWorks data from only the named domains defined in the Hawk Connections Tab during system configuration. Previously, if an agent was running BW Engines on multiple domains, data from all domains would have been collected.

16591: Latency problems with Hawk data addressed

BW Monitor has been modified to speed up access to data from BW microagents at program startup.

Platform Support

16609: Support for BW on HP UXi on Itanium 64 bit

BW Monitor now supports monitoring BusinessWorks installed on HP UXi on Itanium 64 bit. The following limitations exist: Server status is UNKNOWN Server Free Memory is not available Server Processes table is not available

16610: Windows support on 64 bit platforms

BW Monitor now supports monitoring BusinessWorks installed on Windows 64 bit platforms.


16529: Display server now defaults to daemon mode

The BWM startup scripts have been modified to start the Display Server in daemon mode, to improve performance.

16544: Historian default setting will no longer be to recreate tables

Previously the BWM Historian was configured to automatically recreate the database tables when it was restarted. This behavior has been changed, so that now the Historian will keep data from previous sessions.


16487: Changes to status of Engines on Server icons

The calculation of the Status field for BW Engines has been updated: 1. NO DATA: this status indicates that we have received deployment data from the custom RTView MicroAgent, but have not received any live data from TIBCO Hawk. 2. ACTIVE: in BW 5.7.1 we cannot get the actual status from the GetExecInfo method, due to a bug in BW. We now identify these engines as ACTIVE because we have received live data -- previously the status for these engines was listed as UNKNOWN. 3. LIMITED: this status indicates that we have received live data from TIBCO, but have not received deployment data from the custom RTView MicroAgent. The calculation of Active Engines shown in the BW Servers grid has been updated. The new calculation includes all Engines whose Status is either ACTIVE or LIMITED.

Version 5.7d1 Release Notes


16511: Some engine names no longer cause bad data on Engine displays

If the name of a BW engine name was not of a particular form, BW Monitor failed to find some of its deployment data, and did not recognize the actual engine name when it became active. For example, if the actual engine name were "MyDomain.MyApp.Procs" then everything would work correctly, but if it were for example "MyDomain.MyApp.Process Archive" then the engine displays would be affected as follows: When the actual engine was stopped, the displays would have an engine with the name MyDomain.MyApp.Procs, status STOPPED, and MaxBytes 0 due to missing deployment data. (Note this also affects the display of other memory data.) When the actual engine was started, the display of MyDomain.MyApp.Procs would be unchanged, and there would be a second engine with name MyDomain.MyApp.Process Archive, status UNKNOWN, and some live data but no deployment data, hence also missing memory data. This has been fixed.

Version 5.7c1 Release Notes

BW Monitor Microagent

16328: RTViewBWAgent plug-in micro-agent added

The RTViewBWAgent is a plug-in micro-agent. It is installed in the Hawk agent for a given domain. To install it: (1) Find the files BWAgentPlugin.jar and BWAgentPlugin.hma in the lib directory of your BW Monitor installation, (2) For the given domain, find the folder plugin via the path /tra/domain/ (3) Copy the two files to the plugin folder and (re)start Hawk agent. You can then use Hawk Display to see the RTViewBWAgent microagent and invoke its methods, GetBWDeploymentNames and GetBWDeploymentMaxHeapSizes.


16018: Engine memory values now calculated using MaxBytes

The engine memory metrics UsedBytes and PercentUsed are now calculated using MaxBytes as follows: UsedBytes = MaxBytes - FreeBytes PercentUsed = (100*UsedBytes) / MaxBytes.

16251: BW Engines tab now displays all deployed engines

The BW Engines tab will now display all deployed engines, even those for which BW Monitor has received no data. This feature is only available on servers where the custom RTViewBWAgent Hawk microagent has been installed. On the BW Engines grid, deployed engines which have not been started since BW Monitor was started will appear as STOPPED. Data metrics will appear as zeroes until the engine is started and live data is received.

16388: Indication when BW Engines have Stopped

Previously, a BW engine may have shown the status of Active when it has in fact been stopped. Now the status will go to STOPPED when the engine stops.

16398: Changes to BW Engines display metrics

Object Grid: 1) BW Engine icon in object grid now displays additional status values STOPPED, UNKNOWN. 2) Total KB value replaced by Max KB which is MaxBytes / 1024. Heatmap: TotalBytes replaced by MaxBytes as cell size variable. Table: 1) TotalBytes replaced by MaxBytes. 2) Mem Usage KBytes removed. 3) UsedBytes and PercentUsed calculated using MaxBytes: (note PercentUsed is Long) UsedBytes = MaxBytes - FreeBytes PercentUsed = (100*UsedBytes) / MaxBytes

16399: Single Engine Summary display updates

The Engine grid icon now displays the engine memory metric MaxBytes in KB.


16412: Row limit removed from tabular displays

The per-table row limits have been removed from the tabular displays, and the Display Server is now configured to run with a table paging size limit (-cellsperpage:25000)

Hawk Data Access

16327: Improved support for TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.7.1

In previous versions of BW Monitor, the BW Engines tab would fail to show engines that were running on systems with TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.7.1 installed. This has been corrected.

Platform Support

16424: 32 bit AIX supported added

AIX has been added as a supported platform for BW Monitor. Limitations: Metrics in the BW Servers tab are not available, but BW metrics on the Engines, Processes, and Activities tabs are collected and displayed.


16450: Display Server table limits implemented

The Display Server is now invoked with the following parameters: -cellsperpage:25000 -cellsperexport:30000 -cellsperreport:5000


16397: All BW Servers tab now shows active and deployed engine count

The servers icon now displays the number of deployed engines and the number of active engines.

16400: Connectivity indicator improved

The detection of connectivity, as displayed by the connection icon, has been improved, so that if a BW Server (an Agent capable of running BW apps) is reachable but there are no engines running, the connectivity will be seen as "No data" rather than "No connection". The indicator states are as follows: No Conn (red): No BW servers are found No Data (grey): One or more servers are found but no engines are delivering data Conn OK (green): One or more engines are delivering data.

Version 5.6c1 Release Notes


16134: Support added for user-configurable named filters

The BW Monitor has been enhanced with user-configurable named filters. At the top left of each display is a drop-down list of available filter names (plus No Filter). Each filter can operate on one or more of the fields Domain, Server, Engine, Process, Activity, supplying one or more values for each field. The final filter is "and"-ed across fields and "or"-ed across multiple values in a field. Values may be wild-carded (with * and ?). You can configure the filters by editing the file BWFILTERS.xml, which contains commented examples.


16178: Support improved for BW Monitor Viewer on Unix platforms

BW Monitor Viewer is now fully supported on Unix systems. Note: when installing BW Monitor with "unzip", be sure to use the option "-a" (auto-convert text files) so that executable shell scripts will be in the correct format.


16052: Restarted BW engines now automatically recognized

When an engine is stopped and restarted, BW Monitor would see that the engine had stopped but would not see that it restarted. Now, it will not see that it stopped: Engine status will remain RUNNING and Conn will remain OK. However data will not accumulate and the trend charts will not update. When the engine restarts the engine data will update with the new values and the trend charts will continue without a gap.


15981: Make default time range 20 minutes

The default time range for historical trends has been changed to 20 minutes. Previously the default was 2 minutes.

16066: Caches now employ configurable cache condensation

The BW Monitor cache definitions have been updated to use the Cache Condenser, in order to allow longer periods of historical data to be viewed. Several cache parameters have been made customizable through the use of RTView substitution variables. By default, BW Monitor trend graphs will show 20 minutes of current raw data, combined with older historical data that has been condensed to show a single value for each five minute interval, up to a configurable maximum number of records for each type of cache. The following substitution variables may be used to control the data polling rate and cache properties for various categories of data collected by BW Monitor. Note that these variables are applied to an entire cache, and not to an individual BW server, engine, process, or activity. The values listed below correspond to the default values built into the BW Monitor displays. These substitution variables are set using the Configuration Utility and are stored in the file OPTIONS.ini. Server Metrics: These substitutions control the data collected from Hawk agents and displayed in the BW Servers tab. Metrics include CPU and Virtual Memory usage, as well as metrics for OS processes running on each server. The $serverPollInterval specifies, in seconds, how often data is collected from each server. The $serverRawDataRetentionSpan specifies how many seconds of raw data are retained and displayed in historical trends. The $serverCondenseInterval specifies, in seconds, how often the most recent raw cached data is aggregated into a single record. The $serverMaxHistoryRows specifies the maximum number of records stored in the history tables for the server caches. sub $serverPollInterval:30 sub $serverRawDataRetentionSpan:1200 sub $serverCondenseInterval:300 sub $serverMaxHistoryRows:100000 BW Engine Metrics: These substitutions control the data collected and displayed in the BW Engines tab. The $bwenginePollInterval specifies, in seconds, how often data is collected from each engine. The $bwengineRawDataRetentionSpan specifies how many seconds of raw data are retained and displayed in historical trends. The $bwengineCondenseInterval specifies, in seconds, how often the most recent raw cached data is aggregated into a single record. The $bwengineMaxHistoryRows specifies the maximum number of records stored in the history tables for the BW Engine cache. sub $bwenginePollInterval:30 sub $bwengineRawDataRetentionSpan:1200 sub $bwengineCondenseInterval:300 sub $bwengineMaxHistoryRows:100000 BW Process Metrics: These substitutions control the data collected and displayed in the BW Processes tab. The $bwprocessPollInterval specifies, in seconds, how often data is collected for each BW process. The $bwprocessRawDataRetentionSpan specifies how many seconds of raw data are retained and displayed in historical trends. The $bwprocessCondenseInterval specifies, in seconds, how often the most recent raw cached data is aggregated into a single record. The $bwprocessMaxHistoryRows specifies the maximum number of records stored in the history tables for the BW Processes cache. sub $bwprocessPollInterval:30 sub $bwprocessRawDataRetentionSpan:1200 sub $bwprocessCondenseInterval:300 sub $bwprocessMaxHistoryRows:100000 BW Activity Metrics: These substitutions control the data collected and displayed in the BW Activities tab. The $bwactivityPollInterval specifies, in seconds, how often data is collected for each BW activity. The $bwactivityRawDataRetentionSpan specifies how many seconds of raw data are retained and displayed in historical trends. The $bwactivityCondenseInterval specifies, in seconds, how often the most recent raw cached data is aggregated into a single record. The $bwactivityMaxHistoryRows specifies the maximum number of records stored in the history tables for the BW Activities cache. sub $bwactivityPollInterval:30 sub $bwactivityRawDataRetentionSpan:1200 sub $bwactivityCondenseInterval:300 sub $bwactivityMaxHistoryRows:100000 BW Alerts Metrics: These substitutions control the data collected and displayed in the BW Alerts tab. The $bwalertPollInterval specifies, in seconds, how often BW Alert data is collected. sub $bwalertPollInterval:30

16099: Directories have changed

The directory structure of BW Monitor has changed as follows: A lib directory has been added to the top level. This directory contains gmsjapm.jar and gmsjapmbw.jar, which used to be in rtview\lib.

16135: Heatmap label visibilities can now be modified

A slider to control the visibility of labels has been added to the Heatmap displays for the BW Servers, BW Engines, BW Processes, and BW Activities tabs. The maximum label nesting depth that can be shown depends on the heatmap, ranging from 1 level of labels for the BW Servers heatmap to 4 levels of labels for the BW Activities heatmap. When moved all the way to the left, no labels are shown. When moved all the way to the right, the maximum number of label levels are shown.

16202: HawkAgentCache SQL execute query failure removed

Previously when BW Monitor was started a SQL error message was displayed in the console indicating that a table was not found in the RTVHISTORY database. This has been fixed.

Hawk Data Access

16203: Hawk data access functions display error messages at startup

Previously when BW Monitor was started, the following error messages were displayed in the console: ERROR: function , Invalid type of column ERROR: function , Invalid column name The errors did not interfere with BW Monitor operation. In this release the errors have been caught and the messages no longer appear.

Platform Support

16062: Server tab now shows UNIX servers (Solaris, HPUX, Linux)

Previously Unix and Linux servers would not appear in the BW Servers tab. This has been fixed. The servers now appear, although memory metrics are not available, so the trend graphs in the object grid and in the server detail screen will not show memory metrics for these servers.


16014: Failure with scripts on non-english Windows fixed

Previously, the utility script Win_GetProjectDir.bat would crash when run on a Dutch version of Windows. This has been fixed.


15966: Time Range on Process Memory/CPU Detail display not initialized

The time range for all trends in BW Monitor is controlled by a single, shared variable. Setting the time range on any trend will cause all other trends to display the new time range. Previously, the time range on the Process Memory / CPU Detail Trend display was not linked to this shared variable. This has been fixed.


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